Unparalleled Double Harmony

Chapter 152 Moonlight Accepts the Blood Sword

Chapter 152 Moonlight Accepts the Blood Sword

In the middle of the night, the moon is dim, and the west wind whispers.

On the barren hill, there were still two people standing.

These two people, one with a saber and the other with a sword, looked at each other and stood silent.

That sword is a Japanese sword, that is, a relatively low-grade Japanese sword, mostly used by wandering samurai.

At that time, there were often Japanese pirates or pirates from Japan in the Weihaiwei area, so both the officers and soldiers and the common people were very familiar with this kind of knife.

Relatively speaking, relatively high-grade Japanese knives or samurai katanas were extremely rare in the Omyo Kingdom at that time, because that kind of knives were generally only owned by famous nobles in Japan, and those rich and famous samurai did not have them. The reason is that he came all the way to Daqian to be a robber.

That sword is a long sword, more than twice as long as a normal sword.

The person who uses this kind of sword to walk the rivers and lakes is undoubtedly a famous person.

"Sky Sword" Fang Jinghai - Just looking at his nickname and name, he feels a bit powerful, right?
But it's not...

This brother Fang is neither capable of lifting the sky nor shaking the sea, his swordsmanship can only be said to be average, barely above the second-rate level.

However, due to his unique weapon, he may be more difficult to deal with than those swordsmen of his level.

But his opponent was different.

That "Japanese swordsman" is at least a quasi-first-class master by the standards of the Central Plains martial arts, and he is also superior in weapons.

Some people may be surprised, isn't it that he is using a low-grade samurai sword?How can he still have an advantage against this unique long sword of this family?
Ladies and gentlemen, I said "low-grade", that is a vertical comparison... If you compare it horizontally with other weapons, the performance of the Japanese sword is much better than those common in the Central Plains martial arts. Let’s just talk about the material resources needed to make a Japanese sword, which is enough to make several ordinary swords. In addition, samurai swords also have high follow-up maintenance costs. The more sophisticated ones need to be oiled regularly, not with water. Just grind it twice.

In addition to being a collectible, this kind of weapon is almost exclusively born for single combat or small-scale infantry combat in actual combat (basically useless in horse combat, it is not as good as the most common long-handled weapon), even if it is inferior The Japanese sword, its lightness, toughness, and sharpness, is also incomparable to ordinary weapons in the Central Plains... When the two compete, the usual result is that the latter "can't win with a long soldier, can't catch a short soldier, and has too many broken bodies." ".

As for Fang Jinghai's sword, it is longer than ordinary swords, but its toughness is not as strong as spears and sticks... Once it hits the Japanese sword, it will definitely be broken within five hits.

Of course...he didn't know that.

If Fang Jinghai had some idea of ​​the strength of the opponent in front of him or the difference in weapons, maybe he would not come tonight.

He came simply because he thought he would win.

Then you have to ask him why he must come?yes and no...

He said no, because he has no grievances or enmity with his opponent, and he has never met before.

If there is, it is still the phrase "people can't help themselves in the rivers and lakes".

As a swordsman, when someone challenges you to compete with you, you cannot just refuse.

Unless the opponent's reputation or martial arts are far from yours, your refusal can be regarded as a retreat, and in the arena, sometimes a simple retreat may make you unable to gain a foothold from now on.

"Are you Terashima Koping?" After a moment of confrontation, it was Fang Jinghai who broke the silence first.

His tone was somewhat arrogant, obviously at this time he still felt that he was stronger than his opponent.

"Exactly." Terashima is an authentic Dongying person, but he has not been dealing with people from the Central Plains for a short time, so although his accent is relatively heavy, he speaks the Central Plains language quite well.

"I heard... In the past two months, you have beheaded fifteen swordsmen from my Central Plains Wulin, and even taken their swords?" Fang Jinghai asked again.

"Not bad." Terashima replied.

"May I ask why?" Fang Jinghai said.

"Entrusted by others." Terashima replied.

"Oh?" Fang Jinghai said, "Then can I ask who entrusted you?"

"No." Terashima said, "Besides, I don't need to say so much to a person who is about to die."

Fang Jinghai is not as witty as Lin Yuancheng. After hearing this sentence, not only did he not continue to formulate the formula, but because he was irritated, he snorted and replied: "Hmph... I'm afraid that you will die soon, and A dead man cannot speak again."

Hearing this, Terashima's expression didn't change at all, after all...he had heard similar words at least ten times.

