Chapter 428
Zhan Changfeng temporarily dug out the blue rock that was suspected to be soil, and found that it was nine feet long and shaped like a coffin, but there was no crack, and her spiritual sense could not penetrate it.

After being disturbed by Huang Quanzong, now she sees the coffin and immediately responds, "Xi Rang is hiding in it?"

The fat baby was also not sure, "This is Xi Rang, but it seems to have been tampered with."

"I'll give it a try." Zhan Changfeng will open the Eye of Nothingness, and instantly fall into a cosmic nebula. Whose Purple Mansion is this?

At this moment, she still maintains her original appearance, an eye of nothingness.

A quaint mirror rose from the starlight. There was neither her nor nebula in the mirror.

The indistinguishable voice seemed to contain mighty might, "Who are you?"

"No intention to disturb." The voice coming out of the eyes of nothingness is also different from her own tone, cold and unquestionable, like a god.

The two books confronted each other for a moment, the mirror laughed, and even Xingyun became brighter, "I sensed the faint merits of the emperor's career. It turns out that I am a newcomer. No wonder I dare to enter other people's purple mansion at will."

Zhan Changfeng didn't notice the hostility, so he replied unhurriedly, "Is this the Purple Mansion? I thought it was some residual shadow."

The mirror was refuted, but it was not angry at all. I have never seen anyone who has the merits of the emperor would grovel. He listened to the training meekly, "You are right, this is the projection left by me during my lifetime."

He wondered, "Which dynasty do you belong to?"

"I am the prince of the mortal world. I have just entered the Tao, and I don't know which celestial dynasties exist."

"Then you must have done a lot for the mortal world." Otherwise, it is impossible to generate merit.

Zhan Changfeng was silent, and she didn't know whether what she did was more meritorious or more evil.

The mirror asked, "Do you want to continue walking the way of the emperor?"

Zhan Changfeng's mind moved slightly, and a dark premonition prompted her to answer, "I think, but unfortunately there is no way."

"You are right, what is a prince, what is a king, what is an emperor, what is an emperor, most people call themselves kings and emperors, but in fact they have not even touched the edge of the emperor's way, it just occupies a large area , has a little more population.”

The mirror said, "There are two types of people who follow the emperor's way, one is in power, and the other is in the field. The field is lonely, which means literally, does not enter the temple, does not have hundreds of officials, and is suitable for leisurely monks. "

"For governing, you must have land and souls, and you must be accompanied by famous officials and generals. When you understand 'the journey of the sky. Xuanhua on behalf of the sky', it means that you have an emperor's heart. Barbaric conquests. Do whatever you want, you will only lose road."

"But territory, creatures, officials, and even the emperor's heart are just the most basic things."

He stopped here abruptly, without further words.

How could Zhan Changfeng not know that the time for the transaction has come, "I respect you as a senior, and ask the emperor for advice. You have orders, and I will do what I can."

"You youngster, you really don't give up."

"A fair exchange will not deepen the entanglement of cause and effect."

"However, let me tell you what I have learned. I am your guide to the emperor's way. The cause and effect are already there, and they cannot be offset casually."

If his experience is really the true meaning of emperor cultivation, she should really pay the corresponding price, cause and effect cannot be faked.What's more, she now has nothing but the dragon armor seal, but she doesn't know how to practice the emperor's way, how to build a real Taoist heaven.

"I want to know what you want me to do first."

"I lead you into the emperor's way, and you lead me back into the way of cultivation, how about it?"

"Yes, but I will not casually lead you into the path of cultivation. This half-teacher friendship also depends on what your reincarnation looks like."

"It just so happens that I also have the same intention. I won't lure you into the emperor's way casually. If I attract a tyrant, it will increase my doom for nothing."

Both have the emperor's heart, but they can reach a consensus faster.

"I did have the inheritance of the emperor's way before, and there are five passes. Every time you pass through a pass, you will know some essentials of the emperor's way. I have to go through five lives before I can truly complete it, because I was pursued by powerful enemies. , accidentally fell into this world, there was no spare power at that time, so I could only send half of my true spirit to reincarnation, you have to send the remaining half of my true spirit to that half, and then in the sixth life, personally lead me into the way .”

Zhan Changfeng asked, "If you have one life, the true spirit is destroyed and completely dissipated."

The mirror was annoyed, "Crow mouth."

"I still have merit to protect my body, so there should be no problem with reincarnation." After the mirror finished speaking, a trace of uncertainty arose. What if the former enemy found his reincarnation? What should I do if everything is gone, the heavenly dynasty is declining, and the guardian god may disappear at any time, and I don't know if we can protect him until he returns.

"Young student, I will teach you an imperial exercise."

"Sorry, I have it." Letting him teach the emperor's exercises is not a guide, but a master.

The mirror remained suspicious for a while, and did not ask her where the emperor's exercises came from. No wonder she had the confidence to ask her about the key to the emperor's way. It turned out that she already had the exercises.

"Forget it then, let me do the math." After a while, he said, "I will tell you the half of the true spirit's beacon. After you send it, you can go to the first checkpoint nearby. These contents can To help you pass the first checkpoint, I will give you half a day to write it down."

"The first level, I helped you, the rest of the levels, whether you can pass, what you can get, depends on yourself."

The bits and pieces of light make up each article, and Zhan Changfeng carefully observes them, all of which are about the art of war and economics. The only irrelevant article talks about mechanism art.

"Why is there still an agency?"

"I think that the operation of the imperial court is like a mechanism, and no part can go wrong, so I use it to sharpen my temperament and take it as a lesson."

Zhan Changfeng wrote them all down, and took advantage of the opportunity to ask a few unclear points. The mirror was very satisfied with her questions and patiently answered them all.

Finally, the mirror said, "You have to pay attention to the Guangping Heavenly Dynasty, and you must not let them discover your relationship with me, otherwise they may think you are my successor and attack you."

"Thanks for letting me know."

Zhan Changfeng was pushed out by a gentle force, and the Eye of Nothingness returned to Zifu. It seemed that something was peeling off from the cyan rock under his hand. Half a moment later, it turned into two things, the same was a cyan seal with a mirror inside. One half of it is a true spirit, and the other is a puddle of flowing water.

Seeing that she was intact and the soil was separated, the big fat baby withdrew her worries and said happily, "Don't let it fall on the ground, it will be no different from the soil once it is in the ground, and it will be difficult to dig it out again."

Zhan Changfeng heard that he put the liquid breath soil into a box, put it in a storage bag, and then took the seal, "I didn't expect to encounter an unexpected harvest this time. You are not only the god of wealth, but also a lucky star."

It seems that her luck has improved a lot since she met Lianwei, as expected, she is assisted by Lu Cun, and Fuji follows her.

There is still a big difference between being in power and being in opposition. If there is no one around her, it is really difficult to make a big deal.

The big fat baby blinked and asked, "Then have you encountered any danger?"

It was true that she remained motionless for a long time, and she didn't dare to touch it randomly, so she could only wait by the side worryingly.

"It's okay, but next, we may have to go to other worlds." Zhan Changfeng picked up the big fat baby and left in awe. "It's almost time, go back to Shouhe to pick up the reserved equipment."

Halfway through, she went to a resident of the Shanhai Alliance again, and anonymously gave out the information about the human pills and the human pill refiners in Shouhe City. Theirs, not hers.

(End of this chapter)

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