Unparalleled Double Harmony

Chapter 257 Welcome

Chapter 257 Welcome
Yongtai 20 years, the third day of February.

After bidding farewell to Daoist Liang, Shuang Xie and his group drove non-stop for another four days.

During these four days, they didn't encounter any delays in their trip, so they passed through the Miaojiang area in a short time, and arrived in the area of ​​He County under the rule of Pingle Mansion in the morning of the third day of junior high school.

In terms of time, their long-distance journey is undoubtedly a very fast one.

It's just... this kind of "fastness" has a price-neither to mention the fatigue of the people, but the key point is that their horses are almost exhausted.

After all, the horses they were riding were not "thousand-mile horses" at all, but ordinary horses; in addition, after the seven of them came out of Fushun, they trekked mountains and rivers for seven consecutive days, and never rested for more than one night in between. It is not easy to persist here.

At noon that day, the seven of them sat drinking tea under a tea shed by the side of the road, and they were discussing how to proceed for the next itinerary: should they change horses, or take the water route instead?
They were only halfway through their conversation when they heard the sound of cars and horses running fast on the southeast road.

Those with better middle ear skills among the seven people knew immediately: the source of the sound was at least 30 people, and there were more people than horses, and more horses than chariots.

Sure enough, within a short while, the team of dozens of people came to the tea shed from far to near.

Immediately afterwards, the group of tall and thick men on their horses got off their horses one after another and surrounded the tea shed.

The owner of the tea shed and other guests saw that these people were menacing, and most of them looked hideous, so they understood in their hearts: this must be people from the rivers and lakes or the green forest road looking for trouble, and their target is probably those few bandits. The young man with the sword and Uncle Hei is gone.

How the people of Dalong deal with this kind of scene has been mentioned more than once in the previous article. Anyway, they just run as long as they can, and hide as much as they can... Depending on the situation, watch the excitement.

So what is the situation now?

"Get out of the way!" Not long after, with a light drink, a 27-eight-spirited boy came out from the group of big men; seeing his speech and behavior, and the attitude of other big men obediently giving way, it is not surprising It was hard to guess that he was the leader of the group.

This guy's movements were also neat. After walking out of the crowd, he strode to the two tables where the seven of Shuangxie and the others were sitting, and then knelt down there with a bia chirp.

Before his knees landed on the ground, the boy clasped his fists in front of him and said excitedly, "Brother Sun! Brother Huang! Long time no see! Do you still remember brother?"

Seeing this, some people may have already guessed the identity of this person, so I won't tell everyone here. The endorsement in the book here is the gangster Gan Feihong who met on the Yangtze River when Shuangxie first came out of the rivers and lakes.

Back then, this Gan Feihong pulled a team on the Yangtze River, claiming to be the descendants of Gan Ning, and even made up the title of "a dragon on the Yangtze River, Gan Feihong with swords and bows", doing the "robbing the rich and helping the poor, Acting on behalf of heaven".

Unexpectedly... One day, he suddenly robbed Sun Yixie and Huang Donglai.

That time, under Sun Yixie's flickering, Gan Feihong recognized the two of them as big brothers in a daze, and the rhetoric Sun Yixie used to fool the other party was roughly-"I and Hao Jingyu, the chief scooper of Lulin Road and Waterway It’s a brother, as long as I give you a few words of kindness, I guarantee that you can successfully join the 13th Green Forest Road and quickly rise to the position.”

Ladies and gentlemen, Sun Yixie was obviously talking nonsense at the time, he never thought that he would meet the other party again in this life.

But Gan Feihong took it seriously, and this thing has indeed come true now.

What's the matter?To put it bluntly, there are mistakes and mistakes.

One day in the winter of the year before last, Hao Jingyu led the Cangdu gang to cross the river, which happened to be near the ferry where Gan Feihong was entrenched.

As for Gan Feihong, he thought that Brother Sun had brought the "beautiful words" for him, and Brother Hao should have come to recruit him, so he took the initiative to find him and said bluntly: "I am next to Gan Feihong, it is Sun Yixie and Sun Yixie." Brother’s younger brother, I want to see Lord Hao.”

If you say this, people must pay attention to it...

First of all, many of Hao Jingyu's attendants knew "Hangzhou Sun Gongzi" at first, and they knew that Sun Yixie had a little friendship with their boss.

Secondly, that autumn, Sun and Huang had already made their name at the Young Heroes Meeting, and in winter, it happened to catch up with the publicity period that the concubine gave them "harmony in the east and poison in the west" in all walks of life, so even if they watched The few people in the door didn't know that Sun Yixie and Hao Jingyu had friendship, and they didn't dare to rush Gan Feihong away.

Therefore, the words were quickly brought to Haojing Yu's ears.

Then Hao Jingyu heard the message, and thought: "What? Sun Yixie's younger brother? Well...no matter whether it's true or not, let's meet first and then talk." Then he received the other party.

Gan Feihong was stunned for a moment, without a city mansion, and when he met Hao Jingyu, a quasi-leading figure on the green forest road, he worshiped him at that time, and his longing was endless.

