Chapter 166
The autumn wind is bleak and the waves are rising.

On Liugong Island, there is a meeting of wind and clouds.

These three days passed in the blink of an eye.

On the day of the Seven Heroes Meeting, as soon as noon arrived, the heroes from all over the world had already boarded the island one after another on the boat provided by the Cao Gang.

Ordinarily, the Weihaiwei area, including Liugong Island, is an important coastal defense area of ​​the imperial court. It is guarded and managed by the garrison all the year round, and no one is allowed to come and go by ferry at will, but today...they still let it go.


That's naturally because the local snake of the Cao Gang "can handle it".

After all, this Dengzhou Prefecture is the headquarters of the Cao Gang. They have a bad relationship with the local government and the garrison... so can they have a bad relationship?

In short, today, the coast near Liugong Island is occupied by people from the Cao Gang, and all people who go to the island have to take the boat provided by them without exception.

If you want to get a boat to detour to approach from other places, you have to think about it. The garrison on the island is not blind, they are all veterans who have dealt with Japanese pirates all the year round. People can see it from a few kilometers away; of course... If you can jump into the sea from a boat a few kilometers away and dive all the way to the island, then you are ruthless.

"Qingzhou Salt Gang Chief Cao has arrived—"

At noon, when the sun was in the sky, a shout suddenly sounded from the coast, attracting the attention of many people.

There is no doubt that the Yan Gang among the four families and three gangs is still very famous.

Everyone knows that among the "Six Heroes", in terms of comprehensive strength, the Cao Gang must be the strongest, but if you only talk about the ability to "earn money", then the Yan Gang must earn more.

Cao Fengchao, the leader of the Salt Gang, is in his fifties this year. He has a fat face with a silly smile like a Maitreya Buddha.

On weekdays, this Gang Leader Cao can talk, behave, and has a good brain, especially good at mathematics... that is, accounting; according to the current saying, what finance, overall planning, public relations, HR... and the final decision-making work , He can handle everything, he is a born businessman.

But at the same time, he is not just a "businessman".

Back in the day, the former leader of the Salt Gang had three sons: the eldest son was highly skilled in martial arts, brave and forthright, and had the personality most like his father; the second son was weaker in martial arts than his elder brother, but he was very scheming and good at flattering his father; His third son, Cao Fengchao, has a modest personality, even a little weak. He is obsessed with reading and counting all day long, and he doesn't like martial arts. The brothers didn't take him seriously, and no one thought of coming to "unite" him.

As a result, after a few years, the old gang leader died of a sudden illness, and the throne was passed on to the second son. Yes, he gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, and died together with his second brother.

You said that this is a kind of hatred against your brothers, how much hatred?
But many families in this world are like this. Some parents and children are enemies until death, some brothers are enemies since they are sensible, and some relatives make you wish you were wronged in the hospital.

Anyway... Those two guys will die if they die, the gang can't be left alone for a day, at this time, many "veteran ministers" and "meritorious people" who were around the former gang leader jumped out one by one.

Who wouldn't be envious of such a huge foundation of the Salt Gang?At that time, Cao Fengchao was only in his early twenties, and he looked like a fat guy who could be bullied by anyone. Everyone felt that he could snatch the position of gang leader from him.

Therefore, Cao Fengchao had just succeeded to the throne, and those old guys came out to trip him up everywhere, no matter what he proposed, they would say this is not good, that is not good...

They had originally planned that if they made trouble like this for a period of time, the internal affairs of the gang would definitely be in chaos. At that time, they would use this as a reason to get together and accuse Cao Fengchao of being immoral and incompetent, unworthy of inheriting the position of gang leader, and they should "select another wise man."

How could they have imagined that the little fat man was like a mirror in his heart, he knew exactly what they were planning, and at the critical moment, he was also ruthless...

Cao Fengchao's seemingly harmless appearance made those old guys completely unwarranted of him, which led to Cao Fengchao letting the group of "veteran ministers" retire early collectively in just one night.

I won’t go into the details, but you’ve seen the part before the end of “The Godfather”, and that’s pretty much what it means.

After that, Cao Fengchao became the leader of the Salt Gang, and it has been... more than thirty years.

The Salt Gang under his leadership, compared to a "jianghu gang", is more and more like a pure business group, which is quite similar to the "high-speed rail gang".

Although Cao Fengchao's father had a good relationship with the imperial court back then, he was always regarded as a "reckless man who can be used". Cao Fengchao is different. After years of hard work, his relationship with certain forces in the imperial court is not just " Not bad." That's all.

