Chapter 1078
During the feast of receiving the wind and washing the dust, Lan Qiusheng observed tonight's protagonist, with a vigorous posture of eight feet, with sword eyebrows flying obliquely into the temples of frost, a nose that hangs like gall, square jaw and mustache, majestic and majestic, especially he is wearing a heavy bronze armor and carrying a gilded Gold and copper hammers, anyone who sees them has to guess whose family's unworldly generals this is.

Lan Qiusheng also thought about it for a long time. In the "previous life", Zhao Xuan's name seemed to have been mentioned before, and he was a well-known spiritual master, but he didn't know anything else.

However, this reminded him of one thing. In that period of memory, at this time, the chaos star riots should be about to erupt. If they hadn't evacuated inexplicably, Hong Yi would have no chance to control the Fengyun Realm, and there would be no future Emperor Hongyi.

Will you come as scheduled?
Lan Qiusheng sipped his wine worriedly, this matter of fortune and death is really close at hand.

Zhan Changfeng in the false inheritance land was not idle either. She transformed into the state of the earth soul, cast the spell provided by Nvying on herself, and became a Yin soldier.

She tried to push her hand towards the sealed temple door, but she passed through the door and entered inside. This seal does not restrict the entry and exit of Yin soldiers.

The evil wind roared inside, not making it difficult to walk, but also chilling, the strong pressure seemed to break the spine, and the ravings filled the heart to confuse people and fall into demons.

Zhan Changfeng kept his own heart and sacrificed the Senluo Hell. In an instant, the black energy surged and the stalemate with the Senluo Hell was reached, and angry howls sounded everywhere, attacking the mind.

She knew that she had encountered a troublesome thing, and she was ready for a long-term tug-of-war with it, and used the Senluo Hell to stir up her karma, arousing her karma and burning her.

It took her two years to burn off the black air in this room, and when the black air was exhausted, a piece fell from mid-air, that is.
a piece of meat?

Zhan Changfeng thought of something instantly, his eyes were subtle, she had been fighting with a piece of meat for two years.

If yes, because it is to prevent something from being resurrected, it is divided into several parts and hidden in different temples, and the constantly changing position is also to prevent them from echoing.

This is troublesome, according to her observation, there are at least 22 sealing halls.

She planned to destroy this piece of meat first. The black energy is actually the strength and karma it carries. After being wiped away by karma, its threat will be low, but its defense is beyond Zhan Changfeng's imagination , She used all living beings to dry the bones. Nine Heavens Thunder took turns hacking and hacking for 30 days, but it only made a crack.

This must be the body of the quasi-sage.

When she completely destroyed it in another half a year, she would already be able to use all kinds of methods silently in an instant without having to think much about it.

After recuperating for a few days, Zhan Changfeng entered another sealed hall, still using Senluo Hell to consume the black energy first, and then destroying his body.

In particular, she found that after one part was destroyed, the power of other parts seemed to weaken, and she spent less and less time each time.

It was also during this period of time that the Chaos Star began to mutate.

It seemed that overnight, there were more voices discussing black-armored monsters. It is said that they first appeared in the plain of mad fog and would attack living things.

Another day, in a human settlement, a black-armored monster suddenly burst out of the door, biting anyone it saw, and red spots appeared on the person who was bitten, and then quickly spread into one piece, his limbs elongated, his body became strong, and his skin From red to black, the leather from thin to thick and hard as a nail!

"Where did these monsters come from!"

It spread from the village to the town, and penetrated from the outer edge to the Cauldron City. In just one month, it swept across the Chaos Star, and countless people screamed and went crazy.

Zhou Jiwu, the city lord of Dingtian City, urgently issued a hero post, inviting all powerful people from all walks of life to get rid of this murderous creature, and the post station also issued corresponding tasks, and the situation was extremely tense.

Seeing that the human race was in such a difficult situation, the ghosts were happy, and took advantage of the situation to attack many monks who fled to the big city.

Kuiba looked at the warlords in the water mirror and was very satisfied. In order to obtain this prairie fire effect, they had spent four years in the game.

At the same time, he started contacting ghosts again.There is no quasi-sacred demon ghost, it is almost a bit close, but its power should not be underestimated. If it is used well, it is a stabbing knife.

Qin Wuyi led his men to evacuate out of the plain. This plain is one of the concentrated outbreak points of the black-armored monsters. Her camp has been attacked several times, and it is almost destroyed.

