Chapter 59
Whether the actions of Sun Yixie and Chun Kong went smoothly, I won’t show here for the time being, let’s divide the story into two parts, and let’s talk about earlier in the night...that is, at the third quarter of Haishi.

Huang Donglai followed You Jing out of the chief rudder of the Tianqi Gang, and went straight to the building of no return.

At this point, there were not many pedestrians on the street, and the two of them walked all the way without meeting anyone or anything.

On the way, Huang Donglai wanted to strike up a conversation with You Jing several times, but the other party only dealt with him with perfunctory or cover-up methods such as "um", "yes", and "I don't know".

Huang Donglai understood that You Jing should belong to the type who is impenetrable with needles and water, and who is extremely good at keeping secrets. It is impossible to obtain information from him by conventional methods; of course, he didn't think that it will be so easy...

When Sun and Huang were making plans, they had already speculated that the Lord might send someone to take Huang Donglai to a certain place tonight, and prescribe medicine to Huang Donglai in the name of getting medicine or healing, but they didn't expect that the place to go would be different. Returning to the building, she never thought that the person leading the way would be You Jing.

But now that the matter has come to this point, Huang Donglai can only adapt to the situation.

Not long after, Huang Donglai followed You Jingxing to the door of the Building of No Return.

As I said before, the restaurant is doing good business tonight. Although the martial arts heroes who participated in the hero banquet can't come to patronize tonight, the lobby on the first floor still has more than [-]% occupancy rate at the moment.

Fortunately, Huang Donglai and You Jing were not too conspicuous at first, and people who are not in the world don't know Huang Donglai, so when they walked through the lobby and walked up to the second floor, not many people paid attention to them.

After arriving at the "Zhixian Pavilion" on the second floor, Xue Tui would not come out to greet guests without being notified, and Yuan Fangzhi and Zhang Ergui from the back kitchen would not come out.

Therefore, You Jing led Huang Donglai like this, and went directly to the "Sifei Residence" on the third floor.

Why give this layer this name?It's very simple, it's Gu Qiying's reminder to himself that what he does is dirty after all, and it's the kind of vicious deed that people in the world despise most.

The method of "Gushu" is different from using poison. The purpose of using poison is nothing more than to kill or injure people. This is actually the same as using martial arts or hidden weapons to hurt people, but "Gushu" is different. It is to make people unable to live, unable to seek death, life is better than death, and death is not a good thing... It is really against human nature.

If you want to compare it, one is similar to killing enemy soldiers with weapons in war, and the other is similar to using extremely cruel methods to torture prisoners of war to death.

Bai Ruhong is a living example. Even if a person like him is defeated one day and falls into the hands of the enemy, the other party will kill him with a sword, or stab him a few more times to vent his anger; but now he is tortured into a With that look, even a member of the evil sect... would not be able to do such a trick.

Of course, Gu Qiying and Shen Youran were able to do such a thing, just because they kept holding the banner of "revenge" and gradually turned it into something similar to belief, so, without knowing it, After a while, they convinced themselves that they could do whatever they wanted gradually...

And the name of "Sifeiju" is nothing more than a formality, like an edict issued by the emperor to himself, to deceive his own conscience, and show it to others by the way, as if he really admitted his mistake , And it seems that I really paid the corresponding price.

"Brother You, why is it so dark here?" After reaching the third floor, Huang Donglai immediately asked this question.

But at the same time, he also understood why You Jing told him not to put down the lantern in his hand after entering the No Return Building.

"This is the master's arrangement." You Jing didn't explain the specific reason, just this one sentence is enough; after saying this, he immediately changed the subject, "Mr. Huang, I'll get you the medicine. You are here Wait here for a moment."

"Ah, good, you can go." Huang Donglai agreed casually.

You Jing glanced at him again, then turned around and walked to the depths of the third floor.

Because he and Huang Donglai each had a lantern in their hands when they went out, so after he left, Huang Donglai still had something to light it up, otherwise, in the middle of the night, in this kind of place, he really wouldn't be able to see anything.

But in fact... it's useless to see it.

The layout of the third floor is mainly divided into three areas: the first area is the area after coming up from the stairs, which is basically an empty buffer space with nothing, not even a place to sit. Stand here for a while.

The second area is the room of the boss, Gu Qiying. The door of that room is at the edge of the first area. Now that Gu Qiying is not there, the door is naturally closed; and what are the things in that room? ...Even You Jing is not very clear, because when he usually goes in to deliver meals and pour the chamber pot, he usually goes in and out quickly, doesn't stay long, and doesn't dare to look around.