The methods used by this fat man are not too complicated... In these years, whenever he had time, he "created humans". Before he was 40 years old, not counting those who died young, he had a total of [-] births with ten wives and concubines Children, and nine of these daughters, without exception, were married to officials in the court or sons of official families.

So do you think it will be difficult for him to do business?

So, what is the dispute between the rivers and lakes, what is the head of the four sects and three gangs... Cao Fengchao really doesn't care, he just comes to make soy sauce every time.

The other heads of the Four Sects and Three Gangs also understand that Cao Laosan is not in the arena, and he just wants to do some business to earn his money; he will let the Salt Gang stay in the "Seven Heroes", mainly It is also because this is the alliance that his father led the gang to join, and there is no special situation for him to withdraw deliberately. Anyway, he does not fight with others, and no one will take the initiative to challenge the Salt Gang.

"Hehe... the little brother of the Cao Gang, you are polite." Cao Fengchao smiled and was polite even when facing an ordinary Cao Gang disciple who led someone to board the boat on the shore.

"Master Cao is too polite, and the villain is terrified." The disciple who was in charge of receiving people was quite eloquent, and he hurriedly bowed in response, "Master Di has hosted a banquet on the island, so thank you, Master Cao and everyone from the Salt Gang. The hero will move forward again, board a boat and land on the island, and there will be someone to greet you on the island, please..."

"Okay, hehehe..." Cao Fengchao waved his hands after hearing this, and led a large group of people behind him to the pier with a smile on his face.

There were a lot of people from the Salt Gang, so they had to take a bigger boat. The big boat would run aground if it got too close to the shore, so they had to follow the pier to a place where the water was deeper before boarding.

And in the shallow water nearby, there are also some quacks who waded through the water and boarded boats to go to the island. Those are basically small sects and stragglers.

So as long as they are from the rivers and lakes, anyone can go to the island?

Obviously not.

No, one of them was stopped here.

"Hey! Why are you blocking me?" The person who spoke was a young man of seventeen or eighteen years old.

This person has a face with the character Zhang Shen, inverted triangular eyes, and two wide willow-leaf eyebrows hanging above. The eyebrows are thick in the middle and light in the wings, with a short nose, thick lips, and a few small rabbit teeth.

If you look at his appearance, he is not very outstanding, and look at his clothes, it is even more shabby: a suit of coarse clothes and shoes, there are many patches on them, the bun on the head is not smooth, and the waist He also donned a broken sword that can be seen to be very old just by looking at the scabbard,

For this one, if he simply undoes his bun, throws away his sword and replaces it with a stick, and says that he is a member of the Beggar Gang, maybe others will believe it.

"Boy... I still want to ask you..." A member of the gang who was in charge of guarding the shore squinted at him, "Who are you? Do you know where this boat is going?"

"Hey! Didn't I tell you just now? My name is Linghu Xiang, and I'm here to see the Qixionghui." Linghu Xiang replied.

"It's because I've never heard of your name before, so I asked you, who are you?" The gang member continued, "You just don't have a nickname or anything, so let me tell you which sect you belong to. right?"

"I..." Linghu Xiang showed embarrassment now, and he replied hesitantly, "...I have no family or sect."

"Ha!" That guy laughed, but he didn't make his words too harsh. "Sorry, our Qixiong Club also has rules. We don't welcome such unaffiliated and nameless people."

"Eh? Didn't your Cao Gang claim that all martial arts heroes from all over the world can come to witness?" Linghu Xiang objected.

"Hmph... boy, you really know how to put gold on your face. I'm being polite to you, but you still put your nose on your face, right?" That guy is undoubtedly annoyed. Are you one of the world's heroes? Then just come here and hold a broken sword in your hand, and you can call yourself a hero? Also, if you can't tell your own martial art, and no one has heard your name, then who knows Are you a secret agent sent by the heretics? If you really let you go to the island, who will be responsible if something goes wrong?"

Although his words were a bit snobbish at the beginning, they also had some reason in the second half, Linghu Xiang was really not easy to refute, and was speechless for a while.

"Why are you standing still? Hurry up and drive away, don't block the people behind!" Seeing that Linghu Xiang didn't speak or move, the member of the Cao Gang became more and more impatient, so he stepped forward and pushed him away. Ba, "Really... Where did the poor boy come from, he also wants to go to the island just like this, what does Qixionghui think of us... Tch... It's embarrassing."

He pushed the other party away, and still spat and cursed.

