Chapter 1391
No matter how the outside world has different opinions, the battle palace is operating as usual.

In order to attract more monks to join the battle palace, Zhan Changfeng spared no effort to build a city outside the San Rankar Desert.

The San Rancar Desert is dangerous and barren. The more famous and valuable things are probably fire rats, sand scorpions and other beasts, as well as various minerals buried deep in the ground. Only those who are extremely strong and not afraid of death dare to walk in the desert.

There were also big forces who established bases outside or inside it, but they couldn't prosper and were gradually submerged under the wind and sand.

The main reason is that the supernatural powers are everywhere in the great world, but Tianjun and Venerables are still rare. It is impossible for a large sect to send as many Tianjuns and Venerables as they can count on one hand into this desert of death to find resources for them. It is unlikely to take the risk of destruction and send a faction to move in.

Zhan Changfeng didn't have this concern, she just threw strong men and supplies into the desert, and smashed a city that kept the heat and cold out.

Then the Shang Dinghui was established, and the ground fire was developed. With rare materials and unique casting techniques for this realm, a group of innocence foundry masters were recruited, and the city was planned to be built into a famous casting capital.

At the same time, she gathered her hands together to form exploration teams and mining teams to dig out the minerals drowned in the name of death.

He said he didn't care, but the sectarian dynasties who glanced at the San Lanka Desert from time to time were not optimistic about this city, and Xiaotai came here from a thousand miles to build an abandoned city.

Zhan Changfeng still ignored the outside voices, the first batch of weapons and treasures created by Shang Dinghui had begun to be sold to the weapon shops and magic treasure pavilions in the nearest gathering places, and she set up a starship route to send them to several places. A middle world that was infested by evil sources was sold to some normal forces at a low price, and they reached cooperation with them, which affected the structure of these middle worlds in disguise.

The low price condition is that they vigorously carry out xinxing self-examination, and push this self-examination to all areas where they can intervene.

The sects in Chengxun Great Realm first saw the rising trend of the city of San Rankar, and realized that the desert of death, which they had forgotten in the far west, might be a treasure house, so they sent people into the desert in an attempt to Find out the situation, share a piece of the pie, and even come here across thousands of mountains and rivers.

"Under the city of San Lancar, there is a vein of fire, and there are foundry workshops everywhere!"

"Master Shibamata, the master craftsman, actually settled down here!"

"Shang Dinghui seems to be the trade union of these refiners, and it seems to have many strong exploration and mining teams under its name."

Just build a ground fire vein and look for mineral resources?
Many forces tried to replicate this model, but most of them died as soon as they took the step of finding the earth fire vein.

Thanks to the special environment of this place, the only ones who can do things here are the Venerable Tianjun, or the strongest supernatural powers, but the Venerable Tianjun is their treasure, and losing one of them is equivalent to killing them. How can they let them look for ore here if they cut off [-]% of their background.

There are also forces thinking about taking over the ready-made resources of the Shang Dinghui.

Pry the corner digger, follow the exploration team and the mining team.


The Shang Dinghui is really a trade union system. After joining, the craftsmen enjoy different degrees of preferential treatment, and they also sign contracts of different levels. At least one hundred years cannot leave the Shang Dinghui.

It is even more impossible to follow those teams. The minimum configuration of each team is five spirits and six strongest magic powers!
"Where do they get so many strong men? Could it be that they were all brought from Xuantian?!" In the Cangkong Hierarch Hall thousands of miles away from the San Lanka Desert, Cangkong Patriarch frowned deeply, feeling quite insecure.

The opening of the ancient heavenly court has strengthened the communication between the heavenly realms, and he has naturally heard about the famed Emperor Changsheng and Tai Yichao.

As soon as he heard that the Taiyi dynasty was behind the battle palace, he felt that the emperor of longevity was coming to Xia Tian to open up the XJ domain!

He doesn't know the specific strength of the Taiyi Dynasty, but he also knows that after ascending to the Tian Dynasty, there will be a large number of spiritual identifications. In terms of the number of strong people, their sectarian forces can't keep up.

If the Taiyi dynasty really intends to conquer the Chengxun world, I am afraid that all forces will have to unite to stop it.

"If we knew in advance that the Zhan Palace belonged to Taiyi, maybe we would put pressure on the monks in the court to tell them to avoid Zhan Palace and Shang Ding. Zhan Palace and Shang Ding would not be able to recruit people, and sooner or later they would leave the shop."

Patriarch Cangkong's annoyed words made all the elders and direct disciples look serious, among them, Elder Moba, who was in charge of the desert trip, thought about it, "Why did the ancestor say that? There are irreconcilable contradictions, and I watch the Battle Palace and the trade union that earns survival resources in a group of loose cultivators. It is not Taiyi's military power, which cannot affect us, and the same is true for the Shangding Association. Even, we can still use it through war Gong and Shang Ding will get other resources."

Another elder said, "Moba, what you said is true, but the structure of your thinking is too small. Look, where do the resources of Zhangong and Shangdinghui come from? They come from the desert! If we can directly Get these resources, why bother to go through them!"

"Both of them are right or wrong. The main reason is still the word threat. If Taiyi's influence and power are getting wider and wider in Chengxun, what we should have will definitely be divided by him."

"It's not too late to block the city of Saint-Lancar. We've blocked the road to the west, so that the monks who come here just because of the name can't get there!"

"I see, don't act recklessly. Our family is not the only one who wants to test them."

Patriarch Cangkong coughed, stopped the growing discussion, and turned to Elder Moba, "Can you estimate the specific strength over there?"

Moba looked at the vague expectation in the eyes of Patriarch Cangkong, and couldn't bear to say, "They have at least three venerables in charge, and there are dozens of Tianjun."

There was a momentary silence in the main hall. As one of the ten sects of Chengxun, the Cangkong Sect has only five heavenly monarchs and one venerable, that is, Patriarch Cangkong.

By the way, there is also a guest venerable, but that person has not been in the mountain gate all year round, and I don't know where Yunyou has gone.

Patriarch Cangkong shook his head, "That's all, let's put this matter on hold for now, we'll talk about it later."

Because the Cangkong Cult is the most powerful force closest to the desert, he has received a lot of condolences from "old friends" during this period, but in the end he can always be abducted to the War Palace and the Shangding Conference. Let him try first, he will be their pawn only because he is deceived by lard.

Anyway, someone was always going to move first, so he just watched.

Many forces adhered to this idea, but no one acted rashly, allowing Shangdinghui and Zhangong to spend a long quiet period.

Zhan Changfeng seized the time to build the casting industry, handed over some of the exquisite casting skills collected by Taiyi to several refiners who were willing to become lifelong members of the Shangding Association, and planned to win one or two masters as facades.

She was in a hurry to build the city and set up the Shang Dinghui to hold up the War Palace, and when the War Palace gained a firm foothold, she could get away and do other things.

After a long time, Cheng Xun's forces are so knowledgeable, she is also very embarrassed, she has no authority to stand on, and always feels that she can't leave at ease.

(End of this chapter)

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