fake prince

Chapter 1080

Chapter 1080
Su Ziji could never understand the Queen's state of mind.

Taisun's guard of honor is not always there. I saw the emperor's own army wearing iron armor and surrounded by brocade robes. Walking forward amidst the sound of music, Su Ziji rested his eyes on the road, not saying a word or moving.

"The Taimiao is here!"

When Su Ziji went down to Yu, he saw the Hanyu stone platform. The main body is the front hall, the middle hall, and the back hall.

"The front hall is the place of worship, and there are 9 rooms. The Taizu is the ancestor of all ages, and he will always be the first."

"The nave is the sleeping hall, divided into [-] rooms. Each room is dedicated to a generation of emperors and empresses, and a shrine is set up. The tablets of the emperors and empresses are enshrined in the altars, and the jade books and treasures of the empresses are displayed."

"The back hall is the temple, which includes the ancestors of the three generations of the dynasty (three generations after the posthumous titles)."

"There are fifteen side halls on each side. The east side hall enshrines the gods of the meritorious clans of the past dynasties, and the west side hall enshrines the gods of meritorious officials with different surnames."

This makes it very clear that the front hall is the hall of sacrifices. The Taizu who founded the country will be sacrificed forever, and the remaining emperors, if they exceed eight generations, will have to be moved to the sleeping hall.

"Grandson, please come in and pay homage to Taizu."

When Su Ziji looked outside, he felt that the inside and outside of the palace were very different. The inside was not only dark and cold, but even empty and dark. Suddenly, an inexplicable fear came to his mind. The fear was so vivid, it seemed that hell was in front of him. Once you step in, you are lost.

A tinge of reddish blood surged up, and Su Ziji gritted his teeth suddenly.

In the Yang Dynasty, relying on various opportunities and tricks, although the court and the emperor had various opinions, they did not question his bloodline, but in fact he was not a member of the Ji family at all.

Worshiping the ancestral temple, in a godless world, you can do whatever you want, but in this world with gods, what kind of blow will you encounter?

What was stolen was the whole world.

"Grandson, please come in to pay homage to Taizu." Seeing that Su Ziji hadn't moved for a long time, the ceremonial officer thought he was excited, and quickly reminded that it was getting late.

Su Ziji froze, knowing that there was no way out, he stepped inside.

After stepping in, I felt a blackness in front of my eyes, and then a dragon appeared, this dragon was shining with golden light, but I couldn't help it at all, just a dragon chant, the dragon ball spit out, and it turned into a thunderbolt.

With a "boom", time seemed to stop, and the blazing lightning swept down instantly.


"[Boiled Dragon Heart Technique Level 20]" was almost instinctive, a dragon emerged with horns and claws, it has become a flood dragon, hovering over Su Ziji's body.

But it didn't work, as soon as it touched it, it dissipated and disintegrated, and the thunder light rushed into Su Ziji's body.

In a trance, white light was everywhere in front of my eyes, as if the stop button was pressed by an invisible black hand, everything slowed down countless times, only the ethereal and ethereal singing suddenly filled my ears.

There is a figure in the white light, some are waving, some are glaring, some are crying, some are laughing, it seems to be all the past people seen.

Thinking should be frozen, only the prince's slight regret, and the faces of Ye Buhui and his son are left in front of him.

"No, I'm dead, what should they do?"

At this moment, a barrier seemed to appear in front of Su Ziji's eyes, and Su Ziji was stunned for a long time before he realized that he was standing in the hall with sweat profusely, and he saw half a phantom of red sandalwood in his eyes, which almost overlapped with the picture scroll on the opposite side.

After being silent for a long time, Su Ziji secretly let out a "fuck", he almost died just now, this kind of power is simply not something human can compete with...

Su Ziji took a deep breath before he could see clearly. In fact, there was only one portrait in the hall, and an altar table with lamps lit on it. It looked majestic and solemn. It must be Taizu Dazheng.

