Chapter 862
The cub was surfing in Wugu early in the morning. When Yu Sheng and Wu Feiyu found her, she was half in the pool under the waterfall.

Wu Feiyu was not surprised, "Do you think she deserves a beating?"

"What are you talking about? Why don't you take a good look at her? What if something happens?" Yu Sheng rushed to the pool, hesitated, and picked up the half-soaked cub. Wu Feiyu smiled helplessly behind, It was still her fault.

"What are you doing here?" Yu Sheng tried hard to look at her like a normal child, but he couldn't help but think of that gentle and indifferent Zhan Changfeng, and his mood was beyond words.

The cub didn't think about it that much, she pointed to the pool confidently, "I'm catching that fish alone."

Yu Sheng looked towards the water pool, and saw a spirit fish with gleaming golden scales swimming leisurely.

"No." Wu Feiyu refused first, "This is Bengu's Ruiwu, you can't play with it."

The cub was full of regret, and his expression was also sullen. Yu Sheng comforted her, "I'll take you to find something more fun."



Yu Sheng cleaned up the dirty and wet cub with a cleansing technique, talked to Wu Feiyu, and took her back to the hall where he handled common affairs. The hall was deserted and not very popular. A cup of tea. A few books.

"Your Majesty has great ambitions, why not follow me to handle official affairs."

The cub looked at her indifferently, "Why?"

This was the second time the cub had spoken in front of her in half a month, and she clearly felt that she was different.

Although under Wu Feiyu's description, she is so moving like a mad rabbit, her eyes have changed. The pure curiosity in her eyes has turned into a thoughtful inquiry. With this eyes, she is watching everything around her.

Even if she said "I was catching that fish alone", it was not a child's willfulness, but more like a statement with some kind of interest.

Yu Sheng couldn't help being curious: Is this Zhan Changfeng's real childhood? Is this how Zhan Changfeng talked and acted when he was young?

"No reason, you just said whether you want to learn or not."

"Learn." The cub didn't hesitate. She was already four years old. In her memory, during the first year of Yi Changsheng's disappearance, she was familiar with many classic treatises by everyone, trying to figure out every move of the imperial grandfather. The explanation was not very clear, so he set a small goal for himself, surpassing the most powerful emperor on the land of China.

She will not let go of any opportunity to enrich herself.

Yu Sheng asked her to sit aside and watch him handle official business, and occasionally picked out some problems and explained them to her. Surprisingly, she had an unimaginable focus on this matter.

"Aren't you bored?"

"No, it's very interesting."

Yu Sheng thought about it, "Ordinary people would be bored."

"Tricky heart. All parties are involved in the game, how can it be boring, say boring, unless you don't understand or don't care."

"That's right." Yu Sheng took out the next official document, and still couldn't help asking, "When did you find it interesting?"

The cub thought for a while, and said: "Gu was brought up by the emperor's grandfather when he was just one year old, and the general trend of the world is always in front of him. When Gu's eyes can see, ears can hear, and mouth can speak, it will be Gu's toy. and business."

"However, the laws here seem to be very loose, and I haven't figured out the criteria for judging the rules here."

"You will understand." Yu Sheng didn't realize until now that he had underestimated Zhan Changfeng.

They first met at the Qingbaishan Community School, at an age that should have been innocent. She thought that the ups and downs she had experienced in her childhood were too much older than her peers. Probably few people would be baptized by extreme despair and pain at her age, and then put on heavy burdens. camouflage.

At that time, on the surface, she was a good girl who was quiet, kind and tolerant. She was helpless and tolerant of the hidden persecution of her parents, teachers and classmates. But as a person who was abandoned since childhood and almost died at the mouth of wolves, how could she naively obey her fate? Arrange, hand over the choice to someone else.

She hides her strength, secretly cultivates the strength that can protect herself, and carefully manages her fans in the social sciences, gaining the support of equally talented people, secretly paving the way for herself to enter the Sitianjian and the elders' meeting .

The appearance of Zhan Changfeng is like an accident. She is confident and sharp, with arrogance on the outside, transparency on the inside, calm and casual, not limited by the time, not bound by the name, not in the world.

She didn't go into why someone would look like this, but she did have a great attraction for her, and she saw a freedom in her that she never had.

Yu Sheng is used to making friends with people whose character and ability are impressive, but only for Zhan Changfeng, she just watched from a distance and never took the initiative.

But in some inadvertently, they had intersections again and again, and they got along with each other naturally.

She felt something opening up that bound her, and she began to try to do things from her heart without any purpose.

So there was her who gave up Si Tianjian to report to look for Zhan Changfeng.

Zhan Changfeng is like a lighthouse in the lonely sea to her, she only needs to know that she is always there, but now, she is trying to understand how this light is ignited.

The more I understand how this light is ignited, the more I feel that the core of this light is so dazzling.

Very novel.

Yu Sheng felt inexplicably satisfied.

She flipped through the official document, half of her mind was in her memory, compared to the cub who read it more seriously, she pointed to a line of words, "This store sells a lot of weapons, are you going to fight?"

This is a top-secret dossier, which records the transactions of a large weapons workshop in the wasteland, but this transaction is confidential, and the day people only found out that it recently sold a large number of goods.

"Is it possible to fight, targeting the day race, are you afraid?"

"I'm not afraid of being alone."

Yu Sheng nodded with a smile, but she immediately said without reason and confidence, "Gu is not from the day clan."

"."Okay, let it be captured and divided up!
Yu Sheng suppressed the urge to hit her, and said softly, "Say it again?"

The cub always felt that there was a ferocity in her smile, his head drooped, and he continued to endure the humiliation, "But there is a young lady in the day clan, and I will protect you."

Yu Sheng broke through in an instant, "Okay, let me tell you about the situation in the wasteland."

With the mentality of avoiding repeating it in the future, she ignored the cub's ignorance and analyzed the development process of the wasteland and all the forces, large and small.

In the end, he concluded, "Jingyao's second son, together with Liangqiu and Xuangu's family, brought some follow-up forces and planned to attack the day clan. I defeated Elder Xuangu last time. From the current point of view, this family has kept its promise and has not Get involved."

"In addition, the monks who were killed outside the secret area were probably planted on us, so as to cause public anger and give them a reason to completely eradicate the day clan. Rebuttal."

"After this plan was aborted, they made some troubles one after another, and I resolved them all." Yu Sheng didn't feel much relaxed, "I'd rather fight, but the day clan can't afford it."

The cub was fascinated, "Why can't I bear it?"


(End of this chapter)

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