Half fairy

Chapter 3 Fright

Chapter 3 Fright
Ash Heng has always wondered why he, who was the last in age and seniority in the Linglong Guan, took over the position of the spectator.

If outsiders can't figure it out, he, Yu Qing, is naturally clear in his heart that the inheritance of Linglong Guan is hidden and hidden, and it is only passed on to inner disciples, the so-called true disciples.

After Master Guan passed away, there were only two inner disciples of Linglong Guan left, one was his Yu Qing, and the other was his little uncle who had traveled abroad and never returned.

The difference between the inside and outside of the Linglong Guan is whether or not to practice a practice, which is called "Guanyin".

The exercises are divided into two cultivation methods: "View" and "Sound". What he cultivates is the "View" formula, and what he cultivates is eyesight.

When people walk by, they will pick up dust under their feet.

With a wave of the hand, it can bring the wind.

The wind blows, which can determine the shape and direction of the smoke.

Put a bowl of water on the ground. In the absence of wind, there will be microwave ripples on the surface of the water, which may be caused by a heavy object falling nearby or the vibration generated by someone walking nearby.

Guanzi Jue is to interpret and speculate the causal relationship of a certain movement by observing the subtleties.

For example, listening to the sound transmitted from the ground by lying on the ground, you can determine how many people pass by a certain invisible position.

The little uncle who was traveling abroad cultivated the art of pronunciation and words.

That is to say, he only needs to observe the subtle changes when the smoke drifts, and he can infer certain movements within a general range.

For example, in front of him, the subtle changes in the water vapor on the stove made him aware of the abnormality, and that something unknown had sneaked into the house.

It is precisely because of this confidence that he, the person who protects Ash Heng, dares to separate from the protection object and sit in the kitchen to cook.

Without hesitation, Yu Qing stood up suddenly, left the stove quickly, went straight to the study with a solitary lamp, and knocked on the door.

Ash Heng, who was reading the book under the lamp, raised his head, the smile that had just appeared disappeared in an instant, and read the abnormality from Yu Qing's indifferent expression that made people feel distant.

The two were young, and in the area of ​​Jiupo Village, they were people of the same age who could play together as equals, just each other, so both of them knew very well what some special reactions to each other meant.

Yu Qing walked directly to the desk and said calmly, "The food is ready, you can eat it, let's go, and taste it." His eyes deliberately picked the sword on the desk, which he had just thrown away before.

Ash Heng smiled faintly, put down the scroll, got up and left the case, seemingly grabbing the sword in his hand, and walked out of the study side by side with Yu Qing.

The two went to the kitchen and lifted the lid of the pot beside the stove. Lingmi had turned into crystal clear purple full particles, like grains of amethyst. It was really beautiful, and the aroma was still vague.

Taking advantage of the noise produced by the stove, Yu Qing whispered to the people around him, "I'm afraid what's coming, what Pu Dian Li said really came."

Ashiheng was slightly startled, and whispered, "No! Quietly entered the city and settled here, so that no one would stare at us, and if we could be accurately found, could it be that someone betrayed us?"

"No one betrays me, I'm a little embarrassed." Yu Qing raised his chin slightly, his nose twitched, and gestured to the contents of the pot. At the same time, he picked up the spatula and put the cooked rice into a bowl.

Ash Heng understood in an instant that the foreign object was more sensitive to the smell of the contents in the pot. Yu Qing was negligent. It is estimated that he did not expect that there would be monsters running into this city. brought in.

He was a little worried at first, but seeing that Yu Qing was still caring about the contents of the pot at this time, he didn't take the contents too seriously at all, and he was relieved immediately.

However, he was still a little nervous. After all, he had never seen a so-called monster, and the surroundings were quiet. I don't know how Yu Qing knew that a monster was coming. He was about to look around, but Yu Qing put the spatula to his mouth. There is sticky rice scraped from the bottom of the pot along the edge of the shovel.

"Don't look up." Yu Qing warned in a low voice, and then said relaxedly: "Come on, try it out."

Ash Heng was in shock and subconsciously felt something on the top of his head because of the other party's words. At this time, it was really what Yu Qing said. He honestly opened his mouth and sipped the slag on the spatula.

There was indeed something on his head, to be precise, something on the top of the two of them.

A long worm crawled into the kitchen at some point, was hanging on the beam, and was slowly drooping down the slowly deformed upper body.

The wriggling upper body bulged out the outline of a woman's half body, the snake's head turned into a woman's face, the stretched snake scales did not disappear, the eyes stood up, the diffused hair twisted like a small snake, and the fangs gradually showed in the mouth, swallowing. with bright red letters.There are dark yellow scales irregularly distributed on the black scale body, and two arms silently stretched out on both sides of the dirty half-human body, which turned into ten-fingered claws and quietly grabbed towards the back of Ash Heng and Yu Qing's necks.

Seeing that his claws were about to touch their heads, and even Ash Heng could smell a foul stench, Yu Qing suddenly turned over the plate on the stove to cover the big bowl with Lingmi, and the spatula in his hand. Suddenly whistling up.

boom!The handle of the shovel was broken, and the shovel fell into the snake demon's head.

He threw the shovel handle in his hand, and by the way, he waved his arm to take the alien-shaped Ashiheng around him, moved his position, and avoided the dripping juice from above.

