Unparalleled Double Harmony

Chapter 72 The Method of Compromise

Chapter 72 The Method of Compromise
Huang Donglai and the others didn't fully understand Zhu Jiaduan's words.

Because the three of them still don't know the news that Zheng Mukai is dead.

Although Zheng Mukai's body was found in the alley behind this inn, it was midnight at that time, and it was impossible for the person who came to handle the case to stand in the alley and shout "Here is a dead person" to announce to the world.

What's more, the people from the government didn't intend to investigate this matter in depth from the beginning. If they wanted to, they would have already rushed to this inn to knock on the door of each guest to ask questions.

Now the ordinary people in the city who know about the killing of Zheng Mukai and the two men of the Guangxing Escort are all concentrated in the west of the city, because the two corpses there were found in the guest room of the inn, and Zheng Mukai At present, the three of them are staying in that inn, so at least the shopkeeper Xiaoer over there will be questioned.

"Senior Zhu." Huang Donglai was afraid that Lei Buji's nonsense would be a disadvantage, so he quickly responded before Buji could speak, "Your words...why do we not understand?"

"Don't understand?" Zhu Jiaduan almost squeezed these three words out between his teeth, "Hmph...Okay, if you want to pretend, I'll make it clear for you." He paused for half a second, then said, " Let me ask you, my disciples... Zheng Mukai, the head of my Guangxing Escort Bureau, and our two troopers, did you kill them?"

"Ah?" The three people at the table heard the words and gave the same reaction almost at the same second.

After a short breath, it was Huang Donglai who spoke first, and asked suspiciously, "Brother Zheng...is he dead?"

Zhu Jiaduan was slightly taken aback when he saw the reaction of the three of them, but then he thought again: These three people probably guessed that I would come, so they stringed up the words and acted for me, right?

Thinking of this, he became angry again, and sternly shouted: "Bah! What is Brother Zheng? Who is your brother? Do you think I don't know? The three of you were still in a restaurant in the city to publicly dissuade me. Disciple, in the end, he was smashed by him on the spot, so he had to admit his mistake and punish himself; I think...you held a grudge because of this, so you killed him that night!"

As soon as he said this, the three of them finally understood what was going on.

"Mao!" Sun Yixie couldn't help it now, pretending to be a grandson also depends on the situation, and when you should use your true colors, you should use your true colors, "If you don't come and tell us, we don't even know that Zheng's surname has died. It’s dead, motherfucker...don’t spit on me! Say we killed it, do you have evidence?”

After all, he really didn't kill, so his attitude was more rigid.

When Zhu Jiaduan heard this, he thought to himself: "Okay, this kid is starting to get angry after being exposed by me."

So, on the spot, he threw the logical chain and reasoning that he had sorted out based on the existing information on the faces of Sun Huang and Lei Buji, and added a sentence with confidence after finishing speaking: " How is it? What else do you have to say?"

If he doesn't ask, that's fine.

Since he asked this question, what he greeted must be the following sentence...

"Are you fucking mentally retarded?" Huang Donglai was about to be annoyed by Zhu Jia, and he stopped being polite, and said directly, "Don't you think your reasoning is full of doubts and loopholes?"

"What?" Zhu Jiaduan didn't understand what "mentally retarded" was, so he didn't realize that he was being scolded for a moment, but asked, "Loopholes? Where are the loopholes? Tell me about it."

Huang Donglai laughed dryly: "Heh... First of all, as the young master of the Huang Clan, if I really want to kill Zheng Mukai, is it necessary to fight him? Isn't it enough to poison him?" He paused, "It's not me Blow, if I want to poison him properly, unless you can invite my father, no one will be able to prove that he was poisoned to death."

Just this first sentence stopped Zhu Jiaduan from asking.

But before he could respond, Huang Donglai continued: "Secondly, the corpse was discovered at the end of Haishi, and whether it was the official's assistant or the one you invited yourself, the time of death they found was at the beginning of Haishi. You just said that the waiter in the west of the city testified that Zheng Mukai left the inn alone before the end of You hour that night. Where did he go during the whole hour of Xu hour? Who did he meet? What did you do? Did you find out? Where are the three of us all this time? Have you asked us?"

