Emperor Shentongjian

Chapter 1393 Spirit Fruits Are Poisonous

Chapter 1393 Spirit Fruits Are Poisonous

"Help me, ah!"

Chaos erupted out of the bustling long street just now, and evil sources spilled into the air, entangled the minds of passers-by, and choked their lifelines, showing extremely powerful aggressiveness.

Zhan Changfeng used the flames to attract the power of the sun, and the scorching flames covered the entire long street, dissipating the black energy and temporarily stabilizing the situation.

From the outbreak of the evil source to being subdued, in just a moment, many monks were stunned, subconsciously ignoring Zhan Changfeng standing at the entrance of the alley.

The sloppy monk watched her make the move, and now he didn't dare to go forward to ask for the essence of the spirit veins, so he just smiled shyly.

At this time, on the long street, the tables were scattered, and the trays of spiritual fruits fell all over the floor. The group of monks who had suffered the accident gradually dispersed, and occasionally a few stood around watching vigilantly.

The entrance of the small alley is even more deserted, as if it has been forgotten.

Zhan Changfeng picked up a spiritual fruit that had rolled down to his feet, and when he crushed it, a dark light flashed on the core.

The qi that participates in the creation of evil sources will not actively attack living beings, but will only subtly affect the minds of living beings and create a wicked person.

The current situation is like a monk who has cultivated the qi of participating in the creation of evil sources, and tampered with the spiritual fruit to hurt people with evil sources.

Sensing the chaos in other markets, she threw some essence to the sloppy monk and disappeared.

The sloppy monk patted his chest and muttered, "Such an accident happened on the day when the lords of heaven gathered together. Saint Lancar really can't stay any longer."

After he said that, he ran away with the essence of what he got. With these wealth, he can find a better place to build a cave.

This Fangchang Street is considered lucky, and Zhan Changfeng is here just in time, and the incident was snuffed out as soon as it appeared, and it was not so easy to settle in other places.

The Spirit Fruit Flowing Water Feast filled the streets of the Akka gathering place, and the battle was huge. At least 10,000+ monks participated in this grand event, and they took all the spirit fruits that were put on the table in a short while.

Some people put away the spiritual fruit and planned to go back and enjoy it, while others ate it on the spot.

It is not known exactly how many spiritual fruits have been touched, but it is also shocking to see the monks on the street covered in black air, retching with their mouths open, and their faces contorted.

This situation didn't last long, and the monk who was haunted by the evil source went mad and attacked others desperately.

"What's the matter with you!" A monk who wanted to go up to help dispel the black energy was pushed and shoved by the people behind him, turned around and just asked the exit, the cold light was approaching, and half of his body was chopped off.

On the other side, the burly man who just snatched a bag of spiritual fruits had red eyes. He grabbed the person next to him and bit him down, blood splattering.

"Notify the higher ups, these guys are crazy!"

"Evil door, what the hell is going on!"

People fled and hid in the street, and there were also a few daring monks who were skilled in arts, trying to contain the accident by resorting to magical powers and secret techniques.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they get close to the person wrapped in black energy, they will also be entangled in the black energy. The hidden evil thoughts in their hearts expand infinitely, their moods are agitated, and they are almost obsessed.

Seeing this, Zhan Changfeng knew it was irreversible, so he didn't show up again.And the banquet in the villa has also been disturbed, a group of venerables and heavenly monarchs appeared in the sky above the gathering place in surprise, looking down, all the long streets were noisy and fighting constantly.

Ji Chaoyue went to investigate intently, surprised in his heart, could it be that the evil source practitioners took the initiative to provoke and came to the door?

She told everyone, "Participating in the creation of evil energy can induce the evil thoughts of the living beings, and also feed on the evil thoughts. If you only touch it, it will only affect your mood.

If a trace of evil is allowed to enter the body, at the slightest, the temperament will change drastically, and you will become mad and become a demon, or at worst, you will be eaten away by it and become a puppet of evil. The symptoms of these people are gradually deepening, and they may become puppets of evil. Refining the evil source for your own use and becoming an evil source cultivator.

From my perspective, it seems that the cultivators of the evil source deliberately spread the power of the evil source, causing these monks to go mad and become puppets of the evil source. "

An elder of the Cangkong Sect said angrily, "Evil source! Evil source! Before you came to the battle palace, this kind of thing had never happened in Chengxun Great Realm. You have to give an explanation!"

Ji Chaoyue was going to help solve the chaos below, but when he heard this, he raised his lips coldly, "You are blind, but it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. The War Palace has been stationed in the Chengxun Realm for more than three years. There were 69 evil sources in the world, and 750 people with sudden mood changes were detected. Among the 180 wanted evil persons, 130 two were finally proved to have evil sources planted in their bodies.

If you want to talk about an explanation, it is also for your sect to give an explanation to the creatures in this world. I don't ask you to take care of casual cultivators, but please do a good self-examination inside the mountain gate, so as not to push it out if you find something wrong. "

"What do you say, do you think our sect is a generation of evil ways?!"

"Shut up." Ancestor Cangkong stopped his elders symbolically, and said quietly, "The sect has strict rules, and it is a pure place for cultivation. How can it be infected by evil sources? Fellow Daoist Xuanyuan doesn't have to worry about us. , let’s focus on the current situation.”

The slightly silent Liang Shangjun was also a little angry when he looked at these power holders who stayed out of the way, as if their territory was clean and free from filth. To help, say something."

Venerable Suizhen was suddenly put on fire. She is a local force along with other sects. Now if she asks for help from the Zhan Palace, it will hurt the face of the sect. It can be said that the sect is a clean place that will not be infected by evil sources. The implication is that her tribe is inferior to the sect. Is it normal to be infected?
Venerable Suizhen didn't have any special means to target the evil source, but she was also a powerful Void Returner, and locked up the monks covered in black energy below her as soon as she made a move. little.

Although the leaders of the sects did not allow their own family to be stigmatized, and refused to conduct self-examination driven by their dignity, they were deeply concerned about the source of the evil. Seeing that the actions of Venerable Suizhen had no major effect, they all looked down. down.

Lu Guo held his big belly and said, "Whether you are indirectly affected by the evil source, or planted a trace of evil source in your heart, it is a crack in the mood, and external forces cannot interfere. We can only help them wake up and get rid of the evil source by themselves. Repair the crack, otherwise, there is only madness."

In other words, these monks infected by evil sources have been abolished.Evil source is like an addictive drug. Outsiders pull you out with a rope, and you may not recognize good people and bite people instead.

It is really difficult to make them sober under the control of the evil source.Unless there is a powerful person who is willing to spend time and effort to help them at any cost.

When Venerable Suizhen heard that the only way out for them was madness, his depression suddenly surged. Most of them were monks from the Aka tribe!
"It's really a waste?!"

"It can't be said like this. Those whose souls have not been infected by evil sources still have a chance to suppress their evil thoughts and regain their sanity, but that's all." Lu Guo looked at the monks below, "Most of them were infected by evil sources. Those who have been boarded directly, their souls have been eaten away."

Venerable Suizhen glanced at the heads of the various factions, but finally said nothing.

Cheng Xun's faction is still very repulsive to Zhan Gong, an external force, and maybe he didn't want to expose his shortcomings, so Venerable Suizhen sent off the guests before investigating how the source of evil spread.

(End of this chapter)

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