Chapter 72
Zhan Changfeng surveyed the audience, and found that the defense line consisting of 2000 people was actually broken by two innates. She was not surprised, nor did she meet expectations, so she just took a pen to record the scene, "Change the formation, infantry."

The flag was changed again, and another 1000 people rushed out from both sides, blocking the back path of the monks of Si Xun Mansion, and the shield soldiers and bows and arrows advanced with long spears to surround them.

Zou Tingwei had the anger and contempt of being bitten by ants, and said loudly: "Five Elements and Eight Trigrams Array!"

Five people and five orientations, set out the formation flag, and instantly seemed to be washed away by an invisible force, and the gossip was looming.

"Leave the fire!"


"Shock thunder!"

Nameless Fire, Boundless Water, Rootless Thunder, and even the Gangfeng Wind of the Mountains, change rapidly with their incantations. Anyone who steps in will be either burned by fire or struck by lightning. One is at the peak. After entering the state the day after tomorrow, I went to most of my life in less than a few breaths.

Yue Kun and the others were excited, this is what cultivators do!

Zhan Changfeng closed his eyes slightly and quickly wrote a few lines.There is indeed a considerable gap in combat power between mortal monks and monks in the monastic world. The main influencing factors are the level of the Heart Sutra of Gongfa, the strength of external objects, and the most important point, the lack of vision and ability of mortal monks.

"Shoot the gun."

Ten Shenwu cannons were pushed out by the gunners and listed under the audience.Insufficient ability can only make up with weapons.

Everyone in the Yue family nearby was struck by lightning, "Big guns?!"

Yue Kun's face was distorted. Cannons would not be handed over to the local army. Only with the permission of the royal family could one be transferred.

Is this crazy?
Yue Kun thought it was too naive.

"Go first, open fire."

This cannon has a charge of 3.7 kilograms and a fireball radius of 4.3 meters. Conventionally, it can flatten a 20-meter-high hill.

It just so happened that the Five Elements and Eight Trigrams Array in the Si Xun Mansion had cleared an open space, and the goal was obvious.

"Deacon Zou, there seems to be something wrong." A cultivator frowned.

"Why are they retreating?"

"No, run away!"

Zou Tingwei quickly withdrew from the formation, and the scorching breath from his back attacked overwhelmingly.


"Huh?" Zhan Changfeng recalled the moment when Zou Tingwei pulled away, and quickly wrote down the expressions of other eyes.There should be a correlation between the eyes of the Five Elements and Eight Trigrams. If one person suddenly gives up the formation, the formation will not be able to be maintained, and the rest of the eyes will be backlashed to varying degrees.

The thick smoke from the dark fire dissipated, and the range of eight or nine meters was pitch black. The broken hands and feet were ignored. Zou Tingwei was seriously injured, and one person was crawling, and there were no living creatures.

"At this stage, artillery attack is feasible." Zhan Changfeng concluded and instructed Xuanwuwei, "Bring that person to me."

"Reporting to Your Highness, 31 assassins were captured alive, one assassin leader, and 17 escaped. Do you need to send someone to hunt them down?"

"No, I'll be back later."

Assassin leader Deacon Zou, "."

"Ignorance child, you will pay for this. I am the deacon of the Minister's Inspectorate. If you are interested, let me go now!"

Zhan Changfeng used the soul imprint to remotely control the two eagles today. His spirit was a little weak, so he didn't plan to search for his soul. "Take him down and find out the relationship between him and Gongsun rebel."


Yue Kun looked at Zou Tingwei being dragged down like a dead dog, and felt very absurd. Is this the Si Xun Mansion? !Is this the great assistance Li Mao gave him? !Is this the helper of the Cangyunjian family? !
Yue Kun cried and laughed, staring desolately at his blood relatives and confidants, his chest was so tight that he almost vomited, what the hell was he obsessed with, for a future that had not yet seen a shadow, he bet on the Yue family's century-old foundation, he smoked. He slapped himself and shouted, "His Royal Highness, the sinners urge you to make atonement for your sins, and the sinners will never be blamed for their deaths, so please forgive them for their death!"

Zhan Changfeng told a story about a donkey and a radish. Yue Kun himself was the donkey, the donkey that didn't want to starve to death.

He didn't know why Zhan Changfeng gave him a chance to plead guilty in the first place, but he knew that no matter whether the farmer wanted to save feed or squeeze the donkey's strength, the donkey's eyes could only have the radish.