Zhu Jiaduan really didn't expect to be so meticulous, so he asked now: "Then let me ask you, what were you doing at that time?"




The above are the answers of Sun Yixie, Huang Donglai and Lei Buji respectively.

What they said was also true. They had just arrived in Xuzhou City that day, and it was rare that they could live in a big hotel in the city instead of a post house on the roadside. Sun Yixie wanted to take a good bath; Huang Donglai, he ate too much crab during the day, Everyone knows that he has a bad stomach; Lei Buji didn't wake up at all after drinking down at dinner, and he was carried back by Sun and Huang when he returned to the inn.

"Hmph!" Zhu Jiaduan snorted again after hearing their answers, "Doesn't that mean that no one can testify for you?"

"Leave us alone." Huang Donglai said, "Where did your apprentice go during that time is the key point of the whole case. In my opinion, it must be what he did during that hour, which gave himself and his two friends This brother brought a fatal disaster."

"There is no proof of death now...you are saying that to excuse yourself, of course." Zhu Jiaduan still refused to let go, "Then how do you explain that all three of them died under the 'Five Thunder Piercing Heart Fist'? And... I Why is the disciple's body in the back alley of your inn?"

"Let me interrupt..." Lei Buji suddenly said at this moment, "Since Senior Zhu has already guessed who my father is, I will not hide it anymore. Yes, my father is the 'Eight Desolation Fist Master', but I To be honest... I just know about the 'Five Thunder Piercing Heart Fist', but I have never learned it, and my father never taught me such a fierce kung fu that would kill someone as soon as he strikes."

Before he finished speaking, one of the disciples behind Zhu Jiaduan didn't know who was blind, and said in a voice that was not too loud but could be heard by everyone: "Heh... death is imminent, even if you know it, lie Say no more."


Lei Buji got angry at that moment, jumped up as soon as he slapped the table, and shouted at the man: "What did you say?"

While speaking, he rushed forward, trying to grab the man by the neck.

That one was not to be outdone, his hand was already on the knife, ready to greet him at any time.

The distance between the two was not far away, and it seemed that they were about to fight each other. Fortunately, Sun Yixie stepped forward in time and stopped Lei Buji: "Calm down! Don't be impulsive!"

While talking calmly, Brother Sun used the stance of blocking people as a cover, and took advantage of the situation to make a move "Flying Dragon Waving Tail" to the side and rear, kicking the disciple of the Guangxing Escort Bureau who was talking just now with a kick down.

After kicking, he turned his head and said to the disciples of the escort agency: "Don't say a few words! It's all a misunderstanding~ Everyone take a step back!"

The buddies who got kicked were also careless for a while. He was quarreling with Lei Buji. He was staring at each other without turning his eyes. He didn't regard Sun Yixie who came forward to "persuade the fight" as a threat. Who knew that this guy pretended to persuade the fight In fact, it is the third way to attack people unprepared.

As a result, after Sun Yixie's meddling, the people on the side of the Escort stopped doing it, and a group of people were ready to draw their swords.

"Stop!" Zhu Jiaduan shouted at the disciples when he saw the chaos, "Are the ruffians fighting? How decent is it? Get out of here!"

In the end, it is the palm of one faction, and this kind of tolerance is still there. Zhu Jiaduan's slap in the face also successfully prevented these bodyguards of Guangxing Bodyguard Bureau from being brought into the rhythm of fighting in the fish market by Sun Yixie.

When the commotion stopped, Zhu Jiaduan took a deep breath, and said to the three people in front of him again: "I don't care what excuses you make now, or how many doubts you can come up with... Anyway, for now, the death of my apprentice... you The three are the most suspected, and you can't prove that you have nothing to do with this matter; especially Lei Buji, only you know whether you know the "Five Thunder Piercing Fist", and it is impossible for us to ask your father for a while , let’s take a step back...you slipped out alone at Xushi without telling Sun Yixie and Huang Donglai, and clashed with my apprentice, it’s not impossible..."

"Then what do you want?" Lei Buji stopped being polite to the other party and asked directly.

"You go back with us first." Zhu Jiaduan replied, "I won't embarrass you until the matter is cleared up, but you can't leave either."

"What?" Lei Buji said, "You want me to go with you without proof? Why?"

