fake prince

Chapter 1039

Chapter 1039
"The King Dai is terrifying." Liu Zhan was startled by this scene, but he didn't dare to look too much, so he quickly restrained his mind and concentrated on casting spells.

Hui Dao guarded by Dai Wang's side, one is to supervise the progress of the dharma meeting, and the other is to protect. Although he has the ability to act as a king based on his own knowledge, he may not need to protect himself at all.

But as a prince, at such a time, it is not easy to keep no practitioners around.

Since Hui Dao bet all his hopes on the Dai Wang, he naturally did not allow the Dai Wang to make even the slightest mistake!

However, due to the heavy nets that bound the black air inside, the ghosts and gods inside could not rush out. The place where Dai Wang is currently standing is very safe, so Huidao naturally took half of his attention and focused on the situation inside.

The brilliance of living people gradually faded, and the gray picture occupied Huidao's entire field of vision. Looking towards the magic circle, in the servant's mansion, there were streaks of black energy overflowing, evil spirits rampant, and wisps of yin and corpse energy overflowing from the ground, full of resentment. It rises like a ghost.

And a piece of red light covered the sky, I saw that the magic net was red, covering the sky dark red, covering it from ghosts and gods, not only that, with the magic spell, there were thunder and fire from time to time.

Just listen to the sound of thunder, a cloud of black smoke below, and it disperses in response to the sound, that's not counting, the thunder turns into raging fire, strong wind, and flood, rolling towards the black smoke. Just listening to the sound of "Zi Zi", the gray and black air continued to dissipate.

"This is forbidden by law, and it is a matter of killing."

"Liu Zhan really deserves to be a Daoist real person. This skill is so powerful." Hui Dao blinked, but sour tears flowed out. Watching this kind of thing directly hurts Fayan.

At this time, the reed canopy sheltered most of the cold wind, and some people even served tea. This tea was mixed with cow's milk and goat's milk. It is said that it was originally a method in the grasslands after the introduction of tea. When it was spread to the capital, it became a winter blind, which can keep out the cold.

Huidao picked it up and looked at it, drank it, and felt his body go limp, squinted his eyes, and thought to himself: "There are many traps, cruel strangulation, and every trace wears away."

"But on the high platform, there is a charcoal fire, which is as warm as spring, and there are such oil teas to serve."

"The divide is so harsh."

Ma Shunde, ordinary policemen, Yachai and others couldn't see the situation, but they could also feel the strong wind, which was very unusual.

As for the Taoist monk, he could hear the sound of crazy curses in the gray black air.

"On behalf of the king! On behalf of the king! You must die!"

"Monk and Taoist priests, you who help the evildoers and abusers, you will die a terrible death!"

"I curse you, I curse you, you will not die well, and you will be scattered after death! I curse you to be scattered!"

"Go to hell! Go to hell! Go to hell, all of you! No! I will make your life worse than death! Wait for me to get out! I will eat you alive!"

A sound of curses rushed into the net with the black air, and echoed in the ears of monks and priests who could hear the sound.

Huidao was not worried.

Although it was just the beginning, it went very smoothly. Although these ghosts and gods cursed wildly, such behavior was just the last madness before death, and it was not worth paying attention to at all.

Not only Liu Zhan on the stage didn't care, but Hui Dao off the stage didn't care, and the monks and Taoists who supported the formation were even more indifferent.

The Taoist who asked Liu Zhan whether he was sure before was from the same school as Liu Zhan, and now he scolded him even more coldly: "You attacked King Qi, you committed a heinous crime, you dare to curse, you really don't know how to live!"

"Continue to form an array, the real master is casting spells, they will not be arrogant for long, we must not let them escape, and all of them will be wiped out!"


It seems that this Taoist has a bit of status in the Taoist sect, and when he speaks, others respond with a loud voice.

"Death!" The gray and black air was hit, faintly united, and a streak of gray and black air gradually leaked blood red, rushing straight towards the trap.

"Boom" the bloody light collided fiercely, blasting out thousands of flames. Obviously, what the Taoist said stimulated the ghosts and gods inside.

"I have committed a heinous crime! It is clearly the king's abomination!"

"If the Dai Wang doesn't destroy our statues and shrines, how can we attack them?"

"It's a heinous crime if you wait to help the evildoers!"

Countless voices of men, women, old and young came together, cursing loudly in a very strange voice.

"Ridiculous!" Su Ziji didn't seem to be frightened, he drank the tea soup slowly, and felt a little funny when he heard the words of ghosts and gods.

People may have the virtue of living, the world of gods, or even more cruel, if they are really guilty of the imperial power, can they still be spared?
Forget it, the spiritual energy of these ghosts and gods has turned black and red, and they are almost on the verge of becoming demons. They have done evil things almost all over the place, and just because they are gods worshiped by some believers, they think they are superior to others?

Now this scene is a group of demons dancing wildly!
Su Ziji watched and listened indifferently, without any change in his expression.

Ma Shunde couldn't help looking at Dai Wang, only felt that under the shadow of the reed shed, Dai Wang looked extremely stern, and subconsciously shuddered.

"Mr. Ma, do you think the wind is a bit cold?" The local officials who had heard that Dai Wang and Mr. Ma had come also came, but they didn't dare to say anything. The movement in the house made their legs weak. Seeing Ma The father-in-law narrowed his eyes, with an unhappy expression on his face, one of the officials stepped forward cautiously, and said flatteringly.

"It's already a severe winter, the venue is huge, and the wind is blowing cold. Why don't you hang down the felt cloth and light bull candles, it won't block your sight too much."

Ma Shunde took a look at the official, and felt that the boy had a bit of eyesight.

But he didn't say anything immediately, but looked at Dai Wang and asked, "How is Dai Wang?"

Su Ziji nodded: "Yes!"

The official hurriedly asked people to take out the felt cloth and hung it down on three sides, and the whole reed shed was darkened immediately, and candles were put on quickly, and four braziers were put on, burning charcoal, and dried and fresh fruits were placed according to the seats, In a blink of an eye, it feels like spring, which is very pleasant.

Ma Shunde had already moved towards the inside, but Su Ziji was still sitting at the front, following the magic circle with his eyes.

"On behalf of the king, do your best for the emperor's order." Many people were thinking about it, but they saw Su Ziji squinting his eyes, and saw this half-blooming red sandalwood wooden tine floating in the field of vision with a faint blue light, which was similar to that of Su Ziji. The magic circle in front of you is one.

"Watching the five elements prohibiting the gods... [Jianggong Zhenzhuan Danfa] +260, level 14 (1333/12000)"




The Jianggong Zhenzhuan Dan method is actually a collection of Taoism. It is only one step away from level 15. Once it breaks through, it is actually equal to the gods. There is only a difference in number, not in essence, between the strongest Taoist masters. .

"This kind of Daoist performance, for me, is really a vivid interpretation of the mystery."

"Just, why am I still a little uneasy?"

Looking at the ever-increasing experience, Su Ziji suddenly felt something wrong in his heart. This feeling came suddenly, but Su Ziji coughed lightly and focused his eyes, but he did not regard this feeling as an illusion. Level, this feeling can be regarded as a warning.

He was somewhat worried, and thought to himself: "Could it be that something big is about to happen, or maybe the ghosts and gods inside can make a comeback?"

(End of this chapter)

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