But in less than two seconds, he immediately put on a smiling face and greeted the other Jianghu heroes who came.

Linghu Xiang was humiliated by this gangster, but he was helpless, he stood there silently for a while, but after thinking about it, he could only turn his head and go back.

Unexpectedly, when he turned around, he almost bumped into someone.

That person also stood behind him without knowing when, and he was still standing very close, Linghu Xiang had something on his mind, so he didn't notice.

"Hey! Watch carefully! What are you doing standing behind me?" Linghu Xiang was also on fire at this moment, and spoke very aggressively.

Lin Yuancheng was very quiet, as quiet as water, quietly looking at the broken sword on Linghuxiang's waist: "Good sword."

When Linghu Xiang heard it, his eyes widened: "Who are you scolding? Are you looking for faults?"

"I'm talking about the sword on your waist." Lin Yuancheng replied unhurriedly.

As the saying goes, a slap can't make a sound, Linghu Xiang saw that the opponent was so calm, and it seemed that he had misunderstood, so he calmed down: "Oh? You can also see my sword?"

"This sword of yours is old and worn out, but neither the material nor the craftsmanship of the swordsmith is bad; it is so broken now because it has been exposed to the sun and rain in the hands of the swordsman... ...The scorpion destroys the sword, and it keeps growing. How can the sword not be damaged or old? In my opinion, as long as you find a good craftsman to repair and sharpen this sword, it will be better than the beginning." Lin Yuancheng looked at the sword. It's similar to the old pervert looking at women. The latter can know a lot of information without the woman taking off his clothes, and Lin Yuancheng can know this without taking the sword out of its sheath.

"Really? Brother, you are not fooling me, right?" Linghu Xiang is actually a little uncertain, because he picked up this sword together with the sword manual, and it was already broken when he picked it up. Over the years, I didn't see how good this sword was before it was worn out.

"It's just...even if you repair the sword body, the 'Qi Yun' on this sword is still not worthy of you. I guess this is a weapon passed down to you by your master?" Lin Yuancheng said, looking up at Ling Ling. Hu Xiang, "Well... With your current cultivation base, if you want to make this sword stand out again, you may have to practice for a few more years."

"Hey! Who are you?" Linghu Xiang didn't like to hear these words. Although he could faintly feel that this was the truth, these words came from a person of his own age like "lesson" and "pointing". He said it in a tone of voice... It's not pleasant, this young man has an arrogance, isn't he, "Whether my sword is worthy of my use or not depends on your consent?"

"Heh..." Lin Yuancheng laughed after being choked up by him, "Yeah, I seem to be meddling in my own business, sorry, excuse me."

After finishing speaking, he bypassed Linghu Xiang and walked forward.

In fact, Lin Yuancheng came out like this because he also has something on his mind now.

A few days ago, wasn't the saber that accompanied Lin Yuancheng for many years cut off by Terashima Kohei?Although that sword is not a precious weapon, it is still a good sword, and he has been using it since he was a child. After the sword was broken, he still hasn't found a weapon in his hand, so he can only go to the blacksmith shop casually. I bought a sword and used it first.

So today, when Lin Yuancheng saw Linghu Xiang's sword and saw that the former owner's extraordinary aura was wrapped around the sword, he was a little dazed. He couldn't help walking behind him, and said a few more words.

"Hey, wait a minute." Linghu Xiang suddenly remembered something, turned around and chased after him.

"Is there anything else?" Lin Yuancheng thought that the other party wanted to quarrel with him, but unexpectedly...

"Then... Brother, you are also going to participate in the Qixionghui, right?" Linghu Xiang forced a smile and asked in a somewhat subtle tone.

Lin Yuancheng is not deaf either. He actually heard the conversation between Linghu Xiang and the Cao gang member from a long distance away, so he immediately reacted: "Do you want me to take you to the island?"

"I wonder if brother can help me?" Linghu Xiang cupped his fists and said.

"I can't." Lin Yuancheng refused swiftly, "I also came with my fellow disciples, but I just walked a little slower." He paused, raised his hand and pointed ahead, "Look, that big ship in the distance, It's the boat of my sect, they are still waiting for me..." He looked at Linghu Xiang again, "If you want to let you follow me on the boat, I must ask my master for permission, and he The elderly will never agree, so..."

"Uh..." Linghu Xiang looked disappointed, "Then... I won't force others to make things difficult for me, and stop bothering my brother, please."

He is also a reasonable person, or in other words, he has to show his face so as not to mess around.

