Unparalleled Double Harmony

Chapter 332 Sudden Bad News

Chapter 332 Sudden Bad News

In this world, the sect of exorcising corpses has always been a different kind of Taoist sect.

The corpse exorcisers do not pursue "inquiry and ascension", but pay attention to "acting in the world", so most of the corpse exorcists spend their whole lives rolling in the world of mortals, and very few of them go to the mountains to clean up.

Of course, compared to the Qingxiu sect, the "discipline" of exorcising corpses is much looser. Drinking and eating meat, marrying wives and having children... They can basically do what secular people can do.

What they need to pay attention to is: don't fall into evil ways, remember that you are still a member of the Taoist school, have a righteous mind, don't harm others' hearts, and have the awareness to stand up when facing evil.

Under this kind of inheritance, it has led to a phenomenon, that is, the average age of those who drive the corpse gate is relatively "young".

Speaking upwards, there are not many who can live to sixty; downwards, there are not many people who start after the age of ten.

"Live not long" is actually easy to understand, what do you think... There are no taboos for "wine, meat, and sex", so "longevity" must be forgotten, and the body bones are not comparable to those of the Qingxiu School. Besides, coupled with the dangers of their profession, there are very few people who can die in the end.

As for accepting apprentices, the vast majority of the corpse gates follow the path of "the father dies and the son succeeds" (women have more yin energy on their bodies and are easily invaded by the evil spirit of corpses, so the gate of the corpse gate does not pass on males). female), those who have no son at home usually adopt an adopted son as a "son and disciple"; therefore, the vast majority of corpse exorcists learn art since childhood, and many of them went out to work with their master/father when they were 20 or [-] years old. Son, around the age of [-], you can start working alone.

Just like the Liang Jingshuo in front of him, he was an abandoned baby who was abandoned in a cemetery. I don't know if it was luck or misfortune, but he was picked up by a corpse driver.

In this way, Liang Jingshuo has been learning art from his master since he can remember. More than ten years later, he has exhausted the true teaching, and has been working on his own since then. It has been more than ten years.

According to Zombie Gate, Liang Jingshuo's current age, that is, between 40 and [-] years old, is at the peak of his strength as a corpse hunter, and it is time for him to come out to "do big things".

No, at the beginning of this year, he was involved in the matter of "escorting thirteen dead animals", and then met Sun Huang and others at Yandengpo...

In any case, now that the calamity has come to light, even though it was not caused by Liang Jingshuo, he can't leave all the work of "wiping his ass" to the people of Xuan Qizong, so now he has also come to the capital, wanting to make an effort.

Tonight, he also came by coincidence, just in time to save Lin Yuancheng.

But for Snake, Liang Jingshuo's unexpected appearance is not good news.

Among the thirteen zodiac signs, the snake is at the bottom of both combat power and monster power, and it cannot be compared with the "ox" and "monkey" that appeared before. In addition, it was hit hard by Lin Yuancheng with a talisman just now. Going to confront Liang Jingshuo head-on, it will be too much...

Therefore, after hearing Liang Jingshuo's first sentence, seeing that the snake was in a bad situation, he could only suppress his anger towards Lin Yuancheng, and quickly turned around and ran away.

A few seconds later, as the snake disappeared into a cloud of black smoke, the space in front of Lin and Liang's eyes changed significantly. Lin Yuancheng felt a strange "sense of detachment". child rose.

In the blink of an eye, he found himself back in the dilapidated room. The room hadn't collapsed, and all three of his companions were sleeping soundly in the room.

If Liang Jingshuo, who hadn't been there before, suddenly appeared in the house at this moment, Lin Yuancheng might have suspected that everything just now was just Nankey Yimeng.


Time goes back to the present.

At noon, Shaoshifu.

Han Yu, who was about to have lunch, ushered in an unexpected guest.

This person's surname is Geng, his name is Daqing, and his style name is Shougong. He is the Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment.

