Chapter 923

The gate of the royal capital was smashed open, but at this moment, there was also movement from the Taimiao, and a blazing sun-like breath rushed straight into Xiaohan, piercing through the clouds.

The monks in Beizhao Continent looked up, stunned, something happened to the capital?
This scene is nothing else, it is a vision that will only appear when the new king is born and the faith is transferred.

Faith transfer is a method used by monks who believe in Shinto. The core is the title. When some monks who practice faith spread their beliefs everywhere, they consciously use the title as their own symbol, causing believers to believe in this "title". Instead of "I", if someone inherits this "title" in the future, they will be able to inherit all their faith.

This kind of situation mostly happened to princes and emperors who believed in the way of God, in order to ensure that their own country could have a successor to preside over the overall situation when they fell or were inconvenient to govern.

Zhan Changfeng ordered the army to suspend their attack. Looking deep into the city, a burst of strong hostility burst out and landed on the wall of the royal capital in an instant.

The face of the visitor was serious, and those who didn't know it thought it was carved out of the same mold as King Donglin.

He is the order of the Taimiao, and also the new King of the East!
At this moment, he is standing there, the power of faith in his body connects with the land, responding to the king's capital, rising and falling together, as if the land and the city are breathing.

The belief infiltrating the land and the city is of the same origin as him, making him and this space one, as if it is its master.

The monks in the royal capital were so determined that they could not wait to clap their hands and celebrate, "The Taimiao order will inherit the great order, and our dominant position will come back."

"That's right, this is the capital of the king. The power of faith of the Donglin Dynasty for hundreds of years has permeated every inch of the land. How can they resist it?"

Their joy comes from a concept, "nurture water and soil".

The promotion of a country, a dynasty, and a celestial dynasty cannot be separated from these three characters.

Shinto uses luck, merit, and faith to nourish its own territory. This process is also refining the power of the world in this territory. The stronger the power of the world refined, the higher the rise of this territory. When it is above the world, it also means that it has already controlled the power of the world in this world.

In fact, if you look carefully at the land adjacent to Wangdu in the east, you can find that it is seven or eight inches higher than other areas, or it can be said to be slightly suspended on the surface of the mountain and sea boundary.

From this point alone, one can tell how great the power permeating it is, and as the king of the east who bestows these powers, he is equivalent to the master of this space.

The strong home court advantage made the monks in the capital happy, as if they could see how Zhan Changfeng and the others were kicked out at the next breath.

The Taimiao Ling already had the power of the King of the East, but he did not place himself in the position of the King of the East. He looked deeply at the mess in front of him. Obviously, at the level of the backbone, the dignified dynasty was defeated.

"You are Lin Yao?" His expression was almost compassionate, and he said coldly, "If you continue to fight, it will only increase the casualties, and it will not benefit you or me. Since you and I are the leaders right now, why not fight to determine the outcome? You win, Donglin descends, I win, you return all our kings and lords, and heavenly kings, and you will be a vassal to Donglin from now on."

"Tai Miao Ling, you are too kind, I will wait here, and I will definitely help you put them all to death!" Several groups of people came from all directions, all with private troops behind them, they were several guards of the Donglin Dynasty.

Shuo prison couldn't resist the Taimiao Order, one of the leaders of both sides, and they just turned their firepower when they spoke out, "Before you speak big words, you should also look at the current situation. Your true emperor has been captured. The so-called Taimiao Order He's just a polished commander, otherwise why bother to bet on war, be careful what you say, don't let your Taimiao order fail to come to Taiwan."

Several Wei clans were so choked that their faces turned red, and they turned to look at the order of the Taimiao, as if the order of the Taimiao followed suit.

Taimiao Ling lowered his eyebrows, offering his title to induce the power of faith in this space, the earth trembled, the vitality of heaven and earth hummed, and everyone in Taiyi felt a force of repulsion, as if there was a huge power dormant in the dark, wanting to They are all thrown out.

Lianwei knows the power of space best, and she can feel that the power of space here has been used by the Donglin Dynasty for its own use.

It can't be said to be in control, but Donglin can indeed influence or borrow the power of the world within the scope of the royal capital. She looked at Zhan Changfeng, "Are you sure?"

"You will know once you try it." Zhan Changfeng replied, "I will fight with you to end this battle, please act."

"Okay!" Taimiao Ling raised his hand, "All retreat!"

The monks in the royal capital supported each other and retreated to the distance, worried and excited. I only hope that the Taimiao Order can defeat her in one fell swoop and return to Taiping in the east.

The monks outside the capital were also attracted by the previous movement, and they secretly smacked their lips. Why did the country war suddenly start? I didn’t hear any news before. And that Lin Yaohou, shouldn’t be questioned by all parties.

