Chapter 978
Zhan Changfeng thought deeply about the meaning behind his whim, and was slightly stunned.All living beings have selfish intentions. Even quasi-sages are not necessarily impartial. Is it really right for selfish people to act on behalf of the heavens?
Do you want to put layers of shackles on them, like this puppet statue, to restrain their behavior?
This is a question worth investigating.

She kept the problem in her heart, and wanted to continue to travel in all walks of life and understand the world, so she accelerated the transformation of the cloud piercing world.

Now that unimaginable power has been shown in the world of ordinary people, Zhan Changfeng handed over the basic methods of cultivation to the leaders of the watch world, hoping to see if there will be any time for cultivation behavior in the watch world with strict laws and regulations. Killing and seizing treasures and competing for resources happened.

What's interesting is that the heads of ordinary people set up the relatively easy-to-learn martial arts as a class for self-cultivation, and set up a special academy for the difficult-to-practice spells.The wind of cultivation has swept across the continent, but the basic laws have not changed for monks. It seems that there are just more skills that can be learned.

Zhan Changfeng listed this world as an observation target to see what would happen after the fusion of cultivation civilization and technological civilization.

As for the original practice circle, she didn't care too much. After asking the housekeeper and driver Ahua for their opinions, she asked them to negotiate with the leaders of the watch world and set up a supervision department for monks to gradually promote the integration of the outside world and the inner world. .

One month after the appearance of the Fusang sacred tree, people on the mainland have already rushed to a new life, and cultivation is no longer a secret that needs to be hidden.

Yan Changqing looked at the changing world, sat for three days and three nights under the hibiscus tree, and laughed miserably, "It is said that there is a secret of ascension in the underground world, and the key to unlocking the secret of ascension lies in the ten thousand caves. Now that I think about it, It's all a scam, and it's clearly tempting us to kill the so-called God of Wealth, causing a world to collapse and all to ascend to heaven!"

Elder Dong also had a bitter face, "What kind of underground world, what kind of ascension, it's just to release space cracks and let us all fall."

They all regretted it at the beginning, but it was too late.

At this time, the ground suddenly shook, Yan Changqing and the others jumped up like frightened birds, looked around, but saw a black hole cracked beside the sacred tree.

Zhan Changfeng, who sensed an atmosphere different from this world, let out a light sigh, and appeared beside the cave in an instant, and there really was an "underground world".

Although this is not the underground world in the true sense, it means that behind this space crack is another new world.

It's a pity that the Void Returner has the ability to cross the space crack alone without any protection, and others who want to go there alone will undoubtedly die.

Perhaps, Jiang Yan wanted to use the world on the other side as the next habitat for the creatures in this world, but the vitality of the world in this world is seriously insufficient, and the monks are weak, so they cannot build a passage between the two worlds, nor can they cross over.

Zhan Changfeng was left alone anyway, and decided to go to the opposite world to see the situation.

After she told Yan Changqing and others to guard the place and not allow any living things to approach, she sacrificed the altar and entered the space crack.

This realm is not far from the Cloud Piercer Realm, and it will arrive in two or three hours.

She landed in a vast mountain forest, and as soon as she landed, she felt that this world was unique, and the vitality of the world in this world, gathered energy into liquid, was at the level of the middle world.

Looking at the traces of the heaven and the earth with the eyes of true knowledge, the clarity is very clear, and there is no interference of various national fortunes.

Could it be a primitive world?
She walked away looking for signs of life, and suddenly saw a big turtle like a small hill coming out of the water, crawling into the forest with three steps, and a two-foot-long sharp-billed hairless bird flitting high above the sky, screaming piercingly.

All of a sudden, he heard the rush of the jungle, the rushing water, and a huge black-haired beast with long horns propped up its body that covered the sky and walked upright into the distance.

This seems to be a world dominated by various giant beasts, and what is even more surprising is that these giant beasts have supernatural powers!
She encountered some small creatures one after another, with novel appearances and average combat power in the life-death situation?
What kind of world is this, is there no human race?

Zhan Changfeng searched all the way, and finally found a marching team on a plain after passing through many mountain barriers.

Most of them wear animal clothes or sackcloth. Adult men and women are eight feet tall, with particularly pointed ears. There is no sign of practicing magic, but they are excellent in martial arts, and life and death are everywhere.

Zhan Changfeng tried to translate their words in Lingyu, and learned that they called themselves the Dou Clan, and they were going to attend the tribal meeting now, in order to obtain the qualification to enter Longshan.

This Longshan seemed very important to them, but she couldn't get any more information about it.

After thinking for a while, she changed into a linen robe and transformed her appearance to make herself look like a Dou clan member.

The tribal meeting was held in the largest Xiangyun tribe on the plain, and it was still a long way from her current location. According to the route of this group of people, she first went to a supply station in front, also known as a gathering.

First of all, this gathering is not only a place for large and small tribes to settle down, but also a place for the exchange of materials between tribes. The scale is naturally not small. There are four gates in a circle of fences. The east gate is the gathering place for inns and restaurants, and the west gate is for bulk material transactions. The south gate is the world of small vendors, while the north gate is the busiest, with all kinds of beasts screaming, and it is a place for livestock trading.

She came in through the east gate and is now walking towards the south gate.

On the road to the south gate, there are densely packed large felt tents on both sides. When the curtain is lifted, one can see the booths next to each other inside.

Zhan Changfeng browsed some felt tents and found many mineral materials, which she had never seen before, but the quality was extremely high. To the outside world, they were at the first level of medium and large spiritual veins.

She was interested, and walked around while taking notes, and then walked into the first tent dedicated to selling weapons. This tent was relatively small, and there were not many stalls inside. There was only one store, two sets of cabinets, and three or four customers.

After seeing the first set of cabinets, she felt that she had to re-examine the refining level of the human race in this world. Regardless of the primitiveness they wear, the casting skills are not primitive at all, and the casually placed inside are actually spiritual weapons. .Magic treasure. Spiritual treasure. True treasure. The spiritual treasure among the heavenly treasures!
For ordinary supernatural powers, it would be great to be able to equip a spirit treasure.

Zhan Changfeng explored vigorously in the new world, but something happened in the world of piercing clouds.

The world of piercing clouds was sealed off by everyone who returned to the void and cast a secret technique, so the star journey could not reach this world, and others could not discover this world.

However, the shattering of the world this time made the outer blockade a little looser, and a crack that could pass through was opened. It happened to be discovered by a expedition ship.

The Nine Lists were replaced, supported by the quasi-sages, and the princes and emperors all wanted to make contributions and become the co-lords of the Nine Heavens. Therefore, the little princes were busy annexing other princes, and the big princes and emperors were busy conquering other realms. In order to find new star realms, a large number of explorers The barren ships were sent out by various overlord dynasties and celestial dynasties.

This one belongs to Wu Qu.

(End of this chapter)

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