After a breath, Terajima continued calmly: "Today, you and I will have a fair duel, life and death will be decided by fate, and the winner will get the weapon of the dead... If you have no objection, please feel free to fight."

"Okay!" Fang Jinghai responded, and then put on a posture, ready to go.

Almost at the same second, Terashima also pulled out the Japanese sword from his waist, held it in front of him, and waited intently.


When the killing atmosphere was extremely high, there was a sound of clanking.

The Qingtian sword is wide open and closed, and the length is used to control the short. Although the sword's cutting is slow, it has a wide range and is powerful, and it can cause damage beyond the "intermediate combination" of the opponent's weapon; Therefore, the weak defend the strong, and the more they fight, the more passive they become, and if the opponent wants to counterattack, he must take two more steps... The difference in distance between these two steps is enough to make up for Fang Jinghai's lack of speed.

However, Terashima did not take these two steps, he chose to stand still, attacking with attack, chopping with blade, and countering the upper with the lower.

The Japanese sword rises, the long sword falls, the blade shines, and the sword breaks in two.

Fang Jinghai has also been fighting in the rivers and lakes for more than ten years, and his actual combat experience is not bad, so after the sword was broken, he was only stunned for a moment, and then he calmed down, changed his moves according to the situation, and turned around , with the edge of the broken sword, make another horizontal cut.

Unexpectedly, Na Sidao bowed his head, lowered his body, and rushed forward. With a dodge, he got into the space under Fang Jinghai's armpit, and slashed upwards with his backhand.

At that moment, a broken arm, holding a broken sword, rose into the sky...

Fang Jinghai screamed, blood spattered five steps.

He instinctively wanted to retreat, but Sijima's third knife had already caught up, but seeing the edge of the blade pass, Fang Jinghai was cut from the ribs to the neck.

The instant bleeding caused by this knife was enough to make Fang Jinghai lose consciousness and collapse.

Standing in front of him, Terashima seemed to be soaked in a blood bath, and his whole body was stained red. Of course...he was used to it.

After a while, Terashima silently took out a white scarf from his bosom while looking down at the uncold corpse in front of him.

He didn't use the white towel to wipe his face, but carefully began to wipe the blood off the knife... His movements were so gentle, as if he was caressing the skin of his beloved woman.

After wiping and sheathing the knife, he walked over and picked up Fang Jinghai's broken sword.

For some unknown reason, Terashima stabbed the broken sword into the heart of the dead Fang Jinghai again, and after the sword was soaked in the blood of its former owner, he pulled it out and prepared to take it away.

And when Terashima turned around, a person had already quietly walked in front of him.

This person was tall and burly, with a fierce look on his face. He also appeared in the previous document...

Seeing this, everyone must have guessed that he is the thief leader "Kang Haijiao" who was entrenched in the "Dragon King Cave" back then.

When we talked about him last time, this old man was blinded by Sun Yixie using lime powder, and then Sun Ge threw him into a steep slope with a "buried ground to the sky" in the dragon dog boxing technique .

In the Dragon King Cave, the forked roads are complicated and rugged, with a huge difference in height and height, and the place where Kang Haijiao fell happened to be a super long and steep slope that leads directly to the underground river; he rolled all the way from there, not only broke dozens of bones on his body, but even his skin A lot of flesh and blood were cut off by the sharp rocks protruding from the slope.

But he... miraculously survived.

Even though his body was covered with cuts and bruises after the fall, because Kang Haijiao kept curling up and holding his head, his head was fine.

As for the situation where the lime powder blinded his eyes, it was no problem in the already pitch-black underground river, and he couldn't see anything when he opened his eyes.

So, he just lay down in the underground channel for a day and a night. On the second day, he was so thirsty that he endured the pain, groped in the dark, and crawled to the river to drink a few sips of water; With so much water pollution, this groundwater is similar to well water, and the water quality may even be better, so it doesn't hurt him to drink it.

Of course, taking a step back...even if the water is dirty, he still knows how to drink it—he can't see it anyway, and it doesn't bother him if he doesn't see it.

Because Kang Haijiao had multiple fractures all over his body, and the slope he rolled down was very steep, it was basically impossible to climb up from the original road, so he could only prepare for "long-term survival".

There are not many edible things in the underground river. Although there are occasional fish in the water, he will definitely not be able to catch them at first; let alone catching them in this dark environment, they are catching them from the stream with bare hands in broad daylight. Fish is also difficult.