It's okay to deal with the black-armored monster alone, but after having an inexplicable holiday with the group of three rings, they were seen coming out of the closed Screaming Ridge, and they decided that she had taken the inheritance, so it was hard to get through with her. Come to make trouble every now and then.

If you really want to fight, you often run away halfway, which is very thief.

Anyway, the Wild Fog Plain couldn't stay here anymore, she suspected that this place was about to become the lair of those monsters.The fearless attitude of the Sanjie group is also worth pondering.

She occupied a small town to build defenses and raise Shura soldiers. In fact, under such an urgent situation, there are many monks who are willing to join her regiment.

As a Shura, the monks who form a clan with her blood contract will not only get the improvement of their roots, but also get a complete cultivation method, and as the strength of the blood master increases, clansmen with different levels of contracts will have different cultivation gains , The road repair can be a thousand times a hundred times smoother.

If there is a shortcoming, it is that there is blood suppression between them, and they will never be able to betray her.

This is unique to the Shura tribe, one person is strong, everyone is strong.

Every day, Qin Wuyi carried a blood knife and took people out to clear a group of monsters. More and more monks came to seek refuge, but she only accepted those who were willing to join her regiment.

Thousands of miles away from her small town, is the camp established by Shuo Prison leading the hell army. During this period of panic, he began to spread the hell totem.

The higher the cultivation level, the less faith they have. Instead of letting them believe in one person, it is better to believe in some kind of morality, or some kind of way.

Those who can learn the totem of hell are those who are convinced of karma, good and evil karma, and they have not only taught the law, but also taught it.

It's just the star of chaos. Whether it's the innocent or the heinous villains, there is a kind of extreme in their bones. They don't believe in retribution from heaven, and don't care about retribution from heaven. If you point your nose at them and say karma or blessings, he may point You have a "pooh" on your nose.

Therefore, even if Shuo Prison offered them to learn Hell Totem for free, they were enthusiastic, but still few people could learn it.

So we have to build a temporary corps, maybe we can find a few outstanding strongmen to bring back Taiyi.

I don't know who said that this kind of monster is called Zhanbai, and it is followed by Zhanbai frenzy. If you are bitten, you will turn into it, and if there are red spots for no reason, you will also become it. You can't prevent it.

And several large human race settlements also competed for power and resources, taking advantage of the clearing of the war to seek various interests, without a complete front, making the situation of the human race precarious.

In just one year, the number of Zhanbai has increased to a terrifying level, and they are more powerful than the original body, but they also exposed a shortcoming, their intelligence is not high, and they do not know the power of the original body Techniques and combat skills are mainly focused on body and strength.

So after the panic, the human race calmed down until they found that they couldn't get rid of the contagion, and couldn't find the source of this situation.

Even if his supernatural powers were infected, he could not save himself or seek help from others.And even if it is not bitten or injured by Zhanba, it will inexplicably turn into Zhanba.

The spirit seal monks retreated first, some left the world directly, and some stayed in the station to observe the situation.

Immediately afterwards, the local monks asked the inspection team to grant them spiritual seals and let them leave this world.

The inspection team naturally disagreed. Among them were either felons exiled by various forces, or the descendants of survivors from the Qingyun Realm. They were said to be survivors, but in fact they were the chief culprits who harmed this realm with demons. To be honest, when Emperor Jialou sealed the gate of this world, and in the eyes of everyone, this world is a prisoner.

And let them go, wouldn't the ghosts act more recklessly?

Amidst the quarrels of all parties, Kuiba negotiated terms with the ghosts, and the ghosts also joined in the carnival. The settlements of the human race continued to fall, and within three years, only the Dingtian City and the station were left to support them.

Corps like Qin Wuyi and Shuoyu also retreated to the post station or Dingtian City.

Inspector Liao Qu Venerable, who has not shown his face all the year round, also came to the ship in front of the gate. The seal on the gate is not seriously damaged, and there are spirits guarding it. It is more than enough to stop the return to the void and below. The quasi-sage who was exiled by Emperor Jialou has not yet passed by, and he must be restrained by Emperor Jialou in some way.

Therefore, Liao Qu, the Chief Inspector, is no different from his name. He also thought that there would be no problems with the Chaos Star before he left his post, and the human race mutated?
"It's not just a mutation, it's also teamed up with demons and ghosts." Deputy Inspector Fan Guangtianjun said, "With a few human races, the demons and ghosts will definitely go straight to the post station, break the seal of the gate, let them escape from the chaotic star, and cause other demons to escape. The star realm is chaotic, and we cannot escape the blame, we must not go on like this, we should increase the good deeds of the mission, and let monks outside the realm get paid to kill them."

