Chapter 921
Zhan Changfeng looked at Zhu Hongmei who was as big as Douding, "You still have a long way to go if you want to follow the example of the generals, but I think your temperament and roots are more suitable for opening and closing exercises. There is a martial arts exercise, you can practice one level first, and then decide whether to continue."

She took out half a volume of Huang Tian Jue and handed it to her.Huang Tian Jue is a Mahayana martial art, and entry requirements are very strict. There are very few soldiers who can practice it, and it is far from being able to form a battle group. It may be better to train it from children, not to mention that Zhu Hongmei occupies the clear body of children. , and the memory of the mature body.

Zhu Hongmei accepted it happily, "I'm willing to try."

Zhan Changfeng looked at Mingxin again. Unlike Zhu Hongmei and Zhu Hongyan, who were still weak, he was already in the realm of life and death, and had his own ideas. If you are really interested in the way of governing the world, you can go to Tianquan or Yuheng Hall to recommend yourself, pass the examination, start from a small official, and ask me if you don’t understand anything.”

Ming Xin readily agreed, "Thank you, Teacher, for calling me."

The two of them have made arrangements, so naturally they can't let Zhu Hongyan down. Zhu Hongyan has a precocious temperament, but after all, she is a bit at a loss in this strange and vast world, not as fast as the other two, and her eyes are ignorant.

"Do you have any idea?"

Zhu Hongyan was impressive. What was worse was that he had no idea. He envied those soldiers and officials, but when he thought of putting himself in armor or court clothes, he felt a little uncomfortable, as if something was binding him, " .Students follow the teacher's arrangement."

"Your own way, how can you listen to my arrangement." Zhan Changfeng asked, "Is there any inheritance method?"

Zhan Changfeng didn't force him to do anything, which made him feel relieved, and he became closer to the teacher, "The last generation of Huan Haichun Mirage sealed the inheritance memory in the Hongyuan Orb, so that he couldn't get it from the blood. It is passed down from generation to generation, so students will only learn the supernatural powers they were born with."

"You follow the progress of the military academy to practice, and when you are qualified in all aspects, I will teach you another way. As for the way of life to choose, it depends on you. I can only give some advice from the side."

Zhan Changfeng stayed for a while, answered some questions about their practice, and then returned to the Longevity Temple.

Now Wangjun Mountain, only the Longevity Temple on the main peak and the military academy and military garrison on the side peak, the four auxiliary and seven halls have all been moved to the Moonlight Delta.

She ordered a few guards to watch over the three who hadn't woken up from the epiphany, and she went to the Moonlight Delta to make final preparations for the attack on Lianglu.

In the Moonlight Delta, seven islands were newly floated, forming the shape of seven stars, and the top was the original big floating island in the Moonlight Delta.

The New Seven Islands are under the jurisdiction of the Seven Palaces, and the Dafu Island is the main island, where Zhan Changfeng and Sifu live.

Now, they are in Tianshu Hall.

"You can't go to the general's platform. They are afraid of your identity as a god-eyed person, so they must have set up defenses near the general's platform."

Hua Jianci marked a point on the sand table, "Using the teleportation array, we have not waited for nothing in the past few decades. Let Lianwei open the teleportation array to Lianglu. Its existence is absolutely secret, and the people over there found it No."

"This location is close to Jingyao, let's hit Jingyao first, and end Wu Qu's foothold." Shuo prison made a suggestion.

"Jing Yaoli's dynasty has not been established for a hundred years, and its background is shallow. In the battle with us, it has lost some high-level combat power. It is better to attack, but there are still many opportunities to fight against it. Fighting Donglin may only have this chance. .”

Zhan Changfeng said, "Don't forget that there is a family with the surname Dong behind the king of Donglin, and he should have already chosen his successor. Once Donglin confirms that something happened to him, he will quickly support the newcomer to take the position, and there may be a newcomer." foreign aid."

"Therefore, we need to destroy the fortress of Donglin and quickly grasp it before Donglin fully reacts."

Will enter the wine and ask: "specifically?"

"The most direct and effective way is to go straight to the capital of Dongling, then clear the first obstacle, and build a large defensive formation with faith." Hua Jianci named the names of several forces, "Except for encountering the guards in the east They are loyal to the Donglin Dynasty and have a certain private army in their hands. Fortunately, their highest combat power is in supernatural powers."

One by one analysis falls, and action is imminent.Before setting off, Zhan Changfeng took out the life space device Yan Zuitian carried from the endless corridor. The battle group inside had been trapped in the endless corridor. She used it to install a group of soldiers and took the teleportation array to Lianglu, where they landed The point is a deserted island in the sea between two continents.

The sea breeze was blowing in the face, and there was a chill in the wet and cool. Looking up, the sky was overcast, with the appearance of pouring rain.

She walked three thousand feet and entered the Beizhao Continent, approaching the capital to the east. The capital was gloomy and gloomy. Although the scene was not different from the old days, it felt more desolate.

Previously, I came to the east of King’s Capital and looked down at it from Boundary Monument Mountain. It has fertile soil for thousands of miles, and there is a capital there. It is immersed in the multi-million rays of light that symbolize faith, merit, and luck. , dimmed.

This is caused by the binding of the king of Donglin and the suppression of the fate of the country.

The king is a piece of sacred land that is nurtured by Donglin's belief and luck. It is connected with Donglin's national fortune. Once the national fortune declines, it will also appear abnormal.

And in this bleakness, the army from the east was guarding the border of the capital in darkness. Eighteen dark mountains surrounded the capital, and it was extremely silent.

Zhan Changfeng identified this formation as the Dangerous Phantom Dragon Formation, an extremely powerful defensive formation that even the Lord of Heaven could not forcefully break through.

Taking a closer look at the army below, it doesn't look like it is waiting for the enemy, but it seems to be ready.

Several generals in the east were sitting in the tent worriedly, and one of them shouted angrily, "Your Majesty has not sent back any news, so you are sure to be fine. Once you hear from him, we will set off according to the original plan and go on an expedition to the wilderness!"

"I heard that several priests have gone to meet the prince, and I believe there will be a response soon."

"If you respond, you don't need to respond. Donglin is waiting for an opportunity to seize our family and occupy my territory. Today, Taiyi and Donglin will fight to determine our survival."

"Who!" Dong Lin's generals panicked and flew out of the tent, but no one saw them, only the priests in charge shouted, "Someone is going to break into the National Defense Front, quickly send troops to stop it!"

Blocking is already impossible, unless you chase into the formation to block the kill.

The Donglin generals looked at each other, there were still people who would risk their lives to break into the national defense formation, they would definitely die!
"Zhao Gongfeng don't need to panic, we just wait, when the time comes, we will bring out the bones, so as not to pollute the formation."

The laughter was like thunder, so confident.

When Zhao Gongfeng heard this, his face was embarrassed, "Ordinary people enter the formation, and the formation will be reminded, but this person entered the formation without a sound. If I hadn't been monitoring all the nearby positions and saw her figure, I might have found her." I don’t need to elaborate on what it means if she doesn’t enter the formation.”

The generals suddenly became hoarse, if she can enter the battle without a sound, it means that she has found a way to survive in the battle!
"Quickly change the direction of the array!"

This formation was supposed to be in the hands of Tianjun, but Tianjun, including King Donglin, was sealed beside Bachuan, and it could only be controlled by a few generals and priests with the strength of true monarchs.

The six of them hurriedly controlled the formation and changed their way of life in the formation, only to see [-] high mountains change form and change, and in the formation, the quiet path around Zhan Changfeng also turned into a swampy swamp surrounded by ferocious beasts.

(End of this chapter)

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