Emperor Shentongjian

Chapter 1151 Read Ten Thousand Volumes of Books

Chapter 1151 Read Ten Thousand Volumes of Books
Zhan Changfeng turned Beitianting around, and then went to the ring area to challenge three people, one of them was retreating, but there was no response, she won directly, but there was no reward.

The other two were newly promoted Lingjian. She won without pressure and got two copies of the Great Essence.

Finally, the night time workshop she was looking forward to was opened. I heard that there are many rare treasures in the night time workshop. Correspondingly, it is more difficult to obtain them.

Perhaps it was the reason for the opening of Yeshifang. In the North Heavenly Court, which seemed deserted on weekdays, many monks poured out, and they all went in the southwest direction.

When Zhan Changfeng went out, he also saw several familiar people, they were Yao Quanxiu and Yao Baguan from Fengyun Realm.

The Yao family and the Jiang family were standing on the Heguang King. She slowed down and watched them enter a palace. After a while, several cloud chariots rose into the air, and the light gauze flew down. It can be seen that the first one stood in the middle of the Heguang King Su The three sons, the first few fights are Gu Huixue and other directly subordinate ministers, and Yao Quanxiu, Yao Baguan, Jiang Chongyi, Jiang Wusheng and other Yao and Jiang family's heavenly monarchs.

At the Meeting of the Kings, King Heguang, Yao Quanxiu, Yao Baguan, and Jiang Chongyi on the first floor of Lingjian each got a secret key, and Su Sangong, Jiang Wusheng, Yao Qianfan, and Gu Huixue on the first floor of Shentong each got a secret key. These four top supernatural powers are now all Lingjian Tianjun.

As soon as they hung up, at least 14 people came, corresponding to the number of people on the cloud car at this time.

The charm of the night time square is not small, and all the hooked people are dispatched.

After a few breaths, several cloud chariots were also set up in a certain palace. Looking at the tit-for-tat posture, you don't need to look to know that it is Nanjiang.

Nanjiang’s meeting with kings did not go well. At that time, King Ninghe’s intention to monopolize the realm of Fengyun was too obvious. Not only King Heguang, but other realm forces also intentionally or unintentionally suppressed the heavenly monarchs of Nanjiang when discussing the Tao.

So in the end, among the spiritual mirrors hanging in Nanjiang, only King Ning He won a secret key, but among the supernatural powers, Ren Ying from the pregnant family of the friendly side and Jun Feiqing from Wu Tianmen each got a key.

At this time, there were more than six people traveling in Nanjiang, and there were four people from Yan Gu and Jing Lv from Huhao Mountain.

What happened to Mount Huhao? As a humane lineage, it didn't even take a stand against Wu Qu under the command of the Guangping Heavenly Dynasty before, so why did it suddenly come together with Nanjiang? Is it a temporary partner, or is it ready to support Nanjiang?
"Is it difficult?" A shallow question came from behind.

"It's quite difficult, not counting you, I only have four supernatural powers." Zhan Changfeng turned back and asked her, "Would you like to go shopping with me?"

Yu Sheng raised the corner of his mouth, "I won't go with you, you can play by yourself."

As she spoke, she put her hands behind her back and left first.

Zhan Changfeng can't tie people up, so he can only go to Yeshifang alone. On the road, he saw a large cloud of cars flying by, and it was the ostentation of a prince and emperor.

Look at yourself again.

Zuo Zhuzhi. Huaiming. Gu Xiaoqiao. Guangcheng Zhenjun: What about us? ? ?

In front of the archway of Yeshifang, monks were crowded.

After the golden rooster crowed three times, the heavenly soldiers guarding the archway put away their spears and retreated to both sides. The monks penetrated into the archway, but what they saw was not a long street, but floating islands.

There is still a rule in front of the archway, each floating island can only be visited once, and the name of each floating island is marked below, but what is on the floating island is not written, and the items provided by Night Square are different every time Yes, basically put one item on each island, and only one person can get it.

You know, Night Hour is only open for one month.

If you waste your time on one floating island and miss something more suitable for you on another floating island, there is nowhere to cry.

But generally speaking, the name of the floating island will imply certain hints.

Zhan Changfeng also fell in love with "Reading Ten Thousand Volumes of Books" at first sight.

He stepped on the hanging stone and walked towards the island.

At that time, the clouds are steaming and the sky is shining brightly, the hall is misty, and the Taoist priests in white shirts are elegant and elegant. When they walk up to the floating island, they will be greeted with a clean and upright spirit.

Zhan Changfeng was a little surprised, this is... such a strong literary style.

It turned out that this was the "stall" of Confucianism.

There was a toucan repeating a sentence, "Confucianism has righteousness, but also literary spirit. Let's compare your literary spirit today. The final winner will have a chance to enter the library of our sect."

Confucian Zongshu Pavilion is known as the Nine Heavens' treasure house of learning!

Most of the people who chose this island prefer to read books. They all laughed and were full of interest when they heard this.

"This island is only open for one day. As the saying goes, the early bird catches the worm. After half a minute, our sect will release the topic and give you a stick of incense time to prepare. Now please wait quietly."

Zhan Changfeng also became interested, followed the guidance, and advanced into the library on the island.

This book building is simple and leisurely, like a hermit and sage sitting on the top of a mountain, looking at the clouds and clouds, with the profundity and vicissitudes honed by the rolling history in his eyes.

There are no books in the building, but the strange thing is that every bookshelf emits a warm light.

The dozen or so monks who had already entered looked around the place, secretly guessing the content of the assessment later.

"Fellow Daoist, I heard that Fellow Daoist is the eighth winner of the [-]-year [-]-year discount coupon in the Northern Heavenly Court. I want to come here to be knowledgeable, so I can't help but feel happy. I have long wanted to learn from fellow Daoists. I don't know if I can take advantage of this opportunity." Compare with fellow Taoists."

Zhan Changfeng looked at the person who stopped him, his expression did not change, after a while, the corners of his lips were raised, and his eyes were deep, "Fellow Daoist name taboo."

"So, Qi Zhenyuan."

Because of this accident, many people in the library slowed down.

"Kill Qi Zhenyuan, a Confucian scholar, is he?"

"How did he find that man?"

"Did you hear me right, this person got a [-]-year ten-year discount coupon from Tianshifang?!"

Many of them snorted coldly, and some frowned.

Qi Zhenyuan wore Tianjun's crane pattern Taoist robe, his expression was honest, but his words were secretly clever.

Fangsi did not announce the winner of the [-]-year [-]% discount coupon. When Zhan Changfeng bought things, although he did not hide it, he was not high-profile. At least so far, there was no rumor that she had a [-]% discount coupon, but Qi Zhenyuan pointed it out. , is clearly intentional.

But I accidentally saw her using a discount coupon, and I felt jealous, or it was because some other people came to find fault, I don't know.

Qi Zhenyuan's reputation in Beitianting is not small, and there are many people who know him. Just when he walked towards Zhan Changfeng, he attracted the attention of a group of people, and after he finished speaking, many people Just stopped.

"Who is the final winner of this assessment?"

Zhan Changfeng's words made Qi Zhenyuan slightly stagnant, and then he smiled gracefully, "Fellow Daoist is so confident that he can't fall behind, so let's compare who will be the final winner this time."

"En." Zhan Changfeng nodded, and then moved to look at other places in the library. The warm light attached to the bookshelves seemed to be a bit famous.

Qi Zhenyuan was quite depressed, was this person too confident, what kind of attitude was this, no wonder Feng Jedi gritted his teeth when he mentioned this person, he didn't take him seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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