My years of espionage

Chapter 3 Sacrifice

Chapter 3 Sacrifice

"I'm going to kill you!"

"Mum! Mum! Mum!"

"Nan-nan! Nan-nan! Nan-nan!"

The place was in chaos.


Looking at the number of enemies surrounding him, Lao Liao knew that it would be difficult for him to break through.

"Ding ding dong - ding ding dong!"

The tram is approaching.

Lao Liao raised his head and glanced at it. The tram would arrive at the station in half a minute at most.

Cheng Qianfan will get out of the car to join.

"Although Comrade 'Huomiao' is young, he is an old comrade with rich fighting experience. He should be able to restrain himself and not be reckless and impulsive!"

'Flame' is Cheng Qianfan's code name.

However, Lao Liao knew that under this circumstance, even if Comrade Huo Miao glanced over here, or had a wrong expression, it would attract the attention of the enemy.

Most importantly, he was the one-line contact for Comrade 'Huomiao'. He was arrested. According to organizational discipline, Comrade 'Huomiao' must be transferred immediately.

It has nothing to do with whether Comrade 'Huo Miao' trusts him to withstand the severe torture of the enemy, it is organizational discipline.

"Old Liao, Comrade 'Huomiao' is very important, we must protect him."

This is what the superior Comrade 'Bamboo Forest' arranged for him to be the contact person of 'Huo Miao'.

At the end of last year, the Shanghai Teco Organization was destroyed by the enemy and suffered heavy losses. Comrade 'Zhulin' was unfortunately arrested and died heroically.

This is the last task given to him by Comrade 'Bamboo Forest'.

Lao Liao understood what Comrade 'Bamboo' meant, not only to protect the safety of 'Huomiao', but also to protect the legitimate identity of 'Huomiao'.

In the current situation of such a brutal struggle, it is too precious for the organization to have such a clean comrade who has entered the patrol house in the concession and can withstand the scrutiny of the enemy.


Lao Liao touched the bottle of wine in his hand.

There was determination in his eyes.

From the first day of the revolution, he put his life and death on the sidelines.

For today's situation, it also appeared in his mind countless times.

He is already mentally prepared.

If he can't escape, he will sacrifice his life at the last moment without hesitation, and end the danger to himself.

The security of the party organization must not be threatened.

To date, the safety of Comrade Huo Miao must not be threatened.

Lao Liao suddenly took it into his arms.

"Be careful, the old man has a gun!"

A team member opened fire first, and a shot hit Lao Liao in the chest.

"Bastard, who made you shoot!"

"Caught alive."

Wang Kangnian rushed downstairs angrily with the people.

He now dares to be [-]% sure that this old man is here to join the Red Party today.

"Save the life! Stop the bleeding!"

This old man can't die.


Cheng Qianfan just got out of the car when he heard a gunshot.

His heart suddenly rose to his throat.

Amid the screams, the crowd at the scene and the passengers who got off the bus made a mess, and the crowd rushed to flee for their lives.

Cheng Qianfan hid in the crowd, and under the cover of the crowd, glanced towards the place where the gunshot was fired.

Two more snaps.

"Old Liao?!"

Although it was only a quick glance, Cheng Qianfan was very sure of the familiar figure. The hunchbacked old man who was shot and fell to the ground was the old party member who was about to join him, a loyal comrade-in-arms on the revolutionary road, Lao Liao.

Cheng Qianfan's heart suddenly fell into the bottom of the valley.

"Old Liao!"

In the middle of the crowd, his gaze met the old Liao lying on the ground.

A spy was holding down Lao Liao's chest, trying to stop the blood flowing.

The dark red blood condensed into a small blood-colored puddle behind Lao Liao, as if it couldn't wait to moisten the soil.

Cheng Qianfan's eyes turned red.

Lao Liao's body twitched, and he used his last strength to turn his head away from looking over there. When he turned his head, there was a smile in the corners of his withered eyes.


Wang Kangnian moved in his heart and looked up.

But only saw the chaos of the people.

No suspicious persons were found.

As early as when Wang Kangnian was moved, taking advantage of the chaos, Cheng Qianfan quickly turned around and hid his figure among the fleeing citizens.

Flowing with the running crowd, without looking back, leave!

He walked quickly, bent down slightly, and protected the bottle of wine in his hand, as if the bottle of wine was the old Liao who was lying on the ground and bleeding all over the place.

