Chapter 87

How Shuangxie and the others sneaked into the city with Mei Chiyang and others, we won't go into details.

Let’s talk about Sun Ling and Huang Jun.

Let's say that these two local ruffians have made a lot of money by pretending to be Sun Yixie and Huang Donglai since they came out of Ruyang County.

Leaving aside the petty things they did along the way, let’s just say that they “did black and white” in the ruined temple, swallowed the things that Zhu Chao just stole from the tomb when he moved to Taisui, and later went to Liuzhuang to cheat. The sum of money for the common people there... the stolen goods obtained from these two transactions alone are enough to make them rich after they are sold out in Zhoukou.

As for the virtues of these two guys, we have also mentioned in the previous documents. They will not make some long-term plans just because they have some money, such as saving some money to do some serious business, and they will not cheat in the future. ……it's out of the question.

Sun Ling and Huang Jun are born with the type of "drunk today". This kind of person does not know how to endure, has no self-control ability, does not know how to reflect, is extremely selfish, and lacks empathy and compassion.

In today's parlance, the typical garbage man.

Keeping pets without vaccinations, walking dogs without leashes and picking up dog poop, throwing garbage without classification, destroying public property as if it were their own, jumping in line as if nothing had happened, never caring whether others can move or pick up things when parking It is your own, if you can take advantage of it, you will lose if you don’t take advantage of it. It is stupid to mock those who follow the rules while doing all the above behaviors.

In ancient times, this kind of person was defined by a rather precise word with a certain class discrimination color - troublemaker.

Modern law, including the level of law enforcement at the grassroots level, is relatively polite to this kind of person, but in Daqian, if this kind of person commits a crime and is brought to court one day, he is likely to be killed on the spot.

Sun Ling and Huang Jun naturally haven't reached that point yet, they are still proud of themselves at the moment.

In the past two days, they used the cheated money to prostitute and gamble wildly in the city. They came together at noon to eat banquets, and in the afternoon, they gambled. They gambled until night, and went to brothels to eat wine, and then they spent the night directly in the brothel. .

The most annoying... When they did these things, they still used the names of Sun Yixie and Huang Donglai.

Therefore, when the real Sun Yixie and Huang Donglai entered the city, they soon found out their whereabouts.

You can say that these two fakes are bold, small-minded, and unprepared; but from their point of view, this is indeed an unexpected development-they couldn't have imagined that the real thing would be like that. Soon heard about the existence of these two fakes and tracked them down personally in just a few days.

According to Mei Chiyang's idea, since he already knew the whereabouts of these two turtle grandchildren, there is nothing else to do, just start tonight, catch them and beat them overnight until they are fat, and then talk slowly if they have something to say.

Sun Yixie just said, this is cheap for them, how boring is it to beat, how good is the punishment?What "Jade Girl Climbing the Ladder", "Immortal Offering Fruit", "Ape Wearing a Crown"... I will come here for everything that should come.

Mei Chiyang's knowledge is shallow now, he has never heard of the punishments these hands have, so he asked Sun Ge to explain, after Sun Ge explained, Mei Chiyang shuddered, thinking about this kid It's not a good thing, why is this method more ruthless than our Green Forest Road?

Huang Donglai couldn't listen to the conversation between the two of them, and finally Brother Huang said something fair: "Master Meizhai, your way is vulgar; your surname is Sun, your hand is damaged... I think we We should think of a method that is not so vicious, but enough to punish them, and make fun of these two monkeys."

Then, he came up with a strategy of "making cheats by cheating", so that the two counterfeit goods could also taste the feeling of being cheated.

After Sun Yixie and Mei Chiyang listened to it, they gave it to Mr. Huang... oh no... Brother Huang picked his thumb: "Brother Huang, there is something."

With the plan in place, the three of them discussed again, perfected some details, and then assigned tasks to Lei Buji and Mei Chiyang's brothers. This good show... will start tonight.


It was night, and it was already dark, when Sun Ling and Huang Jun came out of the casino slowly.

The casino is a very particular place.

Not seeing light, not seeing wind, not seeing emptiness, these three are basic.

What does that mean?

First of all, the first point is that there is no light, that is, in the casino, it is best not to let in natural light from the outside, whether it is sunlight or moonlight; this has nothing to do with whether the venue is legal or not. In ancient times, legal gambling stalls were also like this In terms of design, there is absolutely no such open-air venue, and if there is one, it will not last long.

