Chapter 535 Hanoi
Above Qiziling, there are broken walls and ruins, and it is a mess.

The traces of the battle are clearly visible.The two armies fought with their lives here for more than a month, and too many people died on the barren mountain until it changed hands again.

If we go to Qiziling and restore Jiguan, the danger of Wangwu Mountain will be shared with me by the thief.

What price did I pay to take down Jiguan, and the Bian thieves also have to pay such a high price to fight back.

Maybe never go back.

The main force of the Bian army is in the east, and Heyang has insufficient troops.But Shao Shude sits in Longchi Palace, and the main force is in Jinjiang. It is not so easy to take it back.

In fact, he is still stepping up the offensive.

The end of the year is approaching, and the large troops will not be dispatched, but the three thousand cavalry of the Feilong Army and the two thousand cavalry of the Wuwei Army have been dispatched respectively.Their goal is also very simple, to harass Heyang, hit the morale of the rebel army, weaken their military strength and food reserves, and prevent them from having a good year.

"Heyang City is on the north bank of the Dahe River ([-] miles south of Mengzhou today), that is, Heyang County, where Mengzhou is located, and it is less than [-] miles to the east. Jin and Du pre-built a pontoon bridge here, which is the hub of north-south traffic. Wei Xiaowen Luo, the capital of the emperor, built Zhonglangfu City in the north on the north bank of Mengjin, as the rear guard of the capital. In this section of the river bed, there is a sandy land with a width of one mile from north to south, and the river is divided into two streams. Therefore, the Eastern Wei Dynasty built a city on the south bank and Zhongliusha, called Nancheng. , Zhongyu City, and the North City into three, and the North and the South respond to each other, so as to resist the Western Wei Dynasty and fight for the control of Luoyang." In the Qiziling Pass City, a new round of "seminars" began again, and the speaker was the erudite former household department The servant Du Honghui.

"Guochao rebuilt the pontoon bridge. Because the river water is divided into the north and the south, the bridge is also divided into two bridges. With the boat as the foot, ten carpenters and 250 sailors are employed all the year round for maintenance. The bridge is well-regulated and connects three cities. It is an important north-south traffic road. Crossing the bridge to the south, it is close to Luojing. Crossing the bridge to the north, it goes straight to Tianjingguan, where it is interesting to Shangdang and Taiyuan. Passing through Linjin Pass in the northeast, it reaches Yecheng and Yanzhao. Northwest Enter Zhiguan, reach Jinjiang, and the middle of the river. This is the waist of the world, the throat of the north and the south, and all roads. It is an important place in ancient and modern times.

Du Honghui introduced a lot, but Shao Shude was far away.

He now has a feeling that when the world just started to be in chaos, many dangerous passes, big cities and famous towns were almost picked up for nothing and undefended.But after some time, when the princes swallowed each other, the important stronghold that had been neglected in the chaos began to play its role.

When Qin Zongquan and Sun Ru left Henan Mansion, Zhang Quanyi and Li Hanzhi had almost no strength. The two key places of Henan Mansion and Heyang could be said to be completely blank. In the end, Zhu Quanzhong and Li Keyong fought, and Ke Yong was defeated. , Quanzhong won, winning Heyang and Luozhou.

Now, these key places have been rectified and armed, and it is not easy to attack again.

Sometimes, there is only one good opportunity, and Zhu Quanzhong takes it.

Of course, this is only from Shao Shude's point of view.If Zhu Quanzhong invaded Guanzhong, attacked Luziguan, Kaocheng, and Yanzhou with his back, and lost troops and generals, and was beaten and cried, he would also sigh like this: Thief Shao is really lucky, he picked up this kind of natural danger for nothing!

"Heyang has Heyang Warehouse and Heyang Courtyard, which are water and land transfer centers." Du Honghui hardly needs to look up books, and all kinds of geographical knowledge can be said to be at his fingertips: "Heyang travels more than [-] miles northeast to Hanoi County, Huaizhou Lisuo Go northward from Huaizhou for fifteen miles to Yongdian, another five miles to Wanshan, another ten miles to Taihangxing, pass through Kedoudian, and arrive at Tianjingguan.”

Inside Taihang Xing, Qi Bizhang looked up at the deep valley, frowning.

Taihang Xing is the second of the Taihang Eight Xings. It is forty miles long and only three steps wide.

The road is not short, but also very steep and narrow. It is called "Yangchangban", so why do you still walk here?Because there is water along the way, the Xing Road was opened along the valley of Danshui (now the Danhe River, a tributary of the Qinhe River, a tributary of the Yellow River), which is convenient for people and animals to drink.

Once the road without water along the way is blocked by the enemy and is in a dilemma, it will end in disastrous defeat, so some roads have to be walked.

At this time, Qi Bizhang stationed three thousand cavalry in a place called Baishuijiao.

