Chapter 720
Wu Feiyu frowned when she heard this, and she didn't join this sad feast for a long time. She should be very serious about parting from life and death. When she was young, her grandfather's line was killed by the second grandfather's line, and she also became someone else. The Gu tool for cultivating Gu, if she hadn't possessed the holy body of thousands of Gu, and could unconditionally make all the Gu objects bow their heads, she would have died so that there was not even a scum left.

But for some reason, she can't express sadness at all now, not only can't express sadness, but she also wants to laugh.

God, is there really something wrong with her.Wu Feiyu leaned on the table, covered half of his face, with a tense expression, and spent a long time thinking about it, but it didn't work. At this time, most of the musicians started to play, and if there was any delay, the incense stick would be over.

She could almost foresee that Qindu Zhenjun would comment on "soulless sonata" when he came to her.

Wu Feiyu opened her fingers and looked at Zhan Changfeng on the stand, but saw that she was not paying attention to her clansman, but was looking at another person, following her line of sight, the beauty in red was holding a pipa, With a bunch of black hair hanging on his back, his expression is ice-like, but his eyes are soft, stroking the strings to make him look a bit desolate.Tsk.

Zhan Changfeng was wondering how Bi Fang, a big demon with the strength of a real king, got in, and suddenly heard Wu Feiyu, who had been in a daze for a long time, blowing his flute, and it was just the sound of the flute.
"It's so joyful, it's playing life and death with a deadly enemy!"

"Are you here to make trouble? Is this a parting of life and death?!"

When the monk who understands the sound of music heard it, it was really about parting from life and death. There was a kind of hearty and joyful feeling of "the enemy fell, and he looked up to the sky and laughed". The fullness of emotion and the sincerity of the heart made everyone who heard it feel happy. We were so happy that wept, I can't wait to celebrate with my forehead and hands.

As soon as this tune comes out, not to mention how exciting it is for those who are immersed in sadness, it's like when you are wiping your tears, someone next to you tells you a joke, which makes many people lose their breath and make mistakes. Indignantly, he stopped his hand plucking the strings. While playing, he swung his resentful eye knife at Wu Feiyu who came out halfway.

Qin Du Zhenjun sighed in his heart, looked at Wu Feiyu, is this a novelty, or is there a trick?
The sound of the flute gradually turned from clear to low, as if after a big laugh, a bad breath was spit out from the chest, relaxed and slightly happy, and as the night was quiet, the mood became low again, tearing apart the picture scroll of memories.

The sound of the flute is sometimes fast and exciting, sometimes treacherous and sad, sometimes angry and joyful, and sometimes fighting for life and death. Following the music, they seem to see the friendship when they first met, and the confrontation when they met again. Mutual calculations, endless Behind the struggle lies an unspeakable tacit understanding.

After all, that bad breath settled into frustration and nostalgia in the middle of the night. It seems that the man is gone, there is no more fun in the world, life slips into the calm lake, and peace gradually dies.

When it's time for a stick of incense, all the joy rests for a while, and the ground is full of sadness.

Some people played the struggle of love, some played the rise and fall of the family and country, and some played the parting of relatives and friends, but for most monks who have no blood relationship involved or interfering with lust, the most touching thing is the friendship of the same family, the family and the country. The desolation and prosperity of the sect, and the sympathy and sympathy between the opponents. Love can't wait.

Qindu Zhenjun has already discerned who is the most resonant from the sight of everyone.

If Le Ruo can't resonate, no matter how superb the technology is, it is a failure.

"Your performance skills are not the best, but your emotions make up for it. The deep sense of fate is fully reflected in the conflict and collision, especially the hidden joy and entanglement, which is handled very well."

Wu Feiyu was dumbfounded by the praise, and seeing Zhenjun Qindu's eyes full of approval and encouragement, she subconsciously looked at Zhan Changfeng, and even brought a large group of people who were watching her to look away.

All of them showed a clear look.

Zhan Changfeng sat peacefully like a mountain, evoking a meaningful smile.