In the past, Su Ziji had thousands of words and wanted to say a lot, saying that he would not disappoint Da Zheng, that he wanted to govern the country and the people, and that he wanted to pass it on for generations, but now, he has nothing to say at all.

Kowtow to Taizu according to the etiquette, go out of the hall with you, wearing a mianfu, a black top, a vermilion skirt, seven chapters, stepping on a red lapel, covering the knees, wearing a ribbon, a nine-pronged crown, a ribbon on the chin, and ears hanging down. , took a step, and everyone around knelt down silently.

The ceremony is complete, and the grandson has been established.

Knowing this, a strange pulsation came from afar and merged into the body, blowing on the mianfu, and the mian vibrator struck each other, Su Ziji smiled slightly.

Great Hall
The emperor didn't seem to change, his face was as usual, a court lady wrung a towel from the basin to wipe him, and a eunuch gave Zhou Zhe to the emperor.

The emperor casually flipped through the pamphlets, looked at them and put them aside, picked up a copy, and smiled after looking at it: "In Xinhuai Mountain in Pingsha County, a copper mine was discovered."

"According to the official investigation, it may not be inferior to Tang Dan."

"Last year, I checked. The number of silk and satin weaving workshops in the world is more than double that of Taizu's, and the number of shipping ships is ten times that of that year. There is no longer enough copper coins to use. This is good news, good news."

The emperor seemed to be in a good mood, his face was bloodshot, and he was talking eloquently, but Eunuch Zhao felt his heart skip a beat when he saw it. He glanced quickly and saw the emperor's legs trembling slightly with spasms. He knew something was wrong, and quickly said : "Your Majesty, you are tired, take a rest..."

The emperor has been a little uncomfortable since just now, and now he is getting more and more palpitations!

Ben was going to see if there was any change in Jiulongyi, and he was going to endure it, but suddenly, his heart hurts!
The pain appeared suddenly, and it soared to an unbearable level!

The emperor just said "I'm fine..."

Suddenly his face turned pale, his body trembled, and before he could speak, he fell down on the couch as soon as his body sank, causing all the eunuchs' legs to go limp.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, come here, hurry up and bring some water." Eunuch Zhao was shocked when he saw this, he hurriedly took out a jade bottle from his bosom, filled it with a bright red pill, and served the Emperor to take the medicine with water.

After about a moment, the emperor gradually recovered, his face was pale and haggard, he just looked into the distance and murmured: "Listen!"

Eunuch Zhao listened, and heard a faint voice from a distance: "... Licheng!"

"Help me up!" The emperor gasped and struggled to get up. Under such circumstances, Eunuch Zhao could only obey orders and help the emperor up.

"Stand back and let Meng Lin in!" the emperor said again.

Eunuch Zhao knew that Meng Lin, the great eunuch, seemed to have been helping the emperor with secret affairs, so he didn't dare to hesitate at all, and immediately agreed. After a while, Meng Lin appeared in front of the emperor.

"Go, go to Qinhua Palace!" The emperor gasped slightly, but still said firmly.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

In such a situation, of course it is not allowed to walk, but after giving an order, a eunuch came with his father, and Meng Lin personally helped the emperor in, and closed the curtain tightly to prevent any wind from attacking him.

Then he took the emperor to the Qinhua Palace. The Qinhua Palace was secluded and deep, so he just carried his clothes and walked in without lighting the lights.

The emperor rested for a long time before saying: "Help me up."

Helping the emperor to arrive, the emperor took a look and saw the newly transformed Jiulongyi, which was as bright as a candle.

But if you look closely, it changes color.

Although the Jiulongyi has changed, the dragon ball is only slightly more than half lit, about [-]%, which makes it difficult for the emperor to accept.

The emperor exclaimed: "Is it only [-]% of the canonized grandson?"

If you want to achieve the desired goal, the current level is not enough?To what extent does it need to be done?

The emperor couldn't help being silent, and the wrinkled muscles on his face couldn't help twitching.

God, do you really want to prevent me from delaying it for another thirty years?

(End of this chapter)

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