Chapter 171
He Yinshan, the leader of the tea gang, is a self-proclaimed elegant person. Although he is only in his early forties this year, and only two or three years older than Di Bujuan, this guy started calling himself an "old man" four or five years ago. And when he speaks, he always likes to drag words.

Now he was asked by Di Buti, and he immediately said: "I don't even know, this is the grievance between you and Sister Lei, the leader of the Di gang, and we don't get involved with the tea gang."

Just his sentence... the half-literate answer with a strong accent made everyone present dumbfounded.

Fortunately, his position seemed to be neutral, which made Di Bujuan heave a sigh of relief.

To be honest, due to Cao Fengchao's "sudden attack" just now, Di Buyi's scalp is still numb. As long as the remaining masters don't make things worse for him, he is thankful.


"Master Di, is this not right for you?" The next second, Huang Donglai, who was standing under the stage watching the play, suddenly said, "I remember that the chief sect master of your four sects and three sects should be Lu Men from the Loyalty Sect. Lord, haven't you changed yet?"

As soon as his words came out, Di Bujuan already realized that the situation was wrong, but many of the gangsters present hadn't tasted the taste of it yet.

Of course, Shuangxiong will not let everyone "disappointed".

Before Huang Donglai finished speaking, Sun Yixie took over his words and said, "Even if you don't care about the status of the 'chief sect master', Master Lu is also the most senior sect master among your four sects and three gangs...Xiao Di, you As the leader of a faction, you can't mess up priorities just because the Zhongyi Sect is not as powerful as the Yancha Second Gang."

If he breaks it a little bit, everyone will understand where the problem is - Di Bujuan shouldn't have asked Cao He and the two gang leaders about this matter.

Although one of the topics of today's Qixionghui is to choose a new chief sect master for the four sects and three gangs (although one is missing now, but it is still called that for the time being), before the election, Lu Yan is still in name. In place.

Today you are the host of the Cao Gang, and Di Bujuan is the host of the meeting. This is understandable, but when you encounter something, you don’t ask Lu Yan first, this is a big problem...

Yu Qing, Lu Yan is the oldest and the highest seniority among the six heads of the three sects and three gangs present.

Yu Li, Lu Yan is the current chief sect master.

You, Di Bujuan, asked the leaders of the alliance to express their opinions, but you bypassed Lu Yan and asked Cao Fengchao and He Yinshan first, what is the meaning of this?
It’s okay if you mess up the order a little bit more, for example, first ask Shao Dejin from Xingyimen, and then ask Cao Fengchao, then you can say that you “didn’t think much about it”.

But you just asked in the order of Cao Fengchao and He Yinshan, that is, the order of "the strength of the gang".

Furthermore, there is also a problem with the seats arranged by the Cao Gang for the other sects today, because this time they are also ranked according to their strength, and it does not take into account the fact that "the Zhongyi sect is the sect where the current chief sect master belongs".

To sum up, from various angles, he, Di Bujuan, is a bit of a follower, not big or small...

So is he really like that?
Yes, but it didn't matter originally.

If today's Qixiong meeting is "normal", then the situation must be completely under Di Bujuan's control, and this is the day to give him power.

Even if Lei Sanniang's cunning and thorny head appeared, Di Bujuan handled it very well, it can be said that nothing leaked.

But when Sun Yixie and Huang Donglai made speeches, the situation got out of control...

Right now, the two of them grasped this detail that most of the people present had neglected, stood on the moral high ground, stoked the fire, and aroused everyone's discussion.

That Di Bujuan didn't care about it at all, his face changed color after being broken by the two of them, he was extremely embarrassed.

And at this moment, a cold snort came from the Loyalty Gate at the right time: "Hmph...forget it, Chief Di was also in a hurry, and forgot that this old bone of mine is still sitting here."

There is no doubt that these words came from Lu Yan.

They have been "invited" into the mansion by the Cao gang since they came to Dengzhou City from the Zhongyimen to monitor them, and they are also looked at by people every day, and they have long been suffocating.

After coming to this venue today, their seat of "the sect where the current chief sect master belongs" was assigned under the Yancha Second Gang, which added fuel to the fire.

At this moment, if the fire is doubled, even Lu Yan can get it.

"Master Lu...Di really didn't mean that..." Di Bujuan, who was arrogant towards Lu Yan, had to bow his head under this situation. He quickly got up from his seat, cupped his fists and said , "I still hope... I hope you will forgive me, the chief sect master."

For Di Bujuan, this move is quite humble.

But Lu Yan... didn't buy him at all.

Lu Yan is also an old Jianghu, how could he not know: You, Di Bujuan, are bowing your head at this moment, not to me Lu Yan, but to bowing your head under the pressure of your fellow Jianghu.

"Hey~ how dare I blame you, Chief Di, who doesn't know that your Cao Gang is now the only one among the seven heroes, and you can still give me some kindness for Lu Mou, I am very satisfied." Although Lu Yan is highly respected, But he has decades of experience in intersecting people, "But let's get down to business..." Having said that, he changed the subject and looked at Lei Sanniang, "Junior Sister Lei, you just mentioned you I am familiar with what happened to the adopted son..." He paused, and waved his hands to the back, "Cong'er, why don't you come and have a word with the heroes from all walks of life?"

In fact, when Guo Cong encountered an ambush a few days ago, it is also possible for Lu Yan to speak out directly, but Lu Yan did not do so.

