Chapter 816 The Way of Skill (One more update!)

Yi Xia slowly opened his eyes.

The experience of the headless battle dance helped him digest the top fighting skills of the extraordinary civilization of the oriental pedigree to a certain extent, and provided some assistance.

But there are only a few, because like the preface, its core is more like an inheritance like a spiritual concept.

Therefore, Yi Xia felt that it actually had more stringent internal requirements.

Of course, if you meet the basic conditions shown on the comprehensive network, you can really make do with it...

In terms of pure strength or combat effectiveness alone, Chang Yangshan is naturally not the most peak existence of the extraordinary civilization of the Eastern lineage.

What it is really hot and runs through the past and present is another, perhaps more intangible thing...

Yi Xia slowly stretched her arms.

He could feel the restless will stirred by the core of that legendary technique.

It is a concept that interacts with Zhu Yan's characteristics, but it is not completely consistent.

Before that, Yi Xia hadn't been exposed to any other legendary combat skills.

Perhaps the other party had shown it before in a battle with a legendary weapon master.

It's just that at Yi Xia's relevant skill level, he still can't grasp the subtleties in a relatively short battle.

In fact, Yi Xia's current impression of this can be condensed into a rather rough comment:

That guy's weapon hurts a lot...

Therefore, Yi Xia naturally couldn't know whether all legendary skills were like this.

It is the metaphysical material manifestation of a certain spiritual concept, or it is simply the attainment of reaching the pinnacle of the laws of the material world.

But now, due to the level of life, even Yi Xia's current life force cannot fully understand the mystery.

Compared with the promotion of the extraordinary stage, the legend is more of a leap in the level of life.

However, it's not far off...

Yi Xia opened his integrated network panel and looked at it. His current occupation level is level 16.

And this legendary kill reward gave Yi Xia a generous reward - a chance to upgrade a character below level 20...

Yi Xia was naturally going to use it to upgrade his career from level 18 to level 19.

So now, he is only 2 levels away from the character level requirements before the legend...

Yi Xia looked at his general experience reserve.

It seems that it is not too far away.

Probably only a few burning evil worlds are needed...

As soon as he thought of this, Yi Xia's eyes filled with endless flames suddenly flashed a more intense and fiery flame.

After being stimulated by the spiritual core of the legendary skill that originated from Changyang Mountain, there is a little more restlessness in hunting at this moment.

But before that, he needed to deal with the last harvest from that plane just now—those exploits that Yi Xia generally didn't bother to exchange.

That was also one of Yi Xia's original intentions when he entered that world:

He accepted the proposal given by a legendary weapon master, and learned other more complicated skills to find his most suitable combat path.

The acquisition of legendary combat skills is an unexpected gain.

Its power is unquestionable.

But as the legendary weapon master said, that is the path of others.

From a relatively "utilitarian" point of view, a path with more individual characteristics is needed to achieve a higher dimension.

From another point of view, Yi Xia is also enjoying it - he is willing to give a little bit of resources other than bloodline and personal level improvement for this purpose.

And as Yi Xia's consciousness fluctuated, the relevant war merit exchange store refreshed on his retina:


Moco-Jiamu-Extraterrestrial Heavenly Demon Merit Exchange Shop:

Remaining exploits of the character: 87 points


2. Advanced combat skills: 10 battle merits/000 limited inheritance (if the inheritance fails to meet the relevant combat skill inheritance conditions, no refund will be made), 1 combat merits/15 unlimited inheritance
3. Baoju-Red Green Jade Lion (limited exchange, current stock: 0/1, can be exchanged for transformation): 50 combat achievements (currently unavailable), 000 combat achievements can be exchanged for appearance transformation (does not provide additional attribute gains )



Because of the existence of an unknown evil spirit and the scattered void creatures in this world, Yi Xia's combat achievements in this world are not as exaggerated as before.

Of course, it is more than enough to exchange for "relatively common" knowledge of advanced combat skills.

The inheritance of advanced combat skills with relevant and harsh conditions is generally not much higher in the relevant evaluation coefficients of the comprehensive network.

Of course, that refers to those skills that are still in the mortal stage.

It really involves the inheritance of the core strength of a certain civilization lineage, no matter how harsh it is, it will not be cheap...

Yi Xia opened the war exploits exchange shop and looked around casually.

As before, he has no need for other resources.

Yi Xia only looked at the exchange of advanced combat skills.

The initial exchange interface only provides a simple exchange introduction.

But Yi Xia clicked in with his consciousness, and he could see a clear list of various skill inheritances.

Yi Xia simply selected 8 long-handled weapons and unarmed advanced combat skills that met the learning requirements.

Under the integration of his own skills, whether it is a long-handled weapon or unarmed, it can be integrated into his basic proficiency in close combat.

Therefore, in this regard, Yi Xia's relevant requirements are a little more relaxed.

In terms of the style of fighting skills, Yi Xia chose some of them.

There are simple and rude ones, and there are also complicated and varied ones.

Afterwards, as Yi Xia's consciousness fluctuated, a new reminder message appeared on his retina:

"Comprehensive network reminder: Consume 80 points of military exploits to succeed, and your skill knowledge base has been added: iron chain series [Wu Shuang Eighteen Styles], Demon Sealing Luanwu Stick Technique-Profound Meaning..."

These inherited skills were integrated into Yi Xia's sea of ​​consciousness in some indescribable form.

In that gap of time, Yi Xia saw countless flying figures in front of his eyes.

Their faces are all blurred, only the weapons and shapes in their hands are fully presented in the agile waving.

This is the pure inheritance of craftsmanship...

Of course, after all, it is also a derivative civilization of the extraordinary civilization of the Eastern lineage.

Therefore, it naturally has its various spiritual cores more or less.

Just like the despicableness of character does not determine the success or failure of intelligent life in other fields.

The same is true for the bloody art of the game of flesh - it only needs to be pure and clear between the blades...

Therefore, the advanced combat skills in this world are not that bad.

Although, Yi Xia feels that the intentions are always too narrow, that is...

(End of this chapter)

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