Chapter 28

The tip of the chopsticks is red, which means blood on the tip of the chopsticks. This nickname has two meanings. One is to imply the kind of business Zhu Xiaowan does, and the other is to refer to the weapons she uses.

This woman... killed people with chopsticks.

Some people may think: Chopsticks are not weapons at all, even if they are barely used, they are still very inefficient weapons.

This kind of thinking is correct, but there is a premise-this is the cognition of modern people in our universe.

In a world without "internal power", mo knives, daggers, long spears, fist blades, katana swords, crossbows, etc. are cold weapons that can exert high efficiency on various occasions and distances. It is the crystallization of human murder technology that has undergone countless actual combat tests.

But in this world of martial arts with internal power, it is impossible to take it for granted to judge "what is a good weapon and what is bad" according to that set of logic.

Here, chopsticks, spoons, even car wheels, pillows, hairpins... as long as you have the right martial arts to use, they can all be used as sharp weapons for killing people.

Zhu Xiaowan is a woman who can use chopsticks very well; her kung fu in her hands has three years of soft boxing foundation, five years of iron sand palm practice, and four years of fingering skills... After all these are mastered, She chose chopsticks as a weapon, and has been practicing until now.

Even with a pair of ordinary wooden chopsticks in her hands, she can easily "clamp off" the opponent's clothing and flesh, or precisely peck away the enemy's eyeball; With a pair of special "iron chopsticks", once these chopsticks are used, let alone flesh and blood, she can catch even knives, guns and sticks.

It can be said that although Zhu Xiaowan's skill with chopsticks is not as powerful as the "spiritual finger" that we are familiar with, it is more than enough to deal with those second- and third-rate people in the world.

Yes, when I talk about "second- and third-rate Jianghu figures", I naturally include Sun Yixie and Huang Donglai.After all, their martial arts are still far from the first-class masters, not to mention that the first-class masters in the world cannot use feces to escape urine and escape...

Let's say that after the two slipped out of the wine shop, they trotted all the way to a latrine behind the forest more than ten meters away.

The toilets in those days, that is, "public toilets", were also divided into grades...

It is better to pave the floor with stone bricks, make walls with bricks and wood, have doors and roofs, and movable windows, and some will leave a horizontal gap at the height of the wooden wall for ventilation; in addition, squatting There will also be toilet chips for you (that is, wood chips or bamboo chips, things like rough paper will not appear in public toilets, only rich people can afford them, as for silk, it must be in the palace. used).

What is worse is to build a thatched hut on top of the cesspit, and there is no wall panel between the squatting positions, but the thatch separates it. The difference between this and the solution in the wild is nothing more than a little bit of shelter around and above the head.

There is no doubt that the latrine next to the wine shop in the forest must be of a relatively poor kind.At that time, there was no such thing as toilet deodorant. Even if there were similar incense, it would be impossible to use it in a place of this grade. Even if you wanted to use it... What kind of incense can cover the smell of the cesspit?
Therefore, the latrine and the wine shop must be built separately, otherwise the smell will be unbearable when the wind blows in summer.

Sun Yixie and Huang Donglai ran to such a place on purpose right now, hiding in two squatting seats in the hut, talking quietly amidst the stench... From a certain point of view, this is really very safe, not afraid of eavesdropping.

"Brother Huang, this know it." Sun Yixie pinched his nose, his voice buzzing.

"I've seen it all..." Huang Donglai's voice was normal, it seemed that he was more tolerant to the smell, "The antidote is in the proprietress' nails."

"Then if we go back later, is there any way to deal with them without bloodshed?" Sun Yixie said.

"Heh..." Huang Donglai laughed, "Brother Sun, you usually have so many ideas, but now you're asking about me?" He knew Sun Yixie too well, and he knew the meaning behind the words when the other party spoke, "Don't Just pretend, the moment you uttered the words 'without bloodshed', I knew that you had actually thought of a countermeasure, but you want to get me to speak out, right?"

"Heh..." Sun Yixie also smiled awkwardly, and continued to pretend to be stupid, "Why can't I understand what you are talking about?"

"Oh, forget it." Huang Dong said, and passed something through the gap in the toilet partition wall, "Take it, keep it in your mouth for a while, and let the wine stay in your mouth for a few more times when you drink If you swallow it in seconds, the medicine will be useless."

