Unparalleled Double Harmony

Chapter 192 1 Shixiao Wuji

Chapter 192
Just when Xiao Wuji's life was hanging by a thread, suddenly!

In the night sky, there was a flute sound.

Although the voice was not loud, it was just enough to completely cover the sound of Sun Yixie blowing the zither.

Sun and Huang are considered to be quite knowledgeable now, as soon as they heard it, they understood that it was the sound of a flute played by a master with internal force, and the two immediately became nervous.

It was also at this moment that Xiao Wuji saw the gap and moved forward, striding forward, the sharp knife in his hand came out of its sheath like lightning, and slashed towards Sun Yixie.

Xiao Wuji knew very well that as long as he killed or wounded one of the Shuangxie, the other party would have no time to use the props to induce Gu.

However, in the situation just now, he couldn't make a move, because at that time he made a move, even if he was only blocked by Huang Donglai for a moment and a half, so that Sun Yixie had a chance to blow the flute, he would have a high probability of dying .

But now... restrained by the sound of the flute, the things in Sun Yixie's hands were temporarily ineffective, Xiao Wuji naturally would not let this opportunity go, he rushed forward quickly, wanting to make a quick decision and turn the situation around .


In the next second, the sound of the blade being unsheathed and the sound of gold and iron clashing sounded almost simultaneously.

Huang Donglai was not a vegetarian either, he had already held that village sword in his hand, waiting for the opponent to attack him at any time.

Even though Xiao Wuji's attack is extremely fast at this moment, facing the defensive Huang Donglai, he definitely can't get any advantage between three moves and two moves.

But during the brief confrontation between the two of them, Sun Yixie had already turned around and fled, preparing to retreat to a safer distance first.

Don't think that Brother Sun is being cowardly. In fact, this is a very correct response: firstly, this can avoid pulling Huang Donglai's hind legs, and secondly, as long as Sun Yixie is still alive and holds the three scorpions in his hand, he will always be there. There is a threat to Xiao Wuji, but it can restrain Xiao Wuji to a certain extent.

However, Sun Yixie has not run a few steps...

Then there was a figure descending from the sky, and it stood in front of him with a swish.

But you can see that this person is about 30 years old, dressed in brocade clothes, holding a jade flute in his hand, his appearance is like a crown jade, his eyes are like bright stars, he is handsome and unrestrained, and his instrument is imposing.

"Sun Shaoxia, please stop." When Wen Yuzhai spoke to Sun Yixie, his flute had naturally stopped.

Sun Yixie didn't play the flute again just because the sound of the flute stopped. After all, there was a guy who looked like a master standing in front of him, and the other party would definitely not let him succeed.

Wen Yuchai is also a rather dignified person. Seeing that Brother Sun didn't move much, he quickly raised his voice, and shouted at the two who were fighting a few meters away: "Laugh without disease! Stop!"

"Hmph..." Although Xiao Wuji snorted coldly, but he was really obedient, he immediately made a feint and separated from Huang Donglai.

In fact, when he heard the sound of the flute just now, Xiao Wuji knew that Wen Yu picked it, so he knew from the beginning that he probably owed Wen Yu pick another favor.

"Huang Shaoxia, Sun Shaoxia." When the scene stabilized, Wen Yuzhao immediately bowed to Sun and Huang and said, "I'm going to Wen Yuzhai, I met the two young heroes."

"Oh?" Huang Donglai was familiar with the names of these Jianghu figures, so he realized it at the time, "You are the 'Mr. Thatched Cottage' Wen Yuzhai?"

Obviously, this Mr. Wen is still a bit of a face-to-face.

There is a saying that there is a thatched cottage in the mountains, and the bamboo wind blows through the coolness of the house, and the person sitting on it is like jade, and the son is unparalleled in the world.

Wen Yujie is also a romantic knight who came from a famous martial arts family and became famous at a young age; ten years ago, his limelight was comparable to that of today's "harmony in the east and poison in the west".

However, his style is very different from Shuangxie. Wen Yujie is a "Confucian man", that is, the type who sits in the mountains, lives in seclusion in thatched cottages, strategizes, and has the world in mind...

He seldom does the kind of thing that "should see injustice on the road". Of course, if there is any injustice in front of him, he will still take action when he should, but he is not very likely to take the initiative to find that type It's just a case.

Generally, it is the kind of "big conspiracy that may affect the fate of the martial arts" that can alert him to Wenyu's picking out of the mountain.

