spooky invasion

Chapter 456 Restoring Sanity

Chapter 456 Restoring Sanity
This was the first time Liu Yunqian had a normal reaction after they entered the house, and the first time his face changed.I saw her hugging the doll in her hand, holding it tightly in her arms, kissing the doll non-stop, like a female animal protecting its cubs.

"Shinuo don't cry, Shino is not afraid, mom is here, mom will protect you." Liu Yunqian's voice was a little panicked, and her expression was full of kindness, as if she was really comforting her little girl.

This made both Luo Chu and Jiang Yue unable to bear suspicion.

Is she pretending to be like this, or is she completely bewildered, unable to tell the difference between a doll and a real person?Completely regard this doll as a daughter?

Looking at her like this, it's obviously not like she's pretending.

Could it be that she really regarded the doll as her own daughter, Liu Shinuo?

Jiang Yue and the others don't understand the medical principles of mental illness, and they don't know what's going on in her situation.

But looking at her serious and focused appearance, she looked extremely strange after all.

Moreover, the facts just now undoubtedly proved that she was not completely isolated from the outside world.Otherwise, Jiang Yue pretending to be her daughter's cry, why would it arouse her such a violent reaction?

There is no doubt that she can get information from the outside world.

She has been refusing to communicate, it's just that she locked herself up, and she doesn't seem to have any connection with the outside world.

Perhaps, this is simply an escape?

Seeing this, Jiang Yue didn't give up.

Continue to imitate Liu Shinuo's voice.

"Mom...help me..."

"Mom, I'm in so much pain..."

Instead of stopping, Jiang Yue sped up the frequency, making the simulated sound more miserable and painful.

He had heard Liu Shinuo's voice before, and with his copying skills, he could simulate everything about the other party. Although he didn't activate the copying skills at the moment, simulating the voice was naturally a no-brainer.

The voice coming out of his mouth at this moment can be said to be lifelike, exactly the same as the real Liu Shinuo, there is no difference at all, it is exactly the same as the little girl's miserable cry.

Even Luo Chu felt a little terrified when he heard it. He clearly knew that the person who made the sound was Jiang Yue, but he felt anxious when he listened to it.

Jiang Yue imitated Liu Shinuo's cry while observing Liu Yunqian's reaction.

Liu Yunqian was obviously disturbed by this voice, and hugged the doll in her arms even more nervously, frantically comforting her, her face and lips kept sticking to the doll and kissing it.

However, as Jiang Yue's tone continued to accelerate, Liu Yunqian's mood became more and more alarmed, and he seemed to have more and more doubts about the world he was immersed in.

At this moment, Jiang Yue suddenly stepped forward and slammed the doll in her hand.

"Mom, you only love that little monkey, don't you care about Shi Nuo anymore?"

"Shinuo? Shinuo?"

The little doll in Liu Yunqian's arms was snatched away, and she desperately grasped it with both hands, trying to get it back.

But Jiang Yue's words hit Liu Yunqian's mind like a bolt from the blue.

Liu Yunqian trembled all over, her face was full of astonishment and bewilderment...

At the same time, her expression twitched as if she had been severely whipped with a whip.

Shino, my sweetheart, Shino.

Mom loves you more than anything else, how can she ignore you?How can you love a little monkey?

Just when she was stunned, Jiang Yue threw the little doll in front of her.

"Mom, don't you even know the difference between the little monkey and Shino?"

Liu Yunqian's lips couldn't help trembling, her eyes fixed on the little monkey, her eyes were full of panic and astonishment, the little monkey in front of her seemed to have suddenly become extremely strange.

This is not my Shino!

This astonishing thought suddenly flashed through Liu Yunqian's chaotic mind.

"Shinuo, Shinuo! Where are you?"

Liu Yunqian seemed to be a different person all of a sudden, she seemed to wake up all of a sudden, jumped out of bed, and started looking around.

Just now I heard Shino's voice, where is she?

Where is my sweet daughter hiding?Why did she call me for help, why did she say she was in pain?Is she hurt?
She pushed Jiang Yue away from the bed and rummaged through the box to find it.

I searched the house several times but found nothing, so I muttered and walked out the door.

"Liu Yunqian, you should wake up!"

Jiang Yue suddenly stopped drinking, like thunder on the ground, shaking Liu Yunqian's delicate body, almost collapsing to the ground.

However, the effect is obviously good.

The sound of stopping drinking seems to have brought Liu Yunqian back to his senses.

