Chapter 282

It was the same night, inside the Jinyi Guard.

When Fei Ji walked in, Li Chongda and Bai Zhulong had already been waiting in their seats for a long time.

Of course, the person who actually wants to talk to him is Li Chongda; Bai Zhulong, the "second best catcher in the world", is only here today to serve as Li Chongda's bodyguard.

Because what Li Chongda is going to say to Feiji next, there is a certain chance that it will irritate the other party, and even make the other party lose his mind... Therefore, Mr. Li must take precautions in advance.

"Grassmen... See Mr. Li." When Feiji said this, no matter his tone or expression, he was somewhat stubborn and indifferent.

It seems that in his heart, he has some resistance to the matter of "cooperating with officials".

"Hmm..." Li Chongda just responded indifferently, and then gave the other party a look, "Sit down."

"Thank you, my lord." Feiji moved away as he thanked him.

When the words fell, he took the seat Li Chongda was looking at.

In fact, even if the other party didn't make eye contact, Fei Ji knew where he should sit, because he noticed it as soon as he came in: there was only a small bag on the small table next to the seat.

Sure enough, as soon as Feiji was seated and his buttocks hadn't been straightened yet, Li Chongda's next sentence came: "The burden on the table, you bring me the fish head label, and say it's a congratulatory gift from me. "

Hearing this, Feiji hesitated for a moment, and suddenly had a suspicion: "My lord, dare to ask... this burden is..."

"Hahaha..." Li Chongda saw through the other party's thoughts at a glance, and smiled immediately, "Don't worry, I don't intend to take his least not yet."

This sentence is the truth, because he doesn't need to lie - with Li Chongda's ingenuity, if he wants to kill a fish head, why use the method of "hiding a hidden weapon in a box and sending it over"?
"Uh..." Feiji realized that his thoughts and questions were too redundant after being interrupted by the other party, "I'm asking too much..."

"It's okay." Li Chongda didn't bother with him, but just continued in a very relaxed tone, "I was going to tell you what this burden is." He paused, "There is a box inside, the box Inside... it contains a dragon head stick."

This sentence, which Li Chongda said lightly, was poured into Feiji's ears like a thunderclap.

Feiji's eyes changed at that moment, he immediately turned his head to look at the baggage on the table, as if trying to see through, staring at it firmly.

This is the first time in his life that he is so close to the symbol of the highest power in the Green Forest Road, so he will inevitably be a little excited.

But he also understands in his heart that this seemingly easy-to-reach thing is actually far away from him...

"You tell Yutoubiao, don't take out this stick in a hurry..." Li Chongda took a panoramic view of Feiji's reaction, but didn't say much, just went on to say what he had to explain, "You can wait a little longer In a few days, find a suitable juncture and take it again, can explain a lot of things more 'smoothly'."

When he said this, Feiji's gaze had already moved away from the burden, and his expression returned to normal.

In Li Chongda's view, this is a good sign - if a person cannot calm down quickly when facing a huge temptation, then his capacity is nothing more than that, embarrassing to use.

"When the time comes, you will say that 'you' spent several days chasing this dragon-headed stick from Ah Chan's men." Li Chongda's words continued, and he had to explain it thoughtfully so that the fish head would not label them. What omissions will occur at that time, "The things that Ah Yan did were all investigated by 'you', and Yutoubiao has already, as the leader, cleaned up Ah Yan for the Longmen Gang and Green Forest Road... The scum."

At this point, he raised his hand and signaled to Bai Zhulong beside him, "Afterwards, Bai Zhutou will cooperate with you to perform another play, asking you to 'pay money and effort' and 'take all the trouble', and finally get that Da De, who had been tossed into a cripple, was released from prison and became his "big benefactor".

"After all these things are done, comrades will truly recognize your 'strength' and your 'righteousness', and then... will also recognize Yutoubiao, the new leader; he will also be able to join the Longmen Gang As the leader of the gang, no one will complain anymore.

"From now on,, upright, speak, obey."

After he finished speaking, he picked up the cup of tea in his hand and took a sip slowly.

On the one hand, he really needed to moisten his throat, on the other hand, he also gave Feiji some time to digest the information.

As for Feiji, after listening to these words, cold sweat has already come down.

"Heh..." After a few seconds, Feiji couldn't help sneering, "Should I say that you are supernatural, or should you be afraid?"

"Heh..." Li Chongda also laughed, "You are my man, what is there to be afraid of?" He looked down at Feiji, and his eyes were the same as when he looked down at Feiji on that boat five years ago. Change, "Back then you said to me, 'You can also talk, you can also face the court', I agreed to you... You see, now, in just five years, you have become the number one fighter next to the leader of the Green Forest Road. In a few years, when the time is right, who can give you the seat marked by Yutou?"

