Unparalleled Double Harmony

Chapter 395 Xiaomei

The book continues from the previous chapter, and now we will look back at the Huiyi Village.

Sun Yixie obviously didn't waste the loopholes created by the joint efforts of Ma Shanzhongzang and Xiaomei Feiyuan. After he successfully broke free from the clutches of the corpse puppet, he immediately touched Li Gen's back and decisively used the three-pronged Halberd launched a sneak attack.

Li Gen, who had already been slashed by Shigezo and was completely focused on Ernin, couldn't defend himself, and was easily killed by Sun Ge.

As soon as Li Gen died, those corpse puppets who were fighting with Chongzang and Xiaomei naturally stopped their activities.

However, after the victory, the three of them did not relax...

First of all, this is the entrance of the enemy's base camp after all, the movement of their fight just now is not small, and it is not surprising to be discovered, so they have to be prepared for new enemies to come at any time.

Secondly, the three of them were not in a partnership of mutual trust. Although they were basically sure that the evil monks of the Xingxingzong were their common enemies, they were also on guard against each other.

"Sun Sang, we meet again." Shigezo, who was still experienced at this time, spoke first, "I must thank you, my subordinates... I am grateful for your care."

Don't look at just two short sentences, there are surprisingly many twists and turns in the words.

These words fell into Sun Yixie's ears. It was not only an obvious gesture of goodwill, but also meant to propose a "temporary alliance"-I saved you, but I didn't wait for you to thank me, but I thanked you first, and While thanking you, I pointed out to you the information that "Azhi is my subordinate", which you probably don't know yet, and also revealed the fact that "I already know that Azhi got your help".

But from Xiaomei's point of view?As soon as Chongzang opened his mouth at this moment, he directly called out Sun Yixie's last name, and greeted him in a tone that seemed to be familiar to him, and mentioned that his subordinates were taken care of by him... Then Xiaomei would definitely guess these two people Acquaintances, even friends.

In this way, under the premise that Xiaomei's position is still not clear whether it is an enemy or a friend, Chongzang is tantamount to pulling Sun Yixie together to form a deterrent to Xiaomei: If you are a friend, then the three of us are all friends. If you are an enemy, then you have to think clearly... you may want a one-on-two.

More importantly, after saying this, he did not reveal any information about himself; his name, the number of his subordinates, and Azhi's name... He didn't say anything, just mentioned "Sun Sang" .

That is to say, if Xiaomei knew Sun Yixie, then Xiaomei would be more convinced that Zhong Zang, who can be called the surname of "Sun Sang", knew Sun Yixie; It's nothing more than exposing some information about Sun Yixie, but not his own.

"Oh..." Sun Yixie was also very alert. He squinted his small eyes, took a look at Pin Chongzang's intentions in saying this, and murmured, "So you are their boss..."

Just chanting such a sentence, Sun Yixie already understood: It was no coincidence that they met Ma Shan Shigezo at the Shangshan Shrine that day. Chongzo must have listened to the reports of the three subordinates in person. The people who came to find out the details of him and Huang Donglai just didn't expect that there were goblins in that shrine, and everyone had to cooperate to escape in the end.

Combined with the information that Azhi said before, "I went to Kyoto to perform a mission with two companions", Sun Yixie basically guessed that Chongzo should have followed the trail of his subordinates all the way to find this place.

"Then this one again?" Two seconds later, Sun Yixie shifted his gaze to Xiaomei again and asked.

In fact, Brother Sun knew at a glance that Xiaomei and Shigezo were not together. Although the two ninjas cooperated tacitly during the battle just now, but now the fight is over...the distance between them, their posture, including their eyes... …both revealed that they were wary of each other.

It's just that Brother Sun still wants to ask this question symbolically.

"You are Sun Yixie and Sun Sang, right?" In the end, Xiaomei said to Sun Yixie directly before Zhongzang said that she didn't know him, "I am the 'Xiaomei' you are looking for."

"Humph... Which road has more HO..." Sun Yixie listened to the other party's self-introduction, and at that time came a sentence that was Japanese without translation.

Although Brother Sun's expression was quite calm at this time, he was actually cursing in disappointment in his heart: "Damn it, it's really hurtful..."Xiaomei" is really a big man's name."

"Oh?" Chongzang looked at Xiaomei sideways at this time, and asked tentatively, "You Fengmo clan...do you also have contacts with people from the Central Plains?"

