Chapter 956
Some people feel chills because Rendan lurks so far, and some people are afraid that they will be traced to their own heads.

During this period, the number of monks who overtly and secretly contributed to the Taiyi Dynasty began to increase dramatically, but there were very few supporters.

But Tai Yi didn't slow down at all, and even joined the army. Kaiyang Palace joined forces with the army to forcefully arrest all personnel related to Rendan.

After Zhan Changfeng read 1 pieces of playbooks about the action of sweeping away human alchemy, a group of sect masters, patriarchs, and alchemists came to see them.

Nothing more than, "The burden is too great, it is not conducive to the situation, please stop." "My disciples just bought the human pill by mistake, why don't you let us redeem it?" "This is too bad for the reputation of our alchemist, please transfer Go into the dark to investigate and arrest, and clarify our reputation".
After listening to them, Zhan Changfeng glanced at the crowd with sharp eyes, and answered their questions concisely and unquestionably, "Murdering a child monk, refining people, selling people, and eating people is an unforgivable crime. In the face of right and wrong, don't talk about stability and instability with Gu Gu, and condoning evil is to kill yourself."

"If you do something wrong, you will be punished. Whether you ate it by mistake or bought it on purpose, Kaiyang Palace will investigate clearly. You can't explain it in one sentence."

"You want fame, you want fame, it's easy to do, go to Tianxuan Hall to apply for the alchemy certificate, anyone who holds the alchemy certificate is a genuine alchemist recognized by the Taiyi Dynasty, and those buyers who are afraid of human pills will not come to doubt you. "

A group of people came aggressively and left blankly.

They really can't stand on this matter, can they say with great fanfare that an important person in the family sect has been involved in the crime of Ren Dan?
Can it be said that the forces that have interests in their own family have been hit hard by the crime of human pills, and has it affected their own family?
This King Lin Yao is also a hard stubble, she will choose to calm down in order to stabilize the restless forces of the various families? !
Shit, she will turn the world upside down and make a river of blood!
The various forces who were clearly aware of this tightened their tails, and started self-examination in full swing.

But one wave is not smooth, and often another wave arises. On the 2nd, a middle-level family proved to be the stronghold for refining and selling human pills!

On the 2st, it was found that a second-rate sect was secretly engaged in buying and selling people and human pills!

Mountains and seas are shocked!What kind of world do they live in!Why are there so many villains!

"How is it possible, I have lived my whole life, and I have never heard of Ren Dan."

"I vaguely remember that a long time ago there was a news about people making alchemy. It didn't make sense that the Mountain and Sea Alliance, which gathered all forces at the time, didn't find out, but let a new inland dynasty find out."

"Shhh, I see, this is Tai Yi's way of eliminating dissidents. Have you seen it? After checking the matter of Human Pill, those forces who originally had objections to Tai Yi are silent, and these alchemists are all queuing up to wait for Tai Yi's certification. Well, high, really high."

"You mean, this is all Tai Yi's work?"

"I never said that."

The unshaven monk licked the wine stains from the corner of his mouth, opened the stool, walked to the guessing table, and stretched out his hand to pick up a person.

"Who are you, what do you want to do!" After the shouting monk sensed the supernatural power on his body, his voice became softer, "Let go of me, or I will be called a city guard!"

"It's just right to call." He carried the monk all the way to the Procuratorate, and threw him in the courtroom with a sound like a bell, "This person is suspected of the crime of human pill."

"Don't talk nonsense without evidence, Director, you have to be discerning!"

This city is an important acropolis of the main city of Hanyi. The head of the department is a monk with supernatural powers. She didn't dare to slack off on the Rendan case that was so hotly debated, and asked seriously, "What evidence do fellow Taoists have?"

The unshaven monk scratched his head in embarrassment, "It's my talent to distinguish between true and false. Right from wrong."

"Don't talk nonsense without evidence, empty words will kill people, do you know that!" As soon as he heard that he could not produce substantive evidence, the monk immediately shouted, but was pushed to the ground by the law enforcement officers on both sides, and scolded Say "quiet".

Seeing this, the unshaven monk nodded in satisfaction and said, "It's not difficult to get evidence, just wait for me to rest."

He stared blankly like a King Kong, and asked majestically, "What's your name, tell me your date of birth!"

The monk seemed to be overwhelmed, and obediently replied, "My name is Gao Zongyao, I was born in the year of Yichou, in the month of Wuzi, the time of Yisi, and Gengchen."

The unshaven monk took out a pen and wrote down his name and date of birth in the air. Immediately, no one could grasp the pen and automatically wrote down paragraphs of words, writing his life!

The director noticed the mysterious and mysterious power flowing in the pen, and stood up in shock. There were traces of rules? !

Looking at the lengthy text again, it suddenly mentioned how this man named Gaozong came into contact with human alchemy, how he abducted and sold children with good bones, how he became the little hall master of a human alchemy force, and most importantly, he It also revealed an important news, inside the Sanxiu League, there are also people who are buying and selling human pills!

When Gao Zongyao saw this text, he was so scared that he fell to the ground. Whether it is true or not, there is no need to ask.

"Dare to ask You Zun's name?" The director's eyes were burning, as if he had discovered a treasure.

The bearded monk smiled heartily, Tai Yi is very good, although the law is not perfect, but the law enforcement is fair and strict, and the law enforcement officers also have a just and enthusiastic heart, and they do not see private interests.

"I am Gong Bonan. When I met this fellow who was pouring dirty water, I brought him here. I have another matter to ask." He said, "I want to see King Lin Yao."


"Hahaha!" He laughed and pointed at Gao Zongyao, "Does this count as a certificate of honor?"

Seeing that he has a strange body, deep cultivation, and a clear personality, the director is happy to be the recommender, "Go to the side hall and wait for a while, and I will report to your lord."

Without delay, the director quickly presented the person's actions and intentions to Zhan Changfeng's case.

When Zhan Changfeng read the description of this person's ability, he thought of the talent of Ji Guang, the teacher of the Inspector's Mansion of Zangyun Jiansi.

At that time, Fu Shi Ji Guang was a legendary figure who could follow God's will and use a pen to tell the truth from the false.

Ji Guangben was also trapped in the Shenzhou together with Bai Hen and Jun Wenjiu in the crisis of Xiaoli Realm, but after she reopened Xiaoli Realm, he was nowhere to be seen. Said that he had traveled to China, but she only searched all over China in a hurry, but did not find him.

While thinking about it, Zhan Changfeng asked someone to invite the monk up.

Suddenly, her eyes froze, and the person who stepped in from outside the hall was seven or eight points similar to Ji Guangchang!

He has a good appearance, but he is as dissolute as a bastard, with a smile on his face, and an unshaven beard like a ronin.

"Who are you?"

"Under Gong Bernan, Your Majesty may know my clone, Ji Guang."

(End of this chapter)

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