Chapter 1284
It has been five days since Emperor Yan Du received the message from Teng Snake to attack the mountains and seas, and now the Eye of God's Wrath appeared.

The Emperor Yan Du and the Eight Thousand Heavenly Golems stood in the air, unable to escape, and had no way to fight against Eight Thousand, while a group of ghosts, Eye of God's Wrath, and Taiyi monk fell into a war of attrition. All sentient beings in the eyes of anger will use up their vows first.


A gust of wind twisted Hua Jianci's side, revealing the figure of a herald.

"Wanxing began to attack Lianhua Mountain and other territories under Taiyi. Visually, there are millions of people, and there are big monsters at the Void Return level. The defense may not last long!"

"Only attacked Taiyi?"


The Yaozu made it clear that they were only targeting Taiyi, and the persecution was so tight that they didn't know what happened to Fengyun Dajie.

The war in the outside world has already used all the manpower, so how can it take over the territory in the new region.

Huajian thought for a while, and made a decision, "Give up the new region and return to the mountains and seas."


At this time, the eyes of God's wrath swept towards Emperor Yandu, and Emperor Yandu's heart trembled slightly, and he sacrificed the ghost city that was shattered by the Hunyuan Thunder. In an instant, blue flames rose from the eaves of the ghost city, from top to bottom , slowly dissipating it.

Wu Feiyu feels that this ghost city has become its own space, and with the current strength of the Eye of God's Wrath, it may be difficult to destroy it, let alone hurt Emperor Yandu.

She was about to move this eye of wrath to the side, and kill other powerful ghosts first, when the demon statues moved, and they split out five thousand statues, and attacked the ghosts again, and immediately the ghosts were as cheap as grass.

The voice of Hua Jianci came at the right time, "The demon statue has just recovered from its previous injury. Although it has devoured the ghost's soul power now, but the consumption is greater than replenished, and the combat power will drop in half a day. It is best to wipe out most of the ghost in one go. Can you restrain Yan Du Emperor?"

"Can I say no, you have done everything." Wu Feiyu looked at the Longevity Temple behind him, stretched out his left hand, and blurted out obscure words.

Standing by the side of the steps, Qin Shan stroked his beard, and in his vision, the fate of the Taiyi Kingdom surged over the Longevity Temple like a golden wave, and in an instant, it poured into the statues in the temple!

The statues of the gods came to life, and when Wu Feiyu waved his sleeves and pointed forward, they all rushed to the battlefield through the clouds and fog.

As soon as they arrived, they did nothing and guarded all directions of the battlefield, but the Taiyi soldiers in the battlefield suddenly seemed to be assisted by a god, the tired spirits were like springs on dead trees, and the bleeding wounds began to heal!

With a single punch, it was three times as strong as at his peak!
All the soldiers were shocked by such a miracle, and then looked at the lifelike and majestic statues around them, and they were suddenly awed!

The clear voice of Huajian Ci spread to the ears of the generals, "The soul of the country helps the battle, the prestige of the country increases, and those who kill the enemy will be rewarded!"

"The red-blooded heroic soul, bless my robes, fight for every inch of land, protect my mountains and rivers, Gu Kui is towering and full of frost, I will open the eternal beacon fire first!"
When the numbers of all the battle groups were integrated into this sentence, no matter whether it was an official soldier or a monk recruited temporarily, a wave of enthusiasm rose in the chest.

What they defend is not only Taiyi, but also their own place of existence, their own future and path!
Desperate for this battle, fight for this life to live up to expectations!

The projection above the main city stirred the flames in the hearts of the monks like a prairie fire. Seeing the wretched ghosts who were still resisting under the eyes of God's Wrath, they rushed out of the barrier with sacrificing magical weapons!
On the battlefield of the Huangshui Continent, Emperor Yandu went from astonishment to fear, and then from fear to a trace of fear. He practiced for thousands of years and lived in seclusion for thousands of years, just to defeat the man in the Holy Land and win the position of the Hungry Ghost Dao Eye-eyed General , How could he be defeated in this turnaround battle!


The summoned Nine Nether Earth Souls held hands and spread out in a circle, forcing the golem to retreat.

Emperor Yandu held up the ghost city with one hand, and flew towards the Eye of God's Wrath, ignoring the violent blue flame, covered the Eye of God's Wrath with it, and then drew a spell from the Eye of God's Wrath.

A person exactly like him gradually appeared in front of him.

In ancient times, there was a mirror to learn from gains and losses, but he was "one mirror" to be two people. When he transformed his "self" with the technique of one mirror, his karma, breath, etc. were all transferred to this "self", and he was nonexistent.

This technique has a time limit, but no matter what, he still wants to win Taiyi and show it to Wanxing!
Sure enough, when he walked out of the guard of the Nine Nether Earth Soul, no Heavenly Golem noticed him.

But everyone can see him.

Emperor Yan Du raised his hand and formed a thick blade in the shape of a broken knife. There are two lines of red and one black on the ancient golden blade. The red is the blood groove, and the black is the soul groove.
Those who know the goods will know that this is a broken ancient knife, without grade or rank. It gradually improves with the owner. At its peak, it fell into the hands of a quasi-sage. It killed the world and became famous for nine days. trace.

Who would have known that it appeared in the hands of Emperor Yan Du!

Emperor Yan Du held the Broken Ancient Saber and swung it at a celestial general at will. This celestial general's body and head will be separated immediately, and it will be scattered into ashes!
The red, black and grooves on the Broken Ancient Knife flashed a gleam of luster, the whole knife seemed to be opened, the cold light was shining brightly, and the spirit was menacing!

At this time, Emperor Yandu "does not exist", and the demon statue will not take the initiative to attack him, but Hua Jianci can't watch him hack everyone to death, so without thinking too much, he immediately directs the demon statue to form an airtight Iron walls surrounded him.

When they moved, Emperor Yandu's heart skipped a beat, dodging left and right, avoiding their encirclement.

He slashed at the approaching golem with a knife, and instead of shattering, the golem "discovered" his existence, raised the snake spear and struck with all his might!
Emperor Yandu fled and hid, knowing that he could not touch them, but he seemed to have noticed something strange, these things seemed not as powerful as before.

With a certain idea, he frequently used evasion techniques, slashing people while dodging.

No matter how fast Hua Jian's rhetoric was, he missed it, and many people were killed or injured.

Ling Weichu, who fell on the city wall to take a breather, said, "Emperor Yan Du's strength is beyond comparison to an ordinary venerable. If we drag it on, these supernatural powers that we have cultivated with great difficulty will become his soul."

"Wait a little longer." Hua Jianci pinched his fingers to calculate, and then focused on commanding the golem, using the golem to block the attack of Emperor Yandu.

Emperor Yan Du was also very angry, why is this thing so difficult to deal with!
Fortunately, he clearly felt that they were getting weaker!
A gust of red wind blew, and the hot breath made the huge battlefield smoke, and the fire flashed, and the wind rolled up the fire.

A tall figure strode out from the fire. He wore a golden battle armor, a mask covered his face, and held a genuine Qinglong Yanyue Knife in his hand!

Ling Weichu was startled, "Is it the Prince Ye that His Majesty mentioned?"

"No, Prince Ye didn't need the Acquired Holy Treasure long ago, and the Qinglong Yanyue Knife was later in the hands of Dingtian Yimai."

The Dingtian Yinmai, who vowed not to show others the Dingtian moves, was born.

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(End of this chapter)

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