Chapter 410
In the evening, because there was a night show, everyone had dinner on the set.

"Is it really okay to go back to the capital tomorrow?" Su Yun looked at Xu Jie with concern and asked.

Yiwu's flight to the capital is only available in the morning and noon, and there are no flights after noon.

Today is Sunday, according to the original plan, the other party should leave this morning, first take a car to Yiwu, and then fly back to the capital, but the other party has changed the contract, and will return to the capital tomorrow morning, which is Monday.

Although the man didn't say anything, she knew very well in her heart that the other party postponed returning to the capital because of her, so she was both happy and moved.

"It's okay." Xu Jie said while eating.

Still the same sentence: the first grade is privileged.

Besides, it's only half a day off, so it won't delay work.

"I'm very happy that you can stay with me, but you must not delay work because of me." Su Yun said seriously.

She didn't want Xu Jie to offend the leader because of her and ruin his future!

"I know, it's actually my job to stay here." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"Huh?" Su Yun was puzzled.

"Don't forget, this movie was shot by Forbidden Pictures, and Forbidden Pictures is the property of Beijing Radio and Television Station. I am here, and I can be regarded as helping a brother unit." Xu Jie explained.

Su Yun thought about it, and it seemed to be the case.

After Xu Jie finished his meal, he put the lunch box in a plastic bag and threw it into a trash can not far away, and then said, "I just thought about it, but actually I can just go back on Wednesday."

He currently has two programs. The pre-shooting work of "Delicious History" has been completed, and now it has entered the post-production stage. After deliberate training before, Song Huanhuan and the others are fully capable of completing the post-production work.

And the meeting of "In-depth Film and Television Talk" has already been held on Friday. He can complete the selection of interviewees with a mobile phone, without negotiating with other people, and then interview on Wednesday and broadcast on Thursday, so Monday and Tuesday, two days, Even if you don't go back to the TV station, you won't delay your work.

"Ah?" Su Yun was taken aback when she heard that, she put her arms around Xu Jie's arm and said, "Don't make trouble, I'm fine, you can go back to work in the capital tomorrow with peace of mind, come back next weekend, we will have a long stay in Japan"

In fact, she was not willing to let the man leave, but the man was on the rise in his career, how could he delay work because of her?

"The future will be long?" Xu Jie narrowed his eyes involuntarily, and looked at Su Yun with a smirk.

Su Yun didn't understand why Xu Jie looked at her like that at first, but after she thought about the repeated sentence, she finally understood what the other party meant.

"What are you thinking about!" Su Yun said coquettishly, at the same time she stretched out her hand angrily and pinched the man's arm, and in the end she did not forget to reward the man with a sanitation ball to clean up the dirty thoughts in the man's head.

"I didn't think wildly, what I thought was literal meaning." Xu Jie defended himself.

"Don't think about the literal meaning, hurry back to the capital tomorrow." Su Yun said pretending to be serious.

"Of order." Xu Jie said.

Su Yun glanced at the man unhappily, then turned her body to the other side with a blushing face, but after a while, she suddenly thought of something, so she turned back and said in a low voice: "You go back to the capital, Don't forget to go to the hospital for a checkup."

"Check what?" Xu Jie asked casually.

He is reviewing the script. Not only does he have a battlefield scene to shoot today, but he also has to shoot a battlefield scene tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, or even this month.

No way, who made this movie mainly tell the story of Mulan joining the army?Battlefield scenes accounted for almost half of it.

Fortunately, the immediate scene can be completed in a few days of filming.

From this point of view, Monday and Tuesday really can't go.

"That's right, there." Su Yun was embarrassed to say it.

"Where is there?" Xu Jie turned to look at Su Yun.

"That's right there, did you do it on purpose?" Su Yun blushed again.

Today her face is particularly willing to blush.

Seeing Su Yun's expression, Xu Jie immediately understood what the other party meant.

"Didn't you check everything there?" Xu Jie asked curiously. The other party should know better than anyone else whether there is anything wrong.

"Me, what did I check for me?" Su Yun's face turned redder, and she felt angry and ashamed.

"Why, don't you want to be responsible to me?" Xu Jie pretended to be sad.

"You... I don't care." Su Yun stood up after finishing speaking, and walked towards the nanny's car.

Xu Jie looked at Su Yun's back with a smile. He had been teased by the other party countless times before, but today he finally won back. He didn't expect that the other party also had a shy side.


Seeing Su Yun getting into the car, Xu Jie approached director Zhang Weiqiang.

"Director Zhang, can I discuss something with you?"

"Oh? What's the matter?" Zhang Weiqiang asked curiously.

After filming for such a long time, he was the one who consulted with the other party, and it was the first time that the other party consulted with him.

"It's like this. I plan to stay here tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Can I concentrate my wife's horse scenes on these two days?" Xu Jie asked.

If he hadn't seen that scene with his own eyes yesterday, maybe he wouldn't have made such a request, but since he saw it and came, he naturally had to think about Su Yun's safety.

"Ah? Aren't you going back to Beijing TV station to work?" Zhang Weiqiang asked in surprise.


Xu Jie glanced back at the direction of the nanny's car, and then whispered, "I'm going to ask for two days off."

