Chapter 1087
A door of the palace cracked a crack in the violent turmoil, and the thick black air frantically broke free.

The Yin soldiers came through the wall suddenly, throwing soldiers to stab into the black air, and the screams made the monks everywhere tremble.

This side is not over yet, there are two consecutive sounds from the other end, and a cloud of black air rushes out of the door, scurrying back and forth in the corridor.

It seemed to sense the existence of other parts, and it slammed into the wall desperately, trying to penetrate the wall.There are also restrictions on the wall. Although it is not as exquisite and complicated as the one on the gate of the temple, it is not so easy for other people except Yin soldiers.

Zhan Changfeng heard a few movements, and in a blink of an eye, he saw two monks with quasi-sage power coming down, breaking the seal became a matter of time.

After waiting for five days, after a new round of transformation of the hall, suddenly there was a cloud of black air in the corridor leading to the main hall, and the terrifying coercion made Qin Wuyi frowned.

"According to what you said, this should only be part of it?" She said solemnly, "One part has such powerful power, the power of quasi-sage, it really cannot be pondered."

"Without your circle, it would take all of our strength just to parry it."

The two hid in the circle. At this time, the vision was completely covered by black air, and the inheritance hall seemed to have turned into chaos. Wave after wave of power surged eastward and westward, and the beams of light that sealed the so-called inheritance shattered one after another, as if angry. The sea shakes the ship.

In a certain corridor, two black air masses met suddenly, and they melted together, their strength multiplied and multiplied, blasting open the wall that sealed the corridor, and fell into the inheritance hall.

The raging sea-like power in the Inheritance Hall has turned into a violent sea. Qin Wuyi kept writing to aggravate the traces of the circle, otherwise maybe in the next breath, that force would erase the circle and expose them to this irresistible threat. depress.

The east side is a connecting corridor, and the west side just got a hole, and the black air that has turned into a ball began to hit the other two walls. One is the ground and the other is the roof.

The cloud of black air that was besieged by the Yin soldiers at the beginning had already shrunk a few circles, and stayed motionless in the palace room. However, since the Yin soldiers judged it as a threat to destroy the restriction, they chased it inside and wiped out all the black air in a short while. It was torn, revealing a black fur foot.

The cloud of black air in the main hall smashed open the sealed hall door while devouring the living beings along the way. These self-exploding monks instantly became its most delicious meal, and they were absorbed almost without any resistance.

It merged with four groups of black air again, turned its head and rushed to the palace where the Yin soldiers were, and rolled up that leg.

Zhan Changfeng and Qin Wuyi could only feel the destructive power coming from there, as if two star worlds collided and exploded, hundreds of millions of energy split the walls everywhere, and the buildings in their eyes collapsed and disintegrated, and quickly disappeared.

"Let's go." Zhan Changfeng grabbed Qin Wuyi's wrist, turned light and ran towards the cracked roof of the temple, and performed a trick to sacrifice the God Advent Altar, but it didn't respond!

The situation is not right!

But seeing them standing in the air, the sky and the ground are as deep and black as the void, and the false inheritance land under their feet is like a square, suspended there, black air and Yin air are intertwined, piercing it from all directions like a sharp sword, call it Crashes at a visible rate.

Its collapse also seemed to make this space unstable, and flames ignited all around, forming an inescapable siege.

Zhan Changfeng suddenly felt a powerful aura rising, and looked around, several fire dragons turned into a giant door, and a tall figure covered in armor changed from light to dark, like a giant beast waking up from a deep sleep.

That was the general she saw with the eyes of true knowledge.

"Shan Gao, I haven't woken up for 9 years, and now is the time for you to die!" The thunderous voice echoed in this space, full of vicissitudes and determination.

Zhan Changfeng and Qin Wuyi looked at each other, and a thought arose in their hearts, if this is the 9-year-old mountain ointment, then he was the general of the heaven back then, or Wang Ziye!
This scene was beyond their control, and they retreated to the edge of nowhere to retreat, observing the situation.

As soon as the false inheritance site is destroyed, the duty of guarding the soldiers of the underworld is over, and they have returned to the underworld, and the black mist shrinks sharply, revealing a broken and grotesque body, which is made up of one piece of flesh and another piece of flesh. The head is only half.

The black gas completed its incomplete parts, revealing its main body, shaped like a pig, standing upright, holding the ghost ax that the black gas had turned into.

Gritting three words from its mouth, "Prince Ye!"

Wang Ziye used fire to condense into a Yanyue knife, and the light of the sky-blazing knife was like three thousand white swords washed over Shan Yao's body, wisps of black energy were reduced and eliminated, chopping down its unbearable body.

Shan Yao's eyes were extremely cruel, it was physically incomplete and lost most of its strength, otherwise it wouldn't have a chance for this defeated man to act fiercely.

9 years ago, he relied on many helpers, and after 9 years, he found a helper again, so he was really angry!Shan Yao insisted on relying on this mutilated body to defend against his knife, and swung his ax to make him sideways to avoid it.

The two are fighting each other, and they can't look directly at each other.

Zhan Changfeng looked at it with the eyes of true knowledge, the mountain ointment was extremely powerful, and the power of resentment became a curse, quietly eroding Wang Ziye.

Every knife of Wang Ziye is a Dao pattern, either sharp, thick, or as urgent as a rainstorm, or as slow as an autumn night. , the ups and downs change, everything fades!

The power of the mountain paste seemed to have opened a gate, and it poured out with his knife!

"No!" Shan Gao felt that she was really going to completely dissipate into the world this time, it shouldn't be like this, it shouldn't be like this!How could he beat himself!

Zhan Changfeng's heart beat suddenly, his body was faster than his thoughts, and he sacrificed the Tongshi Lingshan that he had held in his hand for a long time.

It turned out that when it was about to disappear, it knew that it was impossible to take Wang Ziye away, so it came to kill Zhan Changfeng.

In fact, at the last moment, it hated Zhan Changfeng more than it hated Wang Ziye.Its body and the power contained in its body were all brought down by her.

Zhan Changfeng also has lingering fears. The Houtian Holy Treasure is very powerful, but it also depends on who uses it and who it is against. Judging from the extent to which she can only exert half of the Holy Treasure's power now, she can't deal with the freshly sealed mountain ointment at all. , it was simply killed by Wang Ziye to the end before she could get it.

Shan Gao had already breathed his last breath, but when he was pressed by Tongshi Lingshan, this breath also let out, and soon dissipated into black air, and when the black air touched the burning fire everywhere, it burned into gray smoke and dissipated.

Qin Wuyi covered his sleeves silently, his expression slightly relaxed.

Wang Ziye looked at them, the woman in red had traces of contact with his disciple, but he cared more about the other person.

If she hadn't damaged Shan Gao's combat power in advance, he might have faced the inevitable death situation.

In his own eyes, this person is as young as a child, but he dares to spend time and energy to wear away the mountain ointment.

(End of this chapter)

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