Ashheng hadn't realized what was going on, but Yu Qing had already moved his fingers while turning his body, picked out the sword in the sheath that was in Ashheng's hand, and grabbed the sword and slashed across the air.

Pfft, blood sprayed, and a dirty head fell from above, just banging and rolling in the hot pot.

Seeing a head falling, Ash Heng was startled, and then saw the half-human figure hanging in the air, twisting like a rapidly deflating air bag, quickly deflated back to what a snake should look like, but without the head , blood dripping.

And Yu Qing, who had the spinning sword in his hand, had already left Ash Heng, and he slashed towards the wall beside the stove with a spinning sword of cold light in his hand.

Boom!The wall was broken and a piece fell over. The corner of Ash Heng's mouth twitched. With the light in the kitchen, he could clearly see what was behind the broken wall. A half-human-shaped snake demon stood with its head held high. It looked like a dirty, bald man. As if to break through the wall and attack, a blood line slants from the shoulder to the diagonal rib, and the half-shoulder body slowly shifts and staggers.

Yu Qing, who had not stopped turning over in his hand, waved his hand, "Go!"

A cold light pierced through the roof, and several tiles fell.

After a while of silence, Ash Heng saw sparse blood dripping from the roof.

Suddenly, there were two bangs. First, the snake demon behind the broken wall turned into two pieces and fell to the ground. Then a hole was smashed into the roof. A large snake fell from the roof and slowly twisted on the ground. The sword pierced through.

With a big bowl in one hand, Yu Qing walked over to draw his sword, shaken off the blood on the sword, and threw it out.

Swish!As Shiheng felt a shock in his hand, he looked down and saw that the sword had been sheathed, and then he looked at Yu Qing who was grinning at him, and then looked at the three big snakes, one was dead outside the house, one was half-hanging on the roof beam, and the other was dead in the land.

The smoke and dust were ups and downs, and Ash Heng's Adam's apple twitched, and he had lingering fears. The pungent stench made him nauseated.

"No, it should be these three for the time being. I didn't mean to scare you, I just wanted to make a quick decision and try to avoid too many fighting movements, so as not to disturb the attention that should not be paid. In fact, don't be afraid, the three are not enough. It's just a snake demon in complete shape, with limited strength and no threat. Let's go, why are you still stunned?" Yu Qing gestured with one hand to the big bowl containing Lingmi, as if to say, you don't want to taste it taste it?Ready to enjoy.

Ash Heng wanted to leave, but it was the first time he experienced this scene, and he was really frightened. His legs were a little weak and he couldn't move, but he didn't want Yu Qing to help him, he didn't want Yu Qing to laugh, and he wanted to save face. , then said: "It's the first time I saw the snake demon, it's rare to have an eye-opening opportunity." That means to stay and see.

"Then take it slow, I'll go outside to see if anyone has disturbed anyone. After eating, I have to ask Pu Dian to take care of the aftermath." Yu Qing threw the words and walked away with a bowl.

When I got to the yard outside, I went straight to the door. Just as I was about to open the door to see what was going on outside, there was a sudden bang in the kitchen at the back, and then the room collapsed with a bang.

Yu Qing, who turned back sharply, was stunned. Seeing that Ash Heng still hadn't come out, he was almost scared and flew away.

Rushing into the collapsed kitchen, filled with smoke and dust, Yu Qing flung his sleeves and drew a firewood from the stove to illuminate the room. The lights in the room had been smashed.

Soon, Yu Qing stood still, the bowl that he had been holding with one hand smashed to the ground, the cooked rice was scattered on the ground, and then went crazy to remove the piled up smashed objects. There was Ash Heng's painful gasps below.

After the mess was cleared away, Yu Qing half-squatted beside Ash Heng who had fallen to the ground, and said in a trembling voice, "Nerd, please bear with it."

The pained Ash Heng nodded with a miserable smile, his body was covered with a layer of dust, the fallen beam was pressing on one of his arms, and blood was seeping out.

With Ash Heng groaning, the pressed beam was lifted away. Yu Qing's eyes were full of bitterness, staring at the pressed arm. The one that was hit happened to be at the elbow, which was already crushed. .

Trying to recover his mind, he quickly shot acupuncture points on Ash Heng's body to prevent Ash Heng from losing too much blood, and try to alleviate Ash Heng's pain as much as possible.He took out a pill and stuffed it into Ash Heng's mouth to help him swallow it. Then he took materials from the fallen tile grille. The broken arm was clamped by two plates, and it was tied and fixed. Heng carefully hugged off the ground and left the blood-stained land.

Yu Qing had no intention to observe whether the surrounding residents were disturbed, and he couldn't stay here any longer. He hurriedly took Ash Heng to a suitable place for treatment and went straight to the gate.

The almost powerless Ash Heng still held Yu Qing's sword in front of his chest with one hand. Seeing that Yu Qing was about to leave this place, the hilt of the sword slammed into Yu Qing's chest. cannot be abandoned."

Yu Qing stopped, returned quickly, went into the study and put Ash Heng's basket on his back again, inserted his sword into the basket, carried the basket behind him, hugged the person in front of him, ran to the courtyard wall and jumped straight out. ...

 This is the promised first three shifts.The new book set sail, I hope everyone will vote for it.

(End of this chapter)

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