Then seeing this, someone must be asking, last year Shen Youran and Gu Qiying had a big affair, so why didn't Wen Yupiao appear?
It's very simple, let's talk about it seriously: that matter has been caught in the court's "net" all along, and Wen Yupiao didn't get wind of it at all, so it's impossible for him to take care of it.

If you don't believe this seriousness, there is another reason from the perspective of the play: I haven't made him up at that time, and even if I have made it up, there is no room for him to appear in that part.

Either will do, it doesn't matter.

In any case, this time about Xiao Zhun's "refining the devil sword", Wen Yuzhai has collected some clues, and he must take care of it.

And Xiao Wuji, that is Xiao Zhun's son Xiao Xuan, is a very important part of Wen Yuzhai's whole plan, he can't just sit back and watch the former die in this village for no reason.

So at this moment, why did Wen Yuzhai happen to appear in this cottage?
This has to be said a few days ago.

That day, after Hai Cangfeng fought against Xiao Wuji, he returned to the thatched cottage, and changed his previous attitude - he recognized Xiao Wuji's strength, and also recognized Wen Yujie's "Xiao Wuji is against Xiao Zhun" a great help".

After all, Hai Cangfeng still knows the goods, even if Xiao Wuji used swordsmanship to fight him, he could still see the hidden ability of the opponent as a swordsman; he also understood that if Xiao Wuji used the Sword, the outcome between the two of them is yet to be known.

It's a pity that Hai Cangfeng is not the kind of person who is good at lobbying, and he has no friendship with Xiao Wuji, so he came back first to find Wen Yuzhai, and said, "Or you should catch up and have a look, and then persuade".

As for Wen Yuzhai, he agreed, but he didn't leave immediately.

There is no particular reason, just because he is a "son"...

Young master, you must have the style of a young master. This person can lose his life in the Jianghu, but Fan Er can't lose it.

Versailles was not built in a day, nobility cannot be cultivated in one generation, and a real son cannot be cultivated in a day or two.

Even if Xie Xiaofeng became a turtle slave, he would still be the third young master, and if Li Xunhuan was bound and escorted, he would still be Li Tanhua.

For a person like Wen Yuzhai, if he wants to go out, why not prepare for a day and a half?Otherwise, he can guarantee that he will be so handsome whenever he plays?

Let me tell you, today's conditions are limited in the barren mountains, otherwise people would have to hire a few beauties to sprinkle flowers before they come out.

But it's also a coincidence, just because Xiao Wuji lagged behind Xiao Wuji for half a day when he started the journey, when Wen Yuzhai chased him to this cottage, he just caught up with him to save Xiao Wuji's life.

"That's right, I'm here." Wen Yujie saw that Huang Donglai knew his name, and immediately responded, "Huang Shaoxia, since I know Wen's name, I wonder if I can save face today and let this Xiao Wu disease."

"Oh?" Huang Donglai heard the words, turned his head to look at Xiao Wuji, and then glanced back at Wen Yuzhai, "Why did Mr. Wen want to save a bandit leader who occupied the mountain as king and did evil? Could there be something in it? What secret?"

Brother Huang didn't doubt the identity of the "Mr. Caotang" in front of him, because everyone in the world knew that Wen Yuzhai was a flute player. Huang Donglai also felt the skill contained in the sound of the flute just now. The appearance is also very good, Huang Donglai thinks that the other party is very suitable in all aspects, if this can be faked...he will admit it.

"He... is my friend." Wen Yujie thought for a while, and only gave this answer; at the same time, he glanced at Xiao Wuji, but the latter didn't look at him at all, but turned away Face.

There is no way, if you want to talk about "hidden feelings", there must be some, but Wen Yujie and Shuangxie are not familiar, he can't fully trust them, and he can't predict what will happen if Xiao Zhun's matter is leaked to them Consequences; as a man of extraordinary wisdom and prudence, Wen Yu's excerpts cannot say too much here.

"Alas..." Wen Yuzhe sighed secretly, clasped his fists at Sun and Huang again, "Huang Shaoxia, Sun Shaoxia, Wen Mou used his personality as a guarantee for him today, please believe me, let him go this time, and let him go in the future." If he can't make amends, I will capture him with my own hands and hand him over to the two of you."

Unexpectedly, Wen Yujie on this side hadn't finished pleading, Xiao Wuji on the other side had performed lightness kung fu, turned around and fled, within a few vertical leaps, he had already flown out of the wall of the village.

Xiao Wuji was also very accurate in judging the situation, he knew that Wen Yujie would not let Sun and Huang chase after him and blow the harp, so he ran away quickly, just out of the range that the gu-inducing sound could affect. He was temporarily safe, and then, as long as he didn't get caught up by Shuangxie for seven consecutive days, he would be fine.