The lighting in any casino must use artificial light sources, and the light must be adjusted to a relatively dim and comfortable level. Once people enter this place, they will not be able to know the time of the outside world. This is also the reason for avoiding clocks and watches.

Secondly, the second point, no wind, means the same as the first point, that is to say, there should be few or no windows in this casino.

Windows not only bring in the light and wind from the outside, but also become the first choice for escapers in many cases; if someone suddenly grabbed a handful of silver on the table and broke through the window, how troublesome would it be?Even if you chase the person back, the window is already broken, and people run away every day, can't you change the window every day?
In addition, the indoor temperature in the casino is also very particular. It can’t be too hot, people can’t stay there, and it can’t be too cold, people are easy to wake up when the wind blows; hot……

The last and third item is not to see emptiness. This "emptiness" can be understood as space, or emptiness.

A place like a casino must always feel crowded and lively, so that people will have a sense of integration when they step in here; many modern discos and bars do the same, that is, the music is big and the place is crowded, so that the Convenience turns you into a part of the crowd... If you can easily find some relatively large space in this kind of place to think alone for a few minutes, then the design of the place has failed.

The distance between various items in the casino should be minimized as much as possible. It is best that when you turn around, your attention will shift from one item to another, and people will blend from one crowd to another.

The above-mentioned methods of blurring people's sense of time and space are all ancient, and they can be regarded as the crystallization of the wisdom of those who do this business.

Just imagine, if you walk into a casino, the inside is as spacious as a gymnasium, with a large skylight on the roof, surrounded by high windows, good ventilation and lighting, and it is cold and windy all day long. The projects are all separated by seven or eight meters, and next to each project there are only three or five people playing sparsely... Then you must not be interested.

Of course, "VIP" or "big family room" is another matter; what we are talking about here refers to the casino environment that ordinary gamblers have access to.

Although Sun Ling and Huang Jun are only in their early twenties, they are both old gamblers. They have long been accustomed to the greenhouse-like environment of the casino, and they can soak for a day without even drinking water. , so that you can go to the toilet less.

Today, they even gambled for three or four hours without knowing it... To sum it up, they lost more than they won, but they didn't lose all.

Many people think that as soon as they enter the casino, they will go bankrupt immediately, and it is impossible to get out any money left in them. This is actually wrong... Most of the people who have been squeezed dry in the "treasure game" have a The process does not happen overnight - it usually takes a certain amount of time for a person with a normal mind to become an irrational gambler, and there are only a few extreme cases.

Those who start the treasure game don't need to do anything deliberately. If every time a person walks in, they want to immediately pay out all the money on him, then the business will not be able to be done.

This business also pays attention to steady flow of water... To put it bluntly, as long as you have enough capital and don't encounter particularly powerful masters or tricksters, if you continue to operate normally, you must make a steady profit without losing money.And if you lose, it means that something is wrong with the mathematical rules of the world, or that you have misunderstood the rules of a certain gambling project you run.

"Bah, what a fucking bad luck!" Sun Ling spit on the ground as soon as he left the gate of the treasure house, obviously losing money made him feel unhappy.

Huang Jun was more open than he thought, came up and patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Hey~Brother Sun, forget it, the money is easy to come anyway, isn't it?"

What he said was right, they were all robbed and cheated, isn't it easy?
"Come on, Brother Sun, let's change another brothel tonight and see if there is any better girl than yesterday, so I can calm you down." Huang Jun pulled Sun Ling and walked in one direction, "At noon I will Find out, there is a good house in the south of the city, let's go."

"Hmm..." Sun Ling immediately turned his anger into joy when he heard that, "Since Brother Huang said so, let's go."

After that, the two walked side by side, laughing and walking towards the south of the city.

It was already late at this time, and there were almost no pedestrians on the street. They were walking, and they happened to come to an empty alley.

After the two entered the alley, they hadn't walked a few steps when they saw a figure approaching from the opposite side of the alley... Judging by the silhouette, it was still a woman.

If it was an old lady or a fat aunt, then they would not have looked at her more, but that woman still looked like a big girl; although she was far away and it was dark, she couldn't see her face clearly, but she looked at her That figure and gait made people feel that this was probably a beauty.

Ordinarily... Sun Ling and Huang Jun were going to visit a brothel, so there was no need to do other things on the way, but this person, when he is proud, tends to get carried away.

In the past, when the two of them were in their hometown, they often did petty theft, but they dared not do such things as molesting good women in the street, because they did it once or twice, but they were all beaten by the people around them. They were beaten violently, and then they learned to behave.