He looked around in surprise, then at Jiang Yue and Luo Chu at the door.

"Where am I? Who are you? Where is my Shi Nuo? I heard her voice just now!" Liu Yunqian suddenly rushed towards Jiang Yue like crazy, grabbed Jiang Yue's lapel, and shouted almost hysterically, "Is it you? Did you hide my Shino?"

Jiang Yue waved his hand to stop Luo Chu who wanted to come up to rescue him, and signaled him not to worry.

"Liu Yunqian, until now, how long will you be in a daze?"

Liu Yunqian looked at Jiang Yue in surprise, and slowly loosened his hands.

"You...how do you know me? How do you know my name? Did you hide my Shi Nuo? What did you say you want? Do you want money? How much? I can give you all my money, I can give you the house and the car, please give me back my Shino!"

Jiang Yue also wanted to return Liu Shinuo to her, but it was obviously impossible.

Facing a sad and desperate mother, no matter how hard-hearted a person is, it is difficult to remain calm.

He also knew that although this Liu Yunqian had regained some sanity from the daze, her behavior and language gradually returned to the logic of a normal person.

But Jiang Yue really didn't know how to tell her the cruel reality.

For a mother who misses her daughter into a demon, telling her the news of her daughter's death is undoubtedly the cruelest thing in the world.

But the truth had to be told to her.

Otherwise, she will go on like this forever.

No matter how cruel the scars are, they will eventually be uncovered.

Liu Yunqian was still begging bitterly: "Please, return my Shi Nuo, will you return it to me? I can give you whatever you want."

Jiang Yue's throat felt sore, and he said softly, "Liu Yunqian, the Shi Nuo you were looking for is no longer alive."


When Liu Yunqian heard these words, she suddenly let out a scream and roared hysterically.

At the same time, he grabbed Jiang Yue's clothes crazily and shook them crazily: "You lied, you lied! My family, Shino, will be fine! My family, Shino, will never leave my mother."

Jiang Yue sighed deeply: "You are right, Shi Nuo has been thinking about her mother, even if she is not alive and her soul is suppressed, she is still looking for her mother."

Liu Yunqian sat down on the ground, her energy seemed to be sucked dry suddenly, she looked like a walking corpse, her eyes were dull, and her expression was distorted to the extreme due to pain.

She was so painful that she didn't even have the strength to wail, she just kept beating the ground, trembling in despair.

Jiang Yue looked at the scene in front of him helplessly, and didn't know how to persuade him for a while.

This kind of pain is unsolvable, and no one can persuade it.

After a long time, Liu Yunqian suddenly raised her head, her messy long hair made her look completely devoid of the elegance and fashion in the photo, instead full of ferocious meaning.

"It's you, it's you who killed my family, Shi Nuo?"

For the first time, Liu Yunqian, a weak woman, had a fierce look in her eyes.

When Jiang Yue saw this, not only was he not afraid, but his mood calmed down secretly.

It's good to have a fierce look in your eyes, and it's good to have hatred.

The most fearful thing is that there is no interest in life, no love in life, no will to live at all, that is the most difficult thing to do.

As long as hatred is ignited in her heart, she will have the courage to live, and she will have the spiritual support during the most difficult time in the beginning.

Seeing that Jiang Yue didn't answer, Liu Yunqian opened his hands and was about to scratch Jiang Yue.

Jiang Yue gently grabbed her frail wrist.

"Liu Yunqian, if I were a murderer, would I be so stupid as to come here to look for you?"

Liu Yunqian was stunned: "Aren't you the murderer? Then who are you?"

Jiang Yue glanced at Luo Chu, reminding Luo Chu that it's time for you to appear.

Luo Chu understood, and stepped forward to introduce his identity.

The identity of the official person is still very convincing. After reading it, Liu Yunqian really recovered her composure.Obviously, the thinking mode developed in the sunshine era, the official will definitely not harm her daughter.

"Are you... are you here to investigate the case of my family, Shi Nuo?"

"That's it."

Liu Yunqian was a little angry: "What do you mean? Could it be that my daughter is missing, shouldn't you check it?"

Jiang Yue originally wanted to tell her that there are so many people missing these years, how can the investigation be over?

However, considering that he has lost his daughter and is extremely emotionally unstable, don't provoke him anymore.

"Investigation We have been investigating, and there are some clues, but..."

"But what?" Liu Yunqian asked.