Baishui (now Baishui River) flows into Danshui here, traces up the Baishui River Valley, and goes northwest to Tianjingguan.Guancheng is at the highest point of the mountain road, not far from the north of Guancheng, you go out of Taihang Mountain, 25 miles to Malao Pass, and then [-] miles to Jincheng County, Lisuo, Zezhou.

The Taihang Xing and Tianjingguan Roads are [-] li long in front and back. It is a huge danger for the traffic between Shanxi and Henan.

"No wonder Li Ke used to block Bian's army in Zelu time and again. I have heard about the dangers of the Taihang Road, and now I have seen it." Qi Bizhang climbed a high slope, but he could not see the distant scenery, and was still surrounded by layers. Stacked mountains block the view.

"General Qibi, when Lord Kang left Li Hanzhi, Li Hanzhi had only a few thousand soldiers at that time, but Zhu Quanzhong had no less than [-] troops stationed in Heyang. He did not dare to go north because he was afraid of the danger of the mountain road." Follow along. Xue Li, who acted as a guide, said: "Meng Fangli used to be the general of Tianjingguan, and finally became Lu Shuai, which shows how important it is."

"But Li Hanzhi didn't have many soldiers, so loose and loose, if the Bian army made a surprise attack, they might lose Tianjing Pass." Qi Bizhang had taken the Wuling Road, Zezhou, Tianjingguan, and Baishuijiao routes before, and watched along the way. Come here, there is only one feeling, Li Hanzhi is not a serious and watertight general, he should be a brave general, but lacks strategy.

Zezhou is such an important place, why don't the various roads send troops to guard it?Even if the troops are insufficient, soldiers from prefectures and counties and Tutuan townships can be recruited for garrison.Is it possible that the counties in Zezhou have been destroyed by you, and these organizations have been completely paralyzed?

"If Zhu Quan is loyal to Jinyang and Li Keyong is in Bianzhou, I don't think Li Keyong will ever get into Zelu." Xue Li seemed to look down on Li Keyong, and his words were full of sarcasm: "Now I am trapped in the Youzhou, fighting fires everywhere, exhausted. Let’s go, don’t want to part with it, don’t go, how long will it take? Humph.”

Qi Bizhang laughed when he heard the words, and said, "Li Hanzhi is really not a thing. If he knows how to manage the place, we can borrow some grain from him. Why do we have to go across the mountains to transport grain?"

With 2 cavalry and more than [-] horses, more than [-] hu grains and beans are needed a month. If Ze Prefecture can provide it locally, that would be great.

But considering that before Li Hanzhi came, Zelu Yamen soldiers often went to Xingzhou to get food. It is true that this place is not rich, there are many mountains, and it is normal not to produce food, so Li Hanzhi is really to blame.

But both Qi Bizhang and Xue Li didn't like Li Hanzhi very much, and it was not uncommon for them to scold Li Hanzhi in private.

Baishuijiao also came with thousands of Tutuan villagers, all of whom were issued with weapons, simple spears, rifles and so on, without armor.

They are logging and camping, building warehouses, and storing supplies such as grain, medicinal materials, and arrows.

For the Feilong army to go to battle, of course there must be a logistics transfer base, just Baishuijiao.

On the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, Qi Bizhang led the Feilong Army to the south.As for Li Hanzhi, he couldn't hold back his plundering mentality, and was straightening out his troops, horses and equipment, planning to go to Xiangzhou.Heyang is sparsely populated, there is really nothing to grab, and most of them are still hungry, so it is better to go to Hebei, which is rich and prosperous, anyway, if the situation is not good, he will run away, he is very alert.


In Hanoi County, Huaizhou, Zhao Keyu had already packed his bags and left the city.

The Zhao family lived in Heyang for generations, and was born in a military academy family.When Sun Ru attacked Heyang, the Zhao family was in Huaizhou and attached to Li Hanzhi.Sun Ru retreated, Li Han was defeated, Zhu Quanzhong made Ding Hui the Heyang Jiedu envoy, and the Zhao family attached to him.

After Hou Dinghui led the troops to the south, Zhao Keyu couldn't stay in Heyang anymore. He was transferred to Zhengzhou as the governor, and taught farming and mulberry. He achieved outstanding results and was valued by Zhu Quanzhong.

At that time, Zhu Quanzhong used Zhang Zonghou and Zhu Chongjie as Heyang Jiedu envoys successively, but they were not satisfied with the results, so he finally let Zhao Keyu go, anyway, he is from Heyang.

Heyang Jiedu envoys changed one crop after another. Zhao Keyu became the governor of other states from an intermediate military academy, and then returned to Heyang to serve as Jiedu envoy.It seems to be rich, but if you take a closer look at the sparse population of Heyang, you won't think so.

On average, there are thousands of people in a county, and life is so miserable. It is hard to raise [-] soldiers, and they have to rely on the Henan government for financial support.