The atmosphere in the conference hall was as silent as night, Liao Qu looked at the other silent people, knowing that they had the same opinion as Fan Guang.

"There are not many monks traveling abroad now. The exercises in the task library have not been replaced for a long time, and the treasures are getting less and less, right? Why do you attract those monks?" Venerable Liaoqu looked at Fan Guangtianjun sternly, " According to you, it is contagious, and it happens for no reason, so should they die in vain?"

"Your Honor, this matter is actually quite simple. As for the ghosts, there are mainly two or three ghosts who are back to the Void level to support you. Please invite two or three Venerables to kill one or two of them, enough to scare them back to their lairs. Now, as long as there is no return to the void to follow and make trouble, the chaos of the chaotic star has nothing to do with us."

The speaker thought that these words were very free and easy, but he got a cold snort from Venerable Liaoqu, Venerable Fanxu is so easy to find, such people who have been missing all year round, just look at him and you will know.

Void-returning worshipers are often present in the Overlord Dynasty, but how can he invite them? If he doesn't know each other, they usually won't leave the king.

If he could be invited, he would definitely be ripped off.

Fan Guangtian still insisted on his point of view, "It is better to recruit monks to help human settlements resist demons and war demons. In addition, we have caught some clues, which may explain the origin of war demons."

He handed over a piece of talisman paper, on which was a spell, "This spell needs to be matched with the name, so that all the monks who enter the Chaos Star use pseudonyms, so as to avoid unwarranted warfare. As for the rewards, let the local monks contribute."

Venerable Liao Qu pinched the talisman paper in his hand, feeling a little heavy, how can this kind of spell be deciphered?
"...Do as you said first, we must find out its origin and curb the spread of war demons."

"Yes, Your Honor."

The inspection team vigorously publicized the high rewards for missions on the Chaos Star in the nearby star realm, and indeed attracted some monks.Overall, it is a drop in the bucket.

The main reason is that all those who can fight have gone to the major battlefields, and those who don't want to fight behind closed doors are afraid of harming Chi Yu.

Only some skilled people are bold enough to enter the Chaos Star for reward.

However, during a battle to defend the city, the vicious gangsters led by Sanjie openly appeared together with Zhanba and Yaogui, causing everyone's hearts to sink.

Zhou Jiwu, the lord of Dingtian City, looked at a group of demons and ghosts under the city, and scolded the most conspicuous murderers among them, "Abandon your character. Don't talk about grievances. You are born as a human, how can you be with them!"

"Why not, you have forgotten that all beings are equal, heh, we share the same interests, we are companions!" San Jie saw his expression as if he had eaten a fly, and felt relieved for a while.



The two sides fought endlessly to the death, only Zhou Jiwu and San Jie looked at each other from afar.

Seeing him smile meaningfully, Zhou Jiwu immediately became vigilant, is he going to attack?

Immediately afterwards, Sanjie took out a piece of talisman paper, read something, and it caught fire by itself.

Zhou Jiwu's heart was numb, if he didn't want to save face, he would like to take off his clothes now and check his body condition.

The battle went on all day and all night, until they disappeared into darkness before dawn.

"City Lord?"

Zhou Jiwu, who had just stepped into the city gate, shook off his bad luck, only to see their terrified eyes.

"What's the matter?" He had a bad temper, frowned and picked up the person closest to him to ask, so he saw the red-skinned himself in his eyes
No, it won't, he is full of evil spirits, how could sorcery fall on him?
"Run, run, the city is about to turn into battle!"

In the eyes of everyone avoiding, pitying, and killing intent, he lost his mind, violently beheaded and killed the people around him. Two Spiritual Sword powerhouses had been preparing for a long time, and when his skin turned black, they joined forces to execute him up.

The monks in the city seemed to have collapsed, and even the city lord with outstanding strength was caught. They were no match for them.

Those who immediately hid to avoid the battle, those who fled to the inn to ask for shelter, and even those who defected to the Three Commandments, can be found everywhere.

This largest human settlement seems to be collapsing little by little, just like Zhou Jiwu's collapse.

The three rings who were peeping in the dark sighed, this curse is still a little bit close, for a first-class powerhouse like Zhou Jiwu, it takes a day and a night to fight.

And the defeat of Dingtian City also made everyone smell different.

Qin Wuyi in front of the station stared coldly at the filthy sky in the distance, and they would attack the station soon.

Shame about this place.

(End of this chapter)

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