Without him, just give the young man a chance.

Those of them who are in charge understand that in addition to martial arts, how to speak "scene talk" and how to "speak publicly" in front of hundreds or even thousands of colleagues are very important abilities when traveling in the rivers and lakes; Well, they naturally did not hesitate to let more promising young people in their family show their faces.

"Yes, my apprentice obeys." Guo Cong also understood what Master meant, and quickly stepped out of the queue after making a promise, standing beside Master, and said loudly, "My servant, Guo Cong, speak boldly in front of the heroes of the world today..."

We won't go into details of what he said next, it's just a retelling of the scene where he and Sun Yixie Huang Donglai were ambushed in the alley three days ago with added fuel.

Of course, human memory is biased...

Different people describe the same thing in different ways, and even the same person says the same thing differently many times.

In the version mentioned by Guo Cong, he himself will definitely not be a soy sauce character all the way, at least he must be an image of fighting side by side with Sun Huang.

Listening to Guo Cong's description, Huang Donglai and Sun Yixie, who showed their identities as "Old Immortal Xudong" and "Zhang Baoguo" in the audience, couldn't help complaining in their hearts: "Damn chicken, this kid is quite good at making up history. I have a way of putting gold on my face, if you say it more exaggeratedly, it's not us who saved you, but you, right?"

But after thinking about it, it is impossible for them to jump out and reveal their identities and expose Guo Cong just because of this matter.

In the final analysis, young people are just bragging, and it’s okay to brag appropriately, after all, compared with the two of them, Guo Cong’s bragging is more conscientious.

To make a long story short, Guo Cong talked about the part where they asked "The employer is Di Bujuan" from the killer.

"Guo Cong! You don't want to spout blood!" Hearing this, Feng Shunfeng, who was standing by the stage, couldn't hold back.

The second head of the Cao Gang, from the beginning of the meeting to now, has not been able to insert a word, firstly because the people who spoke are basically higher than him in seniority, and secondly because Di Bujuan also told him in advance Don't talk nonsense with Feng Shunshui.

But at this moment, the person who spoke was a junior like Guo Cong, so Feng Shunfeng finally seized the opportunity and shouted loudly.

When Guo Cong saw this, he was neither humble nor overbearing, and calmly responded: "Every sentence said by the younger generation is true. It is my personal experience. If the second leader of Feng Er doesn't believe it, you can confront my elder brother Sun and elder brother Huang."

This kid is not stupid, he also knows that it is much more effective to use "East Harmony and West Poison" to suppress people than his own bluffing. This one yelling "Big Brother" can also make others look up to him by the way.

"You..." Feng Shunfeng hesitated to speak, paused for a few seconds, and then continued angrily, "Sun Shaoxia and Huang Shaoxia didn't come today..."

He wasn't talking nonsense, because today he and his younger brother received all the guests who came to the island on the shore, and he greeted anyone who was famous, so he was sure that there was no record of Sun Huang's two landing on the island.

"Hehe... Actually, it doesn't matter if they come or not." Lu Yan said with a smile at this moment, "The two young heroes Sun and Huang came to visit the old man that day, and told me the before and after of this matter, so The old man can also testify." He paused for half a second, then looked at Di Bujuan, "Of course... the old man also understands that the world is dangerous, and the killer's words may not be credible, maybe he is intentionally setting things up Master Di...but..." As he spoke, he changed the subject again, turning his words into yin and yang, "If you look at it in conjunction with the murder of Nephew Ge from the Chivalry Sect, then it's not easy to talk about it."

When he said this, Xingyimen also got excited.

Shao Dejin, the head of the Xingyi Sect, immediately answered loudly: "Old Sect Master Lu, if what you said is true, then Shao also has something to say..."

Shao Dejin didn't call Lin Yuancheng out, but personally told the story of Lin Yuancheng being attacked in the restaurant and being rescued by Sun Yixie. Of course, he also mentioned that Lin Yuancheng tricked the killer from the mouth of "the employer is Di Bujue". "Things.

After these sect masters finished their speeches, the atmosphere in the venue became restless.

Co-authored, with the exception of the Salt Gang and the Tea Gang, all three of these three sects have experienced "being plotted against by the Cao Gang", and all those who were ambushed were young talents among the sects without exception. It's just...Ge Shi died, but Lin Yuancheng and Guo Cong escaped with the help of Shuangxie.

More importantly, every wave of killers has revealed that their employer is Di Bujuan under different circumstances, this... naturally cannot be a coincidence.

Facing the increasingly noisy crowd and listening to the gossip that kept pouring into his ears, Di Buyi's face was ashen, as if his whole body was frozen and he stood there motionless.

At this moment, he is very embarrassed.

If those killers were really hired by him, he wouldn't be so embarrassed, but those killers were not hired by him.

Taking a step back, if he doesn't know who hired those killers, he doesn't have to be so embarrassed, but he does.

Taking a step back, if the person who hired the killer had nothing to do with him, he wouldn't have to be so embarrassed, but it happened.

I’m not going to keep it secret, here is a hint in the book—the person who hired the killer, that is, the person who convinced the hired killers that his employer was Di Bujuan... was Di Bujuan’s sister-in-law, That is, the wife of Di Buhui, the former head of the Cao Gang.

(End of this chapter)

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