Unparalleled Double Harmony

Chapter 313 This is Street Fighting

Chapter 313 This is Street Fighting
The conversation was divided into two parts. On the same afternoon when Huang Donglai and the others entered the city, a person also entered the south gate of the capital.

This person was dressed in coarse cloth, with a big bag on his shoulders, and he came on foot.

I don't know if his skin is black or dirty, it looks like it has been smeared with mud, with a full beard and a large sore on the right side of his face, his appearance is really unsightly.

This kind of man with ugly appearance, plain clothes and no weapons, is obviously not a rich and powerful merchant official, nor a man of high ability in the world, so when he followed the crowd into the city, he did not People take him seriously.

However, if you allow someone with sharp eyesight to observe carefully, you will find that this person's body and footwork are much more stable and brisk than ordinary people, and the skin color at the base of his neck is consistent with the upper part of his neck. There is a difference in the face...

In other words, this is a person in disguise.

A person who deliberately hides his real appearance because he doesn't want to attract too much attention.

So who is he?

If you think about it, all the judges have guessed that he is Sun Yixie who came to Beijing from Hangzhou all the way north after receiving Huang Donglai's letter from Feige.

Ordinarily, Sun Yixie’s journey here is shorter than that of Huang Donglai and the others, and the road in East China is also easier, so he should have arrived earlier, but because he wants to spend more time with his family at home, he will clean up Murongji by the way. The previous impact on their family's business, so they stayed in Hangzhou for a while before leaving.

It turned out to be a coincidence that he happened to arrive in the capital on the same day as Huang Donglai and his party.

Don't think that Sun Yixie is a tyrant in the south of the Yangtze River, and he has seen it before, but this is the first time he has come back to this big capital city. Therefore, like Huang Donglai, after Sun Ge entered the city, everything he saw felt fresh.

Considering that his disguise took quite a while, Sun Yixie decided not to go to the inn to remove his makeup, but to take a stroll around the city before sunset.

So, he wandered around the city, stopping and stopping along the way, watching people performing arts in the east, listening to people singing in the west, buying a few things in the south, and tasting a few snacks in the north... It can be considered that he has come into contact with a lot of capitals in a short period of time. customs.

After wandering around like this for more than an hour, Sun Yixie was suddenly attracted by a scent. After searching for a while, he walked into a fly shop on the side of the road.

The owner of this restaurant is surnamed Chen. He is in his fifties this year. He also learned from famous chefs for several years when he was young. Fang has the present storefront.

On weekdays, Boss Chen is only responsible for cooking in the back kitchen. His son-in-law is in charge of paying the bill, serving dishes, and greeting customers in the store, while the boss’s daughter helps in the kitchen and washes dishes in the back. When the business is busy, she will also come out to help serve Serve.

Lao Chen also has a wife who is a bit reluctant to help in the shop because of her bound feet, so she stays at home with her two young grandchildren.

It's such a small shop, such an ordinary family, selling some delicious home-cooked meals, and has been running it for several years. It has a good reputation, and the neighbors in the neighborhood are also taking care of their business.

At this moment, Sun Yixie walked into the store, took a glance and found that the room was quite lively, except for a small table in the corner, the other tables were full, but he didn't mind where he sat, as long as the food was delicious.

When Brother Sun sat down in the corner by himself, the boss's son-in-law also came up to greet him. Without thinking too much, Sun Yixie ordered a pot of wine and a bowl of rice, and then asked the cook to cook him two special dishes at will. .

The boss's son-in-law is also very clever. Seeing that Sun Yixie ordered rice instead of pasta or steamed buns, and listening to his accent, he guessed that he was from the south, so he went to the back kitchen and asked his father-in-law to cook a fish and meat, and Taking care of the taste, we cook dishes from the south and the north, so that the guests can not only eat the familiar dishes, but also taste the tastes unique to the north.

Just like that, Sun Yixie waited for a while, and his food was served.

The plate was put down, and the aroma rose, Sun Yixie looked down, the two dishes were delicious in color, fragrance, and made people drool just looking at them, Sun Yixie knew it was the right time before he moved his chopsticks, This meal is sure to be a feast for the eyes.

However, just at this time, there were seven or eight street runners who happened to pass by the door of this store, and the person in the head just happened to glance into the store because of the smell of the food, and saw that Sun Yixie was serving food. woman.