"Okay, run away." Seeing this, Sun Yixie looked indifferent.

What Xiao Wuji could think clearly, Sun Yixie could also think clearly, so he didn't intend to chase the other party at all, but cast his malicious eyes on the thatched young man.

"Brother, whether we are willing or not, you have already let him go anyway." Sun Yi smiled and put the three bamboo scorpions back into his clothes, and changed the topic, "Heh... what are you going to do? Responsible?"

Wen Yujie is a smart person, knowing that Sun Yixie has conditions to sell his face, so he clasped his fists and responded, "Sun Shaoxia means..."

"You have to clean up the mess left by 'your friend', right?" The "mess" Sun Yixie mentioned was actually more left by him and Huang Donglai. Such a useful hero is here, it would be a pity not to take advantage of it.

"If there is anything Wen Mo needs to do, Sun Shaoxia just say it's okay." Wen Yu said.

"It's easy to say." Sun Yixie replied, "At the moment, there are still seven or eight spies and eyeliners of bandits in the ancestral hall of Gengjia Village at the foot of the mountain. I hope Mr. Wen can take over."

"Oh? Sun Shaoxia wants me to send them to the government? Or..." Wen Yujie really didn't understand Sun Yixie's intention here.

Ordinarily, it is enough to let the common people do such a thing as sending officials. Although Yamenmen are not enthusiastic about suppressing bandits, they are still very willing to send some officials to receive "merit".

That's why Wen Yuzhai followed up with "maybe", wanting to find out if Sun Yixie wanted him to help "silence" or something.

"It's like this..." Two seconds later, Sun Yixie glanced around, and replied unhurriedly, "Although most of the bandits in this village have been subdued, there are still about twenty people. Because they abandoned the stronghold and fled two days ago, they escaped a catastrophe... These people probably won't go alone, and they won't go too far after only two days... So we want to ask Mr. Wen to use it The seven or eight bandit remnants in the village, take down the remaining twenty or so people as soon as possible, and don't let anyone slip through the net."

"Hmm...so that's the case." Wen Yujie replied in a deep voice.

At the same time, he secretly said in his heart: "I have heard that this Sun Yixie is young and mature, and his intelligence is good. Seeing him today, he is really thoughtful... It's just that he played with Brother Xiao just now, and he has the desire to kill all of you at this moment." , are a little bit perverted... I still have to observe and observe such a person, and I can't believe it..."

"Okay, don't worry, Sun Shaoxia, this is a trivial matter." The next second, Wen Yujie continued, "Wen also knows some friends in the Jianghu, and I can gather a group of people before dawn. Hand over the remaining gang of bandits to them, and within two days, all the twenty or so people you mentioned will be arrested."

This statement is true, he heard that Yu Jie is a figure like Lord Meng Chang, with a wide network of connections in Jianghu, north and south, no matter where he goes, he can find some friends who are close to him to help him.

"With Mr. Wen's words, we can rest assured." Huang Donglai said at this time, "It's not too late. The two of us will go down the mountain first and go to the village to wait for Mr. Wen's men."

"Thank you, both." Wen Yuzhai saluted again, "Please."



Ever since, the three saluted and said goodbye, and parted ways.

Don't look at Sun Yixie and Huang Donglai's conversations with Wen Yuzhao in a calm and unhurried manner. When they walked away from the village and both walked on the mountain road that night, the two of them showed their true colors.

"Damn it...you scared me to death!" Sun Yixie took a deep breath, and cursed, "Where did you come from, the little boy, just now he poked me in front of me and almost made me pee. Fortunately, this kid is a decent person, and he also talks about martial arts, if he attacked directly at that time, I'm afraid I will suffer again."

"Hey, Brother Sun, you don't know something. This kid does have some strength. I'll tell you slowly when I get back to the inn." Huang Donglai said.

"Oh, even you say he has strength?" Sun Yixie raised his eyebrows and said, "Then what he played just now was the legendary Bihai Chao Sheng Song?"

"Brother Sun... I didn't mean you... Did you misjudge your own strength?" Huang Donglai tilted his face, and patted Brother Sun on the shoulder earnestly, "If he can really play Bi Haichao Shengqu, you are dead."

"Get out! Why don't you go shit?" Sun Yixie turned around and cursed back.

"Eh? You said that..." Huang Donglai said, he turned around and went into the woods beside the mountain road, "I suddenly have a stomachache, I'll go and make it easier, you wait for me."

(End of this chapter)

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