Half fairy

Chapter 26

Chapter 26
Looking around again, without the car board, the field of vision is now a lot wider, but it is foggy, so I can't see far.

He saw in a nearby car, the man who was escorting the car had cut off the rope with a sword, let the horses leave, and hid under the inclined car with the driver, obviously trying to use the iron cage to resist, or seeing this The situation on the side, I know that the carriage can't stop the huge impact from the sky.

The two were dumbfounded for a while, and immediately crawled out. Who knew there was a loud bang, and blood sputtered out of the smoke.

Yu Qing looked again and found that the two had disappeared, disappeared under the carriage, and the carriage was already sitting on the same ground as this side.

The all-conquering offensive was still falling from the sky, and the screams and tragic scenes around him made Yu Qing unable to help but shudder.

He stretched out his hand from the iron cage again, touched the keyhole above, and checked his skills. He wanted to use the dark power to use the effect of the key to open the lock. It turned out that the lock was a bloody thousand machine lock, which was specially designed to prevent practitioners. A lock, without grasping the outline of the key, cannot be opened at all.

Swish!He suddenly pushed away the people on the left and right, suddenly drew his sword, and slammed a sword on the iron cage, but it did not split open as expected. This iron cage is indeed made of stainless steel, and it is not ordinary stainless steel. After adding material, he actually cut a gap on his sword.

One of the candidates shouted, "Brother Shiheng, use a sword to pry it."

Silly bird!Yu Qing cursed in his heart, put his sword back into its sheath, and ignored it.

Before Ash Heng was injured, he still had some guilt, but now he found out that it was Ash Heng's fate that he survived the disaster with a small calamity. to replace Beijing.

Even though he knew that there were evil spirits intending to do bad things to the candidates, he couldn't understand, how big of a hatred was this, how could such an offensive be possible?
He didn't want to die in this cage, but in the current situation, it seemed that hiding in this prison car was the safest.

The person who made the stone scum that ran into the clothes from the neck felt uncomfortable. He just patted the dust on his body, and just shook the stone slag inside the clothes. Boom!There was another bang on the top of his head, and he was hit again.

Everyone was stunned and swayed, and Yu Qing was stunned again, with tinnitus, dizziness, dizziness, and despair again.

The big carving and throwing of stones continued in waves.

However, no matter how the air strikes were destructive, it was lucky that there were more than a dozen carriages that would not be smashed. The candidates in the cars were always worried about when they would be smashed. This kind of feeling is not good, far better than Yu Celebrating what they are used to.

Thousands of guards, hundreds of Sinan mansion personnel, and [-] archers were actually beaten by this airstrike without the ability to fight back.

Tired, but can't help it.

The screams around him gradually diminished, and they were either crushed to death, or they all went to the mountains and forests to find a place to hide.

Jin Huahai was very angry. He wanted to order the staff of Sinan House to search the mountains and kill Wushe, but was stopped by Jiang Yinian. He was worried that this was the enemy's plan to move the tiger away from the mountain. When it comes to close combat, the manpower of Sinan House is still the strength in this team. the strongest.

Now the 'bait' in their hands has become their own weakness that they dare not act rashly.

Jin Huahai also secretly rejoiced that it was fortunate that he did not forcefully enter the Qili Gorge, otherwise those evildoers would not have to take the initiative to fight with them.

Not only was there a rock-throwing air strike, but a large area of ​​the stone wall collapsed, and the consequences were scary to think about.

Keng… Keng Keng…

Suddenly, there was a burst of strange noises in the forest, and Jiang Yinian quickly listened to it.

Jin Huahai heard the sound of bowstrings and asked, "Your people found the target?"

The reason for the doubts is that with this large piece of fog around, you can't see far, and how can you shoot if you can't see the target?
Jiang Yinian sneered and looked cold and stern, with murderous intent in his eyes, and did not answer.

In the mountains, the fire was getting bigger and bigger.

Hearing the screams of the air-struck place in the mountains, it is estimated that the escorts were too busy to take care of themselves. Several men in black emerged from the cover and rushed to fight the fire, not wanting to cause a raging mountain fire tragedy.

This is the nature of the demon in the mountains.

However, as soon as their figures appeared and swayed in the light of the fire, a ghost of life-threatening specters rushed towards them from the depths of the fog.

The sharp arrows arrived first, and then I heard the sound of breaking the wind. It can be seen how fast the arrows shoot. The strong bows used by the archers are extraordinary.

In the face of this kind of terrifying shooting, those lacking in perception ability and reaction speed are simply unable to escape.

The puff sounded one after another, and the arrows pierced through several men in black instantly. Not a single arrow remained on their bodies.

Several men in black shuddered violently, some fell, and some were not fatal on the spot.

They are all demon cultivators, and they are all demons in human form. The inner parts of the heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney are not necessarily the same as those of humans. After all kinds of demons are transformed into humanoids, the location of the fatal parts is different. If so, of course it won't kill you.

