Unparalleled Double Harmony

Chapter 7 Reverse HSR

Chapter 7 Reverse HSR
On the night when he learned of the family secrets, Sun Yixie told Huang Dong all the "unpassed secrets" that he had just learned.

Huang Donglai couldn't help but sigh with emotion that his brother Sun's life is better, saying that if there is an adventure, there will be an adventure.

At the same time, the two old fritters quickly realized... If that Shen Youran really had a plot against the Sun family, his target would undoubtedly be these three secret treasures.

So far, in their brains, they have imagined Shen Youran as a downright bad guy, and they are 120% wary of him.

Looking at the entire martial arts world, among all the young people who went to participate in the Young Heroes Meeting, only these two have been guarding against the organizers from the very beginning...

Although their only basis is their own dark thought of "treating everyone's belly with a villain's heart", even though they don't know that Shen Youran's real ambition is far more than coveting the treasures of the Sun family... But I have to say, They really got it right.


In the days after that, Sun Yixie and Huang Donglai stayed behind closed doors and concentrated on practicing martial arts. They wanted to seize the time that was less than two months away and make some preparations for the upcoming Young Heroes Meeting.

Needless to say, Huang Donglai, he already has a good foundation in martial arts, and practicing martial arts has always been his daily routine.

But it is really rare for Sun Yixie to be able to practice martial arts seriously.

For the first seven days, Sun Yixie went to the secret room every day, opened the sarcophagus according to his father's instructions, took out the first stone slab, and followed the content on it (his father had already given him all the words on it) After translating it once, he also recognized it by relying on the basics of simplified characters) Meditate and adjust the breath, and then put the slate back to its original place after the practice, and re-cover the sarcophagus.

This process of practicing kung fu is also passed down from the ancestors, because moving the stone slabs in and out like this every day is also a kind of exercise in itself; with the improvement of martial arts, the number of stone slabs that need to be moved every day will also increase. It's all good.

However, after seven days passed, Sun Yixie found a way to be lazy—he secretly copied the contents of the first stone slab in simplified characters with a pen and paper, and then stopped going to the secret room from the eighth day onwards, directly in the Practice in your own room.

Sun Yuanwai thought that his son had memorized the content of the slate after seven days, so he didn't have any doubts.

In this way, on the 15th day, Sun Yixie felt that he had practiced for two weeks and still hadn't become "invincible". It's not the way you practice yourself, right?

Huang Donglai did some research and found that this "reversing the universe" is really a very clever internal skill. Compared with most of the orthodox internal skills and mental methods he knows, the logic of the luck method recorded here is completely opposite.

That is to say, people like Huang Donglai who already have a foundation of internal strength, even if they get this "reversal of the universe", they can't practice, and they will only reverse their meridians and go crazy when they practice hard; only people like Sun Yixie who don't know martial arts , to practice from scratch.

Of course, the reason why Brother Sun hasn't improved after fifteen days of practice is not because he did anything wrong, but because he really hasn't reached his peak yet.

No matter how good the inner strength method is, it is impossible for people to open up the meridians and develop inner strength in more than ten days. Sun Yixie doesn't understand anything, so he asks this kind of question.

Huang Donglai had no choice but to explain the basic concepts of various martial arts to him again, and let him continue to practice hard, but he didn't know how much Sun Yixie had listened to.


The days just passed by.

In a blink of an eye, it was late summer and early autumn.

During these fifty days, Sun Yixie hadn't finished practicing "Reversing the Universe", but because he was in a hurry, he secretly brought Huang Donglai into the secret room on the fifth day of No.20 and asked him to help him. I copied all the things on the twenty-odd stone slabs in simplified characters.

Since then, Sun Yixie has been practicing basic internal skills while jumping directly to see the various moves behind.

Seeing that the day to leave for Luoyang was approaching, Sun Yixie simply bound together all the pages of the books that Huang Donglai had copied for him, making a self-made "secret book" and preparing to take it with him; anyway, these things are rare in this world. No one could understand it except him and Huang Donglai. In addition, the paper and ink of this "secret book" were still very new. Not afraid to lose it.