No, I am not.I was thinking of killing you like this to vent my anger, and then I felt that no one would pay you a monthly salary after killing you, and then
No one cared about Wu Feiyu's explanation, Le Dao is an art with a lot of room for imagination.

Qin Du Zhenjun also specifically named a few monks who performed well. He is most optimistic about his disciple Qin Shi and Donglin Dynasty musician Chu Lingling.

Qin Shi often walks outside. Her zither sounds engrave the life, old age, sickness and death of mortals, and the hardships of monks seeking Tao. Supporting each other, testing each other, splitting and reuniting, and finally made a vow of one heart after going through hardships, but in the long years, they forgot each other.

Chu Lingling lives in the eastern palace, in the vortex of power, watching the beliefs of all sentient beings. Her Tao Xun voice is always full of great love and helplessness. With the world of mortals as the song, the rhyme is profound.

The artistic conception and skills of these two people are already mature, but they were robbed of the resonance by Wu Feiyu's unique song, and they were faintly influenced by her in the later stage, the artistic conception weakened, and they tried their best to stabilize it before it collapsed.

Although Master Qin Du felt sorry for these two people, he was not partial to others. In this round of performance, he gave Wu Feiyu a very high evaluation.

The second round is free to play, and you can't attack others with your voice.

Wu Feiyu's inspiration was exhausted, and his performance in this round was mediocre.Qin Shi and Chu Lingling's demeanor began to appear.

In the third round, use sound as an attacking weapon.

Everyone could hear that they were playing their own songs, using their songs to influence and interfere with others. As time went by, the sounds became murderous everywhere, and each sound became a weapon in the hands of the musicians!
Wu Feiyu finally had a sense of control, and the eerie voice disturbed his mind, like a big net, enveloping everyone and sinking into the darkness.

This monk with downcast eyes and playing the flute is like a demon in the dark night, cool and cold, and entangles everyone's heart in every possible way, luring the prey to surrender themselves willingly and fall into hell.

The other eighty had no choice but to come out of their own worlds and turn into loyal warriors to resist her erosion.

With a flick of her hand, Chu Lingling wrote "Turn back and do it", as if she brought bursts of Sanskrit to contend with her in the temptation.

The melody of Qin poetry is melodious, and the empty and mysterious piano sound dances like fairy music.

A muffled groan came from the field one after another, and the musicians who couldn't hold on left the stage one after another, and finally there were only four of them left.

The beauty in red didn't play very well, and she didn't use the tone attack. Seeing that everyone else had gone down, she seemed to recover and realized that she should go down too, so she left with her pipa in her arms.

Qin Du Zhenjun noticed that the monk who played really badly but persisted round after round stopped him and asked, "Who are you? "

"I'm here to make up the numbers." Bi Fang was in a bad mood, uttered something coldly and left.King Jing Yao actually doubted his intentions, and used Jing Yao's lack of musicians as an excuse to ask him if he wanted to play. The young man who was loyal to him temporarily was also interesting. This young man could not resist King Jing Yao at all and obeyed him. King Yao went over him to order him to ignore him.Ah
After a stick of incense was gone, the three players on the field hadn't decided the winner yet. However, compared to Chu Lingling Qin Shi's pale face, Wu Feiyu was still able to handle it with ease, and it was hard to see how hard it was.

Qindu Zhenjun thought for a long time and said, "Let's focus on the heart and technique. Wu Feiyu's sound attack is very powerful, but he doesn't have the heart for music, and his skills are also mediocre. This can be seen in the second round, but your The first song and Yin Gong are really amazing, and it can be ranked second."

"Qin Shi's performance in all aspects is relatively stable. In the first round, her breath was a little unstable. This should not be the case. She is ranked third."

"Chu Lingling's style of music is broad and broad, and the heart of music has been condensed. It can be ranked first."

The referee repeated the results of the fight and drew the curtain on Le Dou.

Wu Feiyu was quite satisfied with getting the second place, but when he saw Zhan Changfeng, this satisfaction dissipated again, "I have something to tell you."

"I know."

"What do you know?!"

(End of this chapter)

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