Chapter 98
Yu Sheng couldn't understand Qin Huan all the time. He couldn't deny that Qin Huan taught her a lot, but he also gave her the depression accumulated over time.

The Yu family and his wife recognized Yu Zhihuai when they picked her up. At first Yu Sheng didn't want to recognize her, but for some reason, they ran to Qin Huan and cried.

Yu Sheng talked about the reason why he was abandoned in the first place, but Qin Huan only told her that her parents were more generous than heaven. , I recognized it.

Qin Huan said that they are your biological parents, and they have difficulties. As a child, you should not hate them.

Yu Sheng also hoped that they had difficulties, and also hoped to have their parents by their side, not asking them to take care of them, but only asking them not to give up themselves at certain junctures without hesitation.

For the first time, she carried a gift with anxiety and went home for the festival.As soon as the things were put down, they were asked to light a fire to cook.

People can feel the truth and falsehood of others.

Later, she was able to understand her parents' hardships, under the pressure of hunger and cold, to give up a cumbersome choice, and even praised their hard-heartedness and reason, as well as their ignorance and loyalty to the master's family.

She understands, but never forgives.

If she was forgiven, how should she explain to the years when she was wandering between life and death.

She never slept lightly, and would wake up at the slightest movement. It was not until she entered Qingbai Mountain Social Studies, and until she was good enough to learn from Qin Huan, that she felt a little more at ease.

But Qin Huan gave her another kind of urgency.

Don't you, the teacher who appeared in Mr. Yang Ming's study, know the purpose of the Yu family and his wife?
I know why I let it go, even tacitly.

Yu Sheng was silent for a while, then his face turned cold, "If you give up the quota in exchange for the grace of the father and daughter, will you change it?"

Yu Shu scolded his shameless conscience, and Yu Feng grabbed his wife and said impatiently, "Change, remember your words, and you go and tell Mr. Yang Ming now."

The Yu family and his wife were not at ease, and they supervised her until she entered the Mingjing Pavilion.

Yu Sheng came to Mr. Yang Ming's study again, this time Qin Huan was not there.

She saluted, "Students voluntarily give up their recommendation qualifications."

With his hands behind his back, Mr. Yang Ming walked to the bookshelf and pulled out a box, "Do you know what I'm looking for you for today?"

"I don't know."

Mr. Yang Ming put the box on the table with the seal of Si Tianjian on it.

Inside is the sponsor's credential.

Seeing that Yu Sheng was silent, Mr. Yang Ming slowed down, "Can you tell me why you gave up?"

His intuition had something to do with Qin Huan's saying to let her go home first, but it's not easy to interfere in other people's private affairs.

"Yu Sheng, this opportunity is rare. You should know the weight of the person who is recommended. It's not something you can compare yourself to."

Being recommended by social sciences represents the approval of all gentlemen, and is the primary concern of Si Tianjian.

Yu Sheng remained unwavering, with a hint of determination, "I give up."

Mr. Yang Ming couldn't, "as long as you don't regret it."

He watched the student leave, paced a few times in the study, and summoned the gentlemen of the cultural group, "Yu Sheng gives up the quota and chooses again."

Yu Sheng was recommended by the majority of the votes, so the pros and cons of Fan Siyuan and Yu Zhihuai could not be seen in the number of votes, so they had to be re-recommended.

Mr. Lin couldn't believe it, "How could she give up when she is good? According to her temperament, she is not the kind of person who has to pass the unified examination to prove herself."

"Don't mention this." Mr. Yang Ming glanced at Qin Huan, who didn't seem surprised, and frowned, "Let's recommend one from Fan Siyuan and Yu Zhihuai."

"Fan Siyuan, the number one in Wang Meiju, has good morals, and has a clean background. Now he is also an acquired martial arts."

"I chose Zhihuai. He is at the top of the list of knowledge, he is highly motivated, respects teachers and respects Taoism, and his cultivation foundation is not bad."

Each gentleman recommended it, and when it was Qin Huan's turn, he chose Yu Zhihuai.

Several people are not surprised. The last time he recommended him, he chose Yu Zhihuai instead of his own disciple. Everyone just regarded him as avoiding suspicion.

