Chapter 938
Shang Yu didn't take these thorny words at ease, with a heartless sunny smile on his face, he shamelessly said, "Here, I have a good face, otherwise why would so many people want to believe me."

Yu Sheng choked on her brazenness, and asked again: "You are also a monk after all, don't you just want to exchange money for hot food?"

Shang Yu was silent for a while, and said calmly, "Compared to the outside, this place is more suitable for my recovery. Moreover, I am penniless, and I always want to earn back the money from staying in the inn."

"It's not the right way to fool mortals." Yu Sheng thought that he would leave here soon, and this person has a good heart, so it's better to leave the study to her.

She didn't come up with the following words, but she heard Shang Yu hurriedly vindicated herself, "I am not crooked, nor am I just trying to deceive them at will. I don't really know how to predict fate, but combined with their faces and aura, I can also The prediction is seven or eight."

Yu Sheng nodded, judging from the short contact, she is a person with strong insight, and it is reasonable to have the ability to predict, "I am short of a clerk in my study, if it is convenient for you, you can come and act for a while, There will be no loss of your board and lodging."

"Benefactor, is this too much trouble for you?" Shang Yu's heart was calm, but his expression and emotion were full of embarrassment, "You have already helped me once."

"It's not for you to eat and live for free." Yu Sheng made a final decision, and took her back to the study.

When it came time to arrange a dormitory, Yu Sheng asked, "Your name?"

"I can't remember clearly, I just remember that I should be a casual cultivator."

Yu Sheng didn't ask further, "Stop calling me benefactor, call me Ning Gui."

She glanced at Shang Yu's clean but torn robe, "Follow me to Fangshi tomorrow and see what you can use."

Shang Yu said gratefully, "I will definitely pick a few more baskets of herbs for my benefactor Ninggui Daoist."

"No need." Yu Sheng was speechless, he forgot his name, but Herbal Medicine remembered, did this person often deal with Herbal Medicine before?
The next day, Shang Yu happily went shopping with Yu Sheng, and they visited the monks' square city.

The two went to the clothing workshop first, and a dazzling array of cassocks filled their eyes.

Shang Yu's body is well-balanced and well-proportioned. He is tall and tall, and he looks suave even in a tattered Taoist robe. Not to mention the new clothes now, although it is just a blue robe with a simple pattern, lined with a dark inner garment, and a sapphire belt around his waist, he can't bear it. The resident is good-looking, with one side of his face and his eyes closed, it is a surprise.

The shop owner's eyes were amazed, and he said passionately: "Girl, don't you want to buy a skirt? Look at this Wujinyun embroidered skirt and this crescent phoenix tail skirt, they are very suitable for your temperament."

"No need, it's inconvenient to fight, just take the set on me and take two more."

Shang Yu answered seriously, and Yu Sheng also calmly shifted his admiring eyes to the potted plants next to him.There was a reason for her miserable appearance.

The shop owner twitched the corner of his mouth, "Uh, three sets of clothes, counting as 250 high-grade spirit stones for you."

Shangyu really wants to practice the meaning of the word shopping, and when he sees a shop or street stall, he goes to it, but he doesn't buy anything.

Yu Sheng looked at the tall and straight back in front of her, and thought of her dying appearance in the mountains and forests, without pain, resentment, or anger, peacefully like an idler lying on the grass watching the clouds roll and the clouds relax.

Is a unique person.

At this time, the unique person picked up an ordinary iron sword and simply handed over the silver money he had earned.

Yu Sheng said, "Every weapon is easy to break, if you need a weapon, I can borrow your spirit stone and buy it at the magic weapon shop."

"Don't bother, as long as you can use it." The original owner cultivated a set of superior swordsmanship. If it is perfect, it must have high combat power, and it will not be caught by the spiritual mirror at will to block the attack. Unfortunately, the original owner did not get it until he reached the life and death realm. It, switch to it, the foundation is a little weaker, and the combat power has not been improved.

