Unparalleled Double Harmony

Chapter 76 First Snow

Chapter 76 First Snow
How much time does it take for a woman to dress up?
This varies from person to person.

How much time can a woman make a man willingly wait for her to get dressed?
This varies from person to person.

Chuxue once made many people wait for a whole night, and when the sun came out the next day, she asked the servant girl to come out and tell you: "Sorry, Miss Chuxue couldn't find a makeup that suits her mood today, sir, come back another day Bar."

Even a decent person would get angry when something like this happened.

But if you are angry, you can't lose your demeanor. If you swallow this breath, you can really come back another day. Maybe then she will really give you face and come out to have a drink with you.

And if you blow your beard and stare, slap the table and yell nonsense on the spot, then you will never say that you are here to see Chuxue, and you will never enter the door of Qiliu Youlan again.

Some people may question, can a brothel have so much energy?Can those "decent people" be turned away?

Yes, there is.

Because the concubine has many "friends" and his own true identity is prominent enough, at least in the territory of Dalong, not many people can touch him.


"Sir, please sit down for a moment."

After Sun Yixie walked into the "winter" elegant room, a little maid who looked no more than fifteen or sixteen years old received him.

Although she is not very old, from the eyes to the tone of the maid, she is not as innocent and lively as she should be when she was young. On the contrary, she looks very sophisticated and calm.

Sun Yixie looked at her, feeling sad and pitiful, but he didn't say anything, just sat down at the table and waited silently.

The servant girl went around the screen, and then through an inner door separated by a bead curtain, and entered the inner room. She didn't know what she said to Chuxue inside, but after a while, she took out a note.

Sun Yixie panicked now, he wouldn't be able to bear it if someone typed riddles to him.

But as the so-called fear comes, this Chuxue just likes typing riddles with others, so before she came out, she first handed a riddle to Sun Yixie.

"Young master, our lady said that I would like to ask you to read a word first." As the maid said, she placed the note on the table in front of Sun Yixie.

There's no way, I put it all in front of my eyes, whether I recognize it or not, I have to at least take a look at it.

Feeling a little helpless, Sun Yixie picked up the note, spread it out, and sure enough... he didn't know the word.

The word written on the paper is "", there is a traditional Chinese "door" on the outside, and a traditional Chinese "see" on the inside. If these two parts are separated, Sun Yixie can still recognize them, but when they are put together, he can't even read them. Can't read.

Fortunately, he can't read...

If he knew this word today and answered the word "ti", he would be wrong.

This word needs to be looked at in a different way: first of all, there is "see" in the "door", which many people can guess, and it means to let him enter the door to meet, but it's not just that... There are other things hidden in it... One word is "ask".

Chuxue knew that Sun Yixie had something to ask herself, and she knew what it was, but she couldn't say it—please note, it's not that she didn't want to say it, but she couldn't say it.

But she really wanted to help Sun Yixie answer, so what should I do?So he used a question without a "mouth" to imply Sun Yixie: "The wall has ears, so don't speak out the question directly."

And the question without the "mouth" is the "door". Therefore, another meaning of the word "" is that only "keep your mouth shut and don't talk about that question", can the "see" be accommodated in this door, and so can I. Answer you.

Just one word contains a lot of the above information, you say this woman...is it unlucky?

If you play this game with people who are well-read and witty, they may not be able to solve it. Do this with Sun Yixie, the "Zhang Yu"?

Brother Sun stared at the word for a full ten seconds, then slapped the table, looked at the maid who was standing aside waiting for his reply, and said boldly, "Okay! I understand!"

If Huang Donglai was by his side at this moment, he would definitely see through him at a glance, and immediately said to him: "You know what a fool!"

Fortunately... Brother Huang is not here.

"My lord..." The servant girl was also taken aback for a moment, because Sun Yixie didn't pronounce the word, so it seemed that he might really understand, "You... really understand?"

"Ah... yes." Sun Yixie felt vain in his heart, but on the surface he pretended to understand, "but... this... it's hard to say."

He originally wanted to play tricks and use this sentence to prevaricate, but he didn't expect that this sentence "it's hard to say" was right in his heart, and it coincided with the other party's original intention.

When the servant girl heard this, she thought that the young master had actually guessed it, and she was both surprised and happy. She paused for a moment, gathered herself together, and said: "Okay, young master, please come with me."

Sun Yixie thought he had made it through, and was secretly happy, then got up and walked around the screen with the maid to the inner room.

