Chapter 1054
Zhan Changfeng visits the store every day, chatting with the talkative shopkeeper Chen next door, copying scriptures when he has nothing to do, and having a good time.

The little girl who practiced sword has also become a regular customer in the store, selling the freshly picked spiritual herbs to the store, and coming back to buy herbs for medicinal baths after a while.

It's just that Ming Xin is incompetent, always stays in the pharmacy, and doesn't know how to come out to entertain guests.

This day Zhan Changfeng was going out for a trip, and seeing Mingxin indulged in the refining room, he simply took him out, closed the door, and went with him.

"Teacher, what are we doing here?"

"There is a mortal village on the other side of the mountain. Let them see a free clinic."

They passed through a barrier and walked along the mountain road for a while, and there was a terraced field in front of them, with criss-crossing fields and farmhouses.

Mountains and seas are a middle world. The natural vitality and the parents with cultivation bases make it possible for [-]% of the children born to practice martial arts and practice the law. At the worst, they can become acquired warriors, but there are some Children, who are born unable to practice any cultivation, are either raised at home or sent to protected mortal areas.This village is one of them.

The people in the village are not ignorant of the outside world. They know their birth and the reason why they live here. Maybe one day, they will send their children out to seek enlightenment.However, they seem to be content with this, creating a piece of enlightenment and simplicity like a peach blossom garden.

Zhan Changfeng came here because she was curious about their survival attitude, and because she happened to hear from a herb collector that recently many mortals sought medicine from outsiders and there was an epidemic.

A few barefoot villagers saw the two of them, greeted them from a distance, and bowed their hands in salute, "Are the two priests here to pick up the wind, or are they passing by, why don't you come to our place for a cup of tea."

Zhan Changfeng said, "We opened a pharmacy outside. We heard that there was a disease here, so we came here to see if we need help."

"That's a good relationship. I'll take the two of you to meet the village chief first." The villager who called himself Lao Hei enthusiastically led the way and said, "These days, some villagers have red spots on their skin. It’s useless to drink melted water, I don’t know what’s going on.”

Another villager, Zhong Fei, had a sad look on his face, "A child in my family also got this strange disease. Except for the red spots, it was not painful or itchy, and it didn't look like mosquito bites. I tried all the medicines I could try, but it didn't help. It doesn’t seem to have a big impact on people, but it’s always worrying.”

"Can I see the patient later?"

"That's natural, the Taoist priest can help us, we are too happy." Zhong Fei pointed to a house in front, "This is my home, why don't the Taoist priest go to my house first?"


Zhong Fei opened the fence before running, "My wife has gone to the field, the eldest son is practicing with the village chief, and the second son stays in the house. The village chief said that so many people have this strange symptom, it may be some kind of disease, just Let them hide for now and don't go out."

Zhan Changfeng nodded slightly, and walked into the Fengya small house with white walls and green tiles. It can also be seen that they pay attention to practice on weekdays, and they are almost the same as monks at home. If they are placed in the small world, they may be masters of metaphysics.

"Second baby." Zhong Fei opened the door of a room, and there was a 13-year-old boy lying on his back on a wooden bed. Hearing the sound, a carp jumped up, noticing that his father was following an outsider, and he was very depressed. With a loud voice that was about to come out, he muttered in a low voice, "Father, I just have a few spots on my face and I'm in good health. When will you let me go out?"

"Don't beep, daddy brought two priests to see you. If it's not illness, you can go all over the mountains and plains." Zhong Fei said with a tiger face, turned sideways, and said to the two with a smile, "This is a dog. Zhongwen, please both of you."

"Ming Xin." Zhan Changfeng called him, he passed several people, and came in front of the young man. The young man realized that the two Taoist priests were referring to the monks who were calling the wind and rain outside, and he became nervous all of a sudden, and the little red spots on his face also disappeared. It's more colorful.

Mingxin observed his aura with his eyes, and there was no sickness on the surface, so a wisp of white fire popped up and circled around his body, and the red spots on his face turned into bright red smoke and disappeared.

"What's going on here?" The two villagers were suspicious, and they didn't seem to be sick.

"A curse." Zhan Changfeng asked the child, "Before the red dot appeared, where did you go?"

"I haven't been anywhere, it's the same as usual." Zhongwen was frightened when he heard that it was a curse, but he recalled it vigorously, and reported the places he had been to one by one.

"Mingxin, you and the two go to see the village head and ask the village head to gather 'patients' to help you resolve this matter. It's best not to make a fuss. It will disturb people's hearts. I'll go outside and have a look."

"is teacher."

"This little friend, go with me." Zhan Changfeng took Zhongwen to the place where he had stayed. Zhongwen's life is relatively regular. Morning class, then go to the fields and forests, do farm work and hunt, and then go to evening class in the evening.

They first walked along his route from the field to the forest, and found nothing unusual, and finally came to the Taoist temple.

The Taoist temple stands close to the mountain and is majestic. Almost all ordinary people in this village will come here to practice Taoist scriptures to keep their hearts.

When Zhan Changfeng learned of the existence of this Taoist temple, he thought she had found the main reason for the open-mindedness of mortals here.

"Teacher, the red spots on the rest of the patients have been resolved." Ming Xin walked out of the hall where incense was in full swing, followed by a middle-aged woman in Taoist robes.

The middle-aged woman saluted indifferently, "Meet the Taoist priest, I am the village chief here, Zheng Mo."

"The village chief doesn't need to be too polite. You can ask the person with the red dot before, where has he been, who has he met, and who has he offended?"

"I asked once before, and I asked again just now, and I wrote it down in detail, please take a look at it." Zheng Mo saw that Zhan Changfeng didn't beat around the bush, so he had something, answered something, and simply presented a statement. overlay records.

This made Zhan Changfeng take another look at her, she is alert and far-sighted, she is a talent.

Zhan Changfeng read all the content in one sweep with his spiritual sense, and later went to some places he hadn't been to to look for it.

She glanced at the main hall by the way, where all the statues of human ancestors were enshrined, pondered for a while, and asked, "We want to stay in your place for a few days, can the village chief arrange two vacant houses in the Taoist temple?"

Zheng Mo responded immediately, "This is the best, I will clean up the house right away."

After she finished speaking, she couldn't suppress her worry, "Dare to ask what the people in Changwo village have gained?"

"At present, we only know that it is a rare spell. What kind of spell is it? We must first determine its source. My student and I will find out as soon as possible."

"On behalf of the whole village, I would like to thank you two in advance. If you need me, please ask me."

(End of this chapter)

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