Sun Yixie took the object, held it in his hand and looked at it: it was a small metallic bead, about the size of a tooth, and it was not difficult to hide in his mouth.

"What is this?" Sun Yixie wanted to ask clearly before putting the thing into his mouth.

"This is a good thing. It is the anti-drug bead exclusively developed by my Huangmen. Before this trip, my father specially asked me to bring one in case I need it." Huang Donglai replied, "Oh, by the way, you But be careful, don’t swallow it, it’s not easy to digest, if you swallow it, you’ll have to spit it out, otherwise you’ll get a stomach perforation after a long time.”

"Oh jiri~" Sun Yixie's face changed at that time, but fortunately Huang Donglai reminded him, otherwise he might have been careless, but two seconds later, he suddenly thought of something and said, "Eh? Swallowed it How do you know the consequences so clearly? It seems that your Huang family has done a lot of unethical scientific experiments with living people."

"Mao!" Huang Donglai denied, "Those are all treacherous and evil people, what's wrong with killing them directly and letting them do some toxicology experiments before they die, and make some contributions to society? This is called making the best of everything." Is it good to use?"

"Okay, okay, Brother Huang is fine." Sun Yixie continued, "Hey, I gave the bead to me, what should you do?"

"I'm fine." Huang Donglai said, "Just now, when I saw the wine, it was yellow in color and had a bitter and spicy taste in the aroma, so I knew they were using something like sweat medicine, and the medicine was not strong. It’s strong, and the refining is not pure; I think it’s because this store is used to killing people immediately after turning them over, so it doesn’t need a long-lasting effect of the medicine, it’s enough for people to lose their resistance temporarily.” He said here , paused, "Heh... even if there is no anti-drug beads, I am immune to a medicine of this level, so don't worry."

"Oh?" Sun Yixie asked suspiciously, "Could it be that you obtained the superpower of being invulnerable to all poisons after time travel?"

"How is it possible?" Huang Donglai said, "It's just because I was born in Huangmen and received a lot of systematic training and physical transformation since I was a child, so there are many things that are better than ordinary people; for example, the sense of smell, even if it is covered by the smell of strong alcohol , I can also smell the subtle smell of Mongolian sweat medicine, this is the result of training... The other is poison resistance. I have been taking various anti-poisons secreted by Huangmen since I was a child, and at the same time ingesting various traces of toxins and hyoscyamine. Such things, in this way, over time, my body will become immune to those not-so-strong poisons and perspiration, even if I am poisoned, I can withstand it longer than ordinary people."

"Where is HODO~" Sun Ge nodded in a serious manner, pretending that he understood, and said a sentence in Japanese; then, he changed the subject and said, "If that's the case, then it's easy to handle, we'll go over and have a drink in a while When you're done, pretend to be unconscious, and when they put down their guard, you'll take care of that man, and I'll take care of that woman."

"Brother Sun...that woman's martial arts are much higher than that of that man's, and I may not even be able to beat him." Huang Donglai reminded.

"What are you panicking about?" Sun Yixie said, "I have lime powder."

"You're just lime powder, teasing your legs, inserting your eyes, and stepping on your toes all day long... you keep doing this, aren't you afraid you'll lose face if something gets out?" Huang Donglai said.

"Why?" Sun Yixie said angrily, "It's fine if you can win? What kind of morals are you talking about with these evil spirits?"

"Oh, okay." Huang Donglai sighed, "I won't argue with you about that." He paused for half a second, then continued, "Actually, I have a better way—I'll go back later, and I'll come back and counter-poison you. "

"Oh? You can still inject poison under her nose?" Sun Yixie said.

"Nonsense!" Huang Donglai said, "Is the Huangmen Sanjue fake? Poisoning belongs to my housekeeping skills, okay? This guy who runs a black shop dares to poison my Huangmen?"

"Okay! As expected of Brother Huang." As Sun Yixie said, he stood up and was about to go out; because he didn't really want to go to the bathroom, so he just squatted just now and didn't take off his pants, and he didn't take off his pants. No need to wipe anything, "It shouldn't be too late, let's go back quickly, and they will become suspicious if it takes a long time."

Unexpectedly, Huang Donglai replied: "Wait, I'll wipe it off."

"Fuck?" Sun Yixie was startled immediately, "Brother Huang, are you really pulling?"

"Damn, it's all here, I'll take care of it by the way." Huang Donglai replied confidently.