And Huang Donglai, while instructing Sun Ge on various martial arts foundations these days, he has also reviewed these foundations, not to mention... very useful, his current martial arts cultivation level, compared to his When I first came to Hangzhou, I was diligent again, and I broke through a bottleneck.

In addition, the letter he sent back to Huang's family through the Feige Gang also received a reply.The head of the Huang family also sent the invitation letter of the Young Heroes Association, which sent Zhengyimen to Shuzhong, and asked Huang Donglai in the letter to take good care of the nephew of the Sun family, and at the same time, he also wanted to fight for Huangmen at the meeting.

In this way, the two of them are ready for the time being, and they will set off today.

Unexpectedly... On the day of departure, another unexpected situation occurred——Huang Donglai never imagined that Sun Yixie bought the wrong ticket to Luoyang.

Here I have to introduce a little bit about the traffic and communication conditions in Dazhao.

First of all, for communication and logistics, it is generally through official channels, which is the so-called "post delivery".In Dazhu, as long as it is a slightly larger county, there will be a post station, which basically covers the whole country; ordinary people can go to the post station to deliver letters and items. Of course, there are restrictions on the weight and size of the items. If you want to transport a large truck Goods, then you should figure out your own way, the official does not have the resources to distribute to you, even if there are, the price will be much more expensive than if you hire a car and hire someone yourself.

The "Flying Pigeon Gang" mentioned above is a means of communication that only people in the world and the rich and powerful can use. Ordinary people will not receive them at all.

Besides, transportation, whether it is driving a carriage, riding a horse, or walking, taking the official road is naturally the safest choice; the official road is wide and the road condition is relatively good, and there are post stations every few tens of miles along the way.There are two kinds of post stations: "official post" and "minister post". The former only accepts civil servants of the imperial court, while the latter is open to ordinary people; Officials earn money, unless you travel hundreds of miles a day, can rush to towns to stay in hotels every day, or are willing to sleep on the streets.

In addition, in addition to traveling by yourself, there is another option, which is to take the coach of the "high-speed rail gang".

Although this so-called "high-speed rail gang" is a quack gang in name, everyone knows that the government is behind it.

Each of their gang leaders is named Gao Mingtie. It is not so much a name as a title bound to a position; their gang has never been involved in any disputes in the martial arts, so no one knows this Gao Actually, it doesn't make much sense to know the face of the gang leader... because this is a person who can be replaced at any time.

The only business of the high-speed rail gang is "people-carrying transportation". They will assign drivers and vehicles of various specifications to pick up and drop passengers between places.

No matter you are a figure in the rivers and lakes, an ordinary citizen, or a son of an official who is full and wants to experience life, as long as you buy a "ticket", you can take their car.

For many people who want to seek refuge with relatives and friends, or seek mountain apprentices, it is expensive and difficult to buy horses and hire cars, and walking is too slow, and it will be more troublesome to stay on the road for a long time. Good choice.

This time, Huang Donglai and Sun Yixie originally planned to buy a "high-speed rail ticket" to go directly to Luoyang, so that they could relax on the road; from one station to the next, they didn't need to find their way by themselves, and they didn't need to go to Luoyang every time. Hire a coachman, exchange money for horses, etc. (For this kind of long-distance travel, the hired coachman generally does not follow the employer across several provinces, and the same horse cannot pull the cart at the same speed every day. This kind of trip usually requires changing the driver and horse several times, and bargaining with the local horse dealer every time), as long as they follow the coach of the Gaotie Gang, they don’t have to worry about these trivial matters.

As a native of Hangzhou, Sun Yixie must be the one who buys tickets.Coincidentally, Sun Yixie has been practicing at home every day recently, and he also wanted to go out to breathe. So, three days before their departure, Sun Yixie spent half a day at the local high-speed rail gang to buy a ticket. He even said to Huang Dong: "I've got it all done! Don't worry!"