Attention everyone, at this point, Zhongzang no longer needs to pretend to be familiar with Sun Yixie, because he has already learned from the conversation between Sun Yixie and Xiaomei that these two parties are here to meet... That's why he He is an outsider, and Sun Yixie will tell Xiaomei about this at any time.

That being the case, Shigezo quickly returned to the position of the third party, and immediately began to spy on what the "Fumoliu" ninja and Sun Huang, two people from the Central Plains, were up to.

"Feng Mo Clan?" Xiaomei frowned slightly when she heard the words, then quickly smiled, and continued, "Heh... this friend of Koga Liu, you may have misunderstood me, I am not a 'Feng Mo Clan', It’s just that some of the techniques I use are very similar to theirs.”

What Xiaomei said was not false.

He is indeed not a member of the Fengmo Clan, and he has never formally joined the Fengmoliu's sect.

He learned ninjutsu from his mother.

Xiaomei's mother used to be a member of the Fuma Ninjutsu, but her qualifications for learning ninjutsu were extremely low, and even third-rate ninjas praised her.

When she was 17 years old, she was wounded in a mission. When retreating, she failed to keep up with the other companions and had to jump into the river alone to escape in the face of the pursuers.

Back then, the bottom ninjas were all cannon fodder, and no organization would spend resources to confirm the life and death of a third-rate ninja, so the Fumo clan assumed that Xiaomei's mother was dead.

But she obviously didn't die...and after some ups and downs, she came to Kyoto and became a geisha.

She has no talent in ninjutsu, but she is quite talented in singing and dancing, so even though she was several years older than the average student in this industry, she still managed to survive in the industry.

Soon after, she got a stage name - Xiaomei.

At the age of 20, Xiaomei fell in love with a young samurai. We won't go into details about the love between men and women, but only say that the good times didn't last long.

The samurai enlisted on the battlefield. Before leaving, he gave Xiaomei a wind kite and said to her, "When autumn comes and winter comes, I will fly back to you like this wind kite."

Everyone should understand what will happen if this kind of FLAG is established...

That winter, the samurai did not return.

But Xiaomei's stomach is growing day by day.

From winter to spring, Xiaomei gave birth to a boy, whom she named "Xiaomei Feiyuan".

Xiaomei Feiyuan is different from his mother, he has the talent of a ninja, he can even be said to be a genius.

His mother taught him ninjutsu, originally only for him to defend himself in this troubled world, and his mother's own abilities are limited, so the things she taught may not be correct and complete... But those incomplete techniques came to him, and he quickly perfected them on his own ,evolution.

Therefore, Xiaomei Feiyuan's ninjutsu is not so much Fumo-ryu, but a kind of "I-style" ninjutsu that takes Fumo-ryu as its origin and relies on his own comprehension.

After the adult Xiaomei Feiyuan buried her mother who died of illness, she began to wander alone in the troubled times.

Because he didn't join any ninja organization and didn't want to join, he became his own boss and started a business called "Ninja House".

Most of the ninja organizations in Japan during the Warring States Period, such as Koga Ninja, Iga Sect, Echigo Sect, Fuma Clan, etc., all had their own bases and maintained cooperation and even affiliation with some local daimyo.

A pure mercenary like Xiaomei, whoever gives the money, will do things for him, and don't ask anything else... There are really not many, so his business does have a certain market.

No, this time he received the task of "receiving Shuangxie and assisting them to go to Kyoto to investigate the whereabouts of Longbi" from some people related to the Dazhang Dynasty.

Closer to home, I also said that at the moment...

After hearing Xiaomei's response, Chongzang thought in his heart: "The Fengmo clan has always acted perversely, even if they really cooperated with the people of the Central Plains, they would not deny it...Since Xiaomei said this, it means that he may I'm really not a Fuma person; moreover, it's not necessarily accurate to infer the opponent's camp just by using ninjutsu or ninjutsu. After all, I am a person from the Koga style... I am also working for the 'Tiger of Kai' now. ."

Thinking of this, Shigezo smiled wryly, and said: "Ah... sorry, I was being hasty." He paused, and introduced himself, "By the way, we met Shigezo at Xiama Shan for the first time."

"I'm Xiaomei Feiyuan." Xiaomei also quickly reported her full name.