When the arrow was found, the surviving panic wanted to dodge and flee, but some just jumped up and fell, and some trembled before jumping out, and their bodies were shaky.

Pupu sound and blood flowers emerged one after another from their bodies, there were blood holes on their heads, and there were several more blood eyes on their bodies.

Several more arrows were made, and several arrows were hit, but the fatal part was hit after all.

Several men in black fell one after another, and the arrows that shot them didn't just come from one direction, they encountered cross-shooting.

They were not the only ones who encountered the same situation. Many who ran out to put out the fire fell down, and they didn't fully understand how they were shot until they died.

They underestimated the ability of the archer. The fog can make the archer lose the ability to capture the target, but there is a fire, and a hazy fire can be seen through the fog. Distinguishable in the hazy light and shadow.

Finding a shooting target under complex conditions is the foundation of shooting. This is a matter of long-term practice and training for great archers, and it is also an ability that must be cultivated, such as the use of low-light night shooting.

Jiang Yinian naturally knew it, so he ordered someone to shoot a rocket as soon as possible, which was also one of his goals for setting fire to the mountain.

The demon cultivator lurking in the dark was shocked when he saw this scene. No one dared to come out to fight the fire anymore. He could only watch the fire in the mountains grow bigger.

There were also reports of emergency evacuation.

After Hei Yunxiao heard the news, he said anxiously: "Quick, inform the brothers who are lurking everywhere, don't go to put out the fire!"

"Yes!" The person came quickly and went away.

However, it didn't take long to bring back a bad news. When notifying various places, they also learned about some casualties from various places. At present, more than 90 brothers have been shot dead.

The black and white couple's eyes widened, and they felt distressed. More than 90 of the [-] people who had been put out were quietly killed before they rushed up to fight head-on?Nearly one-third of the reserve offensive staff was cut off like this?

Thriller!I have always heard how terrifying the archer is, but today I have experienced it firsthand.

Hei Yunxiao looked up at the sky, and vaguely saw that the team of eagles in the air completed another round of air strikes and retreated again.

He is located on a high terrain, the canopy of the tree is not completely engulfed by the fog, and he can intuitively see the situation in the air.

"Ten rounds have passed, and the prepared stones should be almost finished. The Rat Wife's side should also appear." Hei Yunxiao retracted his eyes from the air, stared at his wife Bai Lan and said, "Tell her to let her 'big army' not let go. When you cross the tree, be sure to force all the great archers out, and it is best to get rid of these great archers when there is no time to take care of them, these people have limited melee capabilities."

He was already afraid of the power of the cold arrow against the archer. With these people staring at him, he was not worried about the safety of his wife.

Bai Lan nodded and left, her husband was in charge of coordinating and commanding here, and she was going to bring her brother on stage in person.

"Be careful." Hei Yunxiao suddenly urged.

Bai Lan turned her head with a charming smile, and flew away...

The sound of the rumbling smashing to the ground seemed to have stopped.

After listening for a while, Jin Huahai and Jiang Yinian looked at each other, and the latter said, "It's unlikely that a wave of stones will be thrown away, the real frontal attack should begin, and the people in your Sinan mansion must do a good job of confrontation. ready."

"Yeah." Jin Huahai nodded, agreeing, and called for someone to come over to inform the survivors to prepare.

At the same time, Jiang Yinian ordered someone to inform the surviving escorts to prepare for the battle.

Fu Zuoxuan, the emissary who was still hiding under the tree, had blood on his face and was speechless for a long time.

The pause time seemed to be a bit long, and the candidates who were trapped in the cage also noticed this abnormality. Compared with the previous pause, it was indeed too long.

"Is the attack over?" Someone tried to ask.

"Looks like it's over."

The joyful voice gradually became mixed.

Yu Qing glanced at the group of disgraced, squeamish guys, and did not comment. He had already realized that the end was only a head-wave attack, and the real ground attack was coming. After all, the heads of these candidates are still in their necks. on the good.

In other words, the real act of picking their heads is coming.

This time, Yu Qing really couldn't stand it anymore. He didn't want to sit here and wait to die. He shook the iron fence and couldn't open it, so he had to look for the key.

His eyes were fixed on the smashed Sinan mansion's car guard, and his eyes locked on the vague outline of the key stretched on the man's belt.

I don’t know if I read it wrong, the fog has become much thicker, and the iron cages of other people nearby can’t be seen clearly. He has to identify it carefully, and even use the Observation Art to confirm it. He doesn’t dare to be careless, because he gets The chance to get the key is very likely only once, and if you miss it, it is very likely that you can only be locked in a cage as a lamb to be slaughtered.

As long as he gets out of this cage, he will not be afraid. This sea of ​​fog may be troublesome to others, but to him it is like a fish in water, and it is also his best way to hide his eyes. If he wants to escape, it is estimated that no one can stop he.

(End of this chapter)

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