In the blink of an eye, Xuangu, Fu Lin, Liangqiu, Lingshan, Xuanling, Taixuan and other first-class forces also knew about the accident, and their emotions were complicated, and they didn't know how to face her.

Those sect masters and patriarchs all shook their heads, Lin Yao was too hasty, even if he won, with Tai Yi's hands, how could he eat such a big piece of meat as Dong Lin, and he would choke to death sooner or later.What's more, facing a senior dynasty to the east, wouldn't there be any hole cards?
Sure enough, the Taimiao Order of Donglin directly inherited the belief of the King of Donglin, and it must be confidential to be in charge of the king's capital.

Many forces cast their spells to spy on the king's capital with the mentality of watching the show. Now that the Taimiaoling controls every inch of the king's capital, he naturally senses the sight of these prying eyes, but he has no time to stop them.

Taimiao Ling let out a sound from his throat, and quickly chanted a series of formulas, which was almost indistinct. At the same time, a mysterious power rose from his body, and the aura he displayed was far beyond his actual supernatural power.

Others may not be able to see it, but Zhan Changfeng can see that all the national fortunes of Donglin are converging on him, including the national fortune that originally belonged to civil servants and generals of Donglin!
One person carries the carriage, one holds the blade, and the other fights for the country. At this moment, the Taimiaoling is wearing the light of ten thousand zhangs of faith, with a golden dragon of luck thousands of feet on his head, stepping on fertile soil, and holding a sword of the acquired holy treasure, as if he is an invincible general. , Glaring at the opponent.

"Hey!" His power became heavier as he pulled out the sword, as if what he pulled out was not the blade, but a world that was about to be hit hard, and even the space around the sword seemed to be overwhelmed and collapsed. , exposing the black hole.

Wu Feiyu immediately noticed the clue, it was a sword, not a sword, it was a wish to kill all living beings!
"It was enshrined in the Taimiao for 99 years, and gathered the wishes of millions of believers in the past to protect the king!" The Taimiao Ling arched his body, the veins in his big hand holding the sword hilt burst out, and the sleeves on his arms burst, revealing Pan Qiu muscle.

Every time the sword is pulled out, the killing intent explodes, so that when it is about to be pulled out completely, the killing intent like a storm can shake off the surrounding vegetation and gravel. He roared and shouted the last words, " The wish of all living beings is here, how dare you block it! How can you block it!"

A doomsday-like atmosphere swept across the capital, and all the monks seemed to be choked by their throats, and even had the illusion that a cold sword pierced their hearts.

Even if others were like this, Zhan Changfeng, who was facing the blow directly, was hurt even more, and even her will could hardly resist the devastating killing intent.

Zhan Changfeng made a formula with both hands, and bits and pieces of faith flowed towards her through the limitation of space and distance, and in an instant they merged into a vast tide.

She turned it into divine power, and sacrificed the totem technique in the chapter of lonely hell, "Twisting the secrets of heaven."

The speed of the shocking sword galloping was sluggish, and the surrounding air flow began to twist, as if a black hole was forming.

As soon as Taimiao Lingxin mentioned it, he saw the black hole swallowing the sword? !

All killing intent dissipated invisible!

But Zhan Changfeng didn't let go of his heart. This killing intent was too huge, and the Heavenly Secret Distortion Technique she sacrificed with the power of a world of faith could not completely reverse it.

"Get out of the way!" She yelled and threw the technique towards the distant mountain. In an instant, the mountain was razed to the ground, and the surrounding vegetation withered and no living things were seen.

The art of distorting the secrets of the heavens reverses the truth and reality. In actual practice, it can be expressed as changing the roles of the caster and the recipient, and returning the attacked spell to the caster intact.

But because she couldn't completely distort the sword, its power became disordered, and if it wasn't released, it would bite her back, and if it was released, it would hurt people indiscriminately. Fortunately, there were those empty mountains as targets.

The smoke and dust dazzled people's eyes, and the monks in Wangdu were surprised, and the faces of the crowd watching from behind were also a little weird.

A monk who was captured in the wilderness bared his teeth, "Such a cruel person, he didn't directly throw the spell at the capital of Donglin Wang, otherwise, if this blow continues, the Donglin Dynasty and his officials can all be removed from Beizhao!" gone."

"...a subconscious instinctive choice."

Something seemed to be scratching in my heart, and I couldn't deny that this aggressive and reckless person had an honest and upright demeanor.

For Yu Zhanchangfeng, this is just an emergency, and it needs to be resolved.

She looked at Taimiao Ling, "Can you still fight?"

The Taimiaoling described the vicissitudes of life, he aged a lot in an instant, and urged the sword that he could not fully grasp, which made him pay a price, three drops of blood burned.