This Mr. Geng is also a strange person. Although he occupies a high position in the six ministers, he is not good at party struggles and has no ambitions. His only hobby in life is "inventing", and no matter what his original intention is, his inventions In the end, most of them can be used as instruments of torture, so from the Ministry of Punishment, the Metropolitan Procuratorate, Dali Temple, to Jinyiwei, Dongchang...you can see his works everywhere.

And another major characteristic of this person is that he likes to "drop in" to the homes of other ministers in the court.

He doesn't care if you are a traitor or a loyal minister, he will go to whoever has money, and ten out of ten times he will choose to come at meal time, and he will not say anything else when he comes. He will eat you first and then chat with you Make some gossip, pour you a few more drinks, and then open your mouth to borrow money.

He didn't borrow much, usually about ten taels, and at most it would not exceed 20 taels.

For a Beijing official, is this little money a big deal?When most people heard the amount he borrowed, their first reaction was: "Isn't it just ten taels of silver? Mr. Geng is too polite, why do you need to issue an IOU? Just take it, it's not enough for you to talk about, I will let you down." Someone will give you another one hundred and 80 taels."

In this way, Mr. Geng has repeatedly succeeded in the matter of borrowing money for food and money, and has been tried and tested.

But over time, everyone discovered a problem - this guy really doesn't pay back the money.

Even if you are not afraid of losing face and begging in a daze, he will spread his hands and tell you that he has a new project recently, and your money has been used for research funding.

Of course, he won't stare at a certain person and borrow repeatedly in a short period of time, doing the thing of fishing in a dry lake...

There are too many high officials in the court. Mr. Geng went to this house on the first day of junior high school, and went to that house on the fifteenth day. Maybe a year has passed in a circle. If he comes to your house again after a year, you may not remember last year. He asked how much you borrowed.

It is such a strange person who came to pay a visit to Han Yu's mansion today.

Mr. Han took a look, hey, it's time for dinner, Mr. Geng asked to see him, so don't ask, it must be "my turn", let the housekeeper prepare the money directly.

After a while, a servant brought Mr. Geng into the house. This stuff was real, without even a single polite word, and he opened his mouth, "Hey! Mr. Han, you are eating."

Han Yu thought to himself: "Don't you want to eat, you won't come if it's not for dinner."

But thinking about it, I still have to be polite on the surface: "Ah, yes... I don't know Mr. Geng today..."

He hadn't finished his greetings yet, on the other side, he saw Geng Daqing bent over to the table, and shouted in surprise: "Hey~Master Han, this must be the legendary pork, right?"

Han Yu didn't know how to answer this, so he could only complain in his heart: If all the honest and upright officials in the past and present are as shameless as you, who can eat and blackmail you, then most of us corrupt officials will be raped by you For good.

"Master Geng, you haven't eaten lunch...or are you together?" Han Yu didn't bother to talk to him anymore, and just handed over what the other party was waiting for.

And Geng Daqing immediately replied with a smile, a line that was completely expected by Han Yu but still caused his blood pressure to soar: "How dare you?"

To make a long story short, after a while, the dishes on the table had changed, and the two of them had already had a few drinks with each other.

Mr. Geng, who was full after eating sixty to seventy percent, opened up the chatter box: "Hey, Mr. Han, I heard that the case of the son-in-law's bizarre death was entrusted to you by the Holy Majesty?"

It's okay not to mention this, but when Han Yu is mentioned, he will get angry.

Yesterday Han Yu rushed to the south of the city and worked hard all morning. He made all the arrangements and waited for Yun Shili to come to the line. Who knows that no one came after waiting for a whole day. Isn't his busy work in vain?
"Hmm...yes." But Han Yu is an old fox after all, and he quickly realized that no matter how weird Mr. Geng in front of him is, he is also the Secretary of the Ministry of Criminal Justice. He has the right to speak in the investigation of the case. By gaining his support through insinuations, then my own set of lies (which are actually very close to the truth) can be implemented more leisurely, "Yesterday I went to the south of the city to check it out, and I really got a lot of results. , the case should be..."