Before opening the bead curtain, the servant girl stopped in her tracks and reported, "Miss, Mr. Sun..."

"I heard it all, let him come in." Before the maid could finish speaking, Chu Xue inside ordered directly.

Chuxue's voice was a bit beyond Sun Yixie's expectations.

Sun Yixie originally thought that the voice of this leading beauty should also be like a yellow oriole coming out of the valley, like a song like water, but Chuxue's voice is not so sweet and soft...but euphemistic and deep, with a unique charm. As a metaphor, when the voice hits the ear, it seems to eat a mouthful of soft glutinous rice and drink a spoonful of mellow broth, which makes people feel comfortable and aftertaste.

Walking a few more steps, passing through the curtain, Sun Yixie finally saw the famous girl Chuxue.

Although both Sun and Huang had heard Dong Butou describe Chuxue's beauty before, when they actually saw it, Sun Yixie was still stunned.

However, the girl was dressed in plain embroidery, lined with a light blue gauze skirt, her face was sinking like water, and she was standing gracefully.

Her appearance is gentle but not lacking in surprise, her temperament is dignified but pure.

Sun Yixie's eyes slowly swept down, and then looked at the figure of Miss Chuxue. She also had a blue chest and a robe, and a willow waist that was full of grip.

Even though he has been a human being for two lifetimes, Sun Yixie has to admit that such a beautiful woman as in front of him is indeed rare in the world, and it is not an exaggeration to say that a fairy descended from the world.

You know, Brother Sun has lived in a world with advanced makeup technology, heaven-defying PS technology, and plastic surgery is very common... Moreover, in his original universe, if he wants to see beautiful women, he can just open the browser and click You can find thousands of them by searching; when it comes to appreciating beauties alone, his vision is obviously much wider than that of this big emperor...

Therefore, a beauty that can amaze Sun Yixie is definitely one in a million.

"My lord, please sit down." Chuxue's words made Sun Yixie, who was already a little stunned, come back to his senses.

"Ah? Oh...Okay, okay." Sun Yixie responded and sat down with the other party.

The little maid was also very knowledgeable, and after they were seated, they invited a blessing and went out, leaving only Mr. Sun and Miss Chuxue to talk slowly.

As for Chuxue, Sun Yixie was a little displeased with Sun Yixie's reaction of "scanning" and dazed as soon as he saw him, thinking that this man is not different.

But... There are two types of "unhappiness" for women.

The current situation is fake unhappiness—actually, Chuxue was not very angry, and while complaining in her heart, she also gained a sense of superiority.

If a man came here now, he didn't bother to look at her directly after he came in, and he didn't react much after looking at her, then she would be really unhappy.

Women don't like to reject men, but they like to "hold the power to reject others", but whether they are chased by men or abandoned, women will lose that power, and that...is unpleasant of.

"Sun Gongzi, do you really understand the meaning of my word?" As soon as he sat down, Chu Xue asked such a question.

The more empty Sun Yixie's heart became, the louder his voice became: "Ha! If I don't understand, would I still be sitting here?"

Sun Yixie can be said to be familiar with this kind of routine of answering questions with questions, which sounds like rhetorical questions. Sun Yixie is familiar with it; after all, he is a fish market tycoon. come over.

"Okay." Chuxue said, and picked up a jug of wine on the table.

On this table, the wine and dishes have already been prepared, and the cups, bowls and chopsticks are also set up.At this time, Chuxue poured a glass of wine for Sun Yixie herself, and she also took a glass herself.

"Then tonight, let's stop talking about Fengyue and don't ask about other things." Chuxue said, toasting to each other.

"Hmm... okay." Sun Yixie didn't understand that word just now, so he naturally doesn't understand the deep meaning behind this sentence now. He just saw the other party say that, so he picked up the wine glass to pay back .

The two of them only drank a cup, and the face of Chuxue girl turned a little red.

It's not that she has a poor capacity for alcohol, but a physical problem.

To put it bluntly, the blood circulation of the capillaries and nerve endings on this person's face is better than that of ordinary people. In addition, her skin is fair and delicate, which can be broken by blowing bullets, so the redness is more obvious.

Sun Yixie saw that the girl's cheeks were already full after drinking a glass of wine, and she immediately smiled and said, "Miss Chuxue, it's not intoxicating, everyone gets drunk~"

The little ink in Brother Sun's stomach can only say this kind of cliché that has been widely quoted in modern society, but if this sentence is put in Daqian, the effect is not bad...