"That's right..." Feiji smiled wryly, "Who is sitting in this seat, and it's not just a word from Mr. Li?" He shrugged, "Speaking of which, I really didn't expect that besides Hao Jingyu, Lian Zu listened The wind is also yours..."

"Huh? Who said that?" Li Chongda continued jokingly, "Zu Tingfeng is not mine."

"What?" Feiji's expression changed when he heard the words, he thought for a while, and then said, "Then...the 'Dongying Master' He Mao Hayato..."

"He's not mine either." Li Chongda continued.

"Ah?" Feiji was taken aback, "So... the 'invite the gods to return their souls' back then, is it true?"

"Oh...probably so." Li Chongda replied, "Actually, Zu Tingfeng's sudden move at that time was beyond my expectation, and I was a little caught off guard. Fortunately, the dead soul of Gong Lianjun said an 'unexpected' , The 'murderer' who is a reasonable 'murderer', in the end, it saved us a lot of trouble."

"That's not right!" Feiji couldn't understand, "Master Gong... I killed him! If the method of resurrection is true, then why didn't Master Gong's soul... not tell the truth, but went to Where are you testifying against Master Su?"

"Heh...hahaha..." Li Chongda couldn't help laughing out loud when he heard something funny.

After laughing for a while, he continued: "A tiger's poison does not eat its young, you've always heard this saying?"

"What..." At this moment, Feiji's brain suddenly went blank, and a terrible guess flashed through his mind.

"Gong Lianjun has had many women in his life, but... only two have given birth to his children." Li Chongda had planned to reveal the following passage to the other party today, so he At this time, he also took advantage of the situation, "One is the wife he is currently marrying, and the other... is a village girl who was raped by him many years ago.

"That Gong Lianjun's first wife is a well-known beauty, but she is a loose woman...

"As far as I know, when this woman was still alive, she had affairs with almost all the 'good brothers' around Gong Lianjun, including Master Su naturally.

"Then whose son Gong Jingyi is, I'm afraid even his mother doesn't know, and Gong Lianjun doesn't know; but... I don't know, he has to take care of it: first, if this matter is made public, he will lose face." I can't hang on; secondly, what if this son really belongs to him?

"Of course, Gong Lianjun is definitely not the kind of person who will swallow his anger. A few years later, when he became the leader, he slowly disposed of his wife and those "good brothers" who had committed adultery with his wife one by one. ...

"There are only two people, and he didn't kill him.

"The first one is his brother who died for many years, surnamed Jiang Mingxun.

"This Jiang Xun can be regarded as a moral person, but one day he drank too much and couldn't resist the temptation of his sister-in-law. Afterwards, he regretted it very much, so he went to Gong Lianjun to confess and apologize; The person who confessed to him... Originally, Gong Lianjun was still in the dark about his wife, but it was only after this that Gong Lianjun realized that the backyard was already on fire.

"In the end, Gong Lianjun let Jiang Xun go, but Jiang Xun still had no face to face his brother, gave up his position in the Longmen Gang, left his hometown, and went back to seclusion.

"And the second person who was not dealt with by Gong Lianjun was Master Su.

"Master Su was able to survive, one is because he is indeed a very useful talent, and the other is because he has a tight mouth... and is very good at keeping secrets.

"Actually, a person like Gong Lianjun who likes to play with the 'art of the emperor' has never cared so much about his woman being slept with, all he cares about is his own face and interests; killing Master Su, he can only vent his anger, But if he keeps master Su, he can get a capable deputy who feels guilty and afraid of him... He will still settle the debt.

"In addition to helping Gong Lianjun with the affairs of the gang, Master Su can also help him with many private affairs that outsiders don't know about like a housekeeper, such as... the village girl who gave birth to Gong Lianjun's other son...that is, your mother. thing."

When Li Chongda said this, Feiji's thoughts had caught up, but his emotions hadn't slowed down yet.

Based on the information revealed in this passage, Feiji can basically be sure that Master Su has already been dealt with by Li Chongda, so the latter knows so many details of the past.

But there are still some things that he can hardly accept in a short time...

" knew from the beginning...Gong Lianjun is my asked me to kill him?" When Feiji said this, he already had a vague understanding in his mind: why was Gong Lianjun so expensive back then? He is the leader, but he will come out alone to meet him, a thug who is not even considered a middle-level gangster, and he has no defense against him.

It is implied in our book here that at that time, it was Li Chongda who asked his master Su to pass on the words. He told Gong Lianjun that your illegitimate son Feiji already knew you were his father and wanted to ask you out for a private talk. To meet you.

Then Gong Lianjun has to go, after all, this is the real son, more reliable than Gong Jingyi's "Schrödinger's son".