Lin Yuancheng also had a good impression of Linghu Xiang, firstly because they were of the same age, and secondly they were both swordsmen; Lin Yuancheng might not be very accurate in judging people, but he saw Linghu Xiang's sword, and Linghu Xiang's sword. From the cocoon on Xiang's hand and the sword energy on his body, he knew that this was also a person who was sincere to the sword, so he felt a little bit of helping.

Just when he was hesitating whether to go to the master to try his luck, suddenly, two figures entered his line of sight.

At this moment, Lin Yuancheng smiled slightly, and immediately stopped Linghuxiang: "My friend, please stay still."

"Huh? Is there anything else?" Linghu Xiang asked back.

"Although I can't help you, but I have two friends, I think they can find a way to bring you to the island." Lin Yuancheng said.

"Oh?" Linghu Xiang became emotional again when he heard this, "Really?"

"Of course it's true..." Lin Yuancheng smiled, "With their abilities, let alone bring you to the island... It's not difficult to bring ten or eight irrelevant people to the island."

"There are other things like this? Where is your friend now?" Linghu Xiang asked quickly.

"It's right there." Lin Yuancheng said, pointing to the side and rear of Commanding Fox Xiang.

Linghuxiang looked in the direction he pointed, and saw two people coming from a distance: one was wearing a brown-gray robe, he had a childlike face with white hair, a long beard fluttering, and carried a big burden on his back; the other was similar in appearance, And disheveled, wearing a Taoist robe.

These two guys... But anyone with a little discernment can tell that the beards on their faces are fake, and from the skin they show, they are not old people at all; besides, they The gait and frequency of the two walking are also completely young people's appearance, very light and agile.

Others may not be able to see clearly who they are for a while, but Lin Yuancheng can still recognize them. After all, he has more contact with Sun Huang and they are quite familiar, so he can still see through such a scumbag disguise.

As soon as Linghuxiang saw these two, he suddenly felt a rush of harmony, and he couldn't help asking Lin Yuancheng: "Brother, are you fooling me? Why do I feel that you two friends are also planning to How about going to the island?"

Lin Yuancheng didn't answer his words, but walked quickly to meet Sun Yixie and Huang Donglai.

Lin Yuancheng was not polite to them both, and asked, "You two... Where did this come from today?"

"Dare to ask who this young hero is, it seems like the first time our two elders have met you?" The next second, Sun Yixie replied in a tone; and while speaking, he gave Lin Yuancheng a wink.

"Oh... okay, then I hope the two 'senior' can help me..." Lin Yuancheng couldn't laugh or cry, he could only follow their wishes, then turned around and looked at Linghuxiang and said, "This Linghu Shaoxia is a friend of Lin. Because he has no background and no reputation in the world, he was blocked by the disciples of the Cao Gang and refused to let him go to the island. Lin begged the two to take him with him. Go to the island, just treat Lin as a trouble to you again."

Upon hearing this, Sun Yixie and Huang Donglai exchanged glances.

Both of them finished the communication without opening their mouths, so Huang Donglai answered in the next second, "It's a little effort, it's not troublesome."

"Okay! As expected of you two." Lin Yuancheng said, "Then Lin will take a step first, and we will see you on the island."

After speaking, he cupped his hands and turned to head towards the pier.

"Hey, brother, what's your name?" Linghu Xiang called him again when he saw him leave.

"Lin Yuancheng." Lin Yuancheng replied without looking back.

When he walked away, Linghuxiang turned his head and found that Sun Yixie and Huang Donglai had already arrived in front of him.

"Two... Two... I don't know about you..." Linghu Xiang was really a little ignorant when he was intimidated by the aura of these two.

"You don't need to say it, you go with us, just play by ear." Sun Yixie said.


When the three of them came to the shore, the member of the Cao Gang who chased Linghu Xiang away had already been waiting for a long time.

This guy is not blind, although he didn't hear what Linghuxiang said to Lin Yuancheng and Shuangxie, but he probably guessed that the two guys wearing fake beards in front of him were going to take this nameless poor boy to the island together Top gangster, can he let it go?

"Hey, you all stop." Seeing them approaching, I immediately waved to several members of the same gang beside me, and several disciples of the Cao Gang stood in a row to block them, preventing the three of them from climbing up. The way of the ship.

"Little brother...what advice do you have?" Sun Yixie looked at the other party and replied calmly.

"Advice? Hmph... dare not." The lao sneered, "I just want to ask..." He frowned, with his mouth curled up, and his eyes crookedly asked, "Who are all of you?"

(End of this chapter)

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