And the third area, which is also the largest group of spaces on the third floor, is connected by a corridor in the corner of the first area; go along that path, bypass the master room, and there are several larger ones behind. There are various materials and tools needed for refining Gu, and there are two other rooms similar to "laboratories". One is heated by a stove all the year round, and the other is kept cold by a thousand-year-old ice.

At this moment, what You Jing is going to is a warehouse with all kinds of finished Gu; Gu Qiying ordered him to give Huang Donglai the "Bai Shun Pill", the real name is "Hundred Biting Gu". The specific antidote must be taken on a regular basis, otherwise you will suffer from the pain of a hundred insects eating your heart.

The effect of this kind of Gu is not as powerful as Bliss Gu, and the finished product is a large-looking pill with a strong taste. Under normal circumstances, it is unlikely that anyone will take it voluntarily, but right now, use "Give Huang Donglai a cure" In the name of "abnormal physical condition", it is logical for him to eat it.

Not long after, You Jing came back with a white porcelain medicine bottle the size of a palm, and Huang Donglai was still standing where he was, and he didn't seem to have moved away a step.

"Young Master Huang, the medicine has been taken." You Jing said, and handed over the medicine bottle.

Huang Donglai took the medicine bottle casually, opened the mouth of the bottle and poured out one, and then leaned closer to smell it: "Lie! Damn!"

He suddenly cursed two words loudly, which startled You Jing.

"What kind of smell is this? It's fishy and strong, and you can't mix garlic with Zheer root, can you?" Huang Donglai shook his head while talking, "No, no, no... such a big pill, it's This kind of smell, I definitely can’t swallow it dry, it’s possible to choke to death.”

"Uh..." Hearing this, You Jing felt that this made sense, let alone Huang Dong, it would be too much for him to swallow, so he continued, "I'm sorry, I was negligent, I'm going to pour you a cup of tea. .”

Having said that, he wanted to turn around and leave, but after thinking about it, he was wrong...

"Wait... This kid is probably trying to divert the tiger away from the mountain, and then change the medicine while I'm not paying attention?" At this moment, You Jing thought to himself, his footsteps stopped unconsciously, and he didn't even dare to look from Huang Donglai. The body moved away.

However, in name, he was ordered to get Huang Donglai the antidote to the disease, so there is no reason to be on guard against him like this. Besides... there is no sign that Huang Donglai is guarding against him; Wouldn't it be self-defeating to overwhelm the other party's suspicion?
Just when You Jing was struggling and hesitating, unexpectedly...

"Hey~ why did you go down there on purpose?" Huang Donglai actually took the initiative to help him out, "It's so dark here, there's not even a place to sit, why don't we go down together?"

You Jing thought right, why do I have to let him swallow the medicine here, besides, I was going downstairs to pour water for him.

"Oh! Yes, Mr. Huang is right." Thinking of this, You Jing quickly nodded, and borrowed the donkey path down the slope, "Then... Mr. Huang, please..."

"Okay." Huang Donglai agreed, and then raised his hand, with a very natural movement, trying to put the medicine bottle into his pocket.

"Hey!" Seeing this, You Jing became nervous again and couldn't help shouting.

"Huh? What's the matter?" At this second, Huang Donglai's hand was halfway out, and half of the medicine bottle was already in his lapel. stopped before.

"This medicine bottle... I'll take it for you first." You Jing was also quick-witted, "so that you don't get that stench on your clothes."

"Ah? Oh yes." Huang Donglai put on an expression of sudden realization, then took out the medicine bottle in disgust, and stuffed it back into You Jing's hand, "Yes, yes, yes... Hurry up, take it , when I am ready to eat later, just give me another one."

You Jing took the medicine bottle and took a closer look. It was indeed the same bottle. Combined with Huang Donglai's reaction, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief, thinking: "It seems that this kid is really defenseless, I am thinking too much." .”

So, You Jing put the medicine bottle in his arms and made a "please" gesture.

Huang Donglai walked past him unhurriedly and walked up the stairs to the second floor, You Jing followed closely behind.

Soon, the two came to the small reception hall on the second floor.

Huang Donglai found a chair and sat down casually, while You Jing ran to pour him tea; hot water was readily available, and You Jing came back within 2 minutes.

"My lord, the tea is's not very hot." You Jing poured Huang Donglai a cup of tea, and at the end he didn't forget to add something that seemed to urge him to take medicine quickly.

Huang Donglai replied: "Oh, good, Brother You, sit down too."

"No no, You Mou is just a is appropriate to stand up." Although You Jing's martial arts are much higher than Huang Donglai's, he did not act presumptuously, and his attitude is still polite. Bian's order was only to prescribe Huang Donglai's medicine, not to turn his face and silence him.