No matter how ethereal hope is, it is hope.

But compared to the hope that Li Mao gave him, it might be more practical to let Zhan Changfeng show mercy.

The Governor's Office

On this day, the atmosphere of the Governor's Mansion is really indescribable.First, in the morning, an unclothed old man suddenly came to the door to meet their deacon, which became a witty joke. Then in the afternoon, a group of monks came back as if fleeing to say that Deacon Zou and forty people were captured alive, as if a joke.

In the deacon hall, a cultivator who had escaped from the school ground tremblingly told the story, and under the watchful eyes of the eight deacons, his head was almost buried in the cracks of the ground.

Lin Zhao's eyes were as big as copper bells, and he seemed angry rather than angry. He was more fierce than the door god in the painting, "You mean that you, Deacon Zou, brought a group of innate talents to provoke the army, and let them be bombarded back to their hometown?"

Yu Zhen, who has three nets and clear beards, coughed and warned, "Lin Zhao, pay attention to your words."

Before he could finish speaking, someone sarcastically said, "Provocative, hum, you have assigned the mistake to Zou Tingwei before the matter is clear, and those who didn't know thought that the army chief was sheltered by you."

"Bah, Miss Cui, did you go out to rinse your mouth? Would you like Lin to take you to rinse in the river?"

Cui Gu was trampled on his feet and rolled up his sleeves just to do it, "You are a girl, your whole family is a girl!"

"Is the girl in your way?"

Before everyone could persuade them to fight, there was a soft and shallow sound from the door.

"I have seen the hall master!" The deacons held their breaths and stepped aside, bowing their hands in salute.

"Okay, don't make a fool of yourself, I remember that the Xie Xiu thing hasn't been resolved yet, what happened now?" The robe that was dragging on the floor was loosely draped over the person who came, and he was tripped by his own robe. A fall.

Several hall masters silently held down the hands they wanted to help, and couldn't bear to look directly away.

The mellow aroma of wine spread, and everyone who had not touched the wine was almost drunk.

The hall master got up by himself, slumped on the chair as if nothing was wrong, picked up the wine jar, and put a line into his throat.

Their bold and unrestrained hall master, a non-governing hall master, a drunken hall master, a hall master who is suspected of being demoted from above, has a name full of flavor, called Jun Wenjiu.

There is an unwritten rule in the Si Xun Mansion. Hall masters are usually disciples sent from above to experience or do wrong things, and they will not stay for long, so the real core of real power lies in the two deputy hall masters.

Deputy Hall Master Liu Zhao had already been dispatched to investigate the disappearance of the cultivator, and at this moment only another Vice Hall Master Yu Zhen was present.

It's up to him to deal with today's matter.

So Yuzhen stood up and said, "Report to the hall master, we are discussing the arrest of Deacon Zou Tingwei."

Cui Gu: "I don't think there is anything to discuss about this. In this case, the monks in the monastic world interfered with the order of the mortal world under the banner of the imperial court. Deacon Zou was arrested because he was on duty. I should immediately rescue and arrest the perpetrator. "

"Miss Cui, I'm irrational, are you sensible? Hall Master, none of the monks related to Xiaohan Town have changed. I don't think there are monks in the cultivating world behind the army."

"So, what happened to Yue Lie's request for help?" Cui Gu asked.

Lin Zhao snorted.

Yuzhen Chaojun asked Jiu to explain, "The Yue family is a family of mortal martial arts practitioners. Because they know the existence of Xiaohan Town, they are monitored by the Secretary's Office to prevent them from using Xiaohan Town as a powerful officialdom in the mortal world. There has been no abnormality for decades. In this matter, I prefer that the Yue family wanted to take advantage of the rise of the chaotic times and planned the Huangzhou military exercise, but there were congenital monks in the envoys of the Yin Dynasty. investigation."

Jun Wenjiu held his head and hummed twice, "Go on."

"Deacon Zou and 58 monks followed Yue Lie to investigate, and [-] of them escaped back. The rest of them are still alive or dead," Yu Zhen said solemnly.

Cui Gu: "Teacher, this matter is really detrimental to the prefecture's face. I ask for orders to rescue Deacon Zou immediately."

"Shh, wait."

Everyone looked at Jun Wenjiu solemnly, and their hall master looked very beautiful when he was thinking seriously, until a certain hall master fell asleep.

Wait, are we actually telling us to wait for you to sleep!

(End of this chapter)

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