"I'm worried that you won't be able to stand this clue."

Liu Yunqian said angrily: "Why can't I bear it, is there anything more important than my daughter?"

"Then tell me, where is Huang Xianman now?"

"Him? Isn't he at work?"

Jiang Yue smiled wryly, and glanced at Luo Chu helplessly.Even though this Liu Yunqian regained her senses, the memory of the time she was in a daze probably didn't remain at all.Her memory might still be stuck in the sunshine age.

"By the way, I remembered. Isn't it the Ching Ming Festival in two days? He said he would go back to his hometown. His hometown attaches great importance to the grave-sweeping ceremony. Why do you ask him?"

Jiang Yue looked at Luo Chu again, and shook his head helplessly.

Sure enough.

This Liu Yunqian's memory still stays on the eve of Qingming.

At this time, more than a month has passed since Qingming Festival.In other words, it may have been more than a month since Liu Yunqian was sent to the mental hospital.

Liu Yunqian probably also noticed something wrong with Jiang Yue's expressions.

"What's wrong? What are you smiling bitterly? Did Huang Xianman make any mistake? He hid Shi Nuo, right?"

"Who are you, Huang Xianman?"

"My sir."

"Shinuo is your daughter?"


"Then why didn't you follow Huang Xianman's surname Huang?"

"He really thinks, but Shino is not his biological daughter. Xianman and I also dated and got married in the past year. Shino, she..."

Liu Yunqian didn't finish speaking, but the meaning has been expressed very clearly.

Huang Xianman is not Shi Nuo's real father.

For some reason, Jiang Yue was not surprised by Liu Yunqian's disclosure of this information, but felt that it should be so.

"Ms. Liu, are you and Huang Xianman in love? How's his temper? Does he have any weird behaviors?"

Liu Yunqian became a little flustered when she was asked: "You... What exactly do you want to know? Did Xianman hide Shi Nuo? You just said that Shi Nuo is not alive to scare me, right?"

Jiang Yue moved his lips, but was interrupted by Luo Chu.

Luo Chu said seriously: "Ms. Liu, no one would joke about this kind of thing. We inquired about Huang Xianman because he is suspected of committing a major crime."

"Xianman... first Man the Sinon who killed me? No, that's impossible! He always regards Sinon as his own daughter, even closer than his own daughter."

Stepfather is closer than real father?
It cannot be said that there is no such stepfather in this world, but most of these rumors can only be self-proclaimed, and few are credible.

"Ms. Liu, do you have so much confidence in Huang Xianman? Do you really know him well?"

"Of course I know him, otherwise why would I marry him? He is gentle and considerate, loves me in every possible way, and wishes to give me all the best things in this world. He never says a word of harshness to me, he wishes he could be 24 days old He stuck to me when I was young. He really loves me very much. Sometimes he would be silly and jealous, saying that I spent more time on my daughter than on him..."

Seeing Liu Yunqian's intoxicated appearance, Jiang Yue was even a little skeptical, was he overthinking?

Maybe it wasn't Huang Xianman who did it?

Is it preconceived?

However, all the details of the abandoned building played back in Jiang Yue's mind again and again.

Jiang Yue confirmed again that this Huang Xianman was definitely not as good as Liu Yunqian's description.

In Liu Shinuo's case, this Huang Xianman would definitely not be able to escape suspicion.

The more perfect this guy's personality in Liu Yunqian's eyes, the better his acting skills, and the more terrifying the means behind him.

Those curses, those vicious methods, and the corpses in the huge potted plants are completely unimaginable for normal people!

Seeing Jiang Yue and Luo Chu groaning silently, Liu Yunqian couldn't help but said: "Don't you believe it? Don't you think that Xianman will harm my Shi Nuo? Impossible! In the days when Shi Nuo disappeared, he would spend the whole day with him Like crazy, searching everywhere, posting missing person notices everywhere, spreading all kinds of missing person information on the Internet, his love for Shi Nuo will never be fake, it won't be fake..."

"But you said he went back to his hometown to visit the grave?"

"Yeah, we've been looking for Shi Nuo for more than half a month, but we haven't heard from him. Xianman is so tired that he lost more than a dozen catties. It hurts me to see him. He proposed to go back to his hometown, how can I stop it selfishly?" ?”

"So, you don't remember anything about what happened afterwards?"

"Later? What happened later? Didn't he just return to his hometown?" Liu Yunqian asked blankly.

(End of this chapter)

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