Unparalleled Double Harmony

Chapter 163 Who is the fish?

Chapter 163 Who is the fish?
The house arranged by the Cao Gang for the Zhongyimen must not be too shabby, even if it is not luxurious, at least it is a noble courtyard.

When Guo Cong and Sun Yixie came to the gate of the mansion, the gate was undoubtedly closed, and there was silence within the walls of the courtyard.

Ordinarily, if they didn't encounter the incident just now tonight, they should go straight up and knock on the door at this moment, and when the night watchman answers the door, they will open the side door and let them in.

But since they are not sure whether the mansion is safe, this operation may expose themselves, so after a little discussion, the two decided to climb over the wall and take a peek at the situation in the courtyard first.

Although Sun Yixie hadn't learned any serious light kung fu, with his physical fitness and internal strength, it was not a big problem to jump up a two-meter-high wall. After a while, he and Guo Cong climbed onto the wall shoulder to shoulder.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the two of them showed their heads, they heard a sharp shout: "Who is it!"

Before the words were finished, one person stepped up with a lantern, and one jumped up to the wall.

This person's lightness kung fu is undoubtedly very high. Not only did he climb the wall extremely fast, but he was also able to stand on his own on the top of the narrow and uneven wall. This series of actions shook too violently.

"Eh? Martial Uncle?" Because he was an acquaintance, and there was a lantern to lend light, Guo Cong immediately recognized that the person who came was his Martial Uncle Lu Shiyuan.

Lu Shiyuan was familiar with Guo Cong's voice, but he didn't immediately let go of his guard because of this. After all, there are people in the world who can imitate other people's voices, so it's better to be careful.

"Don't move around." In the next second, Lu Shiyuan told them not to move in a deep voice, and stretched the lantern forward. He didn't let go until he saw the faces of the two people who were leaning on the wall. In a low voice, he said, "What are you doing, Cong'er? If you don't leave the door in the middle of the night, what are you trying to do?" When he said this, he suddenly paused, using a much more polite language than the first half of the sentence. He said in a calm tone, "And... Sun Shaoxia, why are you messing around with this kid here?"

This Lu Shiyuan accompanied Guo Cong to participate in the Young Heroes Meeting last year, and was one of the referees. He also personally stopped the match between Sun Yixie and Guo Cong, so he didn't care about Sun Yixie's appearance. no stranger.

Ordinarily, with Lu Shiyuan's seniority and age, even if Sun Yixie is not a member of their loyal family, he can still reprimand him with the same attitude as his nephew. He, he is also embarrassed to put on airs with others.

"Uncle, are you all right?" Guo Cong said, "Is there anything unusual in the house tonight?"

"Yes." Lu Shiyuan replied.

"Ah? Really?" Guo Cong was startled again when he heard this sentence.

As a result, Lu Shiyuan's next sentence was: "Isn't it unusual for you two to climb the wall here?" He said, turning around and jumping off the wall lightly, "Fortunately, I happen to be the one who watches the night today, and I happen to be at Patroling here at this time, if someone else sees you two sneaking around like this, they might just steal the guy and chop them up in the dark."

"Uh..." Guo Cong thought for a while, and said to himself, "So nothing happened in the house..."

After he said these words, Lu Shiyuan watched his expression and tone, and realized something belatedly: "What? Did something happen to you just now?"


How did Sun Yixie and Guo Cong enter the house after that, and how did they explain the situation to the people of Zhongyimen?

Right now, let's look at Huang Donglai first.

Let's say that Huang Donglai, after parting with Sun and Guo, went to the room using his lightness skills, and secretly followed the masked man who had been interrogated by them.

With Brother Huang's ability, it would be easy to track down an ordinary killer who had already injured his leg.

As for the killer, he didn't even think that the person who let him go just now would follow him again, so he didn't take precautions behind him.

After about a stick of incense, Huang Donglai followed the other party to a courtyard.

Whose yard is this?

It doesn't matter, because the killer doesn't know either.

He just randomly selected an ordinary family with a short courtyard wall, climbed over the wall and entered, and prepared to break in.

Seeing this, perhaps some judges still don't understand, why did the killer suddenly break into the house again?

In fact, if you think about it in another place, you will understand: First of all, it is impossible for him to go back to find his accomplices. If he goes there, he will be tortured and die (although Sun Yixie has analyzed this, but in fact he does not fully believe it. If the killer had told him before, otherwise he would not have let him go, and Huang Donglai would have followed him); secondly, it was impossible for him to escape from the city with a leg injury during the starry night; - Find a safe place to hide first.

The homes of ordinary people are the safest places.

There are tens of thousands of people in Dengzhou City, he randomly chooses a family, goes in and kills the whole family, and hides in the house for a day and a half, while treating the injuries, who knows?

The wound caused by the hidden weapon was not that big. As long as it was bandaged properly, it would not tear and bleed again. At the fastest time, as long as it was dawn, he could change into a set of ordinary people's clothes, wander out of the city during the day, and fly away.