So, in the first month, Kang Haijiao basically ate rats, scorpions, and all kinds of bugs and mushrooms that he didn't know what species they were, and they were all washed in water and eaten raw...

You have to ask why he didn't die from poisoning or acute gastroenteritis infection, I don't know.

Maybe something he ate happened to be a rare "natural material and earth treasure", or maybe this guy was born with a strange physique, with an extremely developed immune and digestive system. In short... not only did he not die, but his body is getting better day by day When he got up, the wounds on his body did not do any special treatment except for washing with water, and they all healed in the end.

As for the lime powder on his face, he had already washed it off with the mucus "extracted" from animals and plants, but in the dark, even if his eyes were opened, it would not do much.

To make a long story short, after this month, Kang Haijiao's other senses besides vision began to be sharpened, and his hearing, smell, touch... all became extremely developed unconsciously; he was originally a water thief and lived on water. Not long after his senses were strengthened, he mastered how to catch fish with bare hands in the underground river, which can be regarded as improving his own food.

Halfway through the second month, the bones on his body had basically grown, and at this moment he felt it was time to escape from the underground river.

The slope where he fell was too long and steep, and it was too difficult to go up without tools. Kang Haijiao didn't have any light skills and couldn't "swim up the wall", so he decided to go down the river. If he was lucky, he should be able to Find an exit leading to a well or mountain stream.

However, if you are unlucky...it's really hard to say. Some underground rivers can stretch for dozens of kilometers, and there are many branches in them. You may walk along a tributary for several days before you find that the road ahead suddenly becomes very It's too narrow to get through.

Kang Haijiao walked along a road for more than ten days, and then encountered such a "bad luck" situation.

As he was walking that day, he suddenly found a stone wall blocking his way in the dark, and there was only a very narrow gap at the bottom of the stone wall for water to flow out.

Kang Haijiao, who "hit the wall", was very upset. Before turning his head and turning back, he clenched his fist and knocked on the stone wall unwillingly, but unexpectedly, he didn't know what mechanism was touched by this knock... The thick stone wall turned out to be like It turned over like a revolving door.

When the glaring sunlight outside the stone wall shone into the pitch-black river, Kang Haijiao, who hadn’t seen light for almost two months, almost went blind. Fortunately, the stone wall quickly re-sealed the river and covered Sunshine, this slowed down Kang Haijiao who was kneeling on the ground covering his face.

Later, when he "turned over" from the stone wall, adapted and regained his eyesight, he found that he had come to a cave in the middle of the cliff by accident.

This hole is obviously artificially modified. On the rock wall that can be turned over, one side is an ordinary stone, and the other side is engraved with martial arts.

I think the person who lived in seclusion here before must be a very cautious person. He has already hidden in this kind of place to practice, and he has not forgotten to take extra insurance; if Kang Haijiao enters this cave not from the side of the river, but from the side of the cliff If someone comes in from behind, it is very likely that they will not be able to discover the secret behind the stone wall.

No matter what... At that moment, Kang Haijiao, who was blessed by misfortune, couldn't help laughing up to the sky, and shouted "the sky has eyes".

He not only narrowly escaped death, but also had this kind of adventure.

This kind of experience naturally swelled his ambition and structure greatly. He could no longer be willing to be an ordinary thief, and he wanted to make a name for himself in the martial arts world.

Of course... Before that, he still had to practice the kung fu in front of him first.

So what kind of martial arts are engraved on this stone wall?

The superior light work - "Climbing to the sky".

In fact, you should have guessed a thing or two from the location of this cave. Here... no one with a certain level of lightness kung fu can't even get in unless they use a rope ladder.

Just like Kang Haijiao at this time, although he discovered the hole, he still couldn't return to the outside world; because for him, the front hole was halfway up the cliff, and he fell to his death when he stepped out, while the back hole was halfway up the cliff. The stone wall leads to the underground river, and going in is equivalent to going back the same way... Anyway, there is no way out.

Ever since, he practiced in that cave for several months. As for food, he still had to go to the underground river to find it.

A few months later... Like the "Red Plum Sparrow" in the previous document, this Kang Haijiao was also the one who wanted to "destroy the cave and wipe out the traces" before leaving the land of adventure; He had cultivated his determination to a certain extent, so he destroyed the stone wall and ran away from the side of the cliff.

You want to ask how this person who only learned the best light kung fu destroyed the stone wall... Then I can remind you that we mentioned this guy when he first appeared on the stage. A master big enough to lift the mast of a ship and stick it in the mud.