At this time, because the store was busy, it was the owner's daughter who was in charge of serving the dishes.

This woman is twenty-six this year. Although she is the mother of two children and usually does rough work, her appearance and figure are still beautiful and graceful.

Back then, the neighbors in the neighborhood said: With the beauty of a daughter like Chen Dashao, it is more than enough to find a rich family in the capital to be a concubine. It doesn't matter if you wear it.

Unexpectedly, Boss Chen later married his daughter to a poor child who came to work in his shop without father or mother—for no reason, just that his daughter liked it, and this son-in-law was also good to his daughter.

Now that more than ten years have passed, time has indeed proved that Boss Chen's choice is right: his son-in-law has always been very kind to his daughter, and can also help him a lot in business, he is a hardworking and thoughtful person.

But today, this young couple is having trouble...

"Hey! This is such a scene. I have been here every three days, why did I miss it..." The leader outside the door caught sight of the boss's daughter and couldn't get it out of his eyes. While muttering this obscenity, he brought the seven big men behind him into the room.

Seeing this, the boss' daughter hurried back to the back kitchen with the dishes in her arms.

"Heh...Guest officers, please stay still." The owner's son-in-law also stepped forward very smartly, stopped in front of those people, and forced a smile, "Look, our shop is small, it's already full..."

"Why are you doing it? You were going to chase people away when you came in?" The man in the lead on the opposite side moved his squinting eyes away from the direction where the boss's daughter disappeared, and put on a bully face. With a coquettish expression, he stared at the boss's son-in-law and said, "Do you know who the uncle is?"

"Is it possible that you don't know..." The boss's son-in-law really knew him, so he immediately returned, "There is no one in our streets who doesn't know you, Second Master Ma."

In fact, it's not just the boss's son-in-law who knows him, everyone who eats in this room, except Sun Yixie, knows him.

This Ma Er, in the past two or three months, has rapidly become a well-known gangster leader in the vicinity and even half of the capital.

What, you ask, what did he do three months ago?
Damn, he didn't come to the capital three months ago, so he naturally made a fuss in his hometown.

Seeing this, some people may find it strange that the hooligan circle in a place like the capital is a place where a person who has just been here for three months can be in the top position?

Of course not, unless... that person has power and backing.

Ma Er naturally has a backer, and his biggest backer is his elder brother Ma Xuansheng.

Although this Ma Xuansheng and Ma Er were born by the same mother, they are not good people, but their personalities and talents are quite different: Ma Xuansheng has been very smart since childhood, and he was successful in school and ambitious when he was young. , scheming, his "badness" is the kind of treachery and evil that usually only appear in politicians; and Ma Er (actually his real name is not Ma Er, but Ma Xuanyu, but he has been too big since he was a child. He’s an asshole, even his family doesn’t call him by his first name), and he’s the kind of natural-born gangster who is greedy for money, lustful, cunning and ruthless, and will only be lazy and bully all day long.

Originally, the two brothers' families were just local tyrants, and their influence was average, far inferior to the influence of the Sun family in Hangzhou, but they didn't expect it. And soon he was attracted by Han Yu, the young teacher of the prince of the dynasty, and became one of Han Yu's disciples.

And because Ma Xuansheng's ability is really good, he is very appreciated by Han Yu, so soon after, he was regarded as a key training object by Han Yu.

Basically, it can be considered that when the crown prince ascends the throne and Han Yu becomes an extremely powerful minister a few years later, Ma Xuansheng is likely to be promoted to occupy a position at the level of a minister and serve as an important wing of Han Yu in the court.

In order to make Ma Xuansheng's official career more smooth in the future, Han Yu also colluded with the eunuchs in the court to do another thing - to choose Ma Xuansheng as his son-in-law.

Yes, everyone should understand after seeing this, he is the son-in-law that Princess Zhu Qinghe will marry soon...

To sum up, with Ma Xuansheng's success, the Ma family also came to the capital. It was only three months ago that they settled down. Now, when the auspicious day arrives next month, the princess will officially pass through the door.

As for Ma Er, the only younger brother of the future son-in-law, in the past three months in the hooligan circle in the capital, he has played very well.

In the vicinity, it is common for small businessmen and women from good families to be harassed by him, but ordinary people, who can provoke him?So people on the street hid away when they saw him.