Not far behind him, Lao Liao lay there quietly.

His old body lay on the edge of the black and white platform steps, just like the white mountains and black waters of his hometown.

The blood flowing and the yellow wine dripping from the broken wine bottle converged...

There was a smile on Lao Liao's face, as if to say: "Old lady, children, I have completed the task, and I am here to find you."


"Damn it!" Ding Naifei quickly touched Lao Liao's body and spat at the body, "This old man cheated us, he doesn't have a gun!"

When Wang Kangnian heard the words, his face became more and more gloomy.

The old man's move was to trick the operatives into shooting.

He is seeking death!
This man did not hesitate to use his own life to protect the people with whom he was connected.

This only shows that the person he protects is very, very important.

Such a big fish was missed like this, and Wang Kangnian wanted to kill someone in anger.

He turned around and gave Ding Naifei a slap.


The patrols in the French Concession were belatedly blowing their whistle.


"Team leader, the patrol is here." An action team member said anxiously.

The Party Affairs Investigation Office has no right to enforce the law in the French Concession, especially when the gun was fired this time, and things got bigger.

If caught by patrolling, the French would gladly give them some color.

Wang Kangnian felt grief and indignation that his own country's territory was occupied by ghosts.

Wang Kangnian first glanced at a player in the corner with a camera hanging around his neck, and nodded at him.

Wang Kangnian breathed a sigh of relief, gritted his teeth and spat out a word, "Withdraw!"

A car slammed to a stop.

Wang Kangnian brought the team member into the car quickly, and the driver immediately stepped on the accelerator and walked away.

The rest of the team members, led by Ding Naifei, fled and disappeared into complex alleys, large and small.

Inspector Lu Dazhang of Xiafei Road ran over with a few patrolmen, glanced at the corpse on the ground, muttered and cursed, and arranged for someone to carry the corpse.

The crowd that had fled just now gathered again. People looked at it numbly, some people showed unbearable expressions, and some people pointed to and talked about...


"Old Liao, I will never let your blood flow in vain."

Cheng Qianfan's steps were brisk, but his heart was extremely heavy and sad.

Lao Liao's sacrifice made him very regretful and angry.

For a moment, he almost couldn't help rushing in, trying to rescue his comrades and comrades from the enemy's siege.

However, this idea was cruelly rejected by himself.

Not that he was cold-blooded.


The living sometimes carry more than the dead.

Every living person bears the expectations and entrustments of so many dead comrades-in-arms!
Such is the brutality of underground work.

It was such a cruel and painful torture to witness the sacrifice of one's own comrades, but could do nothing but turn around and leave.

Especially Lao Liao's final resolute look, Cheng Qianfan will never forget in this life:

Walk!go!Let's go!

"Old Liao, go well. Maybe one day in the future, I will also die in the hands of the enemy, and our Yama Temple will fight side by side again, and then fight against the cannibal Yama for eight hundred rounds.

If I am lucky enough to survive the day of victory, I will definitely come to your grave with the news of victory, drink with you, chat with you, and tell you:

We Chinese are not slaves to mermaids!
We Chinese, stand up.

We Chinese live well..."


Cheng Qianfan was carrying the wine, and he tried his best to make his face calm and look normal.

He went to Wanzhenxing Braised Vegetable Store and bought Wan's trotters and fat and oily pork head.

After going around, I bought another roasted chicken, half a catty of stinky tofu, roasted soybeans, and two catties of raw fried.

Bought some salt fried peanuts and pickles.

"Anfuli." Cheng Qianfan beckoned and got into a rickshaw.

Rickshaws shuttled through the most prosperous downtown area in the French Concession, and modern girls in cheongsams swayed with handbags on their wrists.

Old Kehler, wearing a top hat, set up his easel, and beside him stood a little girl with adoring eyes.

At this time, in the eyes of Cheng Qianfan, the great Shanghai, which was full of colors and dances, was black and white.

The rickshaw driver ran hard, sweat dripping from the cold weather.

Cheng Qianfan also had tears on his cheeks.

Lowering his hat, covering his sad eyes - Cheng Qianfan wiped his face and smiled, he hummed a tune, the tune was cheerful.

He couldn't let anyone notice his sadness...

 The contract has been sent.After signing the contract, two chapters a day, asking for collections, asking for recommended tickets, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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