But last time he just gave a name, this time he gave an unprecedented reason, "This child has a tough heart, dares to take responsibility, cares about affection, and can take on big responsibilities."

Mr. Lin sneered, "How can you tell that he is tough-minded, just relying on you?!"

Qin Huan was not angry, and said in a clear manner, "I didn't choose Yu Sheng because she lacked gratitude and tolerance, and couldn't handle housework well. If even her parents thought her morality was a problem, then how could she be qualified to enter. Si Tianjian, how do you manage the affairs of the world?"

"Yu Zhihuai's desire to study is very strong, and he respects his teachers. The family members, servants, and friends around him are also very united and harmonious, which shows the image of self-cultivation and family."

"Do her parents call her parents? Leave her good disciples alone. What are you worrying about? If you have the ability, take Yu Zhihuai and give Yu Sheng to me!" Mr. Lin is angry, if he hadn't overslept at the beginning , can make a good child as his protégé.

"It's in vain that you are familiar with history, but you are blind!"

"Mr. Lin, calm down, calm down." Everyone persuaded them again and again.

Qin Huan watched with a cold face, "I know about my students, so I won't bother you anymore."

"You don't have to say a word." Mr. Yang Ming tried his best to bring the topic back, "Let's get the nominees ready first, Mr. Lin, who do you recommend?"

Mr. Lin was in a fit of anger and blurted out, "I push Yi Zhan, they are much more politically sensitive than you, not to mention Si Tianjian, the elders' meeting can also go!"

Mr. Yang Ming did not expect a third person to appear, "This"

Yu Sheng was walking along the mountain path over there. She knew that her years of depression had reached a critical point, and then Yu Jia and his wife broke out under the teacher's unsentimental hint. This eruption was silent and continuous, so much so that it made her Burnout about the past and the future.

She needed sound to wash away this emotion, so she came to the side of the mountain stream, and the water rushed down from the rocks and rumbled.

Suddenly her eyes were fixed, a fishing rod was stuck in the crevice of the rocks on the shore, and the thin line dipped into the rushing water.

Who is so stupid to fish in the upstream scupper.

Yu Sheng hugged his knees and sat beside the fishing rod, staring blankly at the fishing line. The line is so thin that it undulates softly along the water for a while, and is pulled by the strong waves for a while. As if the next breath will be involved in the water.

She seems to have seen the realism of an era. Fishing lines are like people, and the structure of survival is like flowing water. It is up to her to live with the situation or to be broken and destroyed.

When she looked at it like that, she watched for an hour, and the bell sounded startling the birds.

"What are you doing here?" When Zhan Changfeng came over, he saw such a dumb girl, like duckweed in the waves.

She knew that Yu Sheng didn't have to go to class every time. After all, Professor Lan Xinting's progress was far behind her. More often, she went to Mingjing Pavilion to open a small kitchen or discuss current affairs with Wangmeiju.

Yu Sheng turned her face to look at her faintly, and her brows twitched, "Girl, life is still very long, don't forget about it."

"." Yu Shengfu looked at Liushui again and sighed, "I can't think of anything."

Zhan Changfeng was slightly surprised, but did not expect that she would admit it directly.

Every time Zhan Changfeng sees a person, he will subconsciously analyze the person's personality from all aspects of face, behavior, conversation, and temperament to ensure his predictability.

So when she saw Yu Sheng for the first time, she knew that he was a very forbearing person.It can make a forbearing person admit that he is not happy, it can be seen that the tight string is about to break.

"After I said some confusion, I figured it out myself." Zhan Changfeng added, "I don't listen."

Yu Shengguo couldn't help but smile when she saw her sitting cross-legged and didn't hear things outside the window, "Are you comforting me?"

With her chin resting on her knees, she really laughed, and a cold person was comforting her.

In fact, she has listened to the sound of water for a long time, and the emotional injury that the Yu family couple brought her has been diluted.

She was depressed for some deeper reasons.

Yu Sheng began his apprenticeship with Qin Huan at the age of nine, and many of his perceptions were influenced by him, but he was full of doubts about the theory of filial piety and self-cultivation advocated by him.

 Your friend Zhan Taotao will be online soon

(End of this chapter)

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