Emperor Shentongjian

Chapter 502 Political Council (54)

Chapter 502 Political Council (54)

The earth fire, feng shui spread all over the tendons and limbs, causing her skin to be torn apart, and the four kinds of mighty forces rushed out of her body, colliding with each other, creating chaos.

It is not right for the earth, fire, feng shui to collide, it should be orderly.

Just like the earth, fire, feng shui are established, the universe can be cleared.

Zhan Changfeng encountered the biggest crisis. This ordinary formula can be like attracting Yuan force to refine bones, attracting earth fire, feng shui into the body to refine bones, but it can't control the order of earth fire, feng shui!

Yuan force is single, and earth fire feng shui contains four kinds of power!
She had to divide her energy into two halves, one half was to guide it to purify the meridians and bones, and the other half was to reshape the universe, to establish the earth, fire, feng shui.

Whether her energy can persist until the bones are refined has become a problem.

At this point, it is impossible to retreat, but to persevere.Under Zhan Chang's wind and flowers, she vigorously set up the ground fire and feng shui, and her whole body was wrapped in the furnace that evolved from four kinds of great powers, washing tendons, strengthening veins, refining meat, tempering skin, and forging bones.

The will never fails, the furnace never ceases, for three days and three nights, a green shoot grows a leaf, Zhan Changfeng's rebirth also accumulates from quantitative change to qualitative change, the gray and white bones transform from gray to black. It became crystal white, and the strength of the muscles and veins reached a peak.

She doesn't know what changes will be brought about by this rebirth, but she knows that her energy and transformation have reached their limit, and she can't make any further progress, and the deadline to leave the battlefield is approaching!

When Zhan Changfeng exhaled and closed his power, the situation in the world changed, and everything resonated. She slowly raised her hand, brushed off the burnt cloth strips, opened her closed eyes gently, and the divine light burst out, icy cold The eyes of nothingness contained the chaotic world, and a world evolved in an instant. She saw the movement of the earth's energy, the distribution of fire, the flow of water veins, and the constant flow of wind, which is the flow of energy in the world.

These eyes were sacrificed by earth fire, geomantic omen, broke through the backlash of the previous law, regained vision, and seemed to have acquired extraordinary abilities.

Zhan Changfeng was a little uncomfortable, closed her eyes and recovered a little energy, hurried back to the temple, put on the clothes she prepared in advance, she found that she seemed to have grown taller, the robe that was bare to the feet, put on the calf , simply her clothes are large enough to wear.

She put on the mask, tied the cloth belt, and just took everything in her hands, before she was sent out on the battlefield.

Fortunately, in time, showing embarrassment to others is never allowed.

This week's battle ended quite quickly. Three regiments were eliminated in one day and one night, and the most incredible ten regiments in history were wiped out on the second day. Only one person remained on the battlefield and did not come out for a long time!
Some people say that she is using the power of the world to heal her wounds. Didn't she see Xuan Cheng who was seriously injured and retreated?

Some people also said that she was searching for treasures in the battlefield, such behaviors that delay the progress of the game are really bad.Although the budget time for the second round is January.

Looking forward to it, the 30 days are coming soon, and before she shows up, someone rumored that she died inside, it must be the kind of death that destroys both body and spirit, and it is too late to transfer her out of the battlefield.

The only external manifestation of the Buzhou battlefield is the stone tablet that records the ranking of the corps. It only turns into a light gate when someone enters and exits, so it is impossible to judge whether the Buzhou battle is over or continuing, and it is also impossible to determine her status. Life and death.

On the 30th day, some severely injured monks had basically recovered, and everyone in the Hanshan Corps couldn't help gathering to the station, waiting in front of the stone tablet.

Zhan Changfeng is definitely the most amazing and talented person in this year's Cangmang Fighting Technique. He won the first round with a strong force, and led a regiment to win the second round again. It has a lot to do with her that the war will end as quickly as possible.

Everyone in Hanshan discussed a few words at first, but seeing that the day was coming to an end, the stele was still the same without any changes, and they all silenced, as if they were waiting for the final verdict.