There was an unknown light in his eyes, and there was still a trace of emotion hidden in the depths, but the words in his mouth were decisive and unreasonable, "I am the order of the Taimiao, the east is here, I am here, the east is dead, I am dead, this battle, you live and die, There is no other choice!"

Stepping out with one step, the earth shakes and the mountains shake. The Taimiao Ling is not tall, but he has the power of faith and the protection of the national destiny. Standing on this core territory to the east, his hands are the same as the sky and the feet are on the same ground. With every gesture, the world is angry.

The huge repulsive force hit again, and some escaped soldiers were bleeding from their mouths and noses, and they were about to be crushed by it.

Zhan Changfeng swung out three pieces of life space equipment, put away all the soldiers under supernatural powers, and used the dojo of good fortune.

Instead of retreating, advance?

No, it is to turn against the customer!

The reason why the Taimiao Order can achieve this level is because the power of faith and luck that nurtures this territory is connected with the same Qi and origin of the Eastern Dynasty.

But she wants to snatch the power of heaven, earth, wind, thunder, water, fire, mountains, and swamp from him, and destroy Donglin's control over this boundary.

As soon as the dojo of good fortune comes out, the eight powers are aroused.

The Taimiao made his eyes horrified, he only felt that there was a force splitting his control over this land!

Lin Yao has such abilities, Junhou may indeed fall into her hands.Taimiao made her whole body vibrate, and she gritted her teeth, but even if she had the talent of heaven, she would never want to take Donglin away from him!
The two refused to give in to each other, and the whole world gradually became turbulent, just like the tides confronting each other, waves beating each other, fighting each other, pulling each other, biting each other, and devouring each other.

There was no wind or earthquake in the monks here, but they swayed from side to side and couldn't stand stably, as if they would be torn into pieces if they were not careful.

Some of those who didn't defend well spilled blood on the spot.

"Go, leave first!"

"I can't stay any longer."

All the monks rushed out for fear of harming the fish in the pond.

Seeing that Lianwei and the others did not retreat, the four newly arrived True Monarchs of the Wei clan planted their feet on the ground and confronted them silently, secretly thinking about the possibility of a sneak attack. The heavy air pressure forced them back.Alas!I'm afraid it will be twisted into pieces before it gets close!

Not long after, the terrifying air pressure around the two of them spread to a radius of ten miles, forming a forbidden area where one could enter or die. Dark clouds rolled in the sky, and an ominous red light flashed faintly inside.

The monks who spied on the scene here with spells or treasures all jumped up in shock, belatedly realizing the truth, "They are fighting for the power of the world!"

"Patriarch above, the Taimiao order inherits Donglin's faith and national destiny, and it's fine if he can mobilize the power of the world on the east's border. What's going on with Linyao?!"

"Is this still a human being? How do I remember that she was not very old when she first emerged in Shanhai, and she is at most a hundred years old now."

The face of the head of the Xuangu Sect was black and blue. He glanced at the water mirror from the corner of his eye, and then turned his eyes respectfully to Xun Gongtianjun who was sitting cross-legged beside him, "Master, I just got the news that there is an additional name on the overlord list."

".What number?"

"The last place should have come up in the past two days."

"She just founded the country yesterday."

The hall was silent.

Master Xuangu frowned and said, "The minimum requirement for the overlord list is that no matter the small world or the big world, one must rule a star realm. She can't be on the overlord list just because of the cold wasteland, she still has hidden powers. "

Xun Gong said unhappily, "Every idiot knows."

"Hey, Master, I just want to ask, what should we do if Lin Yao really succeeds in this encounter, our sect is in the Beizhao Continent."

"Leave her alone, she can still ask for all the land to belong to Taiyi like in the wasteland?" Xun Gong sneered, "Whether this person can live for a long time is another matter, it depends on how far she can go."

"You're right. If Wu Qu comes looking for trouble, she will be the first to bear the brunt."

Such dialogues also happened in many places. This incident came to an end amidst the silent onlookers of the mountain and sea forces, and no one jumped out to stop it.

Zhan Changfeng and Taimiao Ling fought together for ten days and ten nights, and the land of the king's capital seemed to be swept by a hurricane, with terrifying air currents everywhere, which could annihilate people at a touch.

The True Monarchs of the Wei Clan couldn't take it anymore, they didn't care about losing face, they all went out one after another, fearing that if they were a step too late, they would suffer an indiscriminate disaster.

Jiang Jinjiu laughed twice, and cursed, "No, no, come again if you have the ability."

He changed the subject, "Let's go out quickly too, Daoist is going to be overwhelmed."

Who the hell is wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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