Chapter 1397

The third Meeting of Kings has come to an end, and the Battle Palace has been established in the San Lanka Desert for 300 years. The source of evil is our responsibility.

The number of temporary and official soldiers stationed in the Battle Palace has stabilized at 12, and at the peak there were nearly [-] people performing various tasks.

However, the resources owned by Yantian War Palace itself limit the development of the number of people, so that its resident population can never break through the [-] mark. Outside, there are Yangtang Tianchao and Zhongnan Daochang who are blocked openly and covertly, making it impossible to control the population. Stretched beyond Chengxun's territory.

The chaos in Chengxun's world benefited Zhangong to a certain extent.

With the relatively complete method of dealing with evil sources in the War Palace, and the reputation of casting and wine making, many people who avoided the war traveled thousands of miles and came to settle here one after another.

Lu Guo was both happy and worried, "Although many monks rushed to the city of San Rankar, less than [-]% actually joined the battle palace. If things go on like this, the supply of San Rankar City will not keep up. Should we take advantage of this chaos?" , take some money from those forces?"

"It can be sought, but not taken away." Ji Chaoyue thought a little deeper. From the perspective of great love, the cleansing of the source of evil is trying to preserve the realm of cultivation. From the perspective of utilitarianism, it is helping Zhan Changfeng gather merits and aspire to become the emperor of heaven. .

Now that Zhan Changfeng's reputation has risen, Zhan Gong must not take advantage of the fire to loot Cheng Xun's world and ruin his reputation.

In the past 300 years, they have already mastered the balance technique, controlled the situation of many star worlds with weapons and treasures and other resources, and also exchanged a certain number of caves and blessed lands. It's just that the big Chengxun world is tightly controlled by these big forces, and there is no chance intervene.

This time, the internal strife between the various forces in the Chengshun Great Realm just gave the Zhan Palace an opportunity to find.

"I also ask the Spy Hall to sort out a list of candidates for cooperation. We are also a part of Chengxun Dajie. It is impossible to watch it continue to fight and harm innocent people."

Lu Guo smiled, "I paid attention to it early in the morning, and I can bring it to you later."

Ji Chaoyue nodded, "The struggle between Cheng and Xun in the great world was apparently caused by the uneven distribution of resources, but in fact, it was also because some forces held the banner of righteousness and did not do righteous things. We still need to investigate further to see which monks Bewitched by evil sources.

On the other hand, Yangtang Tianchao and Zhongnan Dojo want us to detect and eliminate the evil sources. I am going to have a good talk with them and strive for some conditions so that the Zhan Palace can enter the other realms of Xia Tian. "

Besides, in addition to cleaning up the evil sources, Tai Yi has focused his energy on exploring the new secret realm of the new star realm in recent years, and penetrated deeply into the two realms of Cambrian and Chongmo, and subdued some small sects and princes, but these realms are after all Humane missionary land, the action is big, it must arouse Quang Binh's vigilance.

Quang Binh has always been the biggest obstacle for Tai Yi to expand its territory in Xuantian. The best result is that Quang Binh accepts the separation of politics and religion, and allows Tai Yi and those sovereign forces to fight for the territory by themselves.

For this matter, Yu Sheng often contacted several emperors in Guangping to test their attitudes and strive for more space for the development of Taiyi in other realms of Xuantian.

On the other hand, because of the delicate relationship with the Spring and Autumn Poverty, she did not wantonly use the disciples who were born in the Spring and Autumn Poverty, but since she knew that Zizhuo was the first Confucian and Taoist disciple of the Tiandaoliu, she planned to pull the disciples of this school into the Taiyi camp To be an official is to pave the way for the subsequent establishment of a humanity that belongs exclusively to Taiyi.

Compared with other disciples of the Holy Land, the Heavenly Dao Flow, which was neglected in the adversity of the Spring and Autumn Period, is more masterable.

Eliminating the influence of the Holy Land as much as possible within her own territory is what she has been doing, and has achieved remarkable results in the past 300 years. At present, in the ancestral halls of all walks of life, the Emperor Changsheng is regarded as the ancestor of all laws, and there is no The shadow of the Lord of the Holy Land.

However, she also knows that Xuantian is under the pressure of Spring and Autumn and Guangping, and there is not much room for development in a short period of time, so in the case of Yantian with Ji Chaoyue and others, she suggested that Huajian resign Zhangong to go to Zhutian to explore The task is to prepare for Taiyi to enter Zhutian.

