Emperor Shentongjian

Chapter 904 Temporary Enshrinement

Chapter 904 Temporary Enshrinement
After Yu Sheng finished talking, he didn't want to sit down any more. He straightened up and glanced at Zhan Changfeng for the last time. It seems to be watching an unimportant person talking to himself and leaving on his own.

This time Yu Sheng was really cold, and felt a bit of sourness for a long time, stopped the urge to turn around immediately, and bowed his hands, "I wish Junhuangtu success in his hegemony, and the sun and the moon will be replaced by a new sky."

Zhan Changfeng raised the teacup casually, "Be careful on the road."

Yu Sheng suppressed the sudden anger, smiled, swung his sleeves, and walked into the snowstorm of Wangjun Mountain.

Zhan Changfeng propped up his elbows, clasped his palms, and pressed them against his cheeks. After a while, he raised the corners of his mouth, "People in the world always say what they mean."

"Duplicity will be taught." She pressed her temples, and there is more than one person who will be taught a lesson. Why hasn't Yi Changsheng removed the barrier yet?

Too many things happened during this period, she didn't have time to wait for Yi Changsheng to take the initiative, and with a thought, she forcibly removed the barrier between them, and all of Yi Changsheng's experiences and thoughts were perceived by her, as if she Same experience.

Yi Changsheng also sensed Zhan Changfeng's situation, she smiled and thanked gently, picked up a sugar figurine from the vendor's hand, and handed it to Nvying with an indifferent face, "Do you like this style?"

It's a naive piggy.

"It's so ugly." Nvying took it over while feeling disgusted, her reddish earlobes showed a little helplessness.

When Nvying was wondering where to start, Yi Changsheng stood in front of a row of lanterns, and the stall owner yelled at people to guess the riddles.

"This is the mortal world?"

"Look at my memory yourself."

Zhan Changfeng sorted out her memory and mood, and there was nothing to ask. She wanted to find all the fragments of the universe, rebuild the ancestral line, and prepare for the restoration of the universe.

"Why is there no reason why you fell asleep and told me to be careful about Li Chonghua?" Zhan Changfeng found that part of her memory had been suppressed, and even he couldn't remember the reason for her sleeping.

"Actually, I still can't wake up. It's because of your accident that I woke up forcefully, so that some important memories were suppressed."

"Blocked by the rules." Zhan Changfeng touched the power fluctuations on this part of the memory, and became more and more puzzled in her heart. What did she know to seal these memories by the rules.

"Don't think about the things you can't figure out. Just get through the disaster on your side first, and don't leave in anger." Yi Changsheng said a word, and took a delicate and beautiful Taipinghua under the admiration of the stall owner. peach blossom.

"Today's festive season, give each other peace as a token of friendship. Relatives, friends, sweethearts, and secret admirers can all be given away. The girl has guessed such difficult puzzles. The little old man will give you another branch."

"No, one branch is enough." Yi Changsheng said to Zhan Changfeng in his heart, "This branch is good for you, well, needless to say, I know you are very happy."

Zhan Changfeng's mood remained calm, allowing her to open her eyes and talk nonsense.

next day
The news of Yu Sheng's farewell was informed by her to the whole family of the day, and she only said that they did not agree with each other, and Lian Wei. Hua Jianci and others were very surprised, they would never have thought that Yu Sheng chose to leave.

The timing is not right.

The behavior is wrong.

This is definitely not something Yu Sheng can do.

When Lianwei met with the others, he repeatedly urged, "Yu Sheng has been working hard for 60 years, but he left at a critical moment. Once his reputation collapsed, this will make the people below think of her. Take care of your own people and don't spread rumors." Gossip."

But the day clan now has more than a million people, and the news of Yu Sheng's departure cannot be concealed for a long time, not to mention that she has been the acting patriarch of the day clan for so many years for Zhan Changfeng.

However, what surprised Lianwei and the others was that the words below changed from rumors that Zhan Changfeng and Yu Sheng had different political views and parted ways, to Zhan Changfeng not saying anything bad about Yu Sheng in order to collect power and cross the river to demolish bridges.