"Oh!" Zhang Weiqiang nodded and said, "Of course I am happy that you can stay here. I wish you could stay here every day, but looking at your appearance just now, it seems that Su Yun would know that she should be happy if you are here." right."

"Well, my wife asked me to go back to the capital tomorrow. She doesn't want me to delay work because of her, so you can't tell him about it. I'll find a reason to stay tomorrow." Xu Jie said.

Zhang Weiqiang smiled.

"Understood, I won't tell Su Yun. As for your proposal, it's fine, but I'm afraid two days won't be enough. In a few days, I will move to other venues to shoot horse scenes, you know." Zhang Weiqiang said.

Xu Jie thought for a while and said, "How about this, I'll come over on the weekend and go to other venues to shoot at that time, how about it?"

"it is good."

Not long after, the night play began.

Xu Jie once again acted as Su Yun's bodyguard and continued to guard Su Yun's side.


the next day.

After the weekend, the boot time was brought back to seven o'clock.

Although Su Yun didn't sleep for long, she still packed Xu Jie's luggage early.

The two got into the nanny's car, and Su Yun said to the driver: "Old Zhou, after sending me to the set, send my husband to Yiwu Airport, where we picked him up earlier."

"Yes, boss."

Maybe they were about to separate, but along the way, Su Yun held Xu Jie's hand tightly, although she didn't say anything, her heart was full of reluctance.

She tried her best to make herself look calmer, more natural, and more free and easy, so that Xu Jie wouldn't hang around here.

Although she didn't want the other party to leave.

Su Yun didn't speak until she arrived at the set.

"Don't forget to call me when you arrive in the capital." Su Yun instructed, according to the time given by the flight company, the time the other party arrived in the capital happened to be around twelve o'clock in the noon, and the crew was resting at that time.

"Yeah." Xu Jie nodded.

"If you miss me at night, you can call me." Su Yun said.

"Understood." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"You can call me if you miss me in the morning." Su Yun said again
"Well, I missed you at noon, and I will call you." Xu Jie replied quickly.

He understands.

Women are reserved, so I leave it to him to take the initiative to make phone calls. After all, there is still a process from being a wife to being shameless.

"Don't miss me too much, after all, we will meet again on the weekend." Su Yun was very satisfied with Xu Jie's performance.

"Yes, there will be a long time to come." Xu Jie said.

Su Yun blushed, opened the door and got out of the car, just stretched out one foot, but suddenly retracted it, turned around and kissed Xu Jie, and then went out.

"Mr. Xu, can we go?" Zhou Chengqiang asked.

"Well, let's go." Xu Jie closed the car door.

The nanny car left the set, and soon returned to the town, heading for Yiwu Airport.

"Brother Zhou, I heard from Director Zhang that my wife has an immediate scene today, do you think she will be in danger?" Xu Jie asked Zhou Chengqiang who was driving.

"No, the boss has his own destiny." Zhou Chengqiang heard and said.

"What do you say, but it's not like you don't know what happened on Saturday. Although there are horse trainers at the scene, what happened really happened? Will they take risks? Will they be desperate?"

In Xu Jie's view, the biggest problem for staying on the set is not Director Zhang, but Zhou Chengqiang in front of him.

The other party has driven Su Yun for many years and is one of the people Su Yun trusts very much. How to turn the other party into his person and help him cheat Su Yun together requires a little thought.

Zhou Chengqiang didn't know what to say after hearing Mr. Xu's words, but thinking about what happened on Saturday, those horse trainers were really unreliable.

Xu Jie continued: "I really want to stay here to protect her, but she insists on letting me go back to the capital. Brother Zhou, what would you do if it were you?"

"Me?" Zhou Chengqiang was taken aback, thought for a while and said, "If it were me, I might stay."

One side is work, and the other side is the safety of my wife. This multiple-choice question is not very difficult.

"Well, Brother Zhou is right, I listen to Brother Zhou." Xu Jie said.

Zhou Chengqiang was taken aback, and looked at Teacher Xu sitting behind through the perspective mirror.

What do I say and you listen to me?
"Since you want to stay, you must have a normal reason. Brother Zhou, what reason can you give?" Xu Jie asked.

Zhou Chengqiang scratched his head, he finally understood, what is Teacher Xu asking?It was obvious that he wanted to throw the blame on him, and then drag him into the thief's boat.

"I don't know." Zhou Chengqiang said in a low voice.

"What do you think of the reason why a flat tire delayed boarding?" Xu Jie asked.


Zhou Chengqiang didn't speak this time, thinking to himself: You've thought it all over, why are you still asking me?I'm just a part-time worker, so I can't handle this blame.

Xu Jie saw that Zhou Chengqiang didn't speak, so he said to himself: "I think this reason is good, but it needs Brother Zhou's cooperation. I wonder if Brother Zhou is willing to help me with this little favor? When Su Yun asked you, nod your head?"

Zhou Chengqiang thought about it for a while, and he could help, after all, Teacher Xu was also doing it for the boss.

"it is good."

"Hey, thank you Brother Zhou."


 Just to mention, the door was closed because I was afraid of being seen by the crab master
(End of this chapter)

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