"Hey ~ Mr. Han." Unexpectedly, Geng Daqing interrupted his narration, "I just asked casually. I wanted to say that if there is anything that needs help, you can ask it. I can help, but this The details of the case... don't tell me, the Holy Majesty didn't arrange for me to investigate, if you tell me all these inside stories, won't I exceed my authority?"

When Han Yu heard this, he really wanted to spit on Geng Daqing on the spot.

At this moment, Han Yu didn't say anything, but cursed the street in his heart: "This guy named Geng seems to be careless and shameless, but in fact he is very wise and foolish. You will know what I want when I open my mouth, right? Then let's What are you talking about? Take your ten taels of silver and get out."

Take a look, everyone, the money has not been lent out yet, Mr. Han has already acquiesced that the twelve taels belong to others, so just tell me how capable Geng Daqing is.

And just when Han Yu was about to turn his face black and issue an order to expel the guest on the grounds of "too much to drink"...

"Why don't we talk about something else." Geng Daqing's mouth was also quick, the first sentence had just blocked the person's words, and the next sentence came, "By the way, someone broke into the palace this morning and surprised the holy car. Have you heard?"

"Ah?" Han Yu opened his mouth wide open when he heard this, obviously he didn't know about it at all. It's still being passed on by word of mouth, and many ministers don't know), "When did it happen? My lord..."

"Don't panic, the emperor is fine." Geng Daqing answered, drank another sip of wine, and then said happily, "I heard that it is so...

"Early this morning, at the Fengxian Hall, there were three people who, by some unknown method, passed through the heavy defenses of the imperial city without anyone noticing, and suddenly came to the front .

"The imperial guards on duty didn't know their origins, even though they fought dozens of rounds, they couldn't hurt them at all.

"Fortunately, the national teacher was also present at the time, and he quickly recognized that one of the three people was a worldly expert like him, so he stopped the fight and solved the misunderstanding...

"It turns out that among these three, one is a master of the immortal family with the dao name Fudozi, and the other two are young knights who are called 'East Harmony and West Poison' by people in the world.

"These three people are here to warn the Holy Majesty that there will be a catastrophe in the capital soon..."

"Wait first!" Han Yu heard this, and was no longer in the mood to listen to the other party's further exaggeration, so he quickly interrupted and asked, "Is the two of you talking about 'East Harmony and West Poison' called Sun Yi?" Xie, one is Huang Donglai?"

"Yes." Geng Daqing nodded, "Master Han has also heard of them?" He paused for a moment, as if thinking of something, "Oh, that's right, you should have heard of it... that's the 'Murder in a Shit Pit' Huang Donglai' Well, the one Mr. Zhang kept mentioning two years ago... yes, Huang Shaoxia is the 'Western Poison'."

Now Han Yu's mind is in a mess. Not long ago, Sun Huang and others were just a group of people in the quack like ants in his eyes, and they were the "scapegoats" he used to cover the case of Ma Xuansheng.

But what Lord Geng said just now completely disrupted Han Yu's plan—these people actually saw the emperor?And according to this meaning, not only were they not punished, but they also got the approval of the national teacher who was not willing to accept softness and toughness and could not win over at all, so they can't be moved casually...

I have to say that Fudoko's strategy of "breaking the situation from above" is indeed very effective. It directly turned everything that Han Yu was busy yesterday into useless work, and covered up many of the troubles they had caused before. .

This time Mr. Han was really stupid. He thought for a few seconds, and then quickly asked: "These three people... how are they doing now?"

Geng Daqing was also a gossip, and he didn't think it was a big deal, and he was still talking about it with relish: "What's the matter? Heh... that's amazing, I was shocked when I heard it." He also kept a secret, After taking another sip of wine, he said slowly, "This morning in Qianqing Palace, after the emperor had a secret conversation with these three people and the national teacher, he conferred the title of 'Heavenly Master of Protecting the Country' on the spot and gifted them Three gold medals were given, and I ordered that the holder of the gold medal can...'do it cheaply' in this capital."

(End of this chapter)

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