"Mr. Sun just quoted scriptures like this. The little girl has little talent and learning. I'm afraid she won't be able to resist." But Chuxue was really a little unhappy this time.

What she said was a compliment in the dark, but how could she not resist?Don't say it's your Sun Yixie, she can answer fluently when a champion comes, but she feels that this grandson seems to be a little absent-minded since he met her.

Tonight, Chuxue hopes to convey as much information as possible to the other party through dialogue on the premise that someone is eavesdropping. She thinks that Sun Yixie has understood her meaning through the anagram just now, but at this moment, Sun Yixie doesn't seem to be going in this direction.

"Oh? Is that so?" After listening to that sentence, Sun Yixie smiled, "Ha! Actually, I don't like polite words either. Since Miss Chuxue said this, I will speak more down-to-earth when I speak next. All right."

Now that Chuxue was confused again, he thought to himself: "Eh? Did he do it on purpose just now? To take advantage of the situation to change the way of talking? Maybe... what mystery is hidden in what he is going to say next?"

She... thinks too much.

"First of all..." In the next second, Sun Yixie picked up the chopsticks naturally, and said while eating in a very impolite and unqualified manner, "I have to confirm with you, what is 'Fengyue'? What is it?" Also called "other"?"

When Chuxue heard this, she was a little annoyed, and said bluntly: "The thing you want to ask me today is 'other', except for that thing, it's all 'Fengyue', do you understand, my lord? "

Sun Yixie really understood.

He is just uneducated, but his intelligence is not a problem. He can understand the implication of this sentence--walls have ears, so it is inconvenient to speak.

In fact, even if Chuxue didn't talk about it, Sun Yixie already guessed that someone would eavesdrop; from the old bustard's martial arts, to the boss' invitation, everything can be seen how strong the water in Qiliu Youlan is. deep.

"Understood! I understand." Sun Yixie responded a few times, and immediately changed the subject, "Fengyue, right...then the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting...let's talk about the piano first."

In Chuxue's room, there is indeed a Yaoqin.

"Mr. Sun...knows rhythm too?" Chuxue thought that Sun Yixie was trying to use the piano as a secret signal to herself.

"Understood." Sun Yixie raised his eyebrows and said, "I still want to play a song with you, girl."

"Are you serious?" Chuxue was starting to pretend now, she really didn't know what kind of tricks Sun Yixie could make.

"Hehe..." Sun Yixie squinted his eyes and smiled, "It's easy to say, but I'm better at percussion..."


A moment later, the concubine's room.

At this time, Huang Donglai had already left, and the concubine was left alone in the house.


There was another knock on the door.

"Go in." The uncle replied.

This time it was a man who came in. He looked like he was just a low-level turtle slave, but his eyes were very alert and his movements were extremely quiet.

"Boss, Miss Xue'er...is different." The man leaned over to the uncle's ear, and said directly.

"What's the difference?" The uncle's attitude was quite leisurely, "Could it be that she was talking nonsense?"

"I don't know..." the man replied.

"Huh?" Shu Ye turned his head and glared at the man, "What do you mean?"

The man showed embarrassment: "The grandson said that he wanted to study the rhythm with Miss Xue'er, and then he called for some gongs and drums and beat them in the room. His subordinates really..."

"Heh..." The concubine couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "What a Sun Yixie, he really knows how to play..."

"Concubine, what should we do now?" The man seemed a little anxious, and hurriedly asked again.

"Why, what, what to do?" The concubine repeated these three words word by word, and asked, "I want to ask you, what are you going to do?" With a bit of irony, "Didn't you have a good idea when you killed Zheng Mukai? Now the woman you like is in the room with other men and you don't know what you are doing... But you came to me, Ask me what to do?"

Hearing this, the man dressed as a turtle slave tensed up all over his body, his tiger eyes seemed to be bleeding, but he still endured it, without saying a word or moving.

"Heh..." Seeing the man's appearance, the concubine couldn't stop sneering, and then said after a short pause, "Okay, since you've already asked, then I'll tell you...you can do whatever you want, if you don't Do it, you are not human, you are a bastard, what will happen to a bastard's woman... don't I need to tell you?"

Before he finished speaking, the man left the room like a gust of wind, without even saying goodbye.

The concubine glanced at the door, showed a stern face, spat, then stood up, and closed the door by himself.

(End of this chapter)

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