Seeing this, some people may ask, how old is Fei Ji at this time, how did they recognize each other?

I have to go back and say a few words about this...

When Gong Lianjun raped Feiji's mother, he was not a leader, but a small leader of the Longmen gang. Although the other party had reported to officials afterwards, a local snake like Gong Lianjun had a way to get away with it.

Originally, the matter might have ended here, but who knew that the victim was pregnant later, and Gong Lianjun wanted to contact the other party at this time to show his goodwill, and he had no choice but to give up if they were desperate for him.

Later, Feiji was born smoothly, and the child was innocent after all. After all, the mother wanted to raise the child well, but because Feiji's mother hated Gong Lianjun very much, she never told Feiji who his real father was, even afterward. Their family was poor, and they didn't accept a penny from Gong Lianjun... If Gong Lianjun came hard, she would kill him.

Therefore, Gong Lianjun could only send Master Su to visit the mother and son from time to time to find out about their situation.

A few years later, Gong Lianjun married a wife and had children, and not long after, he found that there was a large green grassland above his head, and the sons born by his regular wife were not necessarily his own.

At this time, he went to see the flying chicken mother and son again. Although the life of the two of them was bitter, they lived a life of dignity and integrity, which made Gong Lianjun feel ashamed and regretful in his heart.

But there are many things in this world, not that the wicked should be forgiven if they want to repent.

Over the years, as Gong Jingyi's second-generation ancestor became more and more second-generation, Gong Lianjun became more and more pleasing to Feiji's own son, but he never dared to mention the recognition of each other, because he also knew that he was not worthy.

In this way, five years ago, that is, the 15th year of Yongtai.

At that time, corrupt officials in the Guangzhou government were in power, and the people were in dire straits.

Feiji's mother died this year, and he also met Li Chongda this year, so he stepped into the green forest and joined the Longmen Gang.

At this time Gong Jingyi was also an adult, and Gong Lianjun couldn't find the right time to recognize the illegitimate son Feiji.

But... just because he doesn't recognize it, doesn't mean that no one outside knows about it.

I don’t know if you still remember, when Li Chongda saw Feiji for the first time, he said to him: “I not only know your name, I also know all the fourteen lying on the ground.”

Now the judges should have noticed that Li Chongda will do such a thorough investigation before taking action, obviously not just to fight against the mere private salt dealers...he is playing a big game.

Feiji was the only one left alive in that boat... It was no coincidence; Li Chongda's "talk" with Feiji was not a whim either.

From that time on, the fate of Fei Ji and Gong Lianjun's father and son has been doomed.

"What's your father?" At this time, facing Feiji's question, Li Chongda's voice revealed full disdain, "It's just a local hooligan who pretended to be a green forest hero. He raped your mother back then, and then accidentally With you." He paused, "You have grown up so much, has he fulfilled any responsibilities as a father? Do you call this kind of person a father? Is he worthy of the mother who has worked so hard to bring you up?"

"I..." Feiji was in a trance because he had received such an astonishing change in a short period of time, "I..." He didn't know how to face it for a while.

"The person you killed was indeed your biological father, but he was also your enemy." Li Chongda continued, "Gong Lianjun has committed countless crimes in his life, and he deserves this reward; as for his 'dead soul' returning, he will not identify you, but The reason why Master Su was dragged into the water was because he wanted to help his son get rid of the last is indeed in line with his character." He paused for half a second, then smiled, "Of course...this matter Even if he doesn't do it, sooner or later I will."

"It seems..." Feiji regained his composure for a while, his tone gradually became desperate, "Everything...has been arranged by the adults."

When Feiji said this, he already understood in his heart that he, who was designed to carry the handle of "killing his father", will always be in the hands of Li Chongda, or the court, from now on.

As long as he is still alive, he can only cooperate with the other party and has no other choice.

"Li, it's nothing more than fulfilling his duties." Li Chongda continued leisurely, "'We' are not denying the survival of the Green Forest Road, but some people always can't position themselves properly, and don't know how to stop in,' The higher-ups don't want the position of leader to fall into the hands of people like Gong Lianjun or Lin Huaiyu again... Only in this way can the country be peaceful and the people safe."

When Li Chongda said this, he stood up slowly, walked in front of Feiji, and patted the latter's shoulder: "Feiji, you are someone we can trust, wait for you to stand by Yutoubiao for a few more years, put the If I have enough seniority, I will try to make him abdicate to the worthy, and then you will be the new leader, and... you can sit in this seat for many years." He raised his hand and stroked the table again. "If possible... this stick, I hope to stay with you in the future. Your son and grandson can also sit in your seat, or 'face the court'... Between us, peace is forever expensive."

(End of this chapter)

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