As for the few people killed by him, when the corpses smelled and were found, it was nothing more than adding a headless case to the government.

So do you think this family is wronged or not?Of course I was wronged, but that was the case in those years. It was said that human life was at stake, but in fact the lives of ordinary people were like that. Maybe it was just bad luck, and the family disappeared for no reason.

So why do those martial arts heroes usually kill the villains quickly, and "don't need to tell them about the morals of the world" at every turn?Because the longer a person hangs around in the world, the more he will find that there are still many people who should be killed in this world.

If the person you let go with a single thought of benevolence today does not change in the future, then you will have a share of every bad karma he accumulates when he commits evil again.

Take the example of Lin Yuancheng and Kang Haijiao as an example. Since Lin Yuancheng has made this kind of mistake once, he will have to think carefully before making a decision when he encounters a similar situation in the future... A lesson that every hero who can live long enough will experience.

It is easy for a good person to turn from evil, but it is as difficult for a wicked person to correct their mistakes. This is human nature. If it is so easy to abandon evil and follow good, then the two qualities of kindness and integrity will seem too cheap.

The masked killer in front of me, this person who collects money to kill and kills like hemp, will he change his nature because of Sun Yixie's words "I can do it for myself"?

Not to mention Sun Yixie, even Lei Buji wouldn't believe it here.

The killer had already made up his mind before he reached the door of the residential house: this house is not big, and it can accommodate at most two or three people. After a while, I will slap open the broken door with my palm, and the adults in the house will definitely respond , I just followed the movement of them getting up in the dark and shot everyone to death. If there were children in the room, I would also kill them, so that the children would not cry and make a scene...

Just as he was thinking about it, suddenly...


There was a gust of wind in his ears.

Immediately afterwards, he felt a chill on his neck, as if a gust of cold wind passed along his collar.

Then, the scene in front of his eyes began to flip, and gradually became blurred...

Until the head fell to the ground, the killer didn't understand what happened, and he didn't even realize that there was a tall and thin figure behind him.

Even Huang Donglai, who had been staring at him from a distance, couldn't see clearly how this figure approached the killer and how he shot.

"Come out." The next second, the figure spoke. Although his voice was not high, it seemed to be precisely guided, and it just reached the ears of Huang Donglai who was across the street from him.

When Huang Donglai heard this sentence, he thought to himself: "He shouldn't be talking to me, right? My cat is fine here, it shouldn't be exposed..."

However, the figure waited for a few seconds, and seeing that Huang Donglai didn't respond, he added another sentence: "Huang Donglai."

"Oh shit... you really called me." Huang Donglai cursed secretly, and at the same time he became anxious, "This has all been discovered. It seems that this person's martial arts skills are extremely high. I'm afraid I will suffer badly in the past..."

Brother Huang was hesitating, but the man in the courtyard seemed to have lost his patience: "Still not moving?"

In fact, Huang Donglai wanted to move at this moment, but he was thinking whether he should go forward to answer his words, or turn his head and run away.

"Then I'll do it." That guy was also impatient, before Huang Donglai could think about it, he stretched out and flew up from the killer's body, and in a short while, he had arrived at the roof where Huang Donglai was lying on. above.

Huang Donglai was surprised, but he got up in time, ready to face the enemy.

"Hey, hey... Brother, don't mess around, we have something to talk about." Huang Donglai said this while reaching for the hidden weapon in his arms, as a way to delay the attack.

At this moment, because the other party was standing close, Huang Donglai could see the other party's appearance clearly: but he saw that this man had a long face with Zhang Shen, with white skin, slanted eyebrows and fine eyes, high nose and thick lips, and the whole face gave people the feeling of an eagle. spirit.

There's not much to say about his attire, except for his inconspicuous gray clothes, what attracts more attention is the rapier in his hand.

"Say what?" the man responded.

"Why don't you tell me who you are first?" Since the other party answered the call, Huang Donglai asked with the mentality of giving it a try.

"None of your business?" Unexpectedly, the other party asked back.

"Uh..." Huang Donglai didn't turn his face when he was choked up, but continued to ask, "Then why are you looking for me?"

"Take your life." This answer is concise and to the point, and it doesn't beat around the bush.

"What?" Huang Dong said, his eyes glanced at the killer's corpse in the distance, "Are you that guy's accomplice?"

"No." The man replied.

"Then why did you kill him and come to kill me?" Huang Donglai said again, "Is this the first time you and I have met tonight? There should be no grievances or enmities in the past, right?"

"I took the money." Although Huang Donglai asked several questions, the man still only replied with one sentence.

Hearing this, Huang Donglai realized a problem: "Eh? Why do you only say three words in every sentence?"

"I like it." The man actually smiled after saying these three words.

"Wait... are you..." At this moment, Huang Donglai's face suddenly changed, because he seemed to have guessed who the other party was.

(End of this chapter)

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