At this moment, Sun Yixie instinctively shifted his gaze to the anti-drug bead in his hand: "The surname is Huang! Qinshihuang! Tell me, did you touch anything unclean before you gave me the bead just now?" s things?"


When Sun and Huang returned to the wine shop, Huang Donglai's face looked like he had unloaded his burden, while Sun Yixie's face looked like he had eaten shit.

Obviously, Sun Ge finally got the poison avoidance beads.

After the two sat down, Zhu Xiaowan immediately toasted them with a smile all over her face.

At this moment, the two of them have already made up their plan, so it doesn't matter, they just drink.

It would be too fake if you don't pour it down immediately after the first cup. Although the sweat medicine is very effective when placed in wine, it takes time to take effect, and it has something to do with the amount.

Therefore, under the persuasion of the proprietress, the two drank a few more rounds, and then pretended to be groggy, and lay down on the table one after another without moving.

Seeing this, Zhu Xiaowan sneered, pushed out the seat and got up, turned to the kitchen and said, "At home, come out to work."

His cook husband heard the sound, and quickly poked his head out from the back kitchen. Seeing that the two of them had "fallen", he walked out.

Naturally, they would not kill people in places where they drink, because the smell of human blood is strong and it is extremely difficult to wash it off. The people turned over and pulled them to a dark room under the back kitchen for slaughter.

In that dark room, it can be said to be hell on earth, a scene of Shura.The whole room was filled with a strong smell of blood. A lot of "marinated" meat that had been "marinated" by special embalming methods was scattered on the beams and walls; Next to it is a very large "cutting board", beside which there are various rusty dismemberment props...

Seeing this, I think everyone can understand what happened to the hostility on the cook's face - it was not because he killed many people, but because he had "worked" in this environment for too long...

Of course, before getting people into the dark room, there is another necessary process, which is to search...

First of all, you have to carry the person to the back kitchen. It is definitely not appropriate to search outside. If a guest comes in and sees it, it will be very troublesome; then, untie the baggage that the "guest" brought with him, and let Zhu Xiaowan choose the baggage and his husband, the cook, is responsible for stripping off people's clothes to see if there are any close-fitting objects.

And this step...they couldn't finish it.

Because Brother Sun's lime powder is hidden in his clothes, how could it be found by you?
So, just when Zhu Xiaowan was concentrating on turning over the baggage, and his cook husband reached out to Sun Yixie's lapel, Sun Yixie suddenly opened his eyes, and at a very close distance, he suddenly swung out with a fist .

This punch firmly hit the cook's temple, and the 1.8-meter-five tall man was hit so suddenly that his eye sockets were bloodshot, and he fell over.

But before his knees hit the ground, Huang Donglai also moved... I saw Huang Donglai propped up on the ground with one hand, his body was lifted off the ground horizontally, and his feet came out side by side. The soles of his feet met the chef's falling head.

click -

At that moment, there was a sound from the cook's neck. Although the movement was not loud, the consequences were still very serious... His cervical spine was broken.

When Zhu Xiaowan realized something, when she looked back, her husband had been killed instantly, but in fact she didn't feel too much sadness about the man's death. At this moment, she was more surprised and angry than sad.


In the next second, Sun Yixie, who stood up with a carp, threw lime powder towards Zhu Xiaowan almost without hesitation.

Unexpectedly... this time, because the opponent was on guard, he was blocked.

Women's sleeves are long (actually in Dazhu, many men also have long sleeves, but that's only for literati, rich businessmen, officials, etc., and the clothes of people who travel in the rivers and lakes or working people don't always have loose clothes and big sleeves, because that's not easy to do. work), Zhu Xiaowan waved her big sleeves, and swept the lime powder all over the place. Except for some stains on her hair, her face was basically fine.

"What a boy...acting dead!" Zhu Xiaowan's reaction was quick, and she had already come to her senses after she stopped and stopped, and realized that Sun Huang and Sun Huang hadn't been poisoned by Mongolian sweat medicine at all, and that they were obviously prepared. Come on, think about the sneak attack.

Now that things have happened, there is nothing more to say, only martial arts, fighting to the death.

However, when she was exercising, she suddenly felt something wrong with her body... It was as if a mouthful of blood was stuck in her chest, which made her luck stagnate and her hands and feet went numb...

(End of this chapter)

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