Chapter 23
The gang of thieves entrenched in the "Dragon King Cave" is actually not many in number, there are only six in total.

These six people can be regarded as sworn brothers, but what about friendship... Let's put it this way, it's not like Taoyuan's three sworn brothers, but it's like a stick of incense in Wagang.

That's the type... the type who can decisively sell out his brother for himself at a critical moment.

Of course, when nothing happened, they naturally still acted like righteousness first, living and dying together.

In terms of martial arts, the kung fu of the five people from the second to the sixth is about the same, that is to say, they are slightly better than the ordinary bandits in Zoumazhai. If they meet real knights, even if they are second-rate, they will be hanged and beaten portion.

As for the martial arts of their elder brother "Kang Haijiao"'s not bad, but it's still not as good as Ma Si in the previous article.

Some people may wonder why a character like "Kang Haijiao" with a nickname like Ma Si is not as powerful as someone who doesn't have a nickname like Ma Si?

In fact, it's very simple. Ma Si didn't have a nickname because when he came out of the rivers and lakes, he was in a state of running around and committing crimes. No……

But in terms of strength, Ma Si has learned from the "Huizhou Hundred Catty Knife" for ten years, learned the truth, and then experienced many years of actual combat experience.

And this "Kanghaijiao" was born as a water thief in the upper reaches of the Bali River. He has been extremely powerful since he was a child (but not yet at the level of natural supernatural power), so he relied on his strength to bully and dominate the market; After a period of time, during which time I learned a little bit of kung fu, and later because I offended the superiors in the gang, I felt that I couldn't get along anymore, so I dragged two brothers who were close to me, namely the second and third by his side, and the three of them escaped together. After leaving the Cao Gang, he started his old business.

A few years later, they took in three more brothers and formed the current six-member gang; because they mainly operated along the river in the border area between Luzhou and Yingzhou, over time, he got the so-called "Kanghaijiao". A bad name.

However, the rivers and lakes are not so easy to mess with. Since you can gain some fame by doing evil, there will naturally be people who will try to get some reputation by killing you and "removing harm for the people".

The year before last, Kang Haijiao and the others met a man who came looking for trouble, calling himself "Cangzhou Xiaoxia Lin Yuancheng".

This person is only fifteen or sixteen years old, but his martial arts are very good, with a quick sword, he wiped out all six of them with three moves and two moves.

But in the end, Lin Shaoxia didn't kill them, the reason was that he hadn't killed anyone before when he came out of the arena, and these few were really not worthy to be the first batch of souls under his sword.

That's it...Kang Haijiao and the others have to kneel and kowtow to thank Xiaoxia for not killing...

In the end, after these six people swore a poisonous oath with their whole family, declaring that they would not do evil again, Lin Yuancheng released them.

There is no doubt... this person surnamed Lin is too naive...

After all, he is really fifteen or sixteen years old, and he underestimates how shameless these low-level scumbags can be. He thinks that when others tearfully swear by their family members, they will really keep their promises.

If it were Sun Yixie and Huang Donglai, they would definitely kill the grass and roots—swear?To them, swearing is an act that is more despicable than farting. It is similar to saying it out loud when farting. Whoever wants to smell it, they will not believe it anyway.

Closer to home...

In short, after that incident, Kang Haijiao and the other six brothers did calm down for a while, and they didn't dare to come out for activities for several months.

But for people like them, it is very difficult to get rid of evil and return to righteousness after all.

They are used to the business of raping and plundering, you want them to change to a proper one?How could it be that easy.

In a blink of an eye, last year, they felt that the rumours should have passed, so they entrenched in Longwang Cave and set their sights on the nearby Chenjia Village... It just so happened that the fourth child among them had studied for several years, and he thought of it as soon as he slapped his head. Set of tricks and tricks.

The six of them actually did everything from catching children and planting masts: it was not difficult to put some smoke into the villagers' houses at night, and then go in and take the children away; Several brothers helped him loosen the soil in advance, and it was not a problem to slowly "drill" a sub-mast with a thick mouth into the soil...

In this way, after tasting the sweetness of the "offering", the group of guys were overjoyed.

This is less labor-intensive than going out to rob. You don't have to worry about someone resisting, and you don't have to find the target frequently. On the 15th day of every month, someone will naturally bring wine, meat, money and food to your door.

However, there is no limit to human greed...

As the so-called food and clothing think about sex, after this group of people solved the problem of getting food for nothing, they began to think about women, so they went to make trouble a few times later, asking the villagers to send them a big girl every quarter.

Not counting the one seen by Sun and Huang today, four of them have been sent before; two of them committed suicide, one was killed while escaping, and the other was abused to death by them.

Of course, Kang Haijiao and the others don't care about this, if they die, they will die, just find a place where no one is around and just bury them.


Tonight is the day when the villagers send their daughter-in-law to Lord Long again.

The villagers of Chenjia Village set off from the village at dusk. The whole group had to carry sedan chairs and offerings, so they walked slowly. They arrived at Longwang Cave only when the sky was turning purple.