In addition, when he was 20 years old, he had been in the Cao Gang for a few years, and he had learned some boxing skills, so he already had the foundation, so destroying a stone wall is really not a problem for him, but it is only for the masters. Maybe three punches and two palms can get it done, but he needs to spend more effort.

The first thing Kang Haijiao did when he saw the light of day again was of course robbery, which needless to say, and after he finished the first vote, he immediately thought of going back to Chenjia Village in Ant Mountain to "settle accounts" with those villagers.

Because in his opinion, Sun Yixie and Huang Donglai who came here to carry out their "business" must have been hired by those villagers.

However, he is also rough and subtle, and he will not do things like rushing directly into the village to arrest people for questioning; last time he was just a little impulsive and pushed, and almost died in the hands of Sun Yixie—— You have to learn something when you make a mistake, or you're just stupid.

So, Kang Haijiao pretended to be a passing traveler, entered the village as usual, and chatted sideways with other guests while drinking in the village tavern.

Originally, this group of villagers had never seen this "Dragon Lord" from the beginning to the end, so they couldn't possibly know that this person in front of them was the leader of the thief who framed them back then; Because during this period of time, it happened to be the time when "East Harmony and West Poison" became famous, and the villagers of Chenjia Village were helped by Sun and Huang, or they had contact with each other, so they naturally wanted to use it as a talking point. Even if Kang Haijiao didn't ask, maybe they would take the initiative to speak out.

And this Kang Haijiao found out after hearing it, it turned out that the villagers really didn't invite people to come here, and those two guys just passed by here to meddle in their own business.

He heard it again, it turned out that during the few months he experienced the adventure, the two of them, Sun and Huang, first calmed down Shen Youran in Luoyang, and then helped Jin Yiwei get rid of the remnants of Youying in Wuchang. Whether it is true or false, the anecdotes of the rivers and lakes that have been embellished by the common people are more and more frightening when they are told.

After hearing this, Kang Haijiao thought about it...how about I don't take revenge for this revenge?I can't afford to mess with this evil thing...sprinkling lime powder is fine, I have never heard of such a thing as sinking a person into a cesspit. thing.

Thinking about it this way, he really gave up on revenge, and started wandering around the rivers and lakes from then on.

Up to now, this Kang Haijiao has successfully climbed a "big tree" and became the subordinate of a certain important person in the world.

Of course, it is very difficult for him from the "lower five sects" to enter the hall of elegance. He can only be the same as Terashima Kohei who was born as a Japanese pirate... Do some unspeakable "dirty work" for the big boss. Nor can he tell who his master is and what he is going to do.

"Jiaojun, I should have said many times, don't appear behind me like this silently." After turning around, Terashima paused for two seconds, and then handed the blood-stained broken sword to the opponent .

"Hmph... I have come here very normally, so you can't even hear me, so can you blame me?" Kang Haijiao replied a little proudly, "Do you want me to tie two bells on my feet?" In the meantime, he had already taken the sword from the opponent's hand, and put it into a long and narrow wooden box that had been prepared earlier.

"Then next time I instinctively stab you because I saw someone suddenly appearing behind me, don't blame me for not reminding you." Terashima continued.

"Scare me? Heh... you can try..." Kang Haijiao sneered, it seems that his relationship with Si Dao is not good, they just have to work together.

"I will remember your words." Terashima replied.

"Whatever you want." Kang Haijiao said, "Anyway, this is already No.16, and there are only four left before I can do business with the 'Master'. After this task is completed, you and I may not continue to cooperate."

"Speaking of this... I hope you can help me find a stronger swordsman next time." Terashima said, "For opponents like today, their swords' purity is too low, so hand over such things , I don’t think the master will be too satisfied.”

"Ha!" Kang Haijiao laughed dryly with a hint of disdain, "You've killed a few second- and third-rate people, and you're still going crazy? How powerful do you really think you are? I'm really going to ask that brilliant swordsman to come, You are not afraid of death is you?"

Hearing this, Terashima's expression suddenly turned cold: "I can't pretend that I didn't hear what you said... Otherwise, you and I will have a competition now?"

"No need, I don't want to play with you." Kang Haijiao rejected the other party without thinking, "You want to act like a wolf with a big tail, right? Okay, I'll find a better one next time, but in case you make a mistake , don't blame me..."

"Hmph..." Terashima also sneered, "If I make a mistake, it doesn't make any difference to you, does it? You just take my beloved knife and blood to the master."

(End of this chapter)

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