Right now, because Ma Er accidentally saw the pretty female workers in this restaurant, he suddenly became hostile and wanted to find trouble when he entered the restaurant.

The shop owner's son-in-law also knew that he couldn't offend such a person, so he could only smile and try to drive away the plague gods, but...how could it be so easy?

"You know me and you dare to talk to me like that?" Ma Er ignored the boss's son-in-law at all, pushed him aside, took a step forward, and shouted at the tables of people who were eating in the store, "Have you finished eating?" ? Do you want Second Master to feed you personally?"

As soon as these words come out, who would dare to sit there and continue eating? If you don't want to be beaten, you should leave quickly.

So, in a blink of an eye, all the guests at those tables got up and went to the counter to put down their money and run away.

Ma Er and his seven gangster brothers immediately stepped forward with a smile on their faces, squatted and sat down, and occupied two tables.

"Why are you standing there? Come to say hello, do you want me to invite you?" Ma Er said to the boss's son-in-law as soon as he sat down.

The boss's son-in-law looked at it and knew that today's test is sad, but it's also worth it. He could only bite the bullet and go up, and while cleaning up the leftovers on the table, he greeted with a stiff smile: "Yes, yes, sir. Grandpa, if you want something to eat, just ask for it."

"Call it whatever you want? Heh..." A senior ruffian like Ma Er is very skilled in finding faults. A normal sentence from others can become a hook for him. "Okay, this is what you said..." He paused for a while, looked at his friends and smiled lewdly, and then said, "My lord, I want... boiled beef ears in wine, white-cut lamb knees, steamed palms of goose, smoked fish with lilies..."

He didn't even need to finish his sentence, the boss's son-in-law knew it was bad.

These dishes, not to mention ordinary people, even rich people can't eat them every day. Even if Boss Chen really knows how to cook, it is impossible for them to have enough ingredients in a small homely restaurant.

"Master, I'm sorry...we are here for a small business, these dishes..." After a few seconds, the boss's son-in-law patiently listened to the other party, and began to apologize.

"What?" Ma Er didn't wait for him to say those two words, so he raised his voice, "You want to say 'no'?"


Ma Er then patted the table: "Hey! You boy... you told me to 'call it whatever you want'. Now that the master said so many things, you just said 'no' and dismissed me?"

As he said that, Ma Er grabbed the boss's son-in-law by the collar, pulled his face closer, glared at him fiercely and said, "Are you deliberately playing tricks on the second master? I think you don't want to do this business anymore! "

"Stop!" At this moment, the shop owner, that is, "Chen Dashao", finally couldn't help copying the kitchen knife and came out of the back kitchen. His daughter followed him, holding a root The rolling stick looked at her husband with concern.

"Hey? What's the matter? Bright guys, right?" Ma Er isn't afraid of them, how can local ruffians be afraid of good people? Is it legal? Are you afraid that you are not running a black shop?" He said, looking at the owner's son-in-law who was being grabbed by him, and then at the boss, "Old man, you are so reckless... you are not afraid that the government will arrest your family. All the men are taken care of, leaving orphans and widows... are they being bullied?"

Ma Er's words were clearly threatening, and made it clear that even if he didn't do anything, he would have a backer who could destroy the other party's family.

"You..." With such a threat from the other party, cold sweat dripped from the corners of Chen Dashao's forehead, not to mention that he is alone today with a kitchen knife, and he probably can't beat the other party's people, even if he can drive this group of people away , What will be waiting for their family after that? "

"What do you want?" After a breath, Boss Chen's tone sank a little, and he asked through gritted teeth.

"Heh... easy to say." At this moment, Ma Er let go of the boss's son-in-law, pushed him away, and then pointed to the boss's daughter who was hiding behind his father, "Let that little lady come here first, and accompany my brother for a few minutes." Let's have a few drinks, maybe when my anger subsides, I won't embarrass you."

Before he could finish his sentence, the gangsters around him had already focused their eyes on the boss's daughter one by one, all showing lewd smiles.

"Father... I... I won't go..." The boss's daughter showed a look of fear and aggrieved at that time, and then hid a little bit back.

Both Lao Chen and his son-in-law were full of anger, but they didn't know how to solve the situation in front of them.

And at this moment, a figure sitting in the corner... moved.

(End of this chapter)

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