This is not over yet, and there is still a "ceremony" next: it is basically a paper man with a dragon's head to pay homage to the girl, and the villagers have to pay homage to the Dragon King...Anyway, they have already prepared, and they all carry torches. Not afraid of the dark, they continued to toss like this until Xushi, when the villagers left.

As for the girl, she was kneeling in front of the altar, dressed in black and covered with a black hijab, and remained silent the whole time.

She didn't resist or run away.

Because she knew that the few who were sent before her resisted were directly knocked out by the villagers and tied to the tree... She didn't do that futile thing.

This girl is smarter, and she understands that you can't run away, so from the day she was chosen as a sacrifice, she has been very cooperative, and even showed a state of anticipation and honor; , and no one doubted her or stared at her.

Today, she hid a pair of scissors on her body, and she had already made up her mind that no matter what ghosts and monsters came, even if she couldn't die with them, at least she would kill herself innocently.

"Hey girl."

Just as the girl was clutching the scissors, ready to strike at any time, suddenly, a man's voice sounded from behind her, and the distance was very close.

The girl didn't know how the other party approached her, because she didn't hear the footsteps at all, but at this point, she didn't have time to think about it, and stabbed with the scissors.

"Damn it!" Huang Donglai was startled by her, seeing the scissors coming towards his lower body (because the girl is kneeling, the direction of attack is relatively low), blurting out the swear words, and at the same time jumping up Three feet high, he leaped backwards, dodging this "deadly" attack.

"Who are you?" The next second, the girl took off the black hijab by herself, threw it on the ground casually, pointed at Huang Donglai with the tip of the scissors and asked sharply, "Is the Dragon King your fake one?"

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding..." Huang Donglai lowered his voice and explained, "We are here to save you... The fake Dragon Lord is still in the cave, but he will come out soon, please speak softly!"

"I don't believe it!" The girl took another half step back, "You..."

The second half of her sentence stopped abruptly after she uttered only one word, because something entered her line of sight...

At this moment, all she could see was a man with small eyes, dressed in black, with a black skirt around his waist, coming out of the woods and coming towards the altar.

"Don't be afraid, this is my brother. He is here to replace you. Come with me." Huang Donglai hadn't finished speaking.

On the other side, Sun Yixie, who was pretending to be a bride in black, had already passed by the girl, picked up the black hijab she had thrown away, put it on his head, and knelt down in front of the altar.

The girl was stunned for a few seconds, after thinking about it, she still walked towards Huang Donglai, but did not put down the scissors in her hand.

"Don't touch me." She was still vigilant, not letting Huang Donglai get within one meter of her.

"All right, come and hide in the woods with me first, or the thieves will be caught when they come out." Huang Donglai didn't bother to talk nonsense to her, waved at her, and took the lead to hide in the forest.

The girl followed closely and found a grove to hide in. She had just hid, when she looked back by the moonlight, she saw a few furtive figures coming out of the Dragon King Cave.

Those who came were the third, fifth and sixth of the six.

They looked around for a while at the entrance of the cave, and after confirming that the villagers had gone far away, they became more courageous and walked to the altar without any concealment.

"Hey, little lady~ You are so good, how about waiting here for the uncle?" The fifth child was the most lustful, looking at the "bride" who was kneeling on the ground, he was a little impatient, so he stretched out his hand to kiss Sun Yi. Harmony's ass was grabbed.

"Yo~" After catching it, he smiled with satisfaction, "This one has a lot of meat today~ Mmm... Look carefully, the bones of this body are quite strong."

The third child and the sixth child also laughed a few times.

Immediately, it was still the third child who said seriously: "Okay, okay, don't rush, let's carry it in first and then talk about it."

"Third brother, I~ will carry it." Lao Wuyi smiled with a complex face.

"Okay, you can carry it." The third child replied, he paused, then suddenly remembered something, and continued, "Hey, don't you can't help but mess around halfway, according to the rules, this person You have to send it to your elder brother first."

"I know, third brother, don't worry, I have a sense of proportion..." The fifth child couldn't wait to reply, and stepped forward to put Sun Yixie on his shoulders, "Hey! This bitch... what did you eat? heavy..."

That is to say, this fifth child has practiced for several years, otherwise he might not be able to handle Brother Sun.

Sun Yixie's reaction was not slow. The moment he was picked up, he quickly pressed down the hijab on his head with his hands to prevent his face from being exposed.

After the fifth child carried Sun Yixie into the cave, the third child and the sixth child also began to inspect and carry the offerings.

Only then did the girl in the woods relax a little, and she was basically sure that Huang Donglai and Sun Yixie were really good people.

After a while, when the third and sixth sons also moved some things away, Huang Donglai said to the girl: "Girl, you stay here first, and don't go back to the village, because you will definitely not go back to the village if you go back now." We will be caught and sent by the villagers again, and we will suffer a lot.” He paused, “I’m going to sneak into the cave to meet my brother now, you just hide here and don’t make a sound until we get that guy The thief will come out to look for you after cleaning up."

The girl thought for a while, nodded, and replied: "Young Xia, please be careful."

Before she could finish speaking, Huang Donglai had already mastered his lightness kung fu and jumped out of the bushes. After a few leaps, he rushed into the Dragon King Cave without a sound...

(End of this chapter)

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