"Huh?" But at this time, Sun Yixie turned his face to one side, curled his mouth, looked at Chongzang and said, "Last time I asked you, didn't you say that your name is Youzang? Didn't you change it after a few days? "

After he said this, Shigezo realized that even with the help of Shuangxie and the others, Azhi did not reveal the information about his boss. If he had known this, he would have continued to report to "Youzo "This is a fake name.

But now that the words have all been spoken, Chongzang can only smile embarrassingly, and clarify the words: "Sun Sang is just joking. With your intelligence, I used that tone of voice when I said, 'you can call me Youzang. ' When you say this, you already know that it is a fake name."

"That's true." Sun Yixie looked at the reaction from the other side, thought for a while, and roughly guessed that the other party reported his real name this time and why he gave his real name, so he stopped talking and went down the donkey path, " Hehe...I just see that the atmosphere is a little tense now, just kidding everyone, take it easy..."

"So, Sun Sang, can I ask what's going on now?" Xiaomei tried to bring the topic back to the real thing, "How did you come to this Xingxingzong's territory? It's quite dangerous here. "

Then, Sun Yixie also kept the long story short, condensed what happened after they met Azhi, and finally concluded that today they mainly came to help Xiaosuke, if there are other children in the Xingxingzong He was also saved, and before he left, he would kill the Xunxingzong by the way, which would be regarded as doing justice for the heavens.

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiaomei immediately said that he could help, and he would not charge extra money.

The reason is that Xiaomei saw some shadows of her childhood in the mother and son of Azhi and Xiaosuke, and she has a lot of empathy.

Secondly, as a normal person whose three views are not distorted, Xiaomei must not be used to Xing Xingzong; if you say that he came here alone to fight Xing Xingzong, then he has not reached the level of hatred and enmity , but today there are so many masters with him, he is willing to let him contribute.

As for Zhongzou...his thoughts are more complicated, and he needs to settle accounts:

Assuming he doesn't get involved in this matter, he leaves on his own.

Then he is tantamount to refusing to help Azhi to save Xiaosuke, and he also refuses to avenge Gengoro... Then whether Azhi and Xiaosuke live or die, it has nothing to do with him, because it is impossible for these two people to come back to give A person who abandoned his subordinates to serve, even if they did come back, Shigezo would not be able to trust them anymore.

So what if Chongzang, Shuangxie and Xiaomei join forces to destroy the Xingxingzong?

The risk of this choice is not small. If he fails, Shigezo may not be able to escape unscathed, and even put his own life in it. But if he succeeds, he can bring back his two subordinates, and he no longer has to worry about the fact that he just assisted in killing them. Will a cadre of the Xinggatazong cause trouble in the future?

After thinking for a while, Shigezo finally chose to help.

Although it is a safer choice to turn around and leave, and go to the capital alone to carry out the mission, anyway, he still has a lot of subordinates, and it doesn't matter if he abandons one or two... But he himself knows that the best way is to eliminate the Sakyamuni sect and rescue the children inside. What he wants to do more in his heart.

In this way, after getting the support of Ernin, Sun Yixie became more confident, and the three of them entered the entrance of the main altar of Xingxingzong together.

And at the same moment, on the penultimate floor of the Xinggatazong main altar...

But in the stone corridor, there are four minions, carrying some good wine and food, walking quickly to Jia Gen'er's room.

Every night at this time, Jia Gen'er would eat dinner in his room, and the people who brought him the meals were in rotation, and today it was the turn of these four unlucky bastards.

When he came to the corridor outside the suzerain's room, the head minion saw that the door was ajar and left it open, and thought that the suzerain should have left the door for them specially, so he walked to the door, nodded slightly, and rushed to the door. The door said: "Lord Sovereign, tonight's food and drink have arrived."

As soon as the voice fell, this person felt wrong.

There is a smell in the door...

And this smell is not the same as the peculiar smell of corruption on this layer.

There is another doubtful point that makes me feel later: when the suzerain usually stays in the room, he will leave a few corpse puppets to stand guard at the door, but today there is no corpse puppets in the corridor outside the door, not even a corpse. It's weird.

"Lord Sovereign? Are you okay?" That guy raised his voice a little more, and asked several times outside the door.

But the room was still dead silent.

That minion became more and more uneasy, he turned his head, exchanged glances with the other three who were carrying dishes behind him, and then mustered up the courage to push open the door: "I'm sorry, my lord, we're coming in... "

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