Unparalleled Double Harmony

Chapter 412: Sneak Search

Chapter 412: Sneak Search

It has to be said that Sun Yixie and Huang Donglai are good at picking dates. The day they came to Zuoyuan happened to be the sacrificial day that happens every 12 years.

In Sawara, the people naturally know about the regular "sacrifice". After all, it has been going on for hundreds of years, and it is impossible to completely hide this from the people. Masahiro Sawara, who conducted the "first sacrifice" that year, He had already thought of it, so in the first 12 years, he came up with a rhetoric for future generations.

The content is roughly as follows: The Sahara clan is a clan chosen by the gods, so every 12 years the gods will take a descendant of the Sahara clan to the heaven for "study"; this descendant only needs to have the blood of the Sahara clan, and does not necessarily have to be a descendant. Descendants of the Zong family must be boys, under the age of 16, and must remain "pure"; and the child sent away does not just disappear, he will be reincarnated and return in the next sixty years. The Sahara family became the new generation of family heads.

Seeing this, many readers must have noticed that Sahara Masahiro was very good at using myths, legends or religion to maintain rule in the feudal dynasty.

From our modern point of view, the rhetoric he came up with not only has a beautifying effect in external publicity, but more importantly, it sets several restrictions that are conducive to the continued implementation of this tradition.

First of all, why does the age of the sacrifice have to be under 16 years old?

In fact, it should be easy to think of this, because children are easier to control. If you brainwash them from an early age and tell them how sacred and glorious it is to be a "sacrifice", then there is a high probability that they will cooperate obediently.

Adults, on the other hand, have more mature thoughts and more complex interpersonal relationships, and will run away or even resist if they are not protected.

But the age cannot be set too young, for example, under eight years old... With the mortality rate of young children at that time, it would not be good if a certain generation had a shortage of children and there happened to be no children in this age group. , so the range from zero to 16 years old is relatively generous and appropriate. "It does not necessarily have to be from the Zong family" is also relaxing the conditions.

Secondly, why does it have to be a boy?
If we are worried that the age limit will lead to a lack of employment, wouldn’t it be better to also relax the gender limit?
But this is obviously not possible...

Because girls are more likely to arouse sympathy and pity, especially beautiful girls, they are also likely to attract people who are greedy for their looks. People in that era were exposed to sex at an early age, and girls who were nearly 16 years old were already capable of giving birth. Before the sacrificial year, if a girl who has been decided to be a sacrifice has a lover, or is pregnant or even a mother, then things will be complicated.

Sahara Masahiro fully understands human nature. He will not risk letting the "sacrifice" establish some kind of strong emotional bond with others, let alone let the sacrifice leave direct descendants, so he reduces this possibility from the beginning. When it reaches a very low level, the latter one is kept "pure" undoubtedly for this reason.

Even so, in the past hundreds of years, there was still a certain sacrifice that quietly left an heir. When the child grew up, he learned from his mother what happened to his father, and later actually tried to destroy it once. The priest came to seek revenge, but ultimately failed.

After that lesson, the descendants of the Sahara family added another rule - anyone who "defiles" the sacrifices will be executed immediately if found, and if there are any descendants left behind, those descendants will also be regarded as "unclean things" "Dispose of them together.

Finally, there is the line "I will be reincarnated and come back to become the head of the family within a decade." This is a typical picture, but it is not completely meaningless.

On the one hand, this was also meant to be spoken to the outside world, and it also had the element of beautifying the sacrifice; on the other hand, this article could be regarded as a supplement to the previous article "restricted to boys". After all, women could not become feudal lords at that time.

The above is the essence of what Sahara Masahiro said to the people after careful consideration.

As for how the "sacrifice" works specifically, not to mention the common people, only a few people within the Sawara clan know.

Therefore, for the people living in Sawuan, "sacrifice" is not a terrible thing. Anyway, the children who are to be "sent to heaven" are not ordinary people's children. Besides, the interval of once every 12 years is not short. In those days, everyone was born How many 12 years can there be?

For those outsiders who travel to Sawahara, this is nothing more than a local folklore; in ancient times, local folk customs of sacrificing living animals and even human beings existed all over the world. To be honest, in a place where people are dying, In the days when it was valuable, no one really took it seriously.The Sahara family would not do anything like "closing the country" before and after the sacrifice, because that would make people feel weird... So they just "loosen on the outside and tighten on the inside". On the surface, they are the same as usual, but they secretly strengthen their access. Inspection of the feudal lord.

This is also why Keijiro, who came a few days earlier than Shuangxue, was locked up just because of his "weird description"; the people of the Sahara clan themselves didn't plan to do anything to him, but just in case, they wanted to get him Keep it until the sacrifice is over and then release it.

Of course, Sun and Huang don't know these situations...

That night, after the sky darkened, Sun Yixie saw that the security in this cell was quite lax and all the prisoners in the cells next door were asleep, so he started to implement his plan of "stealing a house" as planned. .


As soon as the trident came out, the barred door of this cell was like nothing else. Sun Yixie easily led Keijiro out of the cell door.

The two of them walked out in the dark, passed through the other two rows of cells with little light, and then walked up another flight of stairs until they came to a small room with a little firelight.

This room is regarded as a concierge used by the jailers. Because it is winter, the two jailers on night duty have already dozed off in the corner without any surprise.

If Sun Yixie and Keijiro just want to escape, there is no need to disturb those two people, but tonight Sun Yixie is here because of the matter of "sneaking into Sawara Residence to search for the Xuanlong Bi", so in order to take action It was easier to get up, so he and Keijiro subdued the two jailers, took off their coats and put on them.

Then, Sun Yixie and Keijiro, disguised as two Sahara clan soldiers, came out of the underground cell.

Here we speak in the book, the Sahara family's mansion is not just a few large houses, but a complex of buildings surrounded by walls.

In the center of the building complex is a small Japanese-style castle, which is in the shape of a flat castle and a tiered tower, with a castle tower on top. Surrounding the castle, there are ordinary bungalows or longhouses such as armaments depots, food depots, stables, and military residences; while the common people His fields, residences, and shops are all outside the walls of "Sahara Castle".

But... the exit of the "dungeon" where Sun Yixie and the others were imprisoned was inside the city wall. Therefore, when Sun Yixie and Keijiro came out from underneath, they could go to the castle with lanterns without having to pass any sentry posts. Go there.

And because there was a "sacrifice" tonight, many people in the city were transferred to the "Valley on the Lake", so the two of them moved unexpectedly smoothly, and successfully reached the castle without encountering many people along the way. Inside.

Sun Yixie is a very thief. After entering the castle, he didn't even need to ask anyone for directions. He only relied on his own experience and intuition to determine that the room where valuables were stored must be on a high floor and not close to the castle. Any place with an exterior wall but with stairs to and from the nearby area.

Because this is the only place that will not be affected by rain or wind leakage, nor will it be affected by moisture in any season, nor will it be stolen by drilling holes in the exterior walls or underground... In case of fire, the nearby stairs are also convenient. Fighting fires and hauling away supplies.

As a result, the two followed Brother Sun's idea, and after 10 minutes of sneaking into the castle, they found the Sahara family's study.

(End of this chapter)

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