Swallow God Supreme

Chapter 3730 Fighting

Chapter 3730 Fighting
"is it?"

Facing Zhuang Ling's insolent words, Qin Chen's eyes flashed a coldness.

The bloodthirsty demon blade slashed down towards Zhuang Ling, and the blood-red saber energy roared like a madman, covering the world and Zhuang Ling.

The astonishing sound of collision resounded, and centered on the battle between the two, few warriors dared to approach within a radius of tens of miles. It was a forbidden area for life.

Qin Chen was repelled one after another. Although Zhuang Ling had the cultivation base of a five-star devil emperor, with his strength, he could easily kill a six-star devil emperor.

Qin Chen's tiger's mouth holding the Bloodthirsty Demon Blade was shattered, and scarlet blood flowed out, but the next moment, Qin Chen rushed towards Zhuang Ling again.

In today's battle, one person will die.

"Boom boom boom!"

The two fought for hundreds of rounds one after another, the earth was in a mess, and the void was shattered countless times. The terrifying momentum shocked many warriors.

"Go in."

After shattering the space again, Qin Chen rushed up like a bull, knocking Zhuang Ling into the empty space.

Zhuang Ling's big hand grabbed Qin Chen and brought Qin Chen into the void at the same time.


Behind the two of them, the empty and quiet space suddenly collapsed.

Qin Chen exploded the power of the three ways, and slashed at Zhuang Ling: "Wake up the devil!"

Zhuang Ling's pupils became dark, as if possessed by a demon. He pushed the 'devil body' to the extreme, and the power of the demon surged all over his body.

A pair of black hands stretched out from nowhere bound Qin Chen like ropes, trying to suppress Qin Chen in place.

The collapsed void space is spreading like a butterfly effect.

This situation will be very dangerous.

Whether it is Qin Chen or Zhuang Ling, once they fall into the space collapse, they will be killed instantly.


The supreme Dharma form condensed from Qin Chen's back, and the violent force crushed the black hand.

However, Qin Chen did not retreat.

A knee bump hit Zhuang Ling's chin like lightning, trying to knock him into the collapsed void.

Zhuang Ling didn't expect that Qin Chen would not escape at this juncture.

If it was someone else, he would definitely choose to avoid the edge at this time, and avoid the space collapse first.

"If you want to die, I will fulfill you."

Zhuang Ling had no intention of retreating at all, the collapsed space spread rapidly, Zhuang Ling raised the baton of 梼杌, and an imperial power condensed into the shape of 梼杌, hit Qin Chen.

It is also the device vision Emperor Dian, but in fact there is a difference in strength.

Zhuang Ling's "Battle of 梼杌" is a divine weapon, and the imperial lightning produced by it is enough to crush the imperial lightning produced by other imperial weapons.

Behind Qin Chen, there is also a space that is collapsing, and Zhuang Ling wants to bury Qin Chen in the space collapse.

Qin Chen also had such an idea.

Both of them knew that this was tantamount to playing with fire and setting themselves on fire, but neither of them took a step back.

Qin Chen slashed down the Bloodthirsty Demon Blade, and the Supreme Way that entered the small Dao Realm and Dacheng Realm provided a domineering and unparalleled power, shattered the Emperor Electric, and fell on Zhuang Ling as if it had opened up the world.

The collapsed space was less than ten feet away from Zhuang Ling. Judging from the speed at which the space collapsed, the place where Zhuang Ling was standing would collapse in less than a breath.

But even so, Zhuang Ling still didn't hide.

In his heart, there is a strong arrogance.

If he wanted to hide, it was Qin Chen who did it first.

Zhuang Ling waved the stick of 梼杌, and the phantoms of 梼杌 headed towards Qin Chen like a devil rushing to eat.

"Big Buddha sky wheel."

Qin Chen pressed on the top of Zhuang Ling's head, and a golden round wheel emerged along with the obscure and complicated recitation of Buddhist scriptures.

The rich golden light covered the sky and the earth, shattering the phantom of Wuwu.


At the same time, without hesitation, Qin Chen quickly moved to the right side like a ghost.

Zhuang Ling's reaction was exactly the same as Qin Chen's.

Both of them avoided the space collapse at the most dangerous and extreme time.

Both of them are extremely ruthless people, but they are definitely not idiots. With death in front of them, life-saving is of course the most important thing.

Zhuang Ling took out three hearts from the Qiankun bag, threw two hearts into his mouth, and chewed, showing an expression of enjoyment.

"Qin Chen, you make me very excited."

Zhuang Ling's tongue licked the blood left on his lips, his eyes were like a hooligan seeing a beauty.

The younger generation of the entire demon clan, even Ao Jiutian and Zhuang Ling, looked down on them.

This made him very lonely inside.

But Qin Chen's appearance today made him excited. He finally met an opponent who allowed him to go all out.

If you can kill him and get his heart...

Thinking of this, Zhuang Ling showed a salivating expression.

Thinking about it is exciting and exciting.

That must be the most delicious food in the world, right?

Seeing people feeding on their hearts, like eating delicious food, Qin Chen felt nauseous. For such a freak who violates the bottom line of morality, life is a disaster.


The two attacked at the same time, and once again collided with each other, emitting an extremely terrifying light, illuminating this dark and empty space.

"Come again!"

Zhuang Ling's fighting spirit was fully aroused.

The screams of the evil spirits made one's scalp tingle.

Zhuang Ling's evil way is located in the "Middle Dao Realm of Great Perfection", and an extremely evil force covers the entire void space.

This extremely evil power is formed by the condensed will of the most evil and darkest part of the human heart.

When fighting Zhuang Ling, Qin Chen could always feel that the evil thoughts in his heart were hooked out, and his righteous thoughts were about to be occupied by evil thoughts, turning him into a demon.

This is where the evil way is terrifying, it can turn a righteous warrior into an evil warrior.

Qin Chen not only had to deal with the continuous attacks from Zhuang Ling, but also had to maintain righteous thoughts at all times. If he was a little careless, he might be disturbed by evil thoughts and become a heretic.

Zhuang Ling was actually surprised.

The younger generation of the Mozu, no one is his opponent, he has been fighting against the old seniors of the Mozu.

But every time, the seniors of the demon race will be corrupted by evil thoughts, and eventually they will be self-defeating.

But Qin Chen was able to fight against him for so long and still think clearly and quite rationally. In his opinion, it was simply impossible.


Qin Chen suddenly pressed the big Buddha wheel towards Zhuang Ling, and the big Buddha wheel was like a mountain peak, directly suppressed on top of Zhuang Ling's head, clearing away the evil will.


Zhuang Ling's whole body was shaken, the Buddhist way is the most masculine and the most powerful, restraining all evil spirits and heretics, naturally also restraining the evil way.

Every ray of golden light emitted from the Buddha's sky wheel is like a knife, cutting off the evil power in Zhuang Ling's body.

Qin Chen took a step towards Zhuang Ling, and a golden Buddha appeared, and fell fiercely on Zhuang Ling's body, crushing the void.

Zhuang Ling took the opportunity to rush out of the void and return to the outside world.

Qin Chen followed closely behind, condensing one Buddhist script after another in his hands, and attacked Zhuang Ling like raindrops.

(End of this chapter)

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