Unparalleled Double Harmony

Chapter 105 Possession

Chapter 105 Possession

"Huh?" Hearing the name, Xie Run looked the peddler up and down again, as if confirming his appearance.

He was quite calm, but two seconds later, Kong Hengji who was sitting not far away jumped up.

"Presumptuous!" But seeing the scholar's serious face, he shouted sharply, "Since the founding of the country, two emperors have successively abolished the Hu surname and Hu's name, and they have been handed over to the Ministry of War to compile, survey and co-ordinate, and give them names. ;Now on my territory of Damang, where is there anyone with the surname Yelu? You dare to call yourself a nonsense, what is your intention? Could it be that you are a secret agent sent by the Northern Yuan Tartars? Or do you want to plot rebellion! "

How about saying that scholars are not easy to mess with?
As the saying goes - shaking hands with seven-inch moso bamboo, half-work, half-cultivation, and half-scholar.When thirsty, come to the pool to drink ink, when full, come to shake the prestige on the paper.In the upper hall, ministers are afraid of civil and military affairs, and they leave poems in the temple to scare gods and ghosts.If this pen falls into the hands of the enemy, it is more dare to kill the sword than the sword.

What do you mean by that?Just to make sure you don't offend those who hold pens, you have to let him seize the opportunity, even if a hat is put off, even if it doesn't kill you, it can make you lose your skin.

Right now, Kong Hengji is seizing the opportunity.

Seeing that the peddlers and Xie Run seemed to be in conflict, he hurriedly fanned the flames. He just gave a name, and he took off the hat of treason.

Can you talk nonsense?

There is a saying that "success is not as high as merit, and rebellion is not as serious as crime." During the rule of the feudal dynasty, this was the greatest crime in the world.

And why did Kong Hengji say this?It was just because someone had a quarrel with him just now.

"Hehehe..." The peddler didn't show any fear at all after hearing Kong Hengji's words, and was still smiling strangely, "Conspiracy? Hahahaha..." He smiled, and suddenly his expression changed, his face was full of ferocity, Immediately afterwards, he jumped up and shouted, "You Han people are rebellious!"

Before he finished shouting, he had rushed towards the scholar.

His jumping technique is extremely weird... as if his whole body is like a marionette, without exerting any force at all, he jumped more than a foot high in a twisted posture of his limbs. It passed over the heads of the crowd and landed on Kong Hengji's place.

"Ah—" Before the person arrived, Kong Hengji himself was paralyzed in fright and screamed.

However, this was a waste of his feelings, because just as the traveling merchant jumped up, Xie Run also made a move...

Xie Run is tall, so he didn't even need to jump. He just stood on tiptoe and stretched his arms, and he grabbed the ankle of the pedestrian who was in mid-air, and then he pulled him off from the top with a single effort. He fell to the ground.

Seeing that both of them started to fight, the others also reacted in their own way.

The doctor was the most vigilant, he immediately picked up his luggage, hid far away, and retreated all the way to the door of the main hall, as if he was ready to run away at any time.

The three of Sun Huanglei all stood up and made a gesture of guard, fearing that the fight between the two would hurt Chi Yu.

As for the scholar Kong Hengji, he was so frightened that his legs went limp, and he collapsed on the ground, unable to move.

"Ahaha...hahahaha..." Unexpectedly, after the traveling trader fell on all fours, he laughed wildly again, and his body began to tremble unnaturally.

At this moment, Xie Run was still holding on to the other party's ankle, but when he saw the other party's behavior was very strange, he let go out of caution.

As a result, as soon as he let go, the traveler was like a piece of clothing in a drum washing machine. He was lying on his side and "spinning" and flew up like this. The difficult movement stood up again in the rotation.

"Hmph... so he's still a master." Seeing this move, Xie Run made a judgment at that time. He snorted coldly, and then asked, "Brother, Ming people don't do secret things. Since you dare to find me, then Don't pretend to be a tartar there, and report your real name!"

But the traveler ignored him at all. While smiling strangely, he turned around and rushed towards the pillars in the main hall, and then...he did something that made everyone present feel unbelievable—he acted like a Like a lizard, it bent its limbs, stuck to the smooth surface of the pillar, climbed all the way up to the ceiling, and hung upside down above everyone's heads in the same posture.

This is not over yet. After he went up, he turned his neck to an angle that would definitely cause fractures for a normal person, and continued to smile strangely at the six people below, smiling, blood dripping from his mouth... …

Now, it's not something that can be explained by "lightness skills".

The doctor Tian Wude was old and superstitious. Seeing this scene, he immediately pointed at the traveling merchant "prostrated" on the ceiling and exclaimed, "Ghost...it's the upper body of a ghost!"

When he yelled this sentence, everyone suddenly remembered what the boatman Wang Sanliu said earlier...

Previously, people tried to dissuade them repeatedly, saying that Lanruo Temple was haunted by ghosts, and there were no exits, but they didn't believe it. Now, seeing this scene that cannot be explained by common sense, they were all shaken.

"No...impossible, there are no ghosts in this world at all." Xie Run was very courageous, he firmly refused to believe this, even at this moment, he insisted, and said, "He must have used some kind of mechanism, these are all tricks !"

So is this possible?

It's really possible.

For Sun Yixie and Huang Donglai who have traveled from modern times, they have seen more exaggerated magic tricks or movies. With their vision and imagination, they can indeed be explained with some theories, for example: The palms and knees are equipped with some kind of special gel with strong suction and can bear the weight of an adult.