As for Hao Jingyu, that's a person. If the other party is lying or there is something strange in his expression, he can basically see it, so after he and Gan Feihong exchanged a few words, he roughly understood this kid. He really knows Sun Yixie, and he is indeed just a fool.

These two—one thought that Sun Yixie and Hao Jingyu were brothers and sisters, and the other thought that Gan Feihong was Sun Yixie's younger brother...Double misunderstanding, they just became friends.

After chatting for a while, Hao Jingyu heard that the other party actually wanted to bring a group of brothers to live with him, so he would welcome it; Hao Jingyu would probably accept him when he came to recommend himself, because Hao Jingyu has always been a good judge of people, he can see that Gan Feihong is indeed a good man; and with Sun Yixie's relationship, Hao Jingyu will He was even more willing to accept Gan Feihong, because it would be tantamount to making Sun Yixie owe himself a favor... Of course he is willing to do a good deal no matter what.

In this way, from then on, Gan Feihong got close to the big tree Haojingyu.

In the blink of an eye, more than a year has passed, and now Gan Feihong is already a capable member of Hao Jingyu's subordinates. Today, he got a task that is very suitable for him - to come here to welcome Sun Huang and other people to go to Guangzhou by water as soon as possible.

What?You asked him why he knew the whereabouts of Sun Huang and others, and why he was in a hurry to take them to the muddy water of the green forest road?

Damn, didn’t we just say at the beginning of this volume that this Hao Jingyu is “facing the court”, and now the people in the court need double harmony to handle the “leading case”, and I want to avoid suspicion, so this Cangdu gang will come Isn't it normal to act as a "white glove"?
The book returns to the main story...

Gan Feihong's kneeling ceremony shocked everyone around him, not only the other guests, but also those who were traveling with Shuangxie were all at a loss.

"Hey~ brother, you're out of touch now, please get up!" At this time, Sun Yixie was still quick to react, he immediately showed a very hearty smile, and got up to help the other party while talking.

But in fact...he didn't recognize the other party at all.

This is also normal, for Gan Feihong, Sun Yixie is his benefactor, and he looks very distinctive, so he can quickly recognize each other; but for Sun Yixie, Gan Feihong is just a The idiot who met him and chatted with him a year and a half ago, plus the clothes and demeanor of the other party at this time, are no longer what they used to be... It would be strange if he could recognize him.

"Thank you, Brother Sun." After being helped up by Sun Yixie, Gan Feihong grabbed the latter's arm, still looking excited, "Brother Sun..." He said, and then looked at Huang Donglai next to him, "Brother Huang...haven't seen each other for more than a year, the two brothers are really more and more wise and powerful! Hahaha..."

Don't think that this guy is flattering, in fact, he is speaking from the bottom of his heart.

Because when Gan Feihong saw Shuangxie last time, both of them were still new to the world. Although one knew martial arts, he had very little actual combat experience, and the other was almost a layman. Neither of them had any "jianghu spirit" , so it looks like two ordinary playboys.

But today, both Sun Huang and Sun Huang have been fighting in the martial arts for a period of time, and each of them has gone through a lot of experience, so their aura is naturally different from that of the past.

Of course, if you want to say "wise and powerful", that's not enough, it's just that Gan Feihong is an admirer of these two people, and the filter deep in his heart automatically turned them into stalwarts.

on the other hand……

After hearing Gan Feihong's words "I haven't seen each other for more than a year", both Sun Huang and Sun Huang immediately began to search their stomachs, desperately trying to recall what they were doing more than a year ago, and asked themselves repeatedly in their hearts-what is this grandson doing? who is it?
"Hehe... It's easy to say." Sun Yixie, a fish market tycoon, still has a lot of experience in negotiating, and two seconds later he had an idea and replied, "Brother, you are not bad, compared with more than a year , It’s almost like a different person.”

He didn't say any special information in this wave of clichés, but just repeated the time point of "more than a year" that the other party said, and pointed out a ready-made fact that the other party "has done well."

But at first glance, it sounds quite natural...

"It's also thanks to you, brother." Gan Feihong also said, and the next sentence was tricked out with more specific information, "If I hadn't met two brothers at that time, I am afraid that my brothers and I are still in the Yangtze River. Going to do the work of that river thief."

When he said this, Shuangxie remembered: "Oh! It's your kid, it seems to be Gan, what kind of Shuangjue is it?"

"Brother Gan Xian." In the next second, because he was afraid that Sun Yixie would still not remember, Huang Donglai hurriedly got up and reported the other party's surname, and asked, "I don't know where you live now, what title do you have?"

"Oh...I..." Gan Feihong was about to answer, when the rest of his eyes swept over the crowd of onlookers in the distance who were looking this way, which made him swallow the words that came to his lips, " Uh... two brothers, there are too many people here, and it is inconvenient to talk..." He said, and then he gestured to the empty carriages behind him, "I have prepared the carriages and horses, why don't you invite me You and these young heroes will follow us into the car first... Let's talk in a safe place."

(End of this chapter)

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