However, Henan Mansion has been besieged by Shao thieves for two or three years, and it is almost a wasteland. How can there be money and food support?So it can only rely on Zhengzhou and Huazhou to send money and food for support.There are more than [-] people in these two prefectures, and with a little money and food, plus Heyang's own foundation, they can make do with it.

Zhao Keyu knew very well that he wanted to make achievements when he came out of town Heyang.Not only the military aspect, but also the local production of this piece, we have to work harder.

But he was unlucky, Li Ke used his army to go south and beat Heyang into a mess.After Ke Yong was repulsed, Li Hanzhi came again twice, and the local damage was more severe, especially the counties of Huaizhou in the north, which were almost the same as Baidi.

It's not his fault.But there is no way, luck itself is a part of life, you have to accept it.

He has been dismissed from the post of Heyang Jiedushi, and his family has moved to Bianzhou. As for what he will do next, he will have to go to know.

Unlucky, unlucky, and uncomfortable, there is a glimmer of hope, which is Zhao Keyu's current mood.

After leaving Hanoi, the convoy headed southeast towards Wuzhi County, where they planned to cross the river to Heyin and then head to Bianzhou.

The convoy traveled for half a day, and it was getting dark. Zhao Keyu looked anxious and kept urging the driver to speed up and arrive at the post station before nightfall.It's freezing cold, and it's hard to sleep in the wild.

The coachman was obedient and didn't dare to talk too much, but at this moment, the sound of horseshoes came from the northeast.

Zhao Keyu turned pale with shock.He is also a Wufu, how can he not know what this voice means?
It was sparse at first, and the rhythm was a little slow, as if aimlessly.But it quickly became denser, and the rhythm suddenly accelerated, and they kept approaching them, which was obviously aimed at them.

The Heyang garrison was originally concentrated in Hanoi, Heyang, and Mengjin, but after the battle at Wangwushan suddenly became fierce, a large number of garrisons in Huaizhou were transferred westward to support Jiyuan, Zhiguan, Heqing and other places.

Now Huaizhou, apart from the state city, can be said to be extremely empty.If there are bandits going south, basically they can only stick to the prefectures and counties, and give up all the wilderness.

Li Hanzhi is here to fight the autumn wind again!Zhao Keyu cursed bitterly, pulled out the Tie Lao, and said: "Ring around the chariots, hurry up! Most of the bandit soldiers are cavalry soldiers, which are not good for melee combat, so don't panic."

There are about 200 people in the convoy, except for the escorting state soldiers, they are all generals of the Zhao family, and their combat effectiveness is not weak.

The cavalry's close combat ability has always been a major flaw.If you surround the chariots with a powerful crossbow and a long spear to defend, the thieves may retreat when they see that they are not easy to mess with.

Huaizhou soldiers and Zhao's family will soon get busy.Women and children cried in unison, which made Zhao Keyu's head ache.

The sound of hooves gradually died away.

Zhao Keyu looked around, and then his eyes widened.

The thief got off his horse and was still putting on his armor and stringing his bow.After a while, an officer commanded them to form a formation, with swords and shields in the front and rifles in the back, with well-stringed infantry bows on their waists.

This is mounted infantry!

Zhao Keyu's eyes darkened, it's over!

There are thousands of bandits.If it was a thousand cavalry, they might not be able to feed on their two hundred infantry, but it is unreasonable for a thousand cavalry and infantry to be fully armored.

The other party is still busy.Some people gathered the horses, some scattered out to watch, and some even unloaded the propaganda equipment from the pack horses. These are really fucking infantry!
"Boom, boom, boom!" The sound of war drums sounded like it was beating on Zhao Keyu's heart.

A thousand armored soldiers lined up on the wall.

"Woo!" The first row knelt down on one knee with swords and shields, and the second and third rows stepped forward with guns in their hands, half kneeling on the ground.The next few rows of riflemen brought the long spear down here and launched a round of throwing.

Bastard, it's really an infantry style of play!

A dense rain of arrows fell in the car formation, and the unarmored state soldiers screamed again and again.

In order to guard against the cavalry, they formed a formation around the chariots, almost out of formation, how can they fight?
The drums sounded again, and the soldiers on the opposite side quickly approached within thirty steps, and fired again.

Arrows are like a gust of wind, wantonly harvesting human lives.

Zhao Keyu was hit by an arrow in the shoulder and fell to the ground suddenly.Before he fell to the ground, he saw that the archer on the opposite side had already grabbed the long spear, and rushed over in small steps.

With skilled combat skills, excellent equipment, and high morale, this is an army of economic control, it's over!
"Kill!" A raging wave of infantry rushed up, quickly submerging the small convoy.

 Going back to my hometown today, I don’t have time during the day, so I stayed up all night to code and post everything.

(End of this chapter)

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