But Xie Run... In fact, he didn't know how the other party did it, and he didn't have any reasonable speculation. The "blurring" he said was more of deceiving himself and others, and by the way stabilized people's hearts, so that others would not Out of fear of losing size.

"Hehehe... Xie Run, do you believe this?" At this time, the traveling merchant on the ceiling spoke again, "Do you think there is any mechanism that can do this... like...?"

When he said the last three words, his head suddenly began to inflate rapidly like a balloon, and in a blink of an eye it swelled to the point that it was bigger than a water tank.

In this way, even Sun Yixie thought it was haunted: "Damn it! Is there really a ghost?"

Before he finished speaking, he heard another "bang", and the door of the main hall closed by itself.

Tian Wude, who was standing by the door and holding on to the door frame, was staggered by the force of closing the door and nearly fell down.

Immediately afterwards, the traveling merchant's head "exploded" in the process of rapid expansion... Accompanied by a muffled sound, a large amount of blood gushed out from the huge head, splashing down like a waterfall; It wasn't over yet, after the head "exploded" off, bleeding continued to gushes from the wound on the footman's neck, and the blood was surging like a bank burst.

In the blink of an eye, the hall was soaked by the blood tide, and the "blood level" had already covered everyone's knees.

"What's the situation?" At this moment, even Huang Donglai panicked, "Is this ghost so fierce? He used a big move at the beginning? Anyway, let's choke his neck or something first."

"Two... two brothers, what... what should I do now?" Lei Buji was so frightened that he stuttered.

The two of them were still in shock, while Sun Yixie had rushed to the closed door and kicked the door a few times, but the door didn't budge.

"Oh shit!" Sun Yixie was so anxious that he cursed.

"Brother Sun, continue!" A second later, Huang Donglai also came to his senses, picked up Sun Yixie's trident, and threw it at the latter.

Sun Yixie picked it up, and then, without further ado, he stabbed at the joint of the door lock, but... he couldn't pierce it through.

Not only could it not be pierced, but even a white spot could not be left.

This is a precious weapon that cuts iron like clay, but the door is just thicker wood and lacquer, this is absolutely abnormal.

At the same time, Xie Run also took action.

He stared at the headless body on the ceiling that was constantly spraying blood like a thick water pipe, hesitated for a while, then got up with some skill, stepped on the wall on one side, and flew up, trying to catch the blood. Pull that body down to see what it is.

And then...he succeeded.

He really pulled down the headless body, and after pulling it down, he found that there was nothing special about it.

It was an ordinary body of flesh and blood, with no head, and blood was gushing out from the neck continuously; The magnitude of the swimming pool has gone.

"This... this..." Now Xie Run was really scared, his scalp was numb, he was so frightened that he let go of the headless body and took a few steps back.

And at this time... the blood level in the hall has reached the waist of everyone.

"Quick! Get out of the back door!" About five seconds later, Huang Donglai yelled, and Xie Run, who was dazed by the shock, came back to his senses.

When everyone heard the words, they were all dripping with blood, and hurried to the back of the hall.

In ancient times, the main hall of a general temple had front and rear doors. The front door opened towards the main courtyard, and the back door led to other places in the temple. When Lei Buji was looking for firewood, he used the small door at the back of the hall.

Facing the crisis right now, Huang Donglai was the first to think of looking at the back door.

However... the reality is desperate. When everyone came to the back door, they found that, just like the front door, it was locked and could not be opened.

"Damn!" Seeing this, Sun Yixie cursed again, but then he took the lead and ran to the Buddha statue in the main hall, "Don't worry! Go to a high place to hide first!"

As he spoke, he had already stepped onto the altar, and climbed along the body of the Buddha statue to the Buddha's shoulder.

Although the other people hesitated, after thinking about it for a while, they followed suit and climbed onto the Buddha statue one after another—after all, it was between life and death. Bu said, even being struck to death by lightning from the sky would be more enjoyable than drowning in the pool of blood created by the ghost.

Of course, even if they climbed to a high place, it only delayed a little time and could not solve the problem.

It didn't take long for the blood to catch up, and even those huge Buddha statues high above were drowned in the blood tide.

Just when everyone was gradually engulfed by despair and collapse...




From nowhere, three bells rang.

The voice sounded solemn and distant, but it also revealed a bit of sadness and sadness.

After the bell rang, everyone opened their eyes.

They were all still sitting around the fire.

Because they are all wearing clothes that have not yet dried out, it is normal for them to dream that they are soaked in water or something else after falling asleep.

Except for the traveler, the other six people looked around and looked at each other after waking up. They could tell from the eyes of each other that they all had the same dream.

"When did we... fell asleep?" After a breath, Huang Donglai was the first to speak, asking suspiciously.

No one answered him, because no one remembered when he fell asleep, but everyone remembered what happened in that "dream".

After thinking about it, everyone turned their attention to the traveling businessman.

At this moment, only he was still lying on his luggage box and fell asleep, and he was sleeping soundly.

"Hey, wake up." Xie Run is a man of action, and now he doesn't want to pretend to be an ordinary person anymore, so he took advantage of the opportunity and patted the peddler on the shoulder, trying to wake him up for questioning.

Unexpectedly, with just a light pat, the traveling merchant's head was severed from his neck...and rolled to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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