Shang Yu intends to continue to practice it, and then join the army in the near future.

It was not directly in response to Wu Qu's call, but a powerful warlord force in this world - Qingmo Tianfu.

She found out that Qingmo Tianfu will also send recruits to support Wu Qu. Instead of directly responding to Wu Qu's orders, they will be disbanded after the war with a bounty. They might as well become Qingmo Tianfu's official soldiers and come back with the achievements of conquest of mountains and seas. , but also gain a considerable status in Qingmo Tianfu, plan schemes, take Qingmo Tianfu into his pocket, and covet this world for a while, it may not be impossible.

As for Wu Qu's attack on Shanhai, Shang Yu thought that the ontology would have a way, anyway, she was going to attack Shanhai.

But when it comes to planning Qingmo Tianfu, with her alone, I'm afraid it can't be realized in a short period of time. It would be great if she could pull Yu Sheng down.

Shang Yu glanced at Yu Sheng intentionally or unintentionally, and when she looked at it, he showed a harmless smile.Don't worry, let's refine the plan.

First of all, let's have a good relationship with her.

Shang Yu became a competent store clerk, and wiped all the shelves in the study on the first day.

She also knew very well that being a buddy would have no future, and if necessary, she had to play on the original owner's lack of thoughtfulness, learn from others, and talk to Yu Sheng from time to time.

As Zhan Changfeng, of course he knows which topics Yu Sheng is interested in, and after going back and forth, he left Yu Sheng with an impression that he can still talk. It can be called a step closer.

The study seems to have been removed from the world, it is still quiet and silent, and the people in the study are repeating their daily routines as always.

What is repeated is the process, what changes is the details.

Here Yu Sheng poured himself a cup of tea, while Shang Yu came over excitedly with burning eyes, "Let's go for an outing."

"Huh? Why do you suddenly want to go for an outing?"

Shang Yu, who had just finished registering from Qingmo Tianfu and came back overnight, said, "I saw the drunken lotus blooming in Yanxia Lake in the south of the city."


"Lotus can make wine."

"...You seem to have just picked the peach blossoms in the backyard three days ago."

"Lotus wine is better than peach wine. The former is clearer, while the latter is sweeter. But the brewing technique of lotus wine is more complicated. I only read it in an ancient book before, and haven't practiced it yet."

"I didn't ask you that."

Going out in the green is like picking lotus flowers, Yu Sheng really admires this person's ability to blur concepts.

However, she thought about what she was about to do, today might be the last day of her stay here, so it's okay to go out and relax for a while at the invitation of her outing.

The scenery of Yanxia Lake is very good, the green mountains are far away, the birdsong is deep and quiet, and at this time the morning mist is hazy, and the lotus flowers in the pond are vaguely swaying, and there are young people who come to swim in the mood to sing songs, giving this tranquility a sense of tranquility. Added a lot of color.

The two of them rented a bamboo raft and went boating on the lake. The marks left by the bamboo raft across the water were immediately covered by fat lotus leaves, and the lotus leaves that filled the pool seemed to keep them forever. .

Shang Yu said with a smile, "If literati and poets are here, they must write a lot of poems."

"Then you should be glad that they are not here, otherwise you will definitely not be welcome." She glanced at a lotus in her hand as she spoke.

Shang Yu didn't hear anything, and said sadly, "It's a pity that the lotus seeds are not ripe, and it's good to make tea with them."

Yu Sheng didn't bother to remind her that she was a monk, and no matter how good the mortal things were, they would not help her.

Shang Yu was picking lotus with his sleeves rolled up, and suddenly he paused, looking into the distance, passing through the enchantment covering this mortal country, he saw several huge cloud boats sailing through the sky, with Wu Qu's flag flying on them.

It was Wu Qu who came to receive the soldiers from this world.

Yu Sheng also saw that this lotus wine was destined not to be drunk.

(End of this chapter)

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