But now, after pretending to be "Sun Yixie" and "Huang Donglai" for a long time, they have an illusion, as if they are really some great characters.

If you have a "reputation" and money in your pocket, then you are no longer a gangster, but an uncle... If an uncle commits a crime, as long as it is not too serious, you can get out of the yamen with money, They know all this when they are gangsters.

At this moment, when Sun Ling and Huang Jun saw the girl, they felt malicious. They immediately exchanged glances, and then lewd smiles appeared on their respective faces.

Then, they quickened their pace and walked towards each other.

As for that girl, she had already walked into the alley and walked about a third of the distance. When she saw the two people coming from the opposite side, she seemed to sense something was wrong. She quickly stopped, turned her head and wanted to run back.

But how could she outrun two men with her bound feet?
In a blink of an eye, Sun Ling and Huang Jun caught up with her and stopped her one after the other.

"Eh? Miss, why are you running?" Sun Ling stopped in front of the other party with a smile, and looked at the other party's face hard under the moonlight.

Not to mention, that girl is really pretty, with thinly applied makeup on her face, lightly brushed moth eyebrows, bright eyes and white teeth, and a pretty face; she is only eighteen or nineteen years old, and the bun she wears is still unmarried. Wearing a white beige, a light blue bijia on the outside, and a ribbon on the chest to tie a butterfly twist.

Seeing Sun Ling standing in front of her and staring at her fiercely, the girl quickly looked away and lowered her head, trying to turn away from him, but bumped into Huang Jun's arms again.

"Ha! Girl, look for a way." Huang Jun also smiled cheaply, and stuck to him, which would require a lot of hands and feet.

" do you want to do?" At this moment, the girl's eyes flickered, she seemed extremely frightened, and her voice was very low.

This thief, the more timid you meet, the more courageous they will be.

"Hey... Girl, don't get me wrong." Sun Ling also approached the other party, and replied with a smile, "We think it's getting dark today, girl, if you walk around in this secluded place alone, I'm afraid you will be in danger. So I want to protect you."

"Yes, yes." Huang Jun also continued, "Girl, don't be afraid... My name is Huang Donglai, and this is my brother Sun Yixie. You can go and find out. We are all well-known young knights in the world. What a bad guy."

Although these two guys have been pretending to be Shuangxie for less than a week, they are very used to calling themselves Sun Yixie and Huang Donglai, even in private, they no longer call each other by their real names Therefore, when making this kind of self-introduction, they have long since changed their faces and heartbeats, even if they blurt out their names, they are fake names.

"Eh? Really?" Unexpectedly, after the girl heard Huang Jun's words, her next sentence was, "You are Sun Yixie and Huang Donglai?"

When she said this, the fear and shyness on her face disappeared, and turned into an expression of surprise, her tone and voice were a little higher.

Sun Ling and Huang Jun were also taken aback when they saw this scene.

"Uh...uh, that's right, it's guaranteed to be fake." Sun Ling hesitated for a moment, then replied.

"That's great!" the girl answered with a smile on her face after hearing this, "My little girl has already heard about the names of the two young heroes, and she admires them very much. Today I can see them, they are indeed very talented."

"Ah? Ah... um, is it?" Seeing that the other party was so enthusiastic suddenly, Huang Jun didn't know how to answer the question, "Girl, congratulations, congratulations..."

At this time, the girl showed a shy, even seductive look, and continued: "You two young heroes, although it is the first time we meet, but the little girl has an unfeeling request, I don't know if I should say it or not. ?”

"Say it! Just say it." Sun Ling looked at her with eyes that made his bones almost brittle, and he answered quickly.

Not to be outdone, Huang Jun quickly took half a step, walked around in front of the girl, and squeezed Sun Ling to the side, as if he was afraid that the girl would not see his face: "Yes, tell me, what request do you have?" It can be said that I, Huang Donglai, will do my best to help!"

After the girl got this answer, she was not in a hurry.

Standing there, she frowned slightly, as if she hesitated for a moment, and then said: "'s like this... Today, the little girl sent my father to the hospital for treatment, so she came back late, and the place where my family lives It's remote, and I'm the only one at home, so I can only walk alone at night..."

She paused, blushing, and then cast her eyes at the two counterfeit people: "Just now, I thought I met some bad guys, but I didn't expect to be lucky enough to meet two young heroes...Since that's the case, I don't know how May I beg the two young heroes to take me home, if the two are willing to agree..." She paused for half a second, and whispered in a more delicate voice, "When I get home, the young lady will thank you both. "

(End of this chapter)

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