"It's okay, it's just you and me now, and besides, everyone is serving the Lord. If you stand and I sit, how uncomfortable am I?" Huang Dong said, with a rather friendly attitude, "Hey, Brother You, if you don't sit down, I can stand up too..."

"I can't make it...I just sit down." You Jing could only sit down now, but he didn't sit well—he only sat on half a stool, his upper body was stretched straight, and he didn't dare to sit down. Leaning back in the chair, as if to get up at any time.

During the next period of waiting for the tea to cool, there was no dialogue between the two, which was a little awkward.

However, the silence didn't last long, Huang Donglai finally spoke first: "Brother You, it's almost time, give me the medicine."

"Okay." You Jing responded, and immediately reached out to get the medicine from his bosom, then...

"Hiss—" When you stretched your hand into your bosom, You Jing suddenly felt a tingling pain in his hand, but as a martial arts practitioner, he could still bear this level of pain, so he endured it. Pain took out the medicine bottle.

At this time, You Jing realized that the color of the bottle had changed, it was a white porcelain bottle, but now it has turned grayish brown, and the painful place on his hand was also stained with this color.

He looked down again, no... the color had already partly dyed his coat, and the position was near his heart.

"Well——" At this moment, he realized belatedly that his heart seemed to be hurting a little...

"What's the matter? Brother You, do you feel a little out of breath?" Huang Donglai was very careful. At the same time as he asked this question, he had already stood up from the chair, and took a few steps back, away from You Jing.

"You!" You Jing knew he had been tricked, so he hurried to get lucky, trying to seal the acupoints on his heart with internal strength.

However...he was unlucky, but as soon as he was lucky, his heart stopped beating at that time.

In less than a minute, You Jing fell to the ground and died.

Huang Donglai looked at the other party's corpse and snorted coldly, and said to himself: "Playing poison with me... huh... just rely on you?"


It didn't take Huang Donglai too much time to move You Jing's body back to the third floor. After all, Brother Huang just couldn't use his internal strength, and he still had the strength of a martial arts practitioner.

After arranging the corpses, Huang Donglai first disposed of the poisoned bottle, and then searched You Jing, and it turned out... except for a soft sword hidden on his waist, he was actually Nothing was found - not even a key.

That's weird...

Huang Donglai knew that the boss of the Bugui Building, that is, the Lord, lived in the "Sifei Residence" on the third floor.On the night when he and Sun Yixie came to have dinner, they had already learned about this matter during their chat with Xue Tui. After all, it was not a secret, and many people in the city knew about it.

However, as a confidant who delivers meals to the boss every day, You Jing does not have the keys to any of the rooms on the third floor, which is obviously abnormal; Jing must have it, otherwise how did he open the door when he went to the back room to get the medicine?

Huang Donglai will not ignore this kind of anomaly, he and Sun Yixie are extremely cautious people... Especially when they are personally in danger, the level of shrewdness and prudence of the two of them will be raised a few levels in an instant .

Huang Donglai stood there thinking for a moment, then picked up the sword on You Jing's waist, and cut off one of You Jing's hands cleanly; Huang Donglai only used it when the excess blood on that hand was almost gone. Holding You Jing's hand in his own hand, he gently pushed the door of the Lord's room.

At this time, Huang Donglai didn't know that this room was the Lord's room, because no one told him. It was only because the door of this room was the first door that he could see after stepping on the third floor, so he tried it from this room. rise.

squeak - eeee -

The wooden door was slowly pushed open, and there was a shocking movement in the darkness.

This door is not locked at all.

Huang Donglai's reaction was extremely quick. When he found that the door was unlocked, his first action was to cover his mouth and nose with his sleeve; this... can also be said to be the basic self-cultivation of a person who came from a poisonous family.

You have arrived at a place where valuable things are supposed to be kept, but the entrance to this place is not hidden and there are no defense measures at all, why is that?There are only two possibilities. First, the owner here is mentally handicapped; second, there are actually "guards", but you can't see them.

At this moment, Huang Donglai glanced inside the door with the light of the lantern, and when he saw a burning incense burner in the corner of the room emitting wisps of green smoke, he immediately confirmed that this was an anti-theft measure , at least one of them.

Thinking of this, he covered his mouth and nose and quickly entered the room, extinguished the incense burner, then quickly exited the room and opened the door of the room.

After finishing all this, Huang Donglai didn't wait for the smell in the room to dissipate. Instead, he turned to the corridor next to him, followed the direction You Jing had gone to, and walked towards the warehouses...

(End of this chapter)

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