Emperor Shentongjian

Chapter 1060 Vacancy of Chief Officer

Chapter 1060 Vacancy of Chief Officer
The material of Black Jade Intermittent Ointment is relatively easy to find, but the refining process is complicated. The original appearance of Wuming Snow Tea is the most poisonous Wuming Tea. The tea tree only grew on Wangjun Mountain, and it took Zhan Changfeng several years to cultivate it again. Hundreds of plants have been produced, and the output is limited.

The core of Lianqianyouyu is the golden fish, or the golden fish Gu, yes, this is actually a kind of Gu, created by Wu Feiyu, she contributed this Gu formula to the day clan, in exchange for other Treasure, Zhan Changfeng took advantage of it and turned it into a non-dangerous rare treasure.

These three are either difficult to refine, or the raw materials are limited, and it is impossible to produce them in large quantities at the current stage. Its rarity further boosts its rarity. When it is officially sold in the Bogu House, the price increases slightly again.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Zhan Changfeng, the purchase price she gave to Fang Yi cannot be changed just by saying.And the purchase price is actually twice the cost.

She then mainly focuses on cultivating talents who can refine these things and expanding the scale.

Hua Jianci, who was sitting in the Tianshu Hall, said that she already had a premonition that Taiyi would be gone forever in business.

With the sale of Taiyi herbal medicine and medicine, and the popularity of the three things in other realms, Zhan Changfeng finally replaced the entire army with spiritual equipment.

Then she started her next plan, recruiting talents from outside the world!
First, they spent money and new skills to absorb a group of masters of all kinds of crafts, and borrowed them to recreate new wealth and new resources to carry out a new round of accumulation. After ten years, another group of strong and powerful people were recruited. Since then, they have maintained the spirit of seeking talents regulations.

The officials who can enter the Seven Palaces have been expanded, transformed, and screened time and time again, and all that remain are a group of powerful and highly capable supernatural powers and spirits. However, it is inevitable to usher in the question of the chief official.

Hua Jianci had a separate discussion with Zhan Changfeng before this issue fermented.

"From the first rank to the ninth rank, civil servants and military generals are promoted according to their strength and merit. Anyone who is appointed as a general will swear an oath. Even if he leaves one day, he must not reveal any secrets of the Taiyi. The central organization, they can practice the exercises of the day clan. They have priority in obtaining various resources, so those who enter the Seventh Palace must never abandon Taiyi, and if they have to leave, they have to pay a certain price." Zhan Changfeng looked at Hua Jianci, "and The conditions for becoming a chief officer are strict, in addition to strength and ability, there is also a strong talent potential, and the consciousness of living and dying with Taiyi."

"I have never decided to be the chief officer of Tianquan. Yuheng. That's why I can't find anyone with greater potential than Yu Sheng."

Hua Jianci was speechless, "I thought you were sure to wait for Yu Sheng to come back."

"That's not necessarily true." Zhan Changfeng didn't finish his sentence.

"But the position of chief officer has been vacant, and the following will speculate. I am dissatisfied, and it is inconvenient to deal with some important matters."

"The lifespan of supernatural powers is more than a thousand years. If it is closed, it may be decades or hundreds of years. It cannot be that the whole hall cannot continue to operate because of the absence of people." Zhan Changfeng said, "Now except for those who are in charge of the legion Outside the Yaoguang Hall, the official positions in the other halls are one radish and one pit. There is no vacancy, and the basic operation can be maintained without the chief official. I plan to set up a deputy to act as the deputy in the absence of the chief official. The conditions must be the same as those of the Chief Officer."

"That's fine." Hua Jianci fanned her cheeks, and said in a deep voice, "You can keep the chief official position of Tianquan and Tianji, and choose an adjutant to take it first. Yuheng had better not delay any longer. It’s local military affairs, it’s not like that’s been empty all the time.”

"Do you have someone to recommend?"

Tianshu Hall is the commander and supervisor of the two major military systems, Yuheng and Yaoguang. Zhan Changfeng will attach great importance to the candidates recommended by Huajianci.What Huajian Ci mentioned was an outsider.