This kind of unanimous speech among the people is obviously led by someone deliberately, but the disciples of the day clan are all masters of order and prohibition, and they will never arrange to go to the peak, so who did it.

When they investigated separately and wanted to extinguish this rumor, Zhan Changfeng told them to stop and not to worry about it.

As a result, everyone felt a little complicated, why did she pollute herself.To protect Yu Sheng's reputation?

Yu Sheng turned into an ordinary female cultivator, and when she heard the rumors, she had mixed feelings, and because of Zhan Changfeng's injustice that night, she also ironed it out.

She chose this moment to leave, the biggest purpose is to create an appearance that she has broken all ties with the day clan.

It was just expected that she would play the role of running away at a critical moment.Zhan Changfeng is gentle in the end.

Yu Sheng went to the west coast without any regrets. The day clan did not close the pier, and monks who didn't want to stay in the wasteland could leave at any time.

She found a small cargo ship, boarded the ship and entered the single room, but there was still one person in the single room.

This person has big shoulders and round waist, with a mighty imposing manner, and he is a supernatural power with high cultivation

"Your Excellency is Shen Tufei?"

"It's me." Shen Tufei scratched his head, "I didn't expect this mission to be about the day clan. Hey, Zhan Changfeng and I still know each other. I was her team member in Datian World. Hey, after she died, she came back. , The progress is so rapid, and they have all entered the Qingyun list."

Yu Sheng's heart tightened when he heard him moaning. He never thought of her trick to attract someone who knew Zhan Changfeng, but listening to him, it seemed that he was not a person with festivals.

"Don't worry, fellow daoist, we have made an oath that we will never betray your name. Even if I know Zhan Changfeng, I won't say that you asked me to serve the Zhou clan for ten years." Shentu Fei said nothing He asked heartlessly, "But why do you look like you want to leave?"

Yu Sheng thought about it for a while, and said half-truth, "I have long wanted to leave, but after all, the day clan has been dragged by me for so many years. Even if I leave, I can't let it lose. I hope to find someone more capable." People have been on the top for a few years, so a reward was issued."

"In addition, please keep my name secret. I asked you to recommend yourself as an enshrinement so that you will not have any ties with the day clan. You must keep this in mind."

"Didn't Zhan Changfeng come back now, don't you think about it anymore?" Shen Tufei in turn persuaded him to stay.

Yu Sheng was very firm, "When the reward was offered, she hadn't come back yet. There was too much pressure in the clan. I was looking forward to her sudden appearance, but when she came back, we had political disagreements. It was difficult to talk about it again. work together."

"Since you know her, it must not be difficult to become a priest. I hope you will fulfill your oath seriously."

"Okay, I respect the choice of fellow Taoist." Shen Tufei complimented casually, and left excitedly.

Yu Sheng put up an anonymous reward on the Zhutian Baojian a year ago. He invited a temporary priest to come back to the town. The reward list only wrote down the specific requirements and remuneration. Shentu didn't know who hired him until he came here. Who, and whose family he is going to worship.

In the same way, Yu Sheng also realized that he had picked a monk who knew Zhan Changfeng from Zhutian Baojian.

But with Dao Oath and everyone from the Zhou Clan present, there shouldn't be any problems with Shen Tufei.

She asked for a temporary enshrinement to come back. She had planned it long ago, and it was indeed decided before Zhan Changfeng came back. It was not because she didn't want to stay, but because she had a problem.

The more shards of the Fate Astrolabe she got, the more she felt that a certain line of sight was searching for her. Although she found a reason to let Hua Jianci cover up her information, she could still feel that every piece of shards she got was not good. Her premonition was stronger, she had a premonition that before long, unimaginable creatures or things would pass through Xingyu and come to her door.

Before the situation is clear, she should keep a distance from the day clan, at least she won't cause trouble to the day clan.

Yu Sheng glanced at the north again, closed the window, and left by boat.

(End of this chapter)

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