As mentioned earlier, Zhu Tian, ​​Yan Tian, ​​and Jun Tian are mostly from the Great Realm, and there is a lot of room for competition. Now Yan Tian mainly has Yang Tang and Zhong Nan entering the arena. Jun Tian is the headquarters of the Heavenly Dao League, and there are no other powers in the Heaven Realm for the time being. get involved.

Zhu Tian has already appeared like a group of demons dancing wildly. First, the gods came to preach, and then the three giants from Youtian stirred up the wind and rain.

Now that the addition of evil sources has made things worse, how can it be called a chaos.

It is considered early to go to the Taiyi Battle Palace, and a lot of secret lands have been won, and a station has also been established in a large world.

Unlike the Yantian War Palace, which focuses on eliminating evil sources, the main purpose of the Taiyi Battle Palace as the headquarters is to seek unowned survival resources, gather combat power, be more aggressive, fight with all forces in an open and aboveboard manner, and eliminate evil forces. The source is incidental instead.

Nowadays, the rules of Fengdi have been announced, and most of the emperors are concerned about their merits. The large-scale battles have declined precipitously, but the personal battles between emperors and the actions of harvesting merits have increased sharply.

The emperor's court decided to enter Zhu Tian aggressively, to win the merits of belief in the small world, to recruit the strong in the middle world, and to plan for the heavenly paradise in the big world.

At present, Zhan Changfeng does not intend to bypass the Sun God Emperor within 100 years and get the place selected by the Emperor of Heaven. She still focuses on eliminating evil sources and accumulating foundations.

She walked through the void, and when she appeared in Vermilion Heaven, she did not hide her power, and all the venerables entrenched in Vermilion Heaven moved in unison.

In the vast and boundless void, the star world is like clouds, and the star path is bright. The phantoms of yin and yang Pisces swim through it, turning into two majestic Taoists, a white robe with wide sleeves, a black crown and hair, as awe-inspiring as a moon palace Goddess, a loose-clothed, handsome, with melancholy eyes, like that unrestrained literati and poet.

Isn't he the second prince of the Yin-Yang Dynasty.

The three giants of Youtian had already stalemate in Youtian's pace, so they extended the battlefield to Zhutian, and the two of them are not surprised here.

The crown prince looked like a cold beauty, but he acted boldly. She was the first to speak out, "Fellow Daoist, I haven't seen you for a long time, passing by, or do you plan to stay here?"

Zhan Changfeng smiled lightly, "If I live here permanently, would fellow Taoists still cook fish for me?"

The prince heard it in his ears, why did he feel so strange, but he couldn't refute it, who made her have the habit of feeding people and sending them on the road.

In the previous team battle of Gu Tianting, she did grill fish once, trying to kick this person out of the team battle.

The prince weighed one or two, and felt that she and the prince would not be able to stop her, so he said, "Zhu Tian has a lot of fish, if you want to eat it, you can catch it yourself, but I have fattened that piece of fish, you can eat it." Can't pass."

She stretched out her hand and drew a line, and a fog seemed to form in the southwest of Tianyu, making it difficult for people to peek.

At this time, a chariot pulled by nine horses galloped from a distance, but it was in front of him in a blink of an eye. The tyrannical breath shattered the suspended meteorite, making the prince horizontal and the prince vertical at the same time, showing a serious look.

"I heard that some fish are fat, why don't you catch them and eat them!" Standing on the chariot was a tall and mighty Taoist in black armor, carrying a heavy gun, his eyes were like purple lightning, and his expression was stern.

When he saw Zhan Changfeng, his eyes paused, but he wasn't too surprised. Ever since he knew that the Zhan Palace had signs of activity in Zhu Tian, ​​he expected that Tai Yi would join the ranks of fighting for Zhu Tian.

However, he was a bit unwilling to let Zhan Changfeng into Zhutian like this, so he deliberately asked, "Emperor Changsheng came here to clean up the source of evil?"

"If there is, it will be cleared."


"Xuanhua on behalf of Heaven."

"What a Daitian Xuanhua, I thought that with the virtue of the Emperor Changsheng, he would not take the initiative to start a war."

"Buddhism does not kill, and all living beings who deserve to die will still die."

Feng Zhutian frowned, "So?"

Zhan Changfeng is gentle and elegant, "The birth, old age, sickness and death of all living beings, what is the matter of closing the door of Buddhism."


The prince explained to Feng Zhutian maliciously, "Emperor Changsheng said that whether she will replace Tian Xuanhua or not, there will still be wars that should have occurred."

The crown prince extended it, "It can also be said that whether the Emperor Changsheng comes to Zhu Tian is none of your business."

Feng Zhutian's expression was always stern, he couldn't see any emotion, he just looked at them coldly, "It's none of your business if I talk to her."

(End of this chapter)

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