"Two years ago, the Yiyu Dynasty fought against Wu Qu. Wu Qu's power was not as good as before, but with the name of the Guangping Heavenly Dynasty, there were often monks who came from Daoism to recommend themselves to join, and a group of strange people had gathered. In the seven battles with Yiyu, he won four and lost three, and the White Clothes King was finally persuaded by Lu Fei to keep his own territory. The title was also included in Wu Qu as the marshal's condition, and he was attached to Wu Qu."

"Zhao Xuan, can be said to be the biggest victim in this war." Hua Jianci said eloquently, "He comes from the ancient Mu family, and belongs to the Zhao surname lineage. The No.1 young generation of Jieyu was famous in the first half of his life. Because he was in poverty before he became famous, he got the grace of the former monarch of the Yiyu Dynasty, so he entered the Yiyu Dynasty as a general, from foundation building to spiritual learning , After 200 years, it has not changed its ambition."

"After the former monarch fell, he was qualified to take the throne, but he refused to grant it, and assisted the former monarch's disciple, that is, the king in white." Hua Jianci waved his folding fan, and the corners of his mouth became a little unpredictable, "This The three battles that defeated Wu Qu all at once were all done by him."

"In the first match, he beheaded Wu Qu's new heroic general, Fugui Tianjun."

"In the second round, he was alone, blocking Wu Qu's attack on the border town with his hundred thousand supernatural powers and the three great spirits."

"In the third match, he led sixteen supernatural power generals into Wu Qu's barracks, took the head of that army's leader and returned, and once again guarded the gate of the country."

Zhan Changfeng has been obsessed with business for the past few years. He knew that Wu Qu had defeated the Yiyu Dynasty, but he didn't know the details. Now that he heard it, he became interested in Zhao Xuan.

In the previous situation where the three overlords stood together, it was unlikely that one hundred thousand supernatural powers would fight against the Middle Realm Dynasty.

There are many supernatural powers in the Great Realm, and it is not difficult to build an army full of supernatural powers. It is considered good if you can keep a thousand supernatural powers in the Middle Realm.Due to the checks and balances between the law of war and the overlord, subjugating the Middle Realm is often done through negotiation or instigation of the Middle Realm.

But now the order is chaotic, and Wu Qu is blatantly attacking the Middle Realm under the banner that he is the Middle Realm Dynasty. The failure of the Yiyu Dynasty is doomed, but...
"He is so brave, Yiyu shouldn't be defeated so quickly."

"It's a bit complicated here. Lu Fei is quite resourceful. According to my analysis, he used a series of tricks to divide the relationship between Zhao Xuan and King Baiyi, so that King Baiyi replaced Zhao Xuan twice in the middle of the battle." The position of commander, that is, during the period when Zhao Xuan was not the commander, Zhao Xuan's only disciple and some generals of the Zhao family fell on the battlefield."

"The last time Zhao Xuan took command was probably because of his relatives and disciples. The fall of the general and the suspicion of the king in white affected his mood. He fell into Wu Qu's plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain, causing him to chase a heavenly monarch and leave. When he came back, he saw All the people who have been with me for many years have died in battle."

"Lu Fei told the King in White the news of Zhao Xuan's defeat in the first place, and successfully persuaded the King in White to join him. Zhao Xuan was not ready for revenge, so he received the truce order from the King in White. The blow can be imagined. But for him The one who punched hard was that because he killed Fugui Tianjun and other generals, everyone in Wu Qu was very dissatisfied and demanded that he be punished. The king in white couldn't bear the anger of the crowd, relieved him of his rank and position, and beat him with three hundred soul lashes. Let him go."

"Because of his relationship, all the members of the Zhao family became soldiers. Among them, none of them who participated in this war survived. The strong members of the Zhao family basically died in battle. He disbanded the Zhao family and disappeared."

Hua Jianci concluded, "If you can find him, you don't have to worry about the country anymore."

(End of this chapter)

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