This is what Zhu Jiaduan said... Zhu Jiaduan didn't like to listen to it. No matter what he said, he was still a figure in the arena, and he felt that he had taken advantage of it now and had already made some concessions. If so, Lei Buji would still Rejection, isn't it because of a guilty conscience?

This kind of thinking that seems to us moderns to be similar to the logic of robbers and violates the spirit of the rule of law was the norm in the arena of that era.

As long as the powerful and powerful party does not care about human life, it is already considered "fairness" and "concession"; while the weak are not qualified to talk about human rights. The party that kills you is only punished with three glasses of wine... This is very rare, because most people don't even punish these three drinks, and the other party will never admit their mistake or mention it again.

Zhu Jiaduan was able to say "find out more about the matter" today, firstly because he wasn't too bad himself, and secondly because he was looking at the face of the Bahuang Boxing Master.

Although Zhu Jiaduan felt that revenge was justified, but considering that Lei Buji's father was the kind of person who could single-handedly destroy his entire family of Escorts, he naturally had to be cautious, at least to ensure that he did not kill the wrong person.

If it is finally verified that Zheng Mukai and the others were really killed by Lei Buji, then even if Lei Buwei came, there would be nothing to say. Fate.

If he, the Bahuang Fist Master, seeks revenge for his son's murder, the Guangxing Escort Bureau can openly ask all other martial arts comrades to uphold justice... Of course, whether he will come or not, or he will only come on some conditions. That's another matter.

"It's unreasonable!" Zhu Jiaduan saw that his "tolerance" was rejected, and he felt a little embarrassed, "I have repeatedly backed down and promised to deal with it fairly. If you have a clear conscience, why should you be afraid? I see... people You killed it! If you don’t follow me, you just want to run away, right?”

"Okay! Don't get excited! Listen to me and say something fair!" At this moment, Sun Yixie shouted loudly, and then made a "compromise" suggestion using "fair words" as a quotation.


That afternoon, after Lei Buji settled in the prison at the gate of the Yamen, Sun and Huang returned to the inn.

Sun Yixie's previous suggestion was to take Lei Buji as a suspect in the murder and hand it over to the Yamen guards until they find out the real murderer.

The guarantors for this matter are Sun Yixie and Huang Donglai, as well as the Dazhu court who were "represented" by them for no reason; Find those of us who guarantee it."

His idea not only ensured that Lei Buji would not fall into the hands of the Guangxing Escorts, but also restricted his freedom formally, so it was a perfect balance.

Because it was "big brother"'s arrangement, Lei Buji naturally agreed.

Zhu Jiaduan thought about it for a while, and it was fine; if the person was really in his hands, then he would have to find someone to guard him day and night, eating and drinking, and waiting for him.

But in fact, the difference between the two is quite big...

If Lei Buji fell into the hands of the Guangxing Escorts, even if he was not tortured, he would definitely not get a good face. He would give you some porridge every day, and maybe he would spit into your pickles or something , that's all possible.

But in the Yamen prison, it will be much more comfortable.

As mentioned earlier, Sun Yixie and Huang Donglai are now "acting cheaply" in the government. No matter what they want to do, they have to cooperate; even the local officials in Xuzhou have to respect them a little. It is no problem to arrange a P-level prison among VIPs here.

In addition, they asked Dong Wan, the head catcher, to mobilize all the police officers in the city to help them find information...

The government "generally" does not care about Jianghu affairs, but in special cases, such as when someone who can order you requires that your lower-level people must take care of it, then you have to take care of it.

Around evening, Dong Wan came to the Chengdong Inn and informed Sun Yixie and Huang Donglai of all the information about the case gathered so far.

The police, after all, specialize in criminal investigation, and are much better at investigating cases than those from the Guangxing Escort; the things they ask are different from those who only want to "seek revenge" , its content is more and far-reaching, and it is easier to restore the whole picture of the case.

To make a long story short, after collecting and deducing the information, they found that there was a place that was probably related to Zheng Mukai's death and the duel between him and Ge Shi.

That place is the most famous brothel in Xuzhou City - Qiliu Youlan.

As the saying goes, you should strike while the iron is hot. Sun Yixie and Huang Donglai took a bath and changed their clothes, and put on their crowns and belts that night.
(End of this chapter)

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