Huang Donglai didn't think much about it at the time, thinking what could go wrong with buying a ticket?
So, today, the day they set off, something happened.

These two each carried a burden on their backs, and Sun Yixie was still holding a trident in his hand. He came to the place of departure with great interest, and then Sun Yixie showed his ticket, and he was told: "You bought it wrong. It's a ticket from Luoyang to Hangzhou."

Sun Yixie was upset at the time: "Damn, is there any difference between Luoyang to Hangzhou and Hangzhou to Luoyang? The price should be the same, so it's over if you let us go up?"

The person in charge of receiving them from the High-Speed ​​Railway Gang was also happy: "Then it's no different if you walk from home to here, or from here to home, or you can go back."

When Sun Yixie heard this, he became angry from embarrassment, picked up the trident and pretended to fork someone: "Damn it! What's your attitude? Also, why didn't you remind me when I bought the ticket? The one who sells the ticket People have never thought about it, why do I have to buy a ticket from Luoyang to Hangzhou when I am in Hangzhou?"

"Let me think about it... For example, you have a friend who lives in Luoyang, and you want to invite him to Hangzhou, so you buy a ticket, put it in a letter, and send it to him. Is this reasonable?" The high-speed rail gang replied.

"Uh..." Sun Yixie was speechless.

"Let's talk about it, young man, you are such a big man." The man still didn't give up, and then laughed, "If a child comes to buy a ticket, if this happens, maybe our ticket seller here will remind you, you If you come to buy something like this, we must think that you have thought it through."

"I..." Although Sun Yixie wanted to take the opportunity to get angry, but the other party's words were too reasonable, and there were many people waiting to start the car watching him, which made it even more difficult for him to step down.

"It's alright, alright...Brother Sun, it's alright, give me some face." In the end, Huang Donglai stepped forward and gave Brother Sun a step, preventing him from further humiliating behavior.

It's a pity that although Huang Donglai negotiated well with the high-speed rail gang, they still couldn't get on the bus because the seats were indeed sold out, and the next bus to Luoyang would have to wait seven days before leaving. It may not be able to catch up with the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Helpless, the two had no choice but to buy a ticket temporarily, got on a car to Xuancheng, and thought about making troubles when they arrived in Xuancheng.

Along the way, Huang Donglai naturally couldn't help complaining about Sun Yixie's "reverse high-speed rail" behavior, and Sun Yixie continued to quibble, and blamed the high-speed rail gang.

The other passengers in the car endured silently under their mental pollution, and they didn't dare to shut them up. After all, one of them was holding something that looked like a large dung fork, and looked quite manic. Annoyed how unlucky he was forked.

In this way, the carriage continued to move forward, and at noon, after a short stop at a post station, it was soon on the road again.

At the end of the day, the car was driving on the road, and suddenly...

"Oh, Brother Sun, I suddenly have a stomachache, what should I do?" Huang Dong has a bad stomach since he was a child, and he often needs to relieve his big hands more than three times a day, and now he feels it coming again.

"Then what can I do?" Sun Yixie muttered in disgust, but then he turned around and moved to the front of the car, went to talk to the handlebars, and turned back after a while and said, "The driver said, time It’s all pinched, and you can’t park at will, or else you won’t have time to enter the city before dark, and everyone in this car will have to be locked outside the city gate, and he can’t bear the responsibility.”

"Then how long will it take to reach the next station?" Huang Donglai asked again.

"It's still early." Sun Yixie said, "He said that if you really can't help it, just jump out of the car, go to the woods by the roadside to solve it quickly, and then find a way to catch up by yourself."

Huang Donglai was really in a hurry, he thought for a while: "That's fine... Anyway, I'm pretty good at lightness kung fu, so I should be able to catch up, but Brother Sun, can you do it?"

"Huh?" Sun Yixie was stunned, "What's none of my business? Why should I go with you?"

"Help me catch the wind." Huang Donglai said, "What if I meet Jie Daoer half way through and get attacked and hacked to death?"