They only saw Xianwei who was Taishang Wushizhenlun, but they couldn't guess how Zhan Changfeng seriously injured Xuancheng, nor could they guess what she was doing inside.Still really annihilated under Xianwei.

At the last half-minute, Yu Sheng, Wu Feiyu, Jiang Jinjiu, Cen Xi and the others became more and more solemn, Shuo Prison erected a stone tablet, and wanted to break it.

Finally, the stele burst into light and turned into a gate of light, Shuo took a step back like a hot hand, and was about to laugh, Yu Sheng and the others also breathed a sigh of relief, but soon, their expressions froze again.

Who is this man!

Looking at the back. The silhouette is tall and slender, and it is difficult to describe her temperament and aura.

But seeing her ordinary face and the iconic eye-covering cloth strips, everyone's expressions became weird.

"... Can you change your body on the battlefield?!" Jiang Jinjiu's slightly startled voice broke the silence, and there was a commotion all of a sudden.

Zhan Changfeng said calmly, "Long time no see", and then asked, "Is the Cangmang fight over?"

Those who didn't know thought she didn't want to participate in the third round, so she dragged her out until now.

"The third round will start in a day." Yu Sheng looked at her face and whole body, and it became more and more uncoordinated. It wasn't about her temperament, but because her face was too tender, and she couldn't help but transmit her voice, "Your mask Don't pick it up yet?"

Yu Sheng was almost certain that she was Yi Zhan, but this was the first time he pointed it out, and he had pretended not to know her at all before. Well, it could not be ruled out that she was too hateful, so he didn't want to know her well.

However, she knew that Zhan Changfeng was hostile to Gongsun's family, so she was forced to change her name (Fog). If she regained her true appearance, there was no guarantee that she would not be recognized and cause trouble.

But now that she is the inspector of the council of elders, and she has become famous in the reckless fighting style, she should be able to compete with the Gongsun family.

Yu Sheng was thinking a lot, but the other party just replied "There is a beginning and an end", it seems that the political affairs will not be picked before the end.

Zhan Changfeng didn't stay long, she needed to buy a suitable cassock, since she had been wearing ordinary clothes until now, and she hadn't bought a robe with its own functions.

After cultivating Taoism, she didn't care about whether the clothes were expensive or not. In addition, she didn't know how to take care of chores, so her requirements for clothes had been reduced to something that she could wear. I have never been to a clothing store.

However, it is also necessary to avoid dust, adapt to the body, and have its own defensive vestments.

Zhan Changfeng left the station, looked at the nameplate, and found that her military rank had changed to commander.

The known military ranks are Jiashi. Shangzao. Buchang. Shuchang. Where did this commander come from?

Zhan Changfeng turned to the Hall of Chaqing. The view of the hall was boundless and independent of the void, but the cold and hard floor under her feet gave people a real feeling. She sat cross-legged on an empty futon, and a mighty shadow appeared in the void. Half-length, she said, "Commander Zhan Changfeng, who commanded the platform, is here to inquire about military rank."

"After investigation, the authority has been opened, and I have the right to know." The divine eyes in his hand flashed for a while, and the cold and empty voice continued, "Soldiers. Highly made. Not updated. The generals are judged according to their combat performance and strength. He is a heavenly soldier, and he commands a battlefield, he can be promoted to a heavenly official, and an army heavenly official is a commander.

The basic promotion conditions appeared in the light. To be promoted to a major general, one needs to command ten battlefields; to be promoted to a general, one needs to command a hundred battlefields; Added a line "as the case may be".

The Dianjiangtai she met had only four floors, which only allowed the establishment of foundations to enter and exit. She could step in and out of the mortal world at any time. Could it be that she had to find those Dianjiangtais with five or six floors to be promoted in the future?

Just as Zhan Changfeng was about to ask this question, he suddenly said, "After detection, you are a person with divine eyes. You are a person who is inspired by God, and you are qualified to open the second promotion path. Do you want to open it?"

"What is the Apocalypse?"

"literal meaning."

Zhan Changfeng was thoughtful, "Open."

(End of this chapter)

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