"Then you're going to die!" Sun Yixie's voice became sharper when he replied this sentence.

This kind of conversation is similar to that of junior high school students... no, it is a conversation that only occurs when elementary school students invite each other to go to the toilet, and there is no sense of disobedience when it is said between them.

"Damn! Are you a brother? In a word!" Huang Donglai urged, "Hurry up, I can't take it anymore."

"Okay, okay." Sun Yixie saw that many people in the same car were already looking at them and suppressed their smiles. He felt that it would be embarrassing to stay here alone, so he picked up the trident lying on the ground and stood up, "I go with you, go with you..."

The carriage of the high-speed railway gang is specially used to pull passengers. The carriage is narrow, long and wide, and it is pulled by four horses. The speed is not fast. According to the current concept, it is about [-] kilometers per hour, so it is not difficult to get off even while driving .

Soon, Huang and Sun jumped out of the car one after another. As soon as they landed, Huang Donglai ran away and ran straight to the woods beside the road. He was already unbuttoning his pants while running.

Sun Yixie looked at the opponent's back and laughed, and followed leisurely with his trident on his shoulders. Seeing Brother Huang's panic, he suddenly felt that his sense of humiliation had eased a lot.

It is said that Sun Yixie did not stand very close, firstly, it was unnecessary, and secondly, even if he stood a few feet away, because of psychological effects, he felt that he could smell the stench.

While he was waiting for Huang Donglai to finish his work, suddenly, a figure staggered out of the woods on the other side of the road, and fell to the ground with a thud; it may be because she was exhausted from running, and she kept groaning after falling. He didn't make a sound, just prostrated himself on the ground and panted with difficulty.

Sun Yixie took a closer look and found that it was a woman, about 20 years old, dressed like a village girl. She couldn't be said to be very iconic, but she was pretty.

Just when Sun Yixie was hesitating whether to go up and help her, unexpectedly, after a few seconds, two more figures chased out from the woods behind the village girl. This time... two figures came out holding steel knives , Tsing Yi black trousers man.

"Hmph... I'll let you run!" One of them saw the village girl fall to the ground, and immediately showed a ferocious smile. He walked forward in three steps at a time, and stretched out his hand to grab the woman's hand. hair.

"Wait!" At this moment, Sun Yixie had already crossed from the other side of the road and rushed to this side.

But seeing him holding a trident, standing upright, and shouting angrily, his appearance is really quite majestic.

"In broad daylight, bright heaven and earth, what do you want to do to a weak woman?" Sun Yixie raised his voice deliberately, mainly to let Huang Donglai in the distance hear it, even if Huang Donglai didn't hear it, if someone passing by heard it, then He can also have more confidence.

"Huh?" The two men holding steel knives were just ordinary people, and it was a bit hypocritical to be shouted at by Sun Yixie like that.

The two looked up and saw a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy with four eyebrows and holding a strange weapon. Their first reaction was... this boy is definitely not someone to be taken lightly.

Anyone with a bit of experience in the world understands that it is basically impossible for people who use relatively rare strange weapons to have poor kung fu.

This is the same as when learning to play basketball, you start with the most basic dribbling and passing. When you learn weapons, you usually start with common things like knives, guns and sticks. Only when you have a good foundation can you change to practice. Those special weapons.

"Boy, I advise you not to meddle in your own business." After a brief stalemate, one of the minions said a standard line full of minions, "We 'Zoumazhai' people, I'm afraid you can't afford to provoke them. "

"Zoumazhai?" Sun Yixie repeated the three words he had heard for the first time, and said with a sneer, "Oh... a bandit, right?"

At this moment, he could already see from the expressions of the two people on the opposite side that the other party was a bit hypocritical, so he took advantage of the situation and began to bluff.

"There are people in the area around Hangzhou that I, Sun Yixie, can't offend?" Sun Yixie said boldly, "Say! Who is your village master? How many people are in the village? Where are you from? Report them all, and I will